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Kunz K.S., Luebbers R.J. — The finite difference time domain method for electromagnetics
Kunz K.S., Luebbers R.J. — The finite difference time domain method for electromagnetics

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Название: The finite difference time domain method for electromagnetics

Авторы: Kunz K.S., Luebbers R.J.


Provides the basic information necessary to apply FDTD to problems in electromagnetics, and illustrates some of the types of problems that can be analyzed using it. DLC: Electromagnetic fields- Mathematics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Электромагнетизм/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 448

Добавлена в каталог: 20.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Resonance      62 71 73 74 274 299
Resonance amplitude      72
Resonance energy      72
resonant frequency      139
Resource requirements for FDTD method      46—49
Response predictions      72—76
Right circularly polarized (RCP) waves      308 314 320
Running discrete Fourier transform      105—106
SAR      see "Specific absorption rates"
Scalar wave equations      350
Scattered electric fields      88 89 159
Scattered field FDTD method      4—5 11—27 29 42 359 see
Scattered field FDTD method, accuracy of      90
Scattered field FDTD method, architecture of      24—26
Scattered field FDTD method, capabilities of      90
Scattered field FDTD method, code requirements for      24—26
Scattered field FDTD method, far zone transformation and      107
Scattered field FDTD method, flow chart for      27
Scattered field FDTD method, FORTRAN code for      19—20 22—24
Scattered field FDTD method, frequency-dependent materials and      125 154—161
Scattered field FDTD method, human body electromagnetic penetration and      92
Scattered field FDTD method, interpretation of      87—89
Scattered field FDTD method, lossy dielectric      22—24
Scattered field FDTD method, lossy dielectric scattering and      87—89
Scattered field FDTD method, lossy material formulation and      20—22
Scattered field FDTD method, Maxwell equations and      11—13 17
Scattered field FDTD method, perfect conductor and      16—20
Scattered field FDTD method, separate field formalism and      12—16
Scattered field transmitted pulse      160
Scattered fields      43 113 see
Scattered magnetic surface current      110
Scatterer antennas      43
Scattering      see also "Specific types"
Scattering cross sections      242 243
Scattering width      116
Scattering, bandwidth      261
Scattering, body of revolution      369 370 381 384 385
Scattering, far zone      see "Far zone scattering"
Scattering, frequency domain      241
Scattering, from ice crystals      241
Scattering, from raindrops      241
Scattering, geometry of      359
Scattering, lossy dielectric      see "Lossy dielectric scattering"
Scattering, Mie sphere      87
Scattering, near zone sphere      90—91
Scattering, practical problems in      181
Scattering, sphere      87 90—91 111 249
Scattering, two-dimensional      244
Schrodinger equation      328
Scientific visualization      6 231—238
Scientific visualization, advantages of      231
Scientific visualization, costs of      232 237—238
Scientific visualization, examples of      234—236
Scientific visualization, rationale for      231
Scientific visualization, resources for      237—238
Scientific visualization, types of      231—232
Second-order approximation      351 352 354 356 357
Second-order dispersive materials      139—146
Second-order Lorentz poles      146 147 151
Self-impedance      263 273
Semiconductors      299
sensors      58 see
Separate field formalism      12—16
ser      see "Shaped-end radiators"
Shaped-end radiators (SER)      290
Shaped-end waveguide antennas      263 265 290—297
Sheet impedance      see "Surface impedance"
Shield aperture      54
Shielded wire      79
shielding      54 see
Shielding, cavity      63—64
Shielding, data evaluation for      66—69
Shielding, effectiveness of      62 69—70
Shielding, interior      see "Interior shielding"
Short circuit current      264
SIBC      see "Surface impedance boundary conditions"
Signals      72 81 231 see
Sinusoidal excitation      129 290 360
Sinusoidal variation      283
Sinusoidal waveforms      292
Sinusoidally varying signals      81
Small cells      31
Small hole theory      79 195
Smooth cosine pulse      155
Smoothed cosine pulse      29
Smyth — Kirchhoff aperture approximation      363—364
Source voltage      191 283 284
Spatial delay      399
Spatial differential equations      327
Spatial plots      130 147
Spatial quantization      109
Specific absorption rates (SAR)      97 100—102
speed of light      219
Sphere scattering      87 90—91 111 249
Spherical coordinate systems      370—382
Spherical coordinate systems, Maxwell equations and      370 372
Spherical coordinate systems, Yee cells and      375 380
Square cells      80
Stability      7 17 335—339
Stability of expansion technique      197
Stability of nonlinear materials      204 216 218 226—228
Stability, boundary between instability and      228
Stability, Courant      see "Courant stability"
Stability, marginal      228
Stability, Mur absorbing boundaries and      354
Stability, time step size for      32
Staircase approximations      38
Staircase errors      242—244 248—251
Standard temperature and pressure (STP) air      365
Static permittivity      124
Steady-state frequency domain      266
Steady-state input power      273 284
STP      see "Standard temperature and pressure"
Sub-cell methods      31 208 212 265 289 see
Sub-cell wire approximation      204
Subcellular extensions      6 185—200
Subcellular extensions, code requirements for      199
Subcellular extensions, expansion technique and      194—199
Subcellular extensions, integration contours and      185—188
Subcellular extensions, limitations of      199
Subcellular extensions, lumped circuits and      185 190—194
Subcellular extensions, utility of      199
Surface currents      106 110
Surface impedance      6 31 163—183 243 see
Surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBC)      163—166 175 176 179
Surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBC), applicability range of      166
Surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBC), cell size and      181
Surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBC), dispersive      181
Surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBC), first-order (Leontovich)      166 170
Surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBC), frequency domain constant      168
Surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBC), grid size and      181
Surface impedance boundary conditions (SIBC), recursive method and      173
Surface impedance, applications of      176
Surface impedance, constant parameter materials and      166—169
Surface impedance, defined      164 252
Surface impedance, demonstration of      175—181
Surface impedance, frequency-dependent materials and      169—172
Surface impedance, high conductivity      176
Surface impedance, recursive convolution method and      172—175
Surface impedance, time domain      171
Surface inductance      168
Surface reactance      167
Surface resistance      167 168
Susceptibility for plasmas      139 304
Susceptibility, Dirac delta function and      158
Susceptibility, frequency domain      127 302
Susceptibility, frequency-dependent materials and      127 135 136 139 144 145 152 156
Susceptibility, frequency-dependent materials and, Dirac delta function and      158
Susceptibility, frequency-dependent materials and, substituting for      157
Susceptibility, gyrotropic media and      301—303 308 315 319 321
Susceptibility, isotropic plasma      304
Susceptibility, time domain      125 135 136 144 145
Susceptibility, time domain, gyrotropic media and      301 302 303 308 315 321
Tangential total fields      166
Taylor series expansion      333 336
TDR      see "Time domain reflectometry"
TEM      see "Transverse electromagnetic"
Temporal quantization      109
Tensors      300 see
Tensors, gyrotropic media and      314
Tensors, permeability      38 299 314 320
Tensors, permeability of      299
Tensors, permittivity of      299 300
Test object definition      26
Thin wire method of moments      263
Thin wires      185 188—190 208 265 284
Three-dimensional calculations      163
Three-dimensional coordinate systems      369 382
Three-dimensional far zone transformation      242
Three-dimensional geometry      263 299
Three-dimensional transformation      107—113 116 117 242
Time domain reflectometry (TDR)      65
Time excitation      129
Time harmonic vector potentials      107
Time steps      29 74
Time steps, antennas and      266 284
Time steps, cell size and      227
Time steps, coordinate systems and      381
Time steps, discrete      304
Time steps, gyrotropic media and      304 305 316
Time steps, nonlinear materials and      204 214 216 227 228
Time steps, number of      47
Time steps, reduction in      227 381
Time steps, size of      32 216
TM      see "Transverse magnetic"
Total fields      14 107 359—360
Total fields, antennas and      264—265
Total fields, direct computation of      42—43
Total fields, tangential      166
Transfer functions      55 65
Transformations      see also "Transforms" "Specific
Transformations, far zone      see "Far zone transformation"
Transformations, near-to-far-field      6
Transformations, three-dimensional      107—113 116 117 242
Transformations, two-dimensional      113—118
transforms      73 171 197 see "Transformations"
Transforms, Fourier      see "Fourier transforms"
Transient approach      106
Transient backscatter      106
Transient currents      214 283
Transient far zone fields      106
Transient far zone time domain      274
Transient far zone transformation      242 243 264
Transient FDTD method      139
Transient fields      53 116 123 147 151 242
Transient frequency domain      106
Transient range test facility      65—66
Transient response      138
Transient time domain current      284
Transmission      307
Transmission coefficients      139 143 308
Transmission lines      347
Transmissitivity      74
Transmissitivity of radiation      72
Transverse electric polarization      115 117—118
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) plane waves      388
Transverse magnetic (TM) modes      68
Transverse magnetic (TM) polarization      115 117—118
TRESTLE      56
Two-dimensional calculations      163 179 181
Two-dimensional coordinate systems      369 382 384—387
Two-dimensional geometry      299 369 370
Two-dimensional scattering      244
Two-dimensional transformation      113—118
Uniform cell size      31
Vacuum-water interface      130
Validation of FDTD method results      69
Variable amplitude      221
Variable resistance      207 210
Vector potentials      106—108 110 112 113
Vertically polarized dipoles (VPD)      55—56
Visualization      see "Scientific visualization"
Vlasov radiators      290 292 297
Voltage, antenna      265 277 281 283 284
Voltage, diode      204—205 207 208
Voltage, dipole      267
Voltage, Gaussian excitation      283
Voltage, Gaussian pulse      265 267 283 284
Voltage, out-of-phase      277
Voltage, source      191 283 284
Volumetric boundary conditions      88
Volumetric computational method      30
VPD      see "Vertically polarized dipoles"
Wave equations      327 330 331 349 350 356—358
Waveguide aperture coupling      5 79—84
Waveguide geometry      79
Waveguide radiators      292
Wire antennas      191 204
Wire monopole geometry      265
wires      67 74 195 see
Wires, current response at base of      72
Wires, diameter of      281
Wires, internal      71
Wires, magnetic frill method for exciting      282
Wires, modeling of      63 265
Wires, resonances of      71 274
Wires, responses of      55 65—66
Wires, shielded      79
Wires, thin      185 188—190 208 263 265 284
Wires, thinning of      64
Yee cells      19 24 30
Yee cells, algorithms for      242
Yee cells, antennas and      263 281 289
Yee cells, building of objects in      37—42
Yee cells, Cartesian      375
Yee cells, coordinates for      45
Yee cells, cubical      248 249 252
Yee cells, dimensions of      40
Yee cells, far zone scattering and      242 244 248 249 251 252
Yee cells, far zone transformation and      109 110
Yee cells, geometry of      20 45
Yee cells, locations of      40
Yee cells, modified      380
Yee cells, object building in      249
Yee cells, rectangular      244 289
Yee grid      244 386
Yee notation      19 109 265
Z-directed current      274
Z-directed current, ductivity      176
Z-directed current, recursive convolution method and      172—175
Z-directed current, time domain      171
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