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Kunz K.S., Luebbers R.J. — The finite difference time domain method for electromagnetics |
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Integration contours 185—188
Interior coupling 53 54
Interior geometry 76 197 198
Interior response 62
Interior shielding 53 61—76
Interior shielding, cavity 63—64
Interior shielding, data evaluation for 66—69
Interior shielding, effectiveness of 62 69—70
Interior shielding, frequency above aperture cutoff and 62—70
Interior shielding, frequency below aperture cutoff and 70—76
Interior shielding, upper limit in frequency for 72
Internal wires 71
Intuition building 235—236
Inverse Fourier transforms 108 168 170 301
Isotropic antennas 274
Isotropic plasmas 300 304
Kramers — Kronig relationship 127
Lagrangian cells 365 367
Laplace transform 171
Laplace's equation 328
Large cells 185
Lax — Friedrichs scheme 332
Lax — Richtmyer equivalence theorem 336
LCP see "Left circularly polarized"
Leapfrog method 17 329 332—335 337
Left circularly polarized (LCP) waves 308 314 320
Legendre polynomial analytic continuations 348
Leontovich (first-order) surface impedance boundary conditions 166 170
Liao's absorbing boundary 259
Light, speed of 219
Lightning 53 54
Look-back schemes 348 349
Lorentz material 139 261
Lorentz poles 139 145—147 151
Loss tangent 164
Lossless isotropic antennas 274
Lossless plasmas 300
Lossy cylinders 242
Lossy dielectric scattering 5 87—102
Lossy dielectric scattering, human body electromagnetic penetration and 87 91—97
Lossy dielectric scattering, near zone sphere 90—91
Lossy dielectric scattering, scattered field FDTD method and 87—89
Lossy dielectrics 20—22 29—30 163 164
Lossy dielectrics, antennas and 263 290
Lossy dielectrics, FORTRAN code for 22—24 391 400—401 405 421
Lossy dielectrics, governing equations for 53
Lossy dielectrics, permittivity for 164
Lossy dielectrics, waveguide aperture coupling and 79
Lossy dielectrics, Yee cells and 37
Lumped capacitance 193
Lumped circuits 185 190—194 204 207 216
Lumped conductance 205
Lumped inductance 193
Lumped loads 204 213 263
Magnetic frill method 282
Magnetic loop sensors 58
Magnetic sheets 216—221 226—228
Magnetized ferrites 308—321 see
Magnetized ferrites, anisotropic 309
Magnetized ferrites, electromagnetic field interactions with 309
Magnetized ferrites, geometry of 309
Magnetized ferrites, magnetized plasmas compared to 321
Magnetized ferrites, permeability tensors of 320
Magnetized plasmas 299—308 see
Magnetized plasmas, isotropic 300 304
Magnetized plasmas, magnetized ferrites compared to 321
Magnetized plasmas, permittivity of 301 303
Marginal stability 228
Mathematical operations 328
Maxwell equations 3 4 327 329 332 see
Maxwell equations, alternate formulations and 360 363 365
Maxwell equations, coordinate systems and 369 370 372 382
Maxwell equations, dispersion and 343
Maxwell equations, frequency-dependent materials and 126 127
Maxwell equations, nonlinear materials and 218
Maxwell equations, scattered field FDTD method and 11—13 17
Maxwell equations, subcellular extensions and 185—187
Measurements 58 61 284 289 293 see
Metallic probes 263
Metals 299 see
Method of moments 231 254
Method of moments, antennas and 263—265 267 274 277 279
Method of moments, antennas and, computer time and 284
Method of moments, antennas and, frequency patterns and 290
Method of moments, antennas and, gap source and 281
Method of moments, antennas and, magnetic frill method and 282
Method of moments, antennas and, wire gap and 289
Method of moments, thin wire 263
Microstrip structures 79
Mie sphere scattering 87
MOM see "Method of moments"
Monopole antennas 279—290
Monopole antennas, gain of 279 281 290
Monopole antennas, geometry of 279 284
Monopole antennas, impedance of 279 281 290
Monopoles 213 265
Motion equations 365—366
Motion laws 365
Multiple poles 146—151
Multipliers 24
Mur absorbing boundaries 30 46 57 113 347 349—355 see
Mur absorbing boundaries, alternate formulations and 360
Mur absorbing boundaries, antennas and 281 284 292
Mur absorbing boundaries, differential equations and 332
Mur absorbing boundaries, far zone scattering and 241 244 254 256 259
Mur absorbing boundaries, frequency-dependent materials and 130 137 147
Mur absorbing boundaries, gyrotropic media and 307
Mur absorbing boundaries, near zone sphere scattering and 91
Mur absorbing boundaries, nonlinear materials and 204 212
Mur absorbing boundaries, stability and 354
Mur absorbing boundaries, wave equations and 349 350
Mur absorbing boundaries, waveguide aperture coupling and 79 80
Mur approximation 45 351 352 354 356 357
Mur expressions 44 see
Mutual impedance 263 273
Near zone sphere scattering 90—91
Near-to-far-field transformation 6
Nearest-neighbor field 44
Nearest-neighbor interactions 20
Newton — Raphson iteration 208 210 212 214
Newton's Second Law of Motion 365
Noise removal 91
Nonlinear diodes 204—216
Nonlinear diodes, modeling of 207 212
Nonlinear loads 6 190 203—229
Nonlinear loads, magnetic sheets and 216—221 226—228
Nonlinear materials 6 79 203—229 see
Nonlinear materials, antenna with nonlinear diodes and 204—216
Nonlinear materials, conductivity of 205 218—221 226—228
Nonlinear materials, far zone scattering and 242
Nonlinear materials, magnetic sheets 216—221 226—228
Nonlinear materials, permeability of 221 227 228
Nonlinear materials, permittivity of 226 227
Nonlinear materials, stability of 204 216 218 226—228
Nonlinearity 226
Nonuniform cells 31 251
Nuclear detonation 53
Numerical dispersion 339—345
Numerical methods 3 79 see
Nyquist frequency 42 72 359
Nyquist sampling 30 31
Object building 37—42 249
Odd-order harmonics 67
one-dimensional arrays 190
One-dimensional calculations 130 147
One-dimensional calculations, nonlinear materials and 219
One-dimensional calculations, on reflection 307
One-dimensional calculations, on transmission 307
One-dimensional calculations, polarization and 388
One-dimensional calculations, surface impedance and 163 175 179
| One-dimensional coordinate systems 347 387—389
One-dimensional geometry 299
One-dimensional transmission lines 347
One-way wave equations 331 356—358
Open circuits 194
Optical frequency 299
ORBC see "Outer radiation boundary condition"
Orthogonal coordinate systems 370
Oscillation frequency 95
Outer boundary 196 204 254—259 see
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC) 7—8 26 43—46 347—358 see
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), alternate formulations and 360
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), efficiency of 354
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), evolution of 348—349
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), far zone scattering and 241
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), FORTRAN code and 406—413
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), history of 347—349
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), human body electromagnetic penetration and 92
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), near zone sphere scattering and 91
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), subcellular extensions and 195
Outer radiation boundary condition (ORBC), wave equations and 327 330 331 349 350 356—358
Pade approximation 357
Parabolic equations 328—330 335
Parallel plate capacitance 193
Parallel plate waveguide visualization 236
Parallelepiped cells 265
Partial differential equations 327 335 366
Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation codes 300
Passive microwave structures 79
Perfect conductor 16—19 40
Perfect conductor, coupling and 53
Perfect conductor, FORTRAN code for 19—20 391
Perfect conductor, lossy dielectric scattering and 87 88
Perfect conductor, propagation of 88
Perfect conductor, surface impedance and 165
Perfect conductor, waveguide aperture coupling and 79
Perfect conductor, Yee cells and 37
Permeability of frequency-dependent materials 123 145
Permeability of nonlinear materials 221 227 228
Permeability tensors 38 299 314 320
Permeability, differential 217 219
Permeability, gyrotropic media and 299
Permeability, maximum 221
Permeability, scattered field FDTD method and 23
Permeability, tensor 299
Permittivity 37 39
Permittivity for lossy dielectrics 164
Permittivity of frequency-dependent materials 123 124 130 136 146 147
Permittivity of gyrotropic media 299—301 303
Permittivity of nonlinear materials 226 227
Permittivity of plasmas 300 301 303
Permittivity, diagonal 38
Permittivity, Drude 136
Permittivity, Drude frequency domain 299
Permittivity, far zone scattering and 252 254 261
Permittivity, frequency domain 299
Permittivity, infinite frequency 124
Permittivity, off-diagonal 303
Permittivity, relative 147 164 254 300
Permittivity, scattered field FDTD method and 23
Permittivity, static 124
Permittivity, surface impedance and 164
Permittivity, tensor 299 300
Physical optics (PO) 3
Physical process insight 235
Physics 55
PIC see "Particle-in-cell"
Planar vacuum-water interface 130
Plasma frequency 300
Plasmas 123 136 138 142 143 145 299 see
Plasmas, cold 299
Plasmas, ferrites compared to 321
Plasmas, isotropic 300 304
Plasmas, lossless 300
Plasmas, magnetized see "Magnetized plasmas"
Plasmas, permittivity of 300 301 303
Plasmas, susceptibility for 139 304
Plasmas, unmagnetized 300
Pluto 63—67 70—72
Po see "Physical optics"
Point-source radiation 65
Poisson's equation 328
Polarization 113 251 see
Polarization, coordinate systems and 388
Polarization, cross- 297
Polarization, electric field 249 252
Polarization, incident field 248
Polarization, transverse electric 115 117—118
Polarization, transverse magnetic 115 117
Poles see also "Specific types"
Poles, Lorentz 139 145—147 151
Poles, multiple 146—151
Potential formulations 360—362
predictions see also "Specific types"
Predictions of antenna radiation 265
Predictions of human pody electromagnetic penetration 91
Predictions, broadband response 3
Predictions, measurements vs. 58—61
Predictions, near zone sphere scattering and 91
Predictions, response 72—76
Problem space 25 284 347
Processional frequency 314
Prony approximation 3 173 174 197
Propagation 320
Pulsed planes 130 147
Pulses see also "Specific types"
Pulses, electromagnetic 53—56
Pulses, excitation of 53 105 264 289
Pulses, exterior 55—61
Pulses, Fourier transforms of 156
Pulses, Gaussian see "Gaussian pulse"
Pulses, incident 53 155 160 161
Pulses, propagation of 130
Pulses, scattered field transmitted 160
Pulses, smooth cosine 155
Pulses, smoothed cosine 29
Quantization 109 217
Radar cross section (RCS) 111 113 116 251 263
Radian plasma frequency 135
Radiating antennas 43
Radiation see also "Specific types"
Radiation boundary conditions 43—46 113
Radiation, antenna 30 107 263 265
Radiation, body of revolution 369 370 381 384 385
Radiation, far field 349
Radiation, far zone 264
Radiation, FORTRAN code and 394
Radiation, losses of 72
Radiation, patterns of 232 263 264 283 289
Radiation, point-source 65
Radiation, transmissitivity of 72
Radio flash see "Electromagnetic pulse"
Rayleigh — Mie analytic solutions 91
rcp see "Right circularly polarized"
RCS see "Radar cross section"
Reactance 167
Real-time animation 232
Rectangular coordinate systems 347
Recursive convolution method 154—161
Recursive convolution method, frequency-dependent materials and 130—131 144 153 154
Recursive convolution method, frequency-dependent materials and, scattered field form of 154—161
Recursive convolution method, surface impedance and 172—175
Recursive convolution term 136
Reflection 307
Reflection coefficients 131 139 142 151 160 176 308 354
Reflectometry 65
Resistance 167 168 206 207 210
Resistance cards 251
Resistive impedance 251
resistors 191 193 213 214
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