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Kunz K.S., Luebbers R.J. — The finite difference time domain method for electromagnetics |
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Dispersion, first-order Debye 124—131
Dispersion, first-order Drude 131—139
Dispersion, numerical 339—345
Displacement current 164 207 208 220
drivers 25
Drude dispersion 131—139
Drude frequency domain permittivity 299
Drude materials 136
Drude permittivity 136
DuFort — Frankel scheme 329
Dumping coefficient 139
Electromagnetic energy determination 53
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) 53—56
Electromagnetic Surface Patch Version 4 267
Elliptical equations 328
EMP see "Electromagnetic pulse"
Energy 53 72 75 137 263 see
Errors 243 256 see
Errors, grid dispersion 32
Errors, modeling 234
Errors, staircase 243 244 248—251
Eulerian cells 365
Excitation frequency 293
Expansion technique 194—199
Explicit differencing schemes 328 329
Exponential differencing 90—91
Exponential series approximation 174
Exterior pulse response 55—61
Exterior surface charges 53
Exterior surface currents 53
Far field radiation 349
Far zone backscatter 252 254
Far zone radiation 264
Far zone scattering 7 241—261
Far zone scattering, distance to outer boundary and 254—259
Far zone scattering, frequency-dependent materials and 259—261
Far zone scattering, fundamentals of 243—244
Far zone scattering, impedance sheets and 251—254
Far zone scattering, staircase errors and 242—244 249—251
Far zone time domain 274
Far zone transformation 26 105—122 241
Far zone transformation, three-dimensional 107—113 116 117 242
Far zone transformation, transient 242 243 264
Far zone transformation, two-dimensional 113—118
Far zone transient fields 116
Far zone vector potentials 106 113
Faraday rotation of waves 301
Faraday — Maxwell equation 168 189 see
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 35 81
Fast Fourier transform (FFT), alternate formulations and 360
Fast Fourier transform (FFT), far zone scattering and 241
Fast Fourier transform (FFT), far zone transformation and 106 111
Fast Fourier transform (FFT), frequency domain information and 97
Fast Fourier transform (FFT), scientific visualization and 234
Ferrites 123 145 299 see
Ferrites, anisotropic 309
Ferrites, dispersion in 299
Ferrites, magnetized see "Magnetized ferrites"
Ferrites, permeability tensors of 320
Ferrites, plasmas compared to 321
Ferromagnetic materials 79 217 see
FFT see "Fast Fourier transform"
Field algorithms 26
Field distribution 31
Field incidents 91
Field strength 221
First-order (Leontovich) surface impedance boundary conditions 166 170
First-order approximation 351 352 354
First-order Debye dispersion 124—131
First-order differential equations 365
First-order Drude dispersion 131—139
Floating-point operations 47 48
Flow chart for FDTD method 27
Flux density 153
FORTRAN code 391—433
FORTRAN code for Gaussian pulse plane waves 391
FORTRAN code for lossy dielectrics 22—24 391 400—401 405 421
FORTRAN code for perfect conductor 19—20 391
FORTRAN code for scattered field FDTD method 19—20 22—24
FORTRAN code, Courant stability and 398
FORTRAN code, description of 391
FORTRAN code, DIAGS3D.DAT 426—427
FORTRAN code, FDTDA.FOR 391—424
FORTRAN code, incident fields and 399
FORTRAN code, NZOUT3D.DAT 427—433
FORTRAN code, outer radiation boundary condition and 406—413
FORTRAN code, radiation and 394
FORTRAN code, spatial delay and 399
Forward coupling 81—84
Fourier transforms 72 see
Fourier transforms of driven dipoles 267
Fourier transforms of field incidents 91
Fourier transforms of pulses 156
Fourier transforms of susceptibility function 135
Fourier transforms, accuracy and 345
Fourier transforms, antennas and 264 266 267 273 274 283 284
Fourier transforms, casual 127
Fourier transforms, discrete 105—106
Fourier transforms, dispersion and 340—341 343
Fourier transforms, far zone scattering and 243 259
Fourier transforms, far zone transformation and 116 117
Fourier transforms, fast see "Fast Fourier transform (FFT)"
Fourier transforms, frequency-dependent materials and 125 127 131 135 136 138 139
Fourier transforms, frequency-dependent materials and, casual 127
Fourier transforms, frequency-dependent materials and, fundamental 127
Fourier transforms, frequency-dependent materials and, Lorentz second-order pole and 145
Fourier transforms, frequency-dependent materials and, of pulses 156
Fourier transforms, frequency-dependent materials and, susceptibility function and 135
Fourier transforms, fundamental 127
Fourier transforms, Gaussian excitation voltage and 283
Fourier transforms, gyrotropic media and 302
Fourier transforms, inverse 108 168 170 301
Fourier transforms, Lorentz second-order pole and 145
Fourier transforms, stability and 336 337
Fourier transforms, surface impedance and 168 170
Frankel — Dufort scheme 363
Free electron gases 299
Free magnetic carriers 314
Free space 16 17 29 44 123
Free space finite difference equations 339—341
Free space, boundless 43
Free space, capacitance and 204 205 213 214
Free space, impedance of 219
Free space, nonlinear materials and 216
Free space, surface impedance and 164 165
Frequency domain 65 74 106
Frequency domain backscatter 248 259
Frequency domain far zone fields 105
Frequency domain information 97
Frequency domain permittivity 299
Frequency domain RCS 113
Frequency domain scattering 241
Frequency domain susceptibility 127 302
Frequency domain, antennas and 264 267 292
Frequency domain, broadband 106
Frequency domain, frequency-dependent materials and 123 147
Frequency domain, nonlinear materials and 203
Frequency domain, scientific visualization and 232
Frequency domain, steady-state 266
Frequency domain, surface impedance and 166 168
Frequency domain, susceptibility to 127
Frequency domain, transient 106
Frequency impedance 281
Frequency, above aperture cutoff 62—70
Frequency, asymptotic 299
Frequency, below aperture cutoff 70—76 81
Frequency, collision 135 136
Frequency, cutoff 54 290
| Frequency, cyclotron 301
Frequency, excitation 293
Frequency, from transient fields 151
Frequency, nonlinear materials and 216 221
Frequency, Nyquist 42 72 359
Frequency, optical 299
Frequency, oscillation 95
Frequency, patterns of 289—290
Frequency, plasma 300
Frequency, processional 314
Frequency, radian plasma 135
Frequency, resonant 139
Frequency, sinusoidal excitation 290
Frequency-dependent materials 6 29 123—161 see
Frequency-dependent materials, conductivity of 123 126 130 135 136 139 147
Frequency-dependent materials, differential equation method and 151—154
Frequency-dependent materials, far zone scattering and 241—243 259—261
Frequency-dependent materials, first-order Debye dispersion and 124—131
Frequency-dependent materials, first-order Drude dispersion and 131—139
Frequency-dependent materials, multiple poles and 146—151
Frequency-dependent materials, permeability of 123 145
Frequency-dependent materials, permittivity of 123 124 130 136 146 147
Frequency-dependent materials, scattered field FDTD method and 154—161
Frequency-dependent materials, second-order dispersive 139—146
Frequency-dependent materials, surface impedance and 169—172
Fuzziness approximations 38
Fuzzy dispersive calculations 261
Fuzzy outer surface 259
Fuzzy surface approach 249
Gain 279
Gain, absolute 277 284 289 293 297
Gain, antenna 263 265 273—274 277 279 281
Gain, antenna, absolute 284 289 293 297
Gain, antenna, calculations for 290
Gain, antenna, copolarized absolute 293 297
Gain, antenna, patterns in 292
Gain, copolarized absolute 293 297
Gain, measurements of 293
Gain, patterns in 292
Gas law 366
Gaussian envelope 81
Gaussian excitation voltage 283
Gaussian pulse 34
Gaussian pulse plane waves 33 130 147
Gaussian pulse plane waves of peak amplitude 208
Gaussian pulse plane waves, far zone scattering and 252 254
Gaussian pulse plane waves, FORTRAN code for 391
Gaussian pulse plane waves, gyrotropic media and 307
Gaussian pulse plane waves, incident 252
Gaussian pulse plane waves, nonlinear materials and 206
Gaussian pulse voltage 265 267 283 284
Gaussian pulse, advantages of 156
Gaussian pulse, amplitude of 208 212
Gaussian pulse, antennas and 265 267
Gaussian pulse, derivative 137 138 140 141 321
Gaussian pulse, determination of parameters for 36
Gaussian pulse, far zone scattering and 248 254
Gaussian pulse, far zone transformation and 113 118
Gaussian pulse, frequency-dependent materials and 137 138 155 156
Gaussian pulse, gyrotropic media and 321
Gaussian pulse, incident 181 248
Gaussian pulse, nonlinear materials and 213
Gaussian pulse, surface impedance and 175 181
Gaussian pulse, truncated 155
Gaussian waveforms 72
Geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) 3
Geometry 70—72 217 381
Geometry, antenna 191 263 265 277 279 284
Geometry, aperture 80
Geometry, Cartesian 369 370 389
Geometry, coupling 232 359
Geometry, Gaussian pulse amplitude 212
Geometry, gyrotropic media 309
Geometry, interior 76 197 198
Geometry, magnetized ferrite 309
Geometry, one-dimensional 299
Geometry, quantization and 217
Geometry, scattering 359
Geometry, scientific visualization and 231 232
Geometry, shaped-end radiator 290
Geometry, three-dimensional 263 299
Geometry, two-dimensional 299 369 370
Geometry, waveguide 79
Geometry, wire antenna 191
Geometry, wire monopole 265
Geometry, Yee cell 20 45
GINT 112
Good conductors 123 166 221
Grid dispersion errors 32
GTD see "Geometrical theory of diffraction"
Gyrotropic media 7 299—322 see
Gyrotropic media, anisotropic 299 309
Gyrotropic media, electromagnetic field interactions with 309
Gyrotropic media, geometry of 309
Gyrotropic media, isotropic 300 304
Gyrotropic media, magnetized ferrites as see "Magnetized ferrites"
Gyrotropic media, magnetized plasma as see "Magnetized plasmas"
Gyrotropic media, permittivity of 299—301 303
Harmonic vector potentials 107
Harmonics 67
High conductivity surface impedance 176
High frequency approximation 363—364
Horizontally polarized dipoles (HPD) 53 55—56
HPD see "Horizontally polarized dipoles"
Human body electromagnetic penetration 87 91—97
Hybrid techniques 3 105 106 see
Hyperbolic equations 327 330—333 335 363 see
Ideal dielectrics 123
Image 232
Image theory 213
Impedance matching conditions 348
Impedance of free space 219
Impedance sheets 251—254
Impedance, antenna 263 265 273—274 277 279 281
Impedance, antenna, calculations for 284 290
Impedance, antenna, input 283 284
Impedance, defined 164
Impedance, dipole 264
Impedance, far zone scattering and 242
Impedance, frequency 281
Impedance, input 65 279 283 284
Impedance, mutual 263 273
Impedance, patterns of 264
Impedance, resistive 251
Impedance, self- 263 273
Impedance, sheet 252
Impedance, surface see "Surface impedance"
Impedance, thin wire 190
Implicit differencing methods 217 328 363
Incidence angles 113 254 259
Incident fields 30
Incident fields in near zone sphere scattering 90
Incident fields, antennas and 264
Incident fields, Cartesian components of 33
Incident fields, description of 72
Incident fields, far zone scattering and 243
Incident fields, far zone transformation and 107
Incident fields, FORTRAN code and 399
Incident fields, frequency-dependent materials and 131 155 157
Incident fields, nonlinear materials and 220—221
Incident fields, polarization of 248
Incident fields, specification of 33—36
Incident plane waves 241
Incident pulse 53 155 160 161
Incident waveforms 221
Inductance 168 193 194
Infinite frequency permittivity 124
Input impedance 65 279 283 284
Input power 273 284
Instability 29 228 335
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