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Liddle A. — An Introduction to Modern Cosmology |
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Pauli exclusion principle 13
Peculiar velocity 9 16 45 67
Perfect fluid 121
Phase transitions 107
Photinos 70
photoelectric effect 79
Photon to baryon ratio 77
photons 12
photons energy 12
Photons, number density 78
Physical coordinates 19
Planck function 13
Planck scale 113
Planck spectrum 13
Planck time 113
Planck's constant (h) 12
Planck's constant (h), reduced 15
plasma 78
Polarization (of the CMB) 152
Potential energy, gravitational 17
Power spectrum 150
Power spectrum, radiation angular 153
Pressure (p) 22
Pressure (p), negative 103
Pressure forces 23
Problems, flatness 99
Problems, horizon 101 105
Problems, relic particles 102 106
Problems, resolution via inflation 104
Proton, lifetime 12
Proton, mass xiv
Quantum fluctuations 157
Quantum gravity 113
Quark-hadron phase transition 88
Quarks 12
Quintessence 53 117
Radiation 12 36 37
Radiation, angular power spectrum 153
Radiation, constant 15
Radiation, energy density 15 76
Radio waves 8
Recombination 81
Redshift (z) 9 125
Redshift (z) as distance 127
Redshift (z) as epoch 127
Reduced Planck's constant 15
Relic abundance problem 102 106
Rest mass 11
Robertson — Walker metric 120 125
ROSAT satellite 6
Rotation curves 64
Rotation curves of galaxy NGC3198 65
Saddle 28
Sakharov conditions 143
Sana equation 81
Sauchiehall Street 46
Scalar field 108
Scale factor 19 120
Singularity 111
Singularity theorems 112
SkyView xii
Sloan Digital Sky Survey 6 127 150
Solar mass 3
Solutions to problems 163
Source counts 134
| Source counts, Euclidean 136
Space-time 120
Spatial geometry 156
Sphaleron 145
Spherical geometry 26
Standard candles 46 131
Standard Cosmological Model xi 115
Standard Model (of particle physics) 13 69 102
Stars 3
Stars, density of 63
Steady State cosmology 2 75 80
Strong energy condition 111
Strong energy condition, violation of 113
Structure formation 68 102 147
Subscript '0' (means present value) 36
Superclusters 5
Supernova Cosmology Project 131
Supernovae as standard candles 46 130
Supernovae in 1987 3
Supernovae type la, as evidence for A 55 132
Supernovae type la, used to measure qq 49
Superstring theory 113
Supersymmetry 70 108
Surface brightness dimming 133
Surface of last scattering 80 83
Temperature 76
Temperature at decoupling 79
Temperature, time relation 86
Thermal distributions 13
Thermal equilibrium 13
Thermal history 85
Thermodynamics 13
Thomson cross-section xiv 82
Thomson scattering 12 78
Three-sphere 27
Topology of the Universe 122
Tunnelling from nothing 113
Two-point correlation function 150
Uncertainty principle 157
Universe age 57
Universe contents 116
Universe critical-density 48
Universe, closed 28
Universe, cooling 76
Universe, density of 63
Universe, early 85
Universe, expansion of 9
Universe, fate of 116
Universe, flat 26
Universe, geometry of 25
Universe, homogeneity and isotropy 8
Universe, infinite 29
Universe, inflationary 99
Universe, observable 29 128
Universe, open 28
Universe, recollapse of 42
Universe, topology of 122
Uranium 57
Uranium, decay of 60
Voids 5
White dwarf cooling 57
WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) 70 73
WMAP satellite 68 155 157
WWW Home Page xii
X-rays 8
Zero-point energy 53
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