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Liddle A. — An Introduction to Modern Cosmology |
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2dF galaxy redshift survey 6
Acceleration equation 23 121
Age of the universe 57 116
Age of the Universe at decoupling 87
Age of the Universe at matter-radiation equality 86
Andromeda galaxy 5
Angular diameter distance 132
Angular diameter distance in open Universe 159
Angular scale 153
Anisotropies 148 152
Anisotropies, computation of 154
Anisotropies, statistical description of 152
Anti-baryons 96
Apparent magnitude-redshift diagram 131
Astronomical unit (AU) 4
Axion 70
Baryogenesis 143
Baryogenesis, electro-weak 144
Baryon to photon ratio 77 143
Baryons 12
Bias 152
Bibliography 161
big bang 2 10 112
Big Bang, problems with 99
Big Bang, where? 29
Big crunch 42
Black holes 70
Black-body spectrum 7 13 75
Boltzmann constant (A;b) 14
Book structure xii
Boomerang experiment 68 155 157
Brown dwarfs 64
Bulk motions 67
C and CP violation 143
Causality 21
Cepheid variable stars 46
CfA galaxy survey 5 150
Chandra X-ray satellite 67
Christoffel symbols 121
Closed Universe 28
Clusters of galaxies 5
CMBFAST program 151 152
COBE satellite 7 102 148 155
Cold dark matter 70
Coma galaxy cluster 6
Commonly-used symbols xv
Comoving coordinates 19 36 119
Comoving distance 19
Compact objects 70
Compton scattering 12
Constants xiv
Contents of the Universe 116
Conversion factors xiv
Cooling 76
Coordinates, comoving 19 119
Coordinates, physical 19
Copernican Principle see cosmological principle
Cosmic microwave background 75
Cosmic microwave background, anisotropies of 148 152
Cosmic microwave background, isotropy of 101
Cosmic microwave background, observations 155
Cosmic microwave background, origin 78
Cosmic microwave background, polarization of 152
Cosmic microwave background, temperature of 7
Cosmic rays 3
Cosmic variance 153
Cosmological constant 51
Cosmological constant as zero-point energy 53
Cosmological constant problem 53
Cosmological constant , density parameter 52
Cosmological constant , driving inflation 103
Cosmological constant , effective 108
Cosmological constant , fluid description 52
Cosmological inflation 99
Cosmological models 33
Cosmological models with cosmological constant 53
Cosmological principle 1 7 8 10 120
Cosmological principle is not exact 147
Cosmological solutions 35
Cosmological solutions, including curvature 40
Cosmological solutions, matter 36
Cosmological solutions, mixtures 38
Cosmological solutions, radiation 37
Creatures, four-dimensional 27
Critical density 47 63
Critical density, Universe 48
Curvature term 20 28
Curvature term, solutions including 40
Curvature term, three values of 30
Dark matter 13 63
Dark matter candidates 69
Dark matter, cold 70
Dark matter, direct detection 69 72
Dark matter, hot 70
Deceleration parameter 48
Decoupling 79 81
Decoupling of neutrinos 138
Decoupling, age at 87
Density in stars 63
Density of the Universe 63
Density, critical 47
Density, energy 14
Density, energy , radiation 15
Density, mass 18
Density, number (n,N) 39 92
Density, parameter 47
Density, parameter , at various epochs 100
Density, parameter , for cosmological constant 52
Deuterium (D) 91
Deuterium (D), measured abundance 94
Dipole 153
Distance, angular diameter 132
Distance, luminosity 128
DMR 148
Doppler effect 9
Dots (are time derivatives) 19
Dust 36
Early Universe 85
Einstein summation convention 121
Einstein's equation 120
Electro-weak baryogenesis 144
Electron volts 12
Electrons 12
Element abundances 95
Energy, density 14 24
Energy, kinetic 11
Energy, mass- 11
Energy, photon 12
Energy, units 12
Energy-momentum tensor 121
Equation of state 23 35
Equation of state for cosmological constant 103
Equation of state for matter 35
Equation of state for radiation 36
Escape velocity 42
expansion 9 115
Expansion and redshift 34
Expansion, free 41
Expansion, meaning of 21
Faster than light 21
Fate of the Universe 116
Flat geometry 25
Flat geometry as prediction of inflation 105
Flat geometry, validity at early epochs 100
Flat Universe 26
Flatness problem 99 104
Fluid equation 22 121
Free expansion 41
Frequency (f) 12
Friedmann equation 18 48
| From general relativity 120
Galactic bulge 4
Galactic disk 4
Galactic halo 66
Galaxies 4 147
Galaxies at high redshift 148
Galaxies, number in the observable Universe 83
Galaxy clustering 147 150
Galaxy clusters 5 147
Galaxy formation 152
Galaxy rotation curves 64
General relativistic cosmology 119
General relativity 119
Geological timescale 57
Geometry 25 68 116 156
Geometry, Euclidean 25
Geometry, flat 25
Geometry, hyperbolic 28
Geometry, non-Euclidean 26
Geometry, observed value 157
Geometry, spherical 26
Giga-electron volt (GeV) 88
Globular clusters 4 58
Grand unified theories 102 108
Gravitational instability 149
Gravitational lensing 71 152
Gravitational potential energy 17
Gravitational waves 3
Gravitinos 70 102
Gravity. Newtonian 17
Hadron 88
Halo 66
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle 157
Helium-3 91
Helium-4 91
Helium-4, observed abundance 95
Helium-4, predicted abundance 93
High-2 Supernova Search Team 131
Hipparcos satellite 58 116
history 1
Home page xii
Homogeneity 8
Horizon problem 101 105
Hot Big Bang xi 10 75
Hot dark matter 70
Hubble constant 9 34 45
Hubble constant , observed value 46
Hubble diagram 9
Hubble length 104 156
Hubble parameter (H) 34
Hubble Space Telescope xi 115 148
Hubble time 57
Hubble'slaw 9 46
Hydrogen 91
Hyperbolic geometry 28
Inflation 99
Inflation and scalar fields 108
Inflation as the origin of structure 157
Inflation, amount of 106
Inflation, definition of 103
Inflation, driven by a cosmological constant 103
Inflation, end of 104
Inflation, happening now 115
Inflation, particle physics of 107
Inflationary expansion 103
Infrared 8
Initial singularity 111
Inverse square law 17
Ionization 12
Ionization energy 78
Ionized plasma 78
IRAS satellite 8
Isotropy 8
Jupiters 64
K-correction 130
Keck telescope 148
Kepler's law 65
Kiloparsec (kpc) 4
kinetic energy 11
Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) 5.71
Large-scale structure 149
Last-scattering surface 80 83 109
LEP experiment 94
Light curve 71
Light propagation 125
Lightest supersymmetric particle 70
Lithium 91
Local Group 5
Luminosity distance 128
M-theory 113
M100 galaxy 4
MACHO (MAssive Compact Halo Object) 70
Magnetic monopoles 102 109
mass density 18 24
Mass, solar 3
Mass-energy 11
Mass-energy, electron, neutron, proton xiv
Matter 35 36
Matter-anti-matter asymmetry 96 144
Matter-radiation equality 86
Mattig equation 130
Maxima experiment 68 155 157
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 92
Mean free path 78
Mega-electron volt (MeV) 12
Megaparsec (Mpc) 5
Metric (of space-time) 119
Microlensing 71
Microwave background see cosmic microwave background
Microwaves 7
Milky Way galaxy 1 4
Moduli fields 102
Natural units 24
Neutralinos 70
Neutrino cosmology 137
Neutrino decoupling 138 141
Neutrino density 85 90
Neutrino mass 13
Neutrino oscillations 137
Neutrino rest-mass 137
Neutrino species 94
Neutrinos 3 13
Neutrinos and structure formation 140
Neutrinos as dark matter 69
Neutrinos, heavy 70 140
Neutrinos, light 70 139
Neutrinos, massive 139
Neutrinos, massless 137
Neutrinos, three types of 13
Neutrinos, through your body 90
Neutron, decay during nucleosynthesis 93
Neutron, half-life 91
Neutron, mass xiv
Neutron, stability 12 92
Newton's constant (G) 17
Newtonian gravity 17
Non-singular cosmologies 113
Nucleon 12
Nucleosynthesis 64 91
Number density (n,N) 39 92
Observable Universe 29 101 128
Observational parameters 45
Open Universe 28
Origin of light elements see nucleosynthesis
Origin of structure 157
Parallax 46
Parameter estimation 150
Parsec (pc) 4
Particles 11
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