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Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Statistical physics (volume 5 of Course of Theoretical Physics)
Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Statistical physics (volume 5 of Course of Theoretical Physics)

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Íàçâàíèå: Statistical physics (volume 5 of Course of Theoretical Physics)

Àâòîðû: Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.


A lucid presentation of statistical physics and thermodynamics which develops from the general principles to give a large number of applications of the theory.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Îáùèå êóðñû/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition, revised and enlarged

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1980

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 544

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Absolute temperature      35
Acoustic waves      210
Adiabatic processes      38—41
Adsorption      524 527—8
Amorphous solids      191
Angle of contact      531—3
Anharmonic terms      211
Anisotropic bodies      203—6 401
Averaging, statistical      4
Azeotropic mixture      296 n.
Band of frequency      209
Barometric formula      115 272
Bicritical point      497 n.
Black body      188
Black-body radiation      183—90
Boltzmann distribution      111—5
Boltzmann’s constant      35
Boltzmann’s formula      114
Boltzmann’s H theorem      119
Boltzmann’s law      186
Bose — Einstein condensation      181
Bose, gas      160 6 180 3
Bose, statistics      159
Boyle point      229 n.
Bravais lattice      403—4
Canonical, distribution      80
Canonical, ensemble, grand      108 n.
Carnot cycle      59
Chain crystals      206
Characteristic functions      48
Characteristic temperature      199
Chemical constant      125
Chemical equilibrium      305
Chemical equilibrium, constant      307
chemical potential      71 263
Chemical reactions      305 ff.
Cholesteric liquid crystals      439
Clapeyron — Clausius formula      256
Clapeyron’s equation      122
Classes, crystal      409—11
Collisions, molecular      115—17
Concentration      264
Concentration of solution      266
Concentration, point of equal      290
Condensation, Bose — Einstein      181 n.
Condensation, retrograde      297
Conjugate, thermodynamically      337
Continuum integral      480
Correlation, corrections      240
Correlation, functions      243—5 351 363 436-8
Correlation, radius      475
Corresponding states      201 262
Critical exponents      485
Critical indices      480 485—8
Critical point      257—62 290—4 493-8
Critical point,      506—16
Critical pressure      257
Critical temperature      257
Cross-sections      117
Crystal, classes      409—11
Crystal, planes      415
Crystal, space groups      411—13
Crystal, systems      405—8
Crystals      191
Crystals, liquid      439—45
Crystals, ordering of      191—2 447—50
Crystals, surface tension of      520—2
Crystals, symmetry of      401 ff.
Curie point      447 n.
Curie’s law      154
de Haas-van Alphen effect      177 n.
Debye, function      199
Debye, interpolation formula      200
Debye, length      241
Debye, temperature      199
Degeneracy temperature      168
Degenerate, frequency      150 210
Degenerate, gas      165—71 180—3 245—50 354-9
Degrees of freedom, thermodynamic      265
Degrees of temperature      35
Density, function      401—3
Density, matrix      16
Density, matter at high      317 ff.
Diatomic gases      137—48
Dilution, heat of      285
Direction group      417
Director vector      440
Disordered crystal      447
Dispersion, equation      208
Dispersion, relation      208 382
Displacement law      186
Dissipation      368—71
Dissociation of diatomic gas      308—10
Distribution function      4 79
Distribution function, Boltzmann      111—5
Distribution function, canonical      80
Distribution function, Gaussian      335
Distribution function, Gibbs      80 (see “Gibbs distribution”)
Distribution function, Maxwellian      83
Distribution function, microcanonical      12 22 79
Distribution function, Planck’s      184
Distribution function, statistical      3
Distribution law      271
Dulong and Petit’s law      271
Effective Hamiltonian      480
Efficiency of Carnot cycle      59
Electrolytes, strong      277
Electron-positron pair production      315—6
Endothermic reaction      310
Energy      11—14
Energy, band      427
Energy, free      48 (see “Free energy”)
Energy, gravitational      327—9
Ensemble, Grand Canonical      108 n.
Ensemble, statistical      9 n.
Enthalpy      47 n.
entropy      25—33
Entropy of mixing      281
Entropy, law of increase of      29
Equation of state      51
Equation of state of ideal gas      122
Equation of state, at high density      317—20
Equilibrium of bodies of large mass      320—6
Equilibrium of neutron sphere      329—32
Equilibrium, curves      289—94
Equilibrium, incomplete      13
Equilibrium, partial      13
Equilibrium, statistical      6
Equilibrium, surface      290
Equilibrium, thermal      6
Equilibrium, thermodynamic      6
Equipartition, law of      131
Equivalent lattice points      402
Equivalent vectors      418
Ergodic hypothesis      12 n.
Eutectic point      298
Exchange effect      111
Excitations, elementary      216
Exothermic reaction      310
Expansion, thermal      201—3
Extended group      420
Factor group      417 n.
FDT      386
Fermi, gas      159
Fermi, sphere      166
Fermi, statistics      158
Fluctuation range      477
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem      386—93
Fluctuations      333 ff.
Fluctuations in curvature of molecules      396—400
Fluctuations in liquid crystals      442—5
Fluctuations of order parameter      471—8
Fluctuations, relative      8
Fluctuations, root-mean-square (r.m.s.)      8
Fluorescence      188
Free energy      48 49
Free energy of ideal Boltzmann gas      120—1
Free energy, in Gibbs distribution      91—4
Freedom, thermodynamic degrees of      265
Friction      368—71
Fugacity      230
Gas, completely ionised      240
Gas, constant      122n.
Gas, ideal      111 ff. 279—81 345-6
Gas, non-ideal      225 ff. (see also “Bose gas” “Degenerate
Gaussian distribution      335
Gibbs distribution      80
Gibbs distribution for rotating bodies      104—6
Gibbs distribution,      106—10
Gibbs distribution, free energy in      91—4
Gibbs free energy      49 n.
Gibbs phase rule      265
Glide plane      403
Glide-reflection plane      403
grand canonical ensemble      108 n.
Gravitational collapse      332
Gravitational energy      327—9
Group, symmetry      401 417 418
Gruneisen’s law      203
Hydrogen molecules      142—3
Hyperfine splitting      136
Ideal gases      111 ff. 279—81 345-6
Ideal mixtures      282
Incomplete equilibrium      13
Increments, theorem of small      50 72
Integral of the motion      11
Integral, over states      92
Inversion point of Joule — Thomson, effect      229 235
Ionisation equilibrium      313—4
Irreversible processes      33
Ising model      498 n.
Isobaric process      127
Isochoric process      126
Isolation, thermal      38
Isotopes, mixtures of      281—3
Isotropic bodies      401
Joule — Thomson process      56 229 235
Kinetic coefficients      365—8
Kinetic coefficients, symmetry of      366
Kinetics      6
Kirchhoff’s law      188
Kramers and Kronig’s formulae      382
Landau diamagnetism      171
Latent heat of transition      253
Lattice part      193
Lattice vibrations      207—221
Lattice vibrations, symmetry of      427—32
Layer crystals      203—6
Le Chatelier’s principle      67
Lever rule      252 295
Limiting frequencies      210
Liouville’s theorem      10
Liquid crystals      439—45
Liquid crystals of dilution      285
Liquid crystals of reaction      310—3
Liquid crystals of solution      278
Liquid crystals of transition      253
Liquid crystals, bath      26
Liquid crystals, content      47 n.
Liquid crystals, function      47
Liquid crystals, Hamiltonian, effective      480
Liquid crystals, Harmonic approximation      211
Liquid crystals, Helicoidal structure      442
Liquid crystals, Helium      37 n. 191
Liquid crystals, Helmholtz free energy      49 n.
Liquid crystals, Hemihedral class      411
Liquid crystals, Henry’s law      272
Liquid crystals, Herring criterion      426
Liquid crystals, Holohedral class      411
Liquid crystals, quantity of      45
Liquid crystals, specific      46 451—6
Macroscopic motion      36
Macroscopic quantities      5
Macroscopic states      14
Magnetic structure      401 n.
Magnetism of electron gas      17 1 7
Magnetism of gases      152—7
Mass, action, law of      307
Matrix, density      16
Matrix, statistical      17
Maxwellian distribution      83
Maxwell’s rule      261
Mechanical invariants      11
Metastable states      44 65
Microcanonlcal distribution      12 22 79
Miller indices      415
Mixed states      18
Mixtures      279 ff. (see also “Solutions”)
Monatomic gases      132—7
Monomolecular layer      527
Nematic liquid crystals      439
Nemst’s theorem      69 134
Neutron sphere, equilibrium of      329—32
Non-ideal gases      225 ff.
Normal coordinates      87
Normal modes      150
Nucleation      533—7
Nucleus      533
Occupation numbers      111
Onsager’s principle      366
Optical vibrations      210
Order parameter      449
Order parameter, fluctuations of      471—8
Ordering of crystals      191—2 447—50 468—71
Oscillator      87
Osmotic pressure      267
Pair production      315—6
Partial equilibrium      13
Partition function      91
Pascal’s law      42
Pauli paramagnetism      171
Pauli’s principle      158
Periodic structures in one and, two dimensions      432—6 95—8
Phase of matter      231
Phase, diagram      295
Phase, equilibrium      251 ff.
Phase, point      2
Phase, rule      265
Phase, space      2
Phase, trajectory      2
Phase, transitions of the second kind      447
Phonons      215—21
Photon gas      183
Planck’s distribution      184
Planck’s formula      185
Plasmas      240—2 245—50
Poisson adiabatic      125
Poisson’s formula      348
Polarisation of vibrations      208
Poly tropic process      127
Polyatomic gases      148—51
Potential, chemical      71 263
Potential, thermodynamic      49
Pressure      42
Pressure, critical      257
Pressure, negative      44
Pressure, osmotic      267
Pressure, surface      522—4
Projective representation      420 n.
Proper symmetry group      418
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