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Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Statistical physics (volume 5 of Course of Theoretical Physics) |
Предметный указатель |
Pure states 18
Quasi-closed subsystems 6
Quasi-momentum 215 220
Quasi-particles 216 220
Quasi-stationary fluctuations 361
Random force 362 375
Raoult’s Law 271
Rayleigh — Jeans formula 185
Rays of star 418
Reactions, chemical 305
Reciprocal lattice 414
Reduced quantities 262
Regular representations 467
Relaxation time 6
Representations of space groups 416—32 460—9
Representations of space groups, physically irreducible 423
Representations of space groups, projective 420 n.
Representations of space groups, small 419
Response to perturbation 377
Retrograde condensation 297
Reversible processes 33
Root-mean-square (r.m.s.) fluctuation 8
Rotary-reflection axis 402
Rotating bodies 74—6 104—6 124
Rotational symmetry elements 416
Scale invariance 489—93
Scaling dimension 490
Screw axis 402
Self-consistent field 241
Small increments, theorem of 50 72
Smectic liquid crystals 439
Solids 191 ff.
Solids, amorphous 191
Solids, at high temperatures 195—8
Solids, at low temperatures 191—5
Solids, crystalline 191
Solids, thermal expansion of 201—3
Solute 265
Solution 263
Solution, ff 349—50
Solution, heat of 278
Solution, surfacetensio n of 524—7
Solution, weak 265—7
Solvent 263
Sound propagation in solids 193—5
Space groups 411—13
Space groups, extended 420
Space groups, representations of 416—32 460-9
Specific heat 46 451—6
Star of a vector 418
Statistical averaging 4
Statistical distribution function 3
Statistical ensemble 9 n.
Statistical equilibrium 6
Statistical independence 7
Statistical laws 1
Statistical matrix 17
Statistical operator 17
Statistical physics 1 ff.
Statistical weight 25 132
Statistics 1 ff.
| Striction 477
subsystems 2 106
Subsystems, quasi-closed 6
Sum over states 91
Superlattice 468
Surface, pressure 522—4
Surface, tension 517 ff.
Surfaces 517 ff.
Susceptibility, generalised 377—84
Susceptibility, generalised, operator form 393—6
Symmetry of crystals 401 ff.
Symmetry of kinetic coefficients 366
Symmetry, axis of 402
Symmetry, direction 417
Symmetry, groups 401
Symmetry, plane of 402
Symmetry, proper 418
Symmetry, transformations 401
Symmetry, under time reversal 422—6
Symmorphic groups 413
Systems, crystal 405—8
Temperature 34—6
Temperature, critical 257
Temperature, Debye 199
Temperature, negative 221—4
Temperature, thermodynamic scale of 55
Tetartohedral class 411
Tetracritical point 497 n.
Thermal equilibrium 6
Thermal expansion 201—3
Thermal isolation 38 165
Thermodynamic equilibrium 6
Thermodynamic inequalities 63—5
Thermodynamic inequalities, 286—9
Thermodynamic perturbation theory 95—8
Thermodynamic potentials 49
Thermodynamic quantities 34 ff.
Thermodynamic relations 34
Thermodynamics, second law of 29
Thermostat 26
Three-phase line 289 292
Time reversal, symmetry under 422—6
Translation 402
Tricritical point 493 n.
Triple points 253 289
Triple points, line of 289 292
Umklapp process 216 n.
Unit cell 404
Utilisation coefficient 59
Van der Waals’ equation 234
Van der Waals’ equation, reduced 262
Van der Waals’ forces 531
Van’t Hoff’s formula 268
Virial coefficients 230 236—9
Virial theorem 94
Wetting 529—31
Wien’s formula 185
Work 44
Work, maximum 57—63
Working medium 58
Zone of frequency 209
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