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Knight J. — Science of everyday things (volume 4). Real-life earth science
Knight J. — Science of everyday things (volume 4). Real-life earth science

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Íàçâàíèå: Science of everyday things (volume 4). Real-life earth science

Àâòîð: Knight J.


The first two volumes of this series are Real-Life Chemistry and Real-Life Physics, released in 2001. The purpose of the series is to explain scientific phenomena using common real-world examples. Real-Life Earth Science has about 40 entries covering various scientific phenomena and principles. Information in each entry includes "Concept" (defines the scientific principle or theory), "How It Works," "Real-Life Applications," and "Where to Learn More." A "Key Terms" section defines terms from the text. Examples of topics include study of the earth, geology, geomorphology, soil science, geochemistry, and meteorology. Under "Real-Life Applications" we can learn about the greenhouse effect (under Ecosystems and ecology); mass extinction (under Paleontology); and the 1812 New Madrid, Missouri, earthquake (under Seismology).

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 481

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.09.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Origin of life      3:178—182
Origin of life, amino acids dating      3:17
Origin of life, theories of evolution      3:162
Origin of the universe      3:177—178
Ornithischia      3:184
Orogenesis      4:254—255 see
Orphan metals      1:156—158 1:222 161
Orphan nonmetals      1:214 1:219 1:221
oscillations      2:263—269 2:268t—269t see "Vibrations" "Wave
Oscillations, acoustics      2:311
Oscillations, electromagnetism      2:343
Oscillations, frequency      2:272
Oscillations, resonance      2:278 2:280—281
Osmium      1:191
Osmosis      1:347—353 1:348 1:350 1:3521
Osmotic potential      1:350—351
Osteomalacia      3:91
Ostrom, John M.      4:128
Outer space      see "Vacuum"
Ovens, microwave      2:348
Overdamping      2:266
Overproduction and natural selection      3:163
Oviparity      3:151 3:152
Oviviparity      3:151
Ovulation      3:143
Owls      3:406 3:408
Oxidation      1:293
Oxidation numbers      1:290—291
Oxidation process      1:218—219
Oxidation states      1:290—291
Oxidation, effect on human body      3:91
Oxidation, prevention      4:333
Oxidation-reduction reactions      1:285 1:289—296 1:292 1:295t
Oxides (chemicals)      1:218—219
Oxides (minerals)      4:134
Oxpecker      3:386 3:387
Oxygen      1:218—219
Oxygen bars      1:215 1:219
Oxygen, absorbed in lungs      3:55
Oxygen, early Earth      3:178 3:179
Oxygen, equilibrium      1:301
Oxygen, mountain climbing      1:298
Oxygen, oxidation-reduction reactions      1:290
Oxygen, percentage of biosphere      3:346 3:348
Oxygen, percentage of human body mass      3:78
Oxygen, produced in photosynthesis      3:5 3:58
Oxygen, quantity on Earth      1:123
Oxygen, used in fertilizers      3:351
Oxytocin      3:153
Ozone      1:233—234 1:307
Packe, Christopher      4:47
Paired forces      2:66—67
Paleomagnetism      4:184 4:225 4:228
Paleontology      3:176—188 3:187t—188t 4:114—128 4:124t—126t
Paleozoic era      4:108 4:116 4:117
Palladium      1:191
Palynology      4:119
Pancreas, human      3:47
Pangaea      3:180 4:220—221
Pangolins      3:223 3:223—224
Panthalassa      4:220
Paper airplanes      2:108
Papin, Denis, hydraulic presses      2:167
Papin, Denis, steam engines      2:231
Parabolas      2:79
Parachuting      see "Skydiving"
Paradigms      4:36
Parafoils      2:108
Parahippus (early horse ancestor)      3:173
Paraho Oil Shale Facility (CO)      4:159
Paramagnetism      2:332 see
Parasites and parasitology      3:273—282 3:280t—281t 3:330—331 3:383—384
Parker, R.L.      4:222—223
Parkes, Alexander      1:377
Parthenogenesis      3:137—138
Parthenon (Greece)      3:138
Partial migration      3:336
Partial pressure (gases)      1:54—55 2:184—185 2:187
Particle accelerators      1:72
Particle-wave hypothesis      1:87—88
Pascal (unit of measure)      2:141
Pascal's principle, fluid mechanics      2:96—97
Pascal's principle, fluid pressure      2:142—143
Pascal's principle, hydraulic presses      2:98—99 2:167
Pascal, Blaise, hydraulic press      2:160 2:167
Pascal, Blaise, Pascals principle      2:96—97 2:142—143
Passionflower      3:389
Pasteur, Louis, lactic acid fermentation      1:306
Pasteur, Louis, pasteurization      3:288
Pasteur, Louis, vaccinations      3:256 3:257
Pastuerlla pestis      3:248
Patented research      3:121
Pathogens, cause infection      3:285—286
Pathogens, glossary      3:284
Pathogens, infectious diseases      3:245
Pathogens, targeted by immune system      3:255 3:262
Patriot missiles      2:83
Pauli exclusion principle      1:89 1:142
Pauli, Wolfgang      1:89
Pauling, Linus      1:269 3:92 3:93
Pavlov, Ivan      3:320
Payen, Anselme      1:306
Peas      4:199
Peattie, Roderick      4:255
Pelagic ocean biomes      3:376
Pellagra      3:15 3:95
Pendula      see also "Pendulum clocks"
Pendula, oscillations      2:267—269
Pendula, resonance      2:281—282
Pendulum clocks      2:267 2:272 2:274 see
Pendulums      see "Pendula"
Penicillin      3:290
Pentadactyl limb      3:170 3:170
Pepper moths      3:173
Peptide linkage      3:13 3:18
Periodic table of elements      1:121—122 1:127—139 1:129t 1:137t—138t
Periodic table of elements, atomic mass units (amu)      1:81
Periodic table of elements, carbon group      1:244
Periodic table of elements, electron configurations      1:89—90 1:364
Periodic table of elements, families of elements      1:140—147
Periodic table of elements, halogens      1:229—230
Periodic table of elements, ion formation      1:102—103
Periodic table of elements, isotopes      1:71
Periodic table of elements, Mendeleev, Dmitri      1:69
Periodic table of elements, metals      1:152—156
Periodic table of elements, noble gases      1:237
Periodic table of elements, nonmetals      1:213—215
Periodic table of elements, transition metals      1:181—185
Periods (wave mechanics), acoustics      2:311
Periods (wave mechanics), Doppler effect      2:301
Periods (wave mechanics), electromagnetism      2:343
Periods (wave mechanics), frequency      2:273—274
Periods (wave mechanics), interference      2:286—287
Periods (wave mechanics), resonance      2:279
Periods (wave mechanics), ultrasonics      2:319
Periods (wave mechanics), waves      2:257
Periods of the periodic table of elements      1:127 1:134 1:135 1:142
Perissodactyls      3:222
Permeability and hydrologic cycle      4:373
Permian period      3:182—183
Perpetual motion machines      see also "Machines"
Perpetual motion machines, friction      2:55
Perpetual motion machines, mechanical advantage      2:158—159
Perpetual motion machines, thermodynamics      2:216 2:223
Perrin, Jean Baptiste      2:196 2:206
Pest control      2:323—324
Pesticides      3:72 3:73 4:358
Petrochemicals      1:257 1:367 1:368 4:160
Petroleum      see also "Fossil fuels"
Petroleum industry      1:357 1:358
Petroleum jelly      1:366
Petroleum, economic geology      4:158—160
Petroleum, fermentation      3:28 3:30
Petroleum, fractional distillation      1:368
Petroleum, remains of dinosaurs      3:185
Petrology      4:147—148 see
Pewter      1:336
pH levels      1:314 1:323
Phanerozoic era      4:108
Phanerozoic era, geologic time      4:100—101
Phanerozoic era, paleontology      4:116
Phase diagrams      1:40—42 1:41
Phases of matter      see also "Matter"
Phases of matter, analogy to human life      2:211—212
Phases of matter, changes      2:211
Phases of matter, molecules      2:207
Phases of matter, temperature      2:237
Phases of matter, thermal expansion      2:245—246
Phases of matter, triple point      2:214—215
Phenetics      3:192—193
Phenotype      3:110
Phenylalanine hydroxylase      3:37
Phenylketonuria (PKU)      3:37
Pheromones      3:303—304
Philippine microclimates      4:407—408
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Newton)      see "Principia"
Phobos (moon)      4:174
Pholidota      3:223 3:223—224
Phoresy (symbiosis)      3:389
Phosphates (minerals)      4:134 4:317
Phosphor      2:369
Phosphorescence      2:367 2:369—370
Phosphorus      1:219
Phosphorus cycle      4:317—318
Phosphorus, biogeochemistry      4:317—318
Phosphorus, importance in nutrition      3:91
Phosphorus, percentage of biosphere      3:348
Phosphorus, phosphorus cycle      3:354
Phosphorus, plants and fungi      3:384
Photoelectric effect, light      2:343 2:357
Photoelectric effect, ultraviolet radiation      2:341—342
Photogeology      4:54—56
Photogrammetry      4:53—54
Photography in geoscience      4:55—56
Photoionization      1:105—106
photons      2:343—344 2:345 2:357 see "Light" "Light
Photosynthesis      1:250 4:199
Photosynthesis, carbon cycle      4:330
Photosynthesis, creation of oxygen      3:346
Photosynthesis, energy      4:199—200
Photosynthesis, energy transfer      3:360—361
Photosynthesis, micorrhizae      3:385
Photosynthesis, production of carbohydrates      3:3 3:4 3:4—5
Photosynthesis, stomata      4:388
Phototropism      3:321
Phyllosilicates (minerals)      4:135
Phylogeny      3:191—192 3:195 3:197—198 3:204 3:216 3:217
Phylum, chordata      3:205
Phylum, nematoda      3:349
Physical changes to matter      1:34 1:281—283 1:289—290 1:297—298
Physical fitness      see "Fitness"
Physical geodesy      4:171—172
Physical geology      4:39—40
Physical oceanography      4:362
Physical weathering      4:264 4:274
Physicians      3:153—154 3:238—239
Physics (Aristotle)      2:14—16 2:61
Physics (science)      2:13—16 see "Classical "Modern "Newtonian
Physics vs. chemistry      1:119
Physics, classical      see "Classical physics"
Phytoplankton      3:77 3:376
Pi (coefficient)      2:7 2:45
pianos      2:273 2:313
Piccard, Auguste      2:124 2:126—127
Piccard, Bertrand      2:127
Piccard, Jacques      2:124—125
Picnic at Hanging Rock (movie)      4:17—18
Pictet, Raoul Pierre      2:200
Picture frames      2:136
Piedmont glaciers      4:378
Piezoelectric devices      2:322—323
Pigeons      3:338
Pigmentation      2:359—360
Pillars of Hercules (Mediterranean Sea)      4:5
Pima (Native American tribe)      3:127
Pineapples      3:137
Pinworms      3:278
Pipes, Bernoulli's principle      2:97 2:112—113
Pipes, fluid pressure      2:144
Pistons, gas laws      2:188—189
Pistons, hydraulic presses      2:167—169
Pistons, pumps      2:99
Pitch (orientation)      2:106
pivot points      2:86—87
Place-value numerical system      1:3
Placenta      3:153
Placer deposits      4:288 4:290
Plagues      1:360 3:230 3:231 3:246—248
Planck, Max      1:73 2:343 2:357
Planetary gears      2:163
Planetary science      4:63—71 4:69t—4:70t
Planetary science, density      4:210
Planetary science, geoscience      4:35 4:42
Planetology      see "Planetary science"
Planets, density      4:210
Planets, origin      3:178
Planets, spherical shape      4:173—174 4:174
Plants      see also "Fruits and Vegetables" "Trees"
Plants, angiosperms vs. gymnosperms      4:347—349
Plants, behavior      3:321
Plants, biomes      3:372—375
Plants, blue-green algae      4:293
Plants, carbon dioxide      4:327—328
Plants, erosion control      4:272
Plants, evapotranspiration      3:346 3:347 3:354—355 3:355
Plants, evolution      3:173—174
Plants, fermentation      3:28
Plants, food webs      4:200 4:342
Plants, forensics      3:108
Plants, genetic engineering      3:119
Plants, greenhouse effect      4:355
Plants, hybridization      3:110
Plants, introduced species      3:210—214
Plants, kingdom plantae      3:198
Plants, mass wasting      4:279—280
Plants, osmosis      1:350—351
Plants, photosynthesis      3:4—5 3:58 3:77 3:87—88 3:346 3:360—361
Plants, protein content      3:23
Plants, reproduction      3:136—141 4:347—349
Plants, respiration      4:329—330
Plants, selective breeding      3:128 3:387
Plants, soil formation      4:293 4:294
Plants, starches and cellulose      3:6—8
Plants, symbiotic relationships      3:384—386 3:389
Plants, transpiration      4:389
Plants, vegetative propagation      3:136
Plasma (blood)      1:343—344 3:47
Plasma (matter)      1:42 2:14 2:210
Plasmodium      3:249 3:276—277
Plastic deformation      2:150 see
Plastics      1:364 1:365 1:366—367 1:375—380
Plate tectonics      4:219—229 4:226t—228t
Plate tectonics, convection      4:188
Plate tectonics, Earths interior      4:210—211
Plate tectonics, evolution, and      3:169 3:180
Plate tectonics, mass wasting      4:277—278
Plate tectonics, mid-ocean ridges      4:221
Plate tectonics, mountains      4:253—255
Plate tectonics, seismology      4:228 4:231—232 4:237
Plate tectonics, uplift      4:248
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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