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Bellman R. — Introduction to the mathematical theory of control processes (Volume II: Nonlinear Processes) |
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a priori bounds 83
Aczel, J. 39
Aggregation 258
Algorithms 38 113 245
Allocation processes 219
Almost monotone convergence 179
Altshuler, S. 137
Angel, E. 67 288
Aoki, M. 68 135 222 258
Approximation 68
Approximation in policy space 30 154 233
Aris, R. 37 66 246
Arnold, R.R. 37
Aronsson, G. 107
Arrow, K.J. 106
Ash, M. 39
Asymptotic behavior 190
Asymptotic control theory 181
Athans, M. 137
Average behavior 197
Avriel, M. 69
Azen, S.P. 68 165
Babushka, I. 67
Bagwell, J.R. 34
Bailey, P.B. 135
Baldwin, J.F. 165
Banks, H.T. 276
Bcckenbach, E.F. 39 106 165 224
Beckwith, R.O. 166 180
Beightler, C.S. 34 66 67
Bellman function 163
Bellman's equation 163 164 287
Bellman, R. 8 9 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 66 67 68 69 104 105 106 107 135 136 137 161 162 163 164 165 166 180 201 222 223 224 225 237 245 246 257 258 276 277 287 288 296 297
Berkovich, E.M. 180
Berkowitz, L.D. 163 297
Bertele, U. 37 66
biology 296
Boltianskii, V.G. 163 164
Boni, G. 297
Borch, K. 9
Borel, Emil. 264
Brioschi, F. 37 66
Brock, P. 9 296
Brown, T.A. 37 39
Bryan, G.L. 9
Bryson, A.E. 137
Bubnov — Galerkin method 128
Bucy, R. 201
Budak, B.M. 180
Buell, J. 296
Burkov, V.N. 246
Butkowski, A.G. 276
Butler, T. 39
Butz, A.R. 66
Calculus of variations 70 106 160 163 259
Calogero, F. 165 223
Caratheodory, C. 163
Casti, J. 137
Characteristics 144
Chazan, D. 225
Chemotherapy 297
Cheprasov, V.P. 164
Cherry, I. 165
Chess 243
Chu, W.W. 69
Clement, M.R. 37
Collatr, L. 135
Collins, D.C. 67 257
Combinatorial processes 245
Computing 49 294
Constraints 17 23 100 253 290 296
Conti, R. 135
Control process 5
Control variables 3
Controllability 37
Convergence 115
Convex functions 224
Convexity 84
Conway, E.D. 166
Cooke, K.L. 38 135 165 245 277 296
Cooper, L. 69
Courant parameter 29
Courant, R. 165
Criterion function 4
Cruon, R. 37
Cullum, J. 180
Curse of dimensionality 44
Dahlquist, G. 136
de Bruijn, N.G. 105
Deferred passage to the limit 174
Desoer, C.A. 163
Diagonal decomposition 257
Difference approximation 267
Differential approximation 68
Differential dynamic programming 246
Differential-difference equation 271 277
Discrete control processes 10 167
Distributed control 259 276 278
Dobell, A.R. 106
Dorato, P. 106
Dreyfus, S.E. 37 66 68 106 135 136 163 164 224 245
Duality 140 202 213 224
Dynamic programming 10 59 138 228 278
Economic theory 277
Edelen, D.G.B. 104 162
Egonov, A.I. 276
El'sgol'c, L.E. 276
Ellis, D.O. 37
Elmaghraby, S.E. 37
Euler equation 73 144
Euler equations and characteristics 164
Euler formalism 260
Event orientation 12
Everett, H. Ill 39
Existence and uniqueness 99 153 231
Expanding grid 42
Extrapolation 127 133 136
Fan, L.T. 164
Feasibility 46
Fenchel, W. 225
Fermi — Thomas equation 104
Fibonaccian search 69
Finite difference techniques 149
Fink, A.M. 105
Finlayson, B.A. 166
Fixed point 79
Fleischer, I. 37 38
Fleming, W.H. 180
Florentin, J.J. 135
Ford, L.R.Jr. 247
Forsythe, G.E. 136
Fortet, R. 37
Fortmann, T. 137
Fredholm resolvent 287
Freimer, M. 224
Friedrichs, K.O. 224
Fry, B.L. 247
Fu, K.S. 246
Fulkerson, D.R. 247
Fuller, A.T. 106 163 164
Function 52 113
Functional analysis 98
Functional derivative 279
Functional differential equations 276
Functional equations 39
Furubayashi, T. 33
Gamkrelidze, E.V. 164
George, J.H. 107
Gershwin, S.B. 164
Gilmore, P.A. 66
| Gilmore, P.C. 34
Girsanov, I.V. 163
Glicksberg, I. 39 106 107 166 224 276 296
Gluss, B. 68
Gomory, R.E. 34 246
Gorman, D. 107
Gradient methods 130
Green's function 186 287
Greenberg, H. 34
Greenspan, D.E. 136
Grihches, Z. 277
Gross, O. 39 106 107 166 224 276 296
Guignabodet, J.J.G. 67
Gulyayev, P.I. 296
Haar's device 75
Hale, J.K. 9 135
Halkin, H. 38
Hamilton — Jacobi method 163
Hamilton — Jacobi theory 106
Hanson, M.A. 224
Happ, H. 246
Harrison, B.K. 246
Heat control 260
Hermann, R. 106
Hermes, H. 296
Hestenes, M. 164 296
Hickerson, N. 246
Higgins, T.J. 9
Hilbert, D. 165
Hille, E. 166
Hinatsuka, S. 276
Hopf, E. 166
Howard, R. 39 245
Hughes, D.K. 276
Ichikawa, A. 276
Identification 293
Ikebe, T. 137 224
Imbedding 14
Inequalities 102
Infinite control process 192
Infinite processes 29
Initial approximation 117
Instability 120
Integral equations 281
Interpolation 53
Invariant imbedding 107
Inverse problems 22 38 104 158
Iterates 33
Ivanescu, P. 38
Ja Pan, V. 68
Jacobson, D.H. 246
Jacquez, J. 297
Johnson, C.D. 107
Johnson, D.B. 67
Johnson, J.N. 37
Jury, E.I. 297
Kagiwada, H. 38 136
Kalaba, R. 34 38 39 67 68 106 107 135 136 137 165 166 245 257 277 287 288 296 297
Kalman, R.E. 9 37 67 296
Kaplan, S. 225
Karlin, S. 38 224
Karush, W. 33 225
Kato, T. 137 224
Kaufmann, A. 37
Keckler, W.G. 66
Keller, H.B. 68 277
Khvedelidze, M.A. 297
Kleinman, D.L. 137
Knapsack function 34
Knuth, D.E. 296
Kokotovic, P.V. 137 258
Kooharian, A. 37
Korsak, A. 67
Kotkin, B. 165
Kramer, J.J.D.R.Jr. 277
Krasovskii, N.N. 276
Krause, H.G.L. 297
Kreindler, E. 224
Krolak, P. 69
Kron, G. 246
Krotov, V.F. 164
Kruger — Thiemer, E. 297
Kuck, D.J. 67
Kurz, M. 163
Kushner, H.J. 276
Kwapisz, M. 35
Lagrange multiplier 28
Lagrange parameter 27
Laning, R.B. 297
Laplace transform 263 272
Larkin, P.A. 297
Larson, R.E. 66 246
LaSalle, J.P. 9 135 296
Lattes, R. 34 136 276
Lawler, E.L. 246
Lax, P.D. 166
Layered functionals 104 162
Lee, E.S. 258
Legendre transformation 213
Legendre — Fenchel function 204
Legendre — Fenchel transform 208
Lehman, R.S. 34 162 165
Leondes, C.T. 135
Levine, R.R. 297
Lew, A. 67 257 288
Linear equations 20
Linkage 61
Lions, J.L. 34 136 276
Liouville — Neumann solution 266
Liozner, L.D. 297
Littlewood, J.E. 200
Lockett, J. 34 38 136 245
Lorentz, G.G. 66
Lovetskii, S.E. 246
Lubowe, A.G. 68
Lucque, A.M. 67
Luenberger, D.G. 66
Lukes, P.L. 164
Lurie, K.A. 276
MacLane, S. 224
Mangeron, D. 287
Marginal return 19
Martin, A.V. 39
Mason, J.D. 107
Masse, P. 106
Mathematical economics 106
Mathematical model-making 294
Maximum convolution 221
Maximum deviation 31
Maximum transform 218
Mayne, D.Q. 246
McClamroch, N.H. 222
McReynolds, S.R. 164
Merriano, V.W. 164
Method of moments 129
Miele, A. 107
Mine, H. 39
Minty, G.J. 245
Mischenko, E.F. 164
Mitten, L.G. 38
Moiseev, N.N. 66
Monavek, J. 245
Mond, B. 224
Monotone approximation 293
Moreau, J.J. 224 225
Morse, M. 106
Morton, R. 164
Moser, J. 136
Nemhauser, G.L. 66 67 246
Noether, E. 106
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