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Bellman R. — Introduction to the mathematical theory of control processes (Volume II: Nonlinear Processes) |
Предметный указатель |
Nonlinear analysis 136
Nonlinear Euler equations 126
Nonlinear partial differential equation 90 142
Nonlinear problems 9
Nonlinear summability 67
Nonlinearity 135
Olech, C. 107
On-line control 165 292
Optimal policy 15
Osaki, S. 39
Osborn, H. 164 287
Ostrowski, A. 68
Parallel processing 45
Pattern recognition 246
Pavlidis, T. 297
Pavlov, V.G. 164
Pawn — King endings 243
Pearson, J.D. 135 224
Pereyra, V. 180
Pertubation theory 165
Perturbation series 152
Perturbation technique 216 241
Pest control 297
Phillips, R. 166
Physiology 296
Poincare — Lyapunov theory 184
Policy function 142
Policy improvement method 245
Polygonal approximation 57
Pomraming, G.C. 224
Pontriagin's maximum principle 164
Pontrjagin, L. 164 296
Positivity 153
Potential equation 285
Power series expansions 151
Principle of macroscopic uncertainty 292
Principle of optimality 16 163
Problem 53
Problem solving 296
Projective metrics 39
Protter, M.H. 165
Puzzles 38
Quadratic case 72 205 255
Quadratic criteria 20 105 281
Quadrature 56 124 268
Quasi-reversibility 276
Quasilinearization 39 114 155 223
Radanopvic, L. 297
Radner, R. 245
Rail, L.B. 224
Random differential equation 276
Rapid access 44
Reduction of dimensionality 248 285 288
Regularization 34
Return function 90
Riccati differential equation 252
Riccati equation 38 146 222
Richards, D.L. 37
Richardson, J.M. 39 166
Rigler, A.K. 134
Rockafellar, R.T. 224 225
Rose, C.J. 66
Rosen, G. 105
Rosenbloom, P. 137
Roth, J.P. 246
Roth, R. 68
Routing problem 227
Rozonoer, L.I. 107 164
Ruylcigh — Ritz method 134
Sanchez, D.A. 105
Sannuti, P. 137 258
Scheduling Theory 247
Schiffer, M. 287
Schronhage, A. 68
Scriven, L.G. 166
Search 126
Search processes 61
Segmental differential approximation 68
Self-consistent convergence 176
Semi-discretization 132
Semi-groups 160 166
Sensitized functional 134
Sensory prosthesis 297
| Shampine, L.F. 135
Shapiro, J.R. 34 246
Shelley, M.W.II 9
Shortest path algorithm 245
Sims — Williams, J.H. 165
Slobodkin, L.B. 297
Slow access 44
Smith, F.J. 68
Sobalev, S.L. 67
Sobral, M. 135
Soloveva, E.N. 180
Solution 53
Spillers, W.R. 246
Stability 9 49 67
Stark, J.P. 34
State 37
State increment dynamic programming 246
state variables 2
Steepest descent 137
Stewart, D.V. 246
Stochastic control 31
Stochastic stability 276
Stoddart, A.W.J. 225
Stone, H. 68
Storage 109 235
storage requirements 43
Stratification 237
Strauch, R.E. 37
Sturm — Liouville problem 161
Subadditive functions 198
Suboptimization 137 168
Successive approximations 79 109 254
Sugie, J. 69
Sutton, W.G. 107
Swinnerton — Dyer, H.P.F. 200
system 2
Szego, G. 201
Tchamram, A. 164
Tearing 246
Terminal control 249 288
Timan, A.F. 33
Time lags 277
Tisza, L. 9
Todd, J. 67
Tomovic, R. 297
Travelling salesman 236 246
Truncation 270
Tung, F. 287
Turnpike models 34
Turnpike theorem 245
Two-point boundary-value problems 119 182
Tychonov regularization 122
Ullman, Z. 67
Unconventional difference approximations 150
Upper and lower bounds 202 229
Van de Panne, C. 67
van den Bogaard, P.J.M. 67
Vincent, T.L. 107
von Karman, T. 9
Wagner, H.M. 34
Wang, P.K.C. 287
Watt, K.E.F. 297
Wegner, P. 200
Westcott, J.H. 135
Whittle, P. 9 225
Wiberg, D.M. 287
Wiener, N. 297
Wilde, D.J. 66 69
Wilkins, J.R. 105
Wilson, A. 37
Wilson, R. 225
Windeknecht, T.G. 163
Wing, G.M. 165
Wishart, D.M.G. 9
Wong, P.J. 38 66
Wonham, W.M. 276
Wouk, A. 38 68 107
Yasinsky, J.B. 225
Young, H. 38
Young, L.C. 224
Zaborsky, J. 107
Zadeh, L. 9
Zwicky, F. 37
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