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Israelachvili J.N. — Intermolecular and surface forces
Israelachvili J.N. — Intermolecular and surface forces

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Название: Intermolecular and surface forces

Автор: Israelachvili J.N.


Describes the roles of various intermolecular and interparticle forces in determining the properties of simple systems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/Приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 1992

Количество страниц: 450

Добавлена в каталог: 11.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Double-layer interaction      223 241 401
Double-layer interaction at constant change      244—246 257
Double-layer interaction at constant potential      242—246
Double-layer interaction between bilayers and membranes      225—226 257 396 401
Double-layer interaction between planar surfaces      221—226 245—246 257
Double-layer interaction in thin films      229
Double-layer interaction, charge regulation in      230 244—246 401
Double-layer interaction, computed values for      245—246
Double-layer interaction, expressions for      242—244 257
Double-layer interaction, measurement      225—226 250—253 257 274 397 401
Double-layer interaction, theory      223—225 241—242
Double-layer, effect on surface energy      258
Double-layer, thickness of      238
Droplet, surface energy of      317—318 336
Droplet, water      319
Dupre equation      314
Effective area of interaction      143 159 175
Elasticity of membranes      308—309 382—385
Elasticity of surface      175
Electric Dipole      see “Dipole”
Electric double-layer      see “Double-layer”
Electric field of charge      33—35
Electric field of dipole      74
Electric field, image      72 180
Electric field, near a surface      34—35 47 217—220 239
Electric field, reflected      72
Electric field, screened      37 199
Electric field, strength      33—35 217—218
Electric potential      21 34—35
Electric potential at surface      220
Electrolyte, asymmetrical      239
Electrolyte, symmetrical      239
Electromagnetic force      3—5 11
Electroneutrality      34 217 222
Electronic polarizability      67—70 74
Electrostatic energy      37 43—44
Electrostatic interaction      11 27 223 421
Electrostatic interaction between ions in solution      221—223
Electrostatic interaction between surfaces in water      221—226
Electrostatic interaction, range      36—37
Electrostatic potential      see “Electric potential”
Energy of bonds      19 32
Energy, adhesion      see “Work of adhesion”
Energy, Born      37—38 42—44 63—64
Energy, crystal lattice      36 46
Energy, dissipation in adhesion      323 329
Energy, self      18 103—105
Energy, surface      see “Surface energy”
Energy, thermal      24—27
Engulfing      147—148 183
Entropic effects      63—64
Entropic effects in interactions      129 259 421
Entropic interactions      223 265 282 288 302—304 405—408
entropy      20 63
Entropy of association      133
Entropy of confinement      20
Entropy of dilution      20
Entropy of mixing      20
Entropy, configurational      20
Entropy, effects      63—64
Entropy, excluded volume      23—24
Entropy, role in interactions      63—64 129 259 421
Equation of state, two dimensional      29 65—66 91
Equation of state, Van der Waals      8 23—24 90—91 112 368
Equation, Boltzmann distribution      20—22
Equation, Casimir — Polder      108
Equation, Clausius — Mossotti      79 82 102 123
Equation, Coulomb law      32—39
Equation, Debye — Hueckel      239
Equation, Debye — Langevin      70 79 82 97 123
Equation, Derjaguin approximation      161—164
Equation, Dupre      314
Equation, Gibbs — Helmholtz      62
Equation, Grahame      234
Equation, Guoy — Chapman      239
Equation, Kelvin      331
Equation, Langmuir      229
Equation, Laplace      195 331
Equation, Lennard-Jones potential      9 14 44 46 175
Equation, Lifshitz      181 197
Equation, London      85 88 99 101 104 108 113—114
Equation, Lorentz — Lorentz      79 102
Equation, McLachlan      96
Equation, Mie potential      8
Equation, Nernst      21
Equation, Poisson      215
Equation, Poisson — Boltzmann      215 219 222
Equation, Schroedinger      11
Equation, Young      150 321
Equation, Young — Dupre      150 321
Equilibrium      20—21 153
Excess polarizability      77 99 181
exchange interaction      29 109
Exchange rate of lipids      346 375—377
Exchange rate of water      55—56
Excluded area      91
Excluded volume      23—24 90—93
Falling bodies      13
Fermi length      205
Field      see “Electric field”
Field of charge      33—36
Field of dipole      74
film      see “Adsorbed film”
First-hydration shell      61
Flip-flop      376 377
Flocculation      see “Coagulation”
Flock, particle density in      120
Flory radius      289
Fluctuation forces      276 288 304 405—408
Fluidity      387
Fluidity of hydrocarbon chains      404
Fluidity of micelles      383
Fluidity of vesicles      383
Fluidity, effect on forces      404
force      see “Interaction” “Intermolecular
Force in relation to energy      161—164
Force measuring techniques      165—174
Force measuring techniques, atomic force microscopy (AFM)      14—15 173
Force measuring techniques, compression (pressure) cell      168
Force measuring techniques, direct methods      14—15 168—169
Force measuring techniques, dynamic interactions      172
Force measuring techniques, indirect methods      165
Force measuring techniques, mica" experiments      169—173
Force measuring techniques, osmotic pressure (OP)      168 226
Force measuring techniques, surface forces apparatus (SFA)      15 169—172
Force measuring techniques, total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM)      172—173
Force, definition      5—6
Force, interdependence of different types      155 412
Force, range      5—8 11—12 152—154
Forces, measurements of      14—15 165—174
Forces, measurements of, adhesion      14—15 166—168 172 397
Forces, measurements of, capillary      172
Forces, measurements of, colloidal      167 172—175
Forces, measurements of, DLVO      172 250—253 397
Forces, measurements of, double-layer      250—253 397 401
Forces, measurements of, entropic      172 407
Forces, measurements of, fluctuation      407
Forces, measurements of, hydration      172 275—282 401 407
Forces, measurements of, hydrophobic      282—286 409
Forces, measurements of, ion-correlation      172 397
Forces, measurements of, osmotic      407
Forces, measurements of, undulation      403 407
Forces, measurements of, van der Waals      114 169 172 197
Fusion      416—419
Fusion of bilayers      409
Fusion of biological membranes      416—419
Fusion of vesicles      415
Fusion, mechanism      418
Fusion, pathways      418
Gas, equations of state      8 23—24 90—91 112 368
Gas, PVT data      8 23—24
Gas-liquid transition      23—26 29
Gauss’ law      35
Geometry of amphiphiles, effect on micellar structure      370 381
Geometry of molecules, effect on interaction potentials      117—119 270—272
Geometry of molecules, effect on melting and boiling points      115—116
Geometry of particles, effect on forces      159
Gibbs — Helmholtz equation      62
Glass surface      see “Silica surface”
Grahame equation      234
Grain boundaries      93
Gravitational force      3—7 13—14 21 145 152 192—194 209
Guoy — Chapman equation      239
Guoy — Chapman theory      239
Hamaker constant      176—180 189 192 212 267 395
Hamaker constant for metals      185 204—206
Hamaker constant for polymers      196
Hamaker constant, based on addivity      178 188 202—203
Hamaker constant, based on Lifshitz theory      184—188 192 197
Hamaker constant, effect of medium      188—192 396
Hamaker constant, expressions for      183—185 188 200 203—204 396
Hamaker constant, measurement      186—187 190—191 197 396
Hamaker constant, negative      190—196
Hamaker constant, nonretarded      181—182 186—187 190—191 197
Hamaker constant, retardation of      196—198 208
Hamaker constant, screening of      199 396
Hamaker constant, values      178 186—191 396
Hard core repulsion      109—114
Head-groups of amphiphiles      342—343
Head-groups, area of      367—369 380 412
Head-groups, forces between      311 369 382 405—407 420
Helium films      192—194
Hellman — Feynman theorem      11
Helmholtz layer      214 222
Hertz theory      328
History of intermolecular forces      3—13
Hydrated ions      55 65 121
Hydrated radius      55 121
Hydrated sizes of ions      42 55 121
Hydration force      56 57 121 226—227 230 256 261 276—281 403
Hydration force between bilayers and membranes      225—226 276 399—402
Hydration force between colloidal particles      275—282
Hydration force in clays      276 279
Hydration force, addivity of      281
Hydration force, attractive      282
Hydration force, intrinsic      401
Hydration force, limitation of      402—405
Hydration force, measurements      276—279 401
Hydration force, origin of      281—282 285—286
Hydration force, regulation of      279—281 400—401
Hydration force, repulsive      275—279
Hydration force, theoretical aspects      281—282 285—286 402
Hydration of ions      42—44 54—57 61 121 281
Hydration of ions, computer simulations      121 281
Hydration of ions, number      55
Hydration of ions, shell      55—57
Hydrocarbon-water interface      22—23 131—133 316
Hydrocarbons, cohesive energy      88—89
Hydrocarbons, melting and boiling points      115—116
Hydrocarbons, solubility      22—23 129—133
Hydrogen bond      59 60 116 122—125 128 132 135 142
Hydrogen bond in water      59—60 286
Hydrogen bond, directionality      124—128
Hydrogen bond, examples      124 128
Hydrogen bond, models of      126
Hydrogen bond, origin      59—60
Hydrogen bond, properties      125—128
Hydrogen bond, strength      125 128
Hydrogen bond, structure      286
Hydrogen-bonding liquids      59—60 125—127
Hydronium ion      56
Hydrophiolic      54 133
Hydrophiolic, group      133 136
Hydrophiolic, interaction      133 135
Hydrophiolic, surface      133—134 276
Hydrophobic force      131—133 196 282—286 398
Hydrophobic force between bilayers      408—409
Hydrophobic force, entropic contribution to      133
Hydrophobic force, examples of      284
Hydrophobic force, measurements      282—286 409
Hydrophobic force, origins      284
Hydrophobic, bond      132
Hydrophobic, effect      96 103 128—131 283
Hydrophobic, energy      131 354
Hydrophobic, group      129 133—136 282—283
Hydrophobic, interaction      96 103 132—133 136 282—286 367 408—409
Hydrophobic, solvation      129
Hydrophobic, surface      133—134 282 320 409
Hydrophobicity      22—23 122 128—133 283
Hygroscopic group      see “Hydrophilic group”
Hysteresis in adhesion      322 323 329
Hysteresis in contact angle      322
Hysteresis in DLVO forces      303
Hysteresis in polymer forces      297
Ice, dielectric constant      82 123
Ice, hydrogen-bonds in      124
Ice, lattice      124
Ice, properties      82 122—123
Ice, proton mobility in      123
Ideal gas      8
Ideal mixing      20—22
Image, charge      180—181
Image, electrostatic      180
Image, field      72 180
Image, force      180—181 256
Immiscibility      22—23 96 102—103 129—131 196
Immiscibility of polymers      142
Incommensurate surfaces      205—206
induced dipole      67 70 84
Induced dipole, force      75 84
Induced dipole, moment      67—73
Induction force      75—76 94 107
Instabilities      14—15 46 175 210
Interaction      see “Force” “Intermolecular
Interaction of polar molecules      57—58 93—95
Interaction, area of      143
Interaction, classification      11—12 27—29
Interaction, definition      12
Interaction, effect of particle geometry      155—163
Interaction, range of      5—8 11—12
Interaction, relative strengths of      76 94—95
Interdependence of forces      155 412
Interface, liquid-liquid      22—23 313 321 324
Interface, liquid-vapour      313
Interface, solid-liquid      92 313 321 324
Interface, solid-solid      93
Interfacial energy (tension)      22—23 65 131 144—145 267 313—315 350 367
Interfacial energy (tension), effect of micelles      365
Interfacial energy (tension), values for      315
Interfacial tension      131 314
Intermolecular pair potential      5 11 16—19 28 112—115 121 118—119 139 154 266
Intermolecular pair potential in liquid      16—19 118—119 121 154 266 276 284 405—407
Intermolecular pair potential, angle-averaged      60 66 74
Intermolecular pair potential, exponential      112
Intermolecular pair potential, Lennard-Jones      9 14 113—114
Intermolecular pair potential, Mie      8
Intermolecular pair potential, power law      112
Intermolecular pair potential, summation of      6 203
Interparticle potentials      154 161—164 177 405
Interparticle potentials, attractive hydrophobic      284
Interparticle potentials, cylinders      163—165 174 177 337
Interparticle potentials, effect of particle geometry      155 161 165 177
Interparticle potentials, fluctuation      405—407
Interparticle potentials, oscillatory      266
Interparticle potentials, repulsive hydration      276
Interparticle potentials, sphere-sphere      157—159 161—164 177 242—244 257
Interparticle potentials, sphere-surface      157—158 161—164 177 242—244 257
Inverted micellar structures      379 392 420
Ion hydration      37 42—44 54—57 61 281 400—401
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