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Berlekamp E., Wolfe D. — Mathematical Go: Chilling Gets the Last Point |
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Предметный указатель |
Invasion 197
Invasion of big eye 155
Inverses: chilling and warming 55
Ish (infinitesimally shifted) 69 212
Ishi Pres 7
Japanese confirmation phase 152
Japanese ko-scoring, mathematical approximation 151
Japanese official rules 163—168 207
Japanese rules 116 123—125 128
Japanese territory 121
Kato Masao 9-dan 162
Kent, David xiii
Key central point of big eye 155
Kierulf, Anders 3
Kiga Yasuo xiii
Kim, Yonghoan xiii
Knowledge bases 3
Knuth, Donald E. 49
ko: (k) 53 70 106 129 130 212
ko: (k), active 119
ko: (k), chilled: (k) 70
ko: (k), Conway ko playing 149
ko: (k), eternal live 120
ko: (k), fight 131
ko: (k), hung outcomes rules 121
ko: (k), ko playing rules 117 121 132
ko: (k), kofight 131
ko: (k), kothreat 131
ko: (k), large or complex kos 107
ko: (k), one-point 106
ko: (k), scoring active 121
ko: (k), scoring unresolved 121
ko: (k), scoring, mathematical approximation to Japanese 151
ko: (k), suicidal Taiwanese kothreat 119
ko: (k), threat 131
ko: (k), triple ko 120
ko: (k), unresolved 119
Komatsu Hideki 8-dan 162
Komi 117 139 212
Komi, Chinese 151
Komi, half-integer 128 145
Komi, mathematized half-integer 145
Konane xiii
Kudo Norio 9-dan 116 157
Kyu 212
Laird, Roy 164
Landman, Howard 107
Large kos 107
Last move xi 5 127
Last move, midgame 108
Last move, opening 108
Learning theory 3
Leaves of tree 93
Left 45 57 212
Left stop 49
Lengthy encores 124
Less-equals 212
Liberty 129 130 136 213
Liberty, affect score 162
Lichtenstein, David 109
Life 213
Life and death 107
Life, eye space 156 213
Life, independent 115 137 156
Life, Japanese 150
Life, Japanese, official 164
Life, stone removal 148
Line of four or more 156
Linearity 51 52 107
Linearity, configuration 135
Liu Zhongfu 132
Live see "Life"
Local supplier 101
Lookahead 133
Loopy games 117 121 150
Lose 150
Mapping 106 213
mapping, one-to-one 106 214
Marked and chilled value 71
Markings 10 17 18 57 58 65 213
Markings, socket 81
Mate phase 94 101
Mathematical rules 115 123—125 128
Mathematical rules, advantages of 140
Mathematical rules, ancient 140
Mathematical rules, half-integer komi 145
Maxim, bent four in a corner 160
Maxim, definition 155
Maxim, sacrifice 155
Mean 51
Mean, mean value theorem xi
Mean, values xiv
Miai 12 14 26 213
Milnor, John xi
Miny: 22—25 50 193
Miny: , 23
Modern Chinese rules 116
Modern non-Japanese rules 124 125 128
Moews, David xiii 68 110
Monochromatic 136
Monochromatic, defective configuration 156
Morris, Lockwood 109
Mortal walls 108
Moulton, David xiii 102
Move, first 117 138 141
Mueller, Martin xiii
Multiple invaders 109
Multiple invasions 26—29
Multiple sockets 93—102
Murakami Akira 116 157
Nakayama Noriyuki 6-dan 7 135
Negative 38 57 213
Negative integers 193
Negative of a game 46
Net score 138
New Zealand rules 123
Nievergelt, Jurg xiii
Nihon Ki'in xiii
Nihon Ki'in, Official Japanese Rules 163—168 207
NIM xi
No result 122
North American rules 116 123 137
Norton multiply 52 213
Norton, Simon P. 52
NP-hardness 109
Number Avoidance Theorem 48
Numbers xi 9—12 48 193 213
O Meien 9-dan 116 157
Odd 213
Odd position 52
Odd seki 55 141 142 214
Official Japanese rules 164 165 207
Ohira Shuzo 9-dan 162
One-point ko 106
One-point score adjustments 142
One-to-one mapping 106 214
Opening big plays 108
Opening rude first move 123
Order preserving 51 52
Ordered outcomes 150
Ordered rulesets 124
Outcomes 132
Outcomes, order of 150
Overheating: 9 13 52 214
Pair of eyes 156 214
Pair off games (miai) 26
Parallel strings 135
Parity 52 141 214
Parrott, Stephen xiii
| Partial board problem, outcome of 150
Partial order of incentives 69
Partisan games xi
Pass, greedy restriction 129 132
Pass, premature 123
Pass, resumption of play 123
Pass, rule 117 132 140
Pattern recognition 3
Patterson, Nick xiii
Pemantle, Robin xii
Perpetual check 122
Planning 3
players 57
Playing on infinitesimals 68
Playing the chilled game 14 17 58
Popular rulesets 115
Popular seki 158
Position, surprisingly complicated 104
Positive 57 214
Positive, infinitesimal 96
Positive, integers 193
Premature pass 123
Prisoners 130
Private eye 214
Private eye in seki 119
probability 106
Profit 100
Profitable 101
Programs, computer 1—3 105
Promotion to immortality 149
Protocol 122
Proving equality of games 79
PSPACE-hard 109
Purported incentives: and 79 214
Randomness 106
rankings see "Dan"
Rankings in glossary 209
rational 215
Reading 133
Realistic example 100
Region, targeted 155
Repeated positions see "Ko"
Resignation, canonical 141
Resumption of play after pass (resumption phase) 123
Reversible 215
Reversible move 166
Reversible options 40 41 48
Reversing colors 38
Right 45 57 215
Right stop 49
Robson, J.M. 109
Robustness 64 88
rooms 70—79 202—206
Rooms, bordering edge of board 109
Rooms, hot 204
Rooms, infinitesimal 203
Rooms, rogue 77—78
Root of tree 93 94
Rounding 10—12 18 19
Rude opening move 123
Rude pass 123
Rules, top down 113—125
RuleSets 117 215
Rulesets, ancient 110 123 125 128 131
Rulesets, ancient, American 139
Rulesets, ancient, Chinese 139
Rulesets, ancient, greedy 124 125 128 132
Rulesets, Chinese 115 110
Rulesets, Chinese, modern 116
Rulesets, complex scoring 124 125
Rulesets, cultural relevance 132
Rulesets, greedy ancient 124 125 128 132
Rulesets, Ikeda Toshio 163 164
Rulesets, Ing 116
Rulesets, Japanese 116 123—125 128
Rulesets, Japanese, official 163—168
Rulesets, lengthy encores 124
Rulesets, mathematical 115 123—125 12
Rulesets, mathematical, advantages of 140
Rulesets, mathematical, ancient 140
Rulesets, New Zealand 123
Rulesets, Nihon Ki'in 163—168
Rulesets, non-Japanese, modern 124 125 128
Rulesets, North American 116 123 137
Rulesets, not considered in this book 132
Rulesets, ordered 124
Rulesets, popular 115
Rulesets, Sikkim 132
Rulesets, Taiwan 116
Rulesets, Tibet 132
Rulesets, trivial scoring 124
Rulesets, Universalist 116
s (shortest unblocked corridor) 26 81
Sacrifice, maxim 155
Sacrifice, shapes 154
Sakai Takeshi 9-dan 162
Saturated b-value 94
Score phase 96
Scoring 140
Scoring, active ko 121
Scoring, affected by liberties 162
Scoring, complex scoring rules 125
Scoring, net 138
Scoring, one-point adjustments 142
Scoring, philosophy 118 132 138
Scoring, unresolved ko 121
Second: 72 193
Seki 53 108 115 136 137 215
Seki, bichromatic linear 135
Seki, dame in seki 119
Seki, false eyes in seki 119
Seki, hane-seki 158
Seki, odd 141 142 214
Seki, official Japanese 168
Seki, popular 158
Seki, private eyes in seki 119
Seki, two groups with no eyes 113
Seki, two one-eyed groups 113
Semeai 108 215
Semi-rule (maxim) 155
Semi-terminal position 157—163
Sente 1—2 14 215
Severed socket 96
Severed subtree 94
Shape, bent four in a corner 158—163
Shape, bent four in a corner, maxim 160
Shape, defective 154
Shape, four (or more) in a line 156
Shape, sacrifice 154
Shape, traditional basic shapes 152
Shortest unblocked corridor 26 81
Shotwell, Peter 132
Sikkim rules 132
Simplest number 49 216
Simplifying games 40
Single eye 153 155
Sipser, Michael 109
Size of board 117
Smith, Cedric xi
Snapback 129 130 156 216
Socket 81 152 197 216
Socket, adjustment 82
Socket, environments 82
Socket, marking 81
Socket, mated 94
Socket, severed 96
Socket, socket depth 197
Socket, tree of sockets 93
Socket, unmated 94
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