Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Huang K. — Statistical Mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Tsui, D.C 263
Two-fluid model 311
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 65 203 220 224 227 319
Universality 397 425
Universality class 397 451
Van Alphen, P.M. 260
Van der Waals equation of state: as mean-field theory 426
Van der Waals equation of state: derivation from virial expansion 169
Van der Waals equation of state: heuristic derivation 38
Van Hove's theorem 22
Van Hove, L. 191
Van Kampen, N.G. 191
Van Leeuwen's theorem 168 253 258
Van Leeuwen, J.M.J. 446
vapor pressure 31
Variational principle: Gibbs 228
Variational principle: Peierls 229
Velocity of sound 103
Velocity potential 118
Vinen, W.F. 323
Virial coefficient 219
Virial expansion 219
Virial theorem 137
| Viscocity 108
Vortex ring, properties of 324
Vortex: in liquid helium 323
Vortex: magnetic 258
Vorticity, quantization of 323
Wagner, H. 410
Wall, adiabatic 4
Wannier, G.H. 362 365
Weiss field 364
Weiss, P. 413
Weisskopf, V.F. 233
Weldon, H.A. 294
White dwarf 247
Wilcox, R.M. 204
Williams, E.J. 353
Wilson, K.G. 458
Work 4
Wu, T.T. 332
XYmodel 422
Yang and Lee, theorems of 208
Yang, C.N. 206 231 233 240 296 329 391
Yarnell, J.C. 310
Yoshizawa, H. 411
Реклама |