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Huang K. — Statistical Mechanics |
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Ideal Bose gas: thermodynamic functions 292
Ideal Fermi gas: equation of state 241
Ideal Fermi gas: high temperature limit 243
Ideal Fermi gas: low-temperature limit 244
Ideal gas 4
Ideal gas in microcanonical ensemble 140
Impact parameter 58
Imperfect gas: classical 168
Imperfect gas: quantum 230
Imry, Y. 410
Infinite-range model 439
Intensive quantity 4
Internal energy 7
Inverse collision 58
Irreversibility 19
Ising model: comparison with Heisenberg model 239
Ising model: defined 341
Ising model: duality of two-dimensional 365
Ising model: exact solution, two-dimensional 368
Ising model: in Landau form 421
Ising model: one-dimensional 361
Ising model: spontaneous magnetization 391
Ising model: two-dimensional 368
Ising model: variational treatment 239
Ising, E. 341
Isotherm 4
Isothermal compressibility 153
Jaffe,A. 206
Johnson, Samuel 154
Kadanoff, L.P. 441
Kahn, B. 220
Kamerlingh Onnes, H. 311
Kaufmann, B. 378 385
Kellers, C.F. 309
Kelvin scale of temperature 6 14
Kelvin statement 9
Kerr, E.C. 310
Kirkwood,J.G. 307
Kittel.C 409
Klein, A. 326 328
Kleppner, D. 329
Klitzing, K.V. 263
Kogut, J. 458
Kouvel,J.S. 413
Kramers, H.A. 362 365
Kramers, H.C 302
L-cluster 215
Lagrange multiplier 82
Lamb, H. 323
Lamb, W.E. 290
Lambda transition 309
Landau energy levels 255
Landau free energy 417
Landau — Wilson model: critical exponents 464
Landau — Wilson model: defined 458
Landau — Wilson model: three steps in RG transformation 458
Landau, L.D. 58 253 315 408 413
Larsson, K.E. 310
Latent heat 35
Lattice gas 344
Laughlin, R.B. 263 266
Law of corresponding states 41
Law of rectilinear diameter 399
Lee, T.D. 206 329
Lifshitz,E.M. 58 408
Linked cluster theorem 218
Liouville's theorem: classical 64
Liouville's theorem: quantum mechanical 175
Liquid helium: atomic volume 314
Liquid helium: coating of container wall 338
Liquid helium: condensate fraction 314
Liquid helium: excitation spectrum 311
Liquid helium: interatomic distance 314
Liquid helium: mixture of isotopes 432
Liquid helium: superfluid fraction 313
Liquid structure factor 327
London, F. 286 303
Long-range order 352
Longitudinal sum rules 327 484
Low, F.E. 86
Luttinger, J.M. 260 296
Ma, S.K. 410
magnetization 393
Magnetization, spontaneous 300 342 348 393
Magnetization, staggered 349
Magnetization, two-dimensional Ising model 391
Main sequence 247
Majority rule 442
Master equation 190
Material derivative 102
Maxwell construction: in mean-field theory 427
Maxwell construction: in statistical mechanics 163
Maxwell construction: in thermodynamics 41
Maxwell relations 23
Maxwell relations for chemical potential 154
Maxwell relations, diagram of 25
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 75
Maxwell, J.C 58 110
Mayer, J.E. 213 220
Mayer, M.G. 213 220
Mean free path 93
Mean square fluctation 83 129
Mean square fluctation in quantum statistics 191
Mean-field approximation: for ferromagnet 239
Mean-field approximation: from Gibbs variational principle 239
Mean-field approximation: general formulation 422
Mechanocaloric effect 312
Meissner effect 406
Mermin,N.D. 410
Microcanonical ensemble: and thermodynamics 136
Microcanonical ensemble: defined 130
Migdal — Kadanoff approximation 465
Miller, A. 327
Momentum space 452
Morrison, P. 249
Most probable value 129
Mu space 53
N-sphere: surface of 457
N-sphere: volume of 139
Navier — Stokes equation 113
Niemeijer, Th. 446
Nordsieck, A. 290
Normal fluid 311
Normal fluid, microscopic description of 316
Nozierres, P. 327
Occupation number 187
Onsager,L. 299 313 378
Optical approximation 295
Order parameter: defined 392
Order parameter: examples of 394
Order parameter: superfluid 300 314
Ornstein — Zernike form 395 425 436
Osmotic pressure 43
Otnes, K. 310
Pais, A. 227
Palevsky, H. 310
Paramagnetism 267
Paramagnetism, the Langevin theory of 168
Parameters, thermodynamic 3
Parisi, G. 411
Partition function 144 177
Patachinskii, A.Z. 398
Pauli exclusion principle 244
Pauli, W. 190 267 469
Peierls, R. 229 260 349
Penrose, O. 299 313
Pepper, M. 263
Periodic boundary condition 470 474
Phase shift, scattering 226
| Phase space 62
Phase transition: first order 31 210
Phase transition: first order in Landau theory 439
Phase transition: mean-field theory 422
Phase transition: second order 35 50 210
Phase transition: singularity of partition and 206
Phase transition: theory of Yang and Lee 208
Phonon 283
Phonon in liquid helium 310
Phonon in liquid helium, wave function for 325
Photon 279
Pines, D. 327
Planck's constant 180
Poincare cycle 90
Poincare's theorem 90
Pokrovskii, V.L. 398
Pressure tensor 98 107 115
Pseudopotential 231 329
Quantized field: defined 477
Quantized field: equivalence to N-body system 480
Quasi-chemical method 358
Ramsey, N. 142
Random phase, postulate of 173
Randomness: annealed 410
Randomness: quenched 410
Rayfield, G.W. 323
Recurrence paradox 90
Red giant 247
Reif, F. 323
Renormalization 452
Renormalization group: equations 460
Renormalization group: in Gaussian model 455
Renormalization group: in Ising model, general 446
Renormalization group: in Ising model, one-dimensional 443
Renormalization group: in Landau — Wilson model 458
Renormalization group: momentum-space transformation 454
Renormalization group: real-space transformation 446
Renormalization of partition function 457
Renormalization point 439
Reppy, J.D. 329
Representative point 63
Reservoir see Heat reservoir
Resonance: equivalence to particle 228
Resonance: scattering 227
Reversal paradox 90
Reynolds number 122
Robinson, J.E. 286
Rotation, spin representative of 375
Roton 310
Ruelle, D. 206
Sackur — Tetrode equation 141 184
Saddle-point integration 193
Scale invariance 403
Scaling field: defined 403
Scaling field: irrelevant 403 450
Scaling field: marginal 403 450
Scaling field: relevant 403 450
Scaling form 401
Scaling form, Widom's 403
Scaling hypothesis 400
Scaling laws 397
Scattering angle 58
Scattering length 235
Schiff, L.I. 72
Second law of thermodynamics: in kinetic theory 79
Second law of thermodynamics: in statistical mechanics 134
Second law of thermodynamics: stated 9
Second sound 312
Second virial coefficient 169
Second virial coefficient, nitrogen 170
Second virial coefficient, quantum mechanical 225
Shape-independent approximation 235 295
Shapira, Y. 411
Shirane, G. 349 411
Short-range order 352
Slater, J.C 307
Slipping coefficient 111
Smith, E.N. 329
Sourlas, N. 411
Specific heat 4
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 300 348 406
State, thermodynamic 3
Statistical mechanics, foundations of 190
Statistics: Boltzmann 183
Statistics: Bose 183 469
Statistics: connection with spin 469
Statistics: Fermi 183 469
Stefan's constant 281
Stegun, I.A. 243
Stirling's approximation 82
Stoichiometric coefficient 156
Stokes' Law 49 121
Stora, R. 329
Stormer, H.L. 263
Streaming term 68
streamline 102
Super selection rule 407
Supercooling 36
Superfluid: coordinates 321
Superfluid: in two-fluid model 311
Superfluid: incompressible flow 323
Superfluid: microscopic description 316
Superfluid: phase-number uncertainty relation 321
Superfluid: velocity 317
Superfluidity, definition of 319
Surface tension 36
Susceptibility, magnetic 393
Swift, Johnathan 404
T matrix 58
T matrix, symmetry properties of 59
TdS equations 21
Temperature: absolute 13
Temperature: ideal gas 4
Temperature: in canonical ensemble 144
Temperature: local 99
Temperature: microcanonical ensemble 133
Temperature: negative 142
ter Haar, D. 416
Theorem: Baker — Campbell — Hausdorff 154
Theorem: Boltzmann's H 74
Theorem: Carnot's 12
Theorem: circle 210 212
Theorem: Clausius' 14
Theorem: conservation 97 99
Theorem: convex function 230
Theorem: equipartition 137 138
Theorem: Liouville's, classical 64
Theorem: of Yang and Lee 208
Theorem: on Gibbs potential 24
Theorem: on Helmholtz free energy 23
Theorem: Poincare's 90
Theorem: quantized field and N-body system 480
Theorem: van Hove's 22
Theorem: van Leeuwen's 168 253 258
Theorem: virial 137
thermal conductivity 107
Thermal expansion, coefficient of 21
Thermal wavelength 184
Thermodynamic limit 206 207
Third law of thermodynamics 25 178 185 246 286
Tisza, L. 311
Transfer matrix 363 370 444
Transformation: block-spin 441
Transformation: cyclic 10
Transformation: quasistatic 4 135
Transformation: renormalization group 448
Transformation: reversible 4
Transformation: thermodynamic 4
Transition matrix see T matrix
Tricritical point 430
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