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Hoddeson L., Daitch V. — True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen
Hoddeson L., Daitch V. — True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen

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Íàçâàíèå: True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen

Àâòîðû: Hoddeson L., Daitch V.


The fact that he won an unprecedented two Nobel prizes in physics (in 1956 and 1972) may be the only extraordinary thing about John Bardeen. He grew up in a middle-class home in Wisconsin with his doctor father, interior designer mother and four siblings. He apparently worked hard, cared deeply about his family, loved sports, was, by all accounts, a gracious and likable colleague and devoted himself to his graduate students. He was also tenacious in pursuit of answers to complex problems in his discipline. Working with William Shockley and Walter Brattain, Bardeen developed the world's first transistor in 1947 and, ten years later, with J. Robert Schrieffer and Leon Cooper, he created a theory of superconductivity. Hoddeson (Crystal Fire) and Daitch attempt a portrait of this unassuming Midwesterner, but offer little more than a rough sketch. As they write in their preface, "We are painfully aware that this book merely scratches the surface of its subject." Little insight is offered beyond descriptions of Bardeen's friends, co-workers and activities. The authors attempt to provide a conceptual framework by examining "the meaning of true scientific genius," but this is largely done in a superficial, 17-page epilogue. Bardeen deserves more public recognition than he received during his life; this book may help in some measure, but it won't bring readers any closer to the man himself.
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.09.2005

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Jones, Harry      55 69
Josephson effect      222—223 226—227 287
Josephson junctions      227
Josephson, Brian      222—226 230
Kabel, Myron      237
Kadanoff, Leo      221 276
Kapitza thermal boundary resistance      184
Kapitza, Peter      276
Keck, Charles      237
Keldysh, Leonid      276
Kelly, Mervin J.      73 111 125 143—144 150 157 160 162 245—246
Kemble, Edwin C.      32 73 77
Kennedy, John F.      219 254 256 257 263
Kerst, Donald      170
Ketchum, Milo      170
Keyworth, George      267—270
Khalatnikov, Isaac M.      184 276
Kikuchi, Makoto      174 180 251 252 310 pl.
Killian, James      254—255
Kirkendal effect      152
Kirzhnits, D.A.      218
Kistiakowsky, George      255 256 258
Kittel, Charles      104 128—129 152 230
Kittel, Muriel      128—129 152
Klein, Miles      306
Klose, Wolfgang      226
Knipping, Paul      59
Koehler, James      172
Kohn, Walter      77 153
Kondo, Jun      195
Kronig, Ralph      79
Kruger, Gerald      170
Kuemmel, Reiner      187
Kuhn, Thomas S.      156 315
La Follette, Robert M.      10
LaCoste — Romberg gravity meter      105
Lamb, Frederick      222 292
Landau Institute      221 417
Landau, Lev      4 77 79 202—203 276
Langer, Rudolph      37
Langevin, Paul      47
Langley, Pat      326
Lanning, Emmy      162—163 207
Lark-Horowitz, Karl      123 145—146
Lazarus, David      172 183 205 218 239 270 300
League of Women Voters      272
Lederman, Leon      323
Lee, David      218 231
Lee, Patrick      287
Lee, Tsung-Dao      192—193
Leggett, Anthony      218 222
Lend-Lease program      101
Lennard-Jones, John E.      55
Leonard, Nelson      242
Letaw, Harry, Jr.      177
Leurgans, Paul J.      185
Lifshitz, E.M.      276
Light, properties of      33
Lilienfeld, Julius E.      144 157
Lillie, Tonya      304—305
Lippencott, Rev. Dr.      85
Lithium      75
Little Fifer’s War Diary, A      22
Logic of Modern Physics (Bridgman)      75
Lomonosov Award      277
London theory      79—80 97 98 129—130 154—155 190 193 194 197—198 201 216
London, Edith      279
London, Fritz      79—80 190 194 197—198 279 286
London, Heinz      79—80 129 130
Loomis, F. Wheeler      158 170 171 173 204 220
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon      92
Los Alamos National Laboratory      111 123 155 159
Low, Francis      192—193 195
Low-temperature physics      193
Lower dimensional materials      228
Lundquist, Stig      233
Luttinger, Joaquim      77
Lyding, Joseph      291—292 296—298
Madison Central High School      29
Magnetic mines      104—107
Magnetic prospecting      39—40 45—46
Magnetic signatures of ships      105
Magnetism experiments      130
Manhattan project      108 143 192 322
Mansfield, Mike      258
Many-body theory and problems      63 76—77 92 191—192 195—197 200 203 210 217—218 220—221 223 287
Mapother, Dillon      172
Marcus, Paul      155
Marlowe, Don      113
Marmor, Alfred      260
Martin, Paul      225
Massachusetts Institute of Technology      55 62—64 70—72 77 111 155 194 255 262
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Radiation Laboratory      123 155 171
Matare, Herbert      146
Mathematical Theory of Relativity (Eddington)      68—69
Mathematics in Daily Use (Hart)      29
Mathews, Wesley N., Jr.      186
Matsukawa, H.      294
Mattis, Daniel Charles      183 185
Maurer, Robert      172
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics      60
Maxwell, Betty      85 89 103
Maxwell, Elizabeth ("Bess") Patterson      43 85 89 95—96 99 103 376
Maxwell, Emanuel      155
Maxwell, J.R.      85 88 97 103
Maxwell, Jane      see “Bardeen Jane”
Maxwell, Jim      85 109 233
Maxwell, Sam      85
Maxwell, Sue      85 91
Maxwell’s equations      80 216 229
Mayer, Maria Goeppert      75
Mayhew, Katherine      13
McCarthy, Joseph      152
McCollom, Dannel      283
McColough, Peter      249—250
McCristal, King      237
McDonald, Donald G.      222 225
McMillan, Joyce      290
McMillan, William L.      154 184 186—188 222 235 238 290—291
Medal of Freedom      282
Meissner effect      80 98 190—191 198—199 201 212 216
Meissner, Hans      224
Meissner, Walther      80 98
Mellon Institute      39
Mellon, Andrew W.      38
Mellon, Richard B.      38
Mellon, William L.      38—39
Mendelssohn, Kurt      155
Menlo Park      120—121
Meritorious Civilian Service Award      114
Microchip      3
Microwave measurement techniques      129—130
Midwest Electronics Research Center      252
Migdal, Arkady      77 218
Miller, Arthur I.      324 326
Miller, John      199 239 288 295 298 300
Miller, Piotr B.      185
Millikan, Robert      73
Minimum-energy state      79 92 195
Missman, Rolland A., Jr.      186
Modern Theory of Solids (Seitz)      70
Molecular beam experiments      51
Momentum space      201 203 211
Monceau, Pierre      286
Monte Carlo methods      187
Montgomery, Scott      13
Moore, Gordon      163
Moore, Hilbert      111
Morgan, Stanley      159
Morgan, Thomas Nolan      185
Morison, Samuel Eliot      64
Morita, Akio      174
Morris, Mary      26
Morrison, S. Roy      177
Morse, Philip      45
Morse, R.W.      214
Morton, Jack      206
Mott, Nevill      55 69 75 92 119 123 126—127 176 386
Mottelson, Ben      196 218
Mueller, K. Alexander      293
Muses      5
Nakajima, Sadao      174 252
Nam, Sang Boo      187
Nambu, Yoichiro      217
National Academy of Sciences      230 255 262 275
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)      100
National Aeronautics and Space Administration      257 288
National Association of Evangelicals      268
National Association of Manufacturers      9
National Bureau of Standards      155 266
National Center for Advanced Materials      269
National Child Labor Committee      9
National Conservation Association      9—10
National Defense Research Committee (NDRC)      100
National Education Association      11
National Inventors Hall of Fame      282
National Medal of Science      260
National Research Council      262
National Science Foundation      205 218 246 259—260 275 289 291 298
National Security Council      255
National Stain and Reagent Company      20
Natural resource conservation      262—263 278
Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL)      6—7 96 98—99 101—102 103—108 112—114 119 128 240
Naval Warfare Panel      67
Neel, Louis      130
Nersessian, Nancy      326
Neural network research      218
New York Academy of Sciences      105
New York University      170
Nier, Alfred O.C.      84 90—91 95 110
Nix, Foster      386
Nixon, Richard      263 267
Nobel ceremonies      168 205—209 pls. 6
Nobel laureates      1 2—4 53 55 59 75—76 153 192 196 219 224—225 228 263 272 362 pls. 6
Nobel, Alfred      207
Noyce, Robert      163 278
Nuclear energy levels      77
Nuclear magnetic resonance      110
Nuclear physics      3 69 84 95 112 172
Nuclear structure      196
Nuclear test ban      68 257
Nuclear weapons      110
Oak Ridge National Laboratory      149 151 155 161
Ochensfeld, Robert      80 98
Odishaw, Hugh      262
Office of Naval Research (ONR)      173 177 259
Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)      101 177
Ohio State University      218 221
Ohl, Russell      126
Oil prospecting      35—36 40 45—46 102
Ong, Nai-Phuan      286
Onnes, Heike Kammerlingh      78 216
Operationalism      75
Operator theory      51
Oppenheimer, J. Robert      50 192
ORDVAC      172
Orthogonal plane wave method      71
Osborn, Alex      322
Oshcroff, Douglas      218
Osterhoudt, Gretchen      204 311—312
Osterhoudt, Walter ("Dutch")      30 40 42—43 90 176 204 237 311—312
Out of the Crystal Maze      278
O’Bryan, Henry      77
O’Keefe, Georgia      282
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)      248—249 (see also “Xerox”)
Pandaripande, Vijay      222
Pao, Henry      183 251 410
Paramagnetism, weak      33 60
Park, R.H.      104
Parmenter, Robert      224
Particle accelerators      170 220 279—280
Pauli exclusion principle      59—60 77 211
Pauli, Wolfgang      4 60 98 130 218
Peace Research Institute      271—272
Pearson, Gerald      111 121 122 324—325
Peierls instability      285
Peierls transition      286
Peierls, Rudolf      61 135 190 217 285
Perovskites      293—294
Peshkov, Vasilii      276
Peters, Leo J.      35—40 42 56
Pethick, Christopher      218 222 229 pl.7
Phase coherence parameter      201
Phase transitions      194 212—213 216 222 226
Philips Laboratories (Eindhoven)      129 205
Phillips, James C.      223 224 234—235
Photoconductivity process      242
photoelectric effect      59
Photon-assisted tunneling theory      287—288 290 298
Photovoltaic effect      126 131
Physical Review      84 146 156 184 212—213 215—216 235 298
Physical Review Letters      224 226 234—235
Physics Today      299
Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity      30—31
Pierce, John      146—147
Pines, Catherine      310
Pines, David      192—193 196 217—218 220—221 231 233 276—277 305 310 321
Pines, Suzy      310
Piore, Emmanuel      173 256
Pippard, A. Brian      129—130 155 194 202 216—217 224 247 293
Planck, Max      59
Planned Parenthood      263
Poe, Edgar Allen      5
Polaron problem      192—193
Population Crisis Committee      263
Portnoy, William Manos      185
Pratt Institute      13
President’s Commission on the Patent System      260
President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC)      68 254—259 266—267 270—271 275—276
Princeton University      77
Princeton University, culture/rituals      46—47 49
Princeton University, curriculum modernization      50
Princeton University, faculty      41 105 192 196 220
Princeton University, Fine Hall      45 49
Princeton University, Graduate College      41—42 45—46 50—52
Princeton University, Institute for Advanced Study      41 43 46—47 49—50 196—197 220
Princeton University, Palmer Physics Laboratory      45
Princeton University, physics lectures and seminars      51—52
Princeton University, preliminary exams      46 52 57
Princeton University, Proctor Fellowships      49 64 207
Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Dirac)      34
Proceedings of the Royal Society      156
Professional organizations      10
Progress in Low Temperature Physics      229
Progressivism      9—10 75 257 364
Purcell, Edward      74
Purdue University      123 134 148—149 156
Quantum electrodynamics      5 51 53 55 69 156
Quantum fluids      238
quantum mechanics      3 32 36 47 51 170
Quantum mechanics, and superconductivity      80—81 193 202
Quantum mechanics, Bose — Einstein statistic      59—60
Quantum mechanics, electron theory of metals      34 48 59—61
Quantum mechanics, Fermi — Dirac statistic      59—60
Quantum mechanics, fundamental work      59 75
Quantum mechanics, operationalism and      75—76
Quantum mechanics, Pauli exclusion principle and      59—60
Quantum mechanics, real vs. ideal solids      53—54 58—59 62
Quantum mechanics, relativistic      53 79
Quantum mechanics, wave functions      33 63 71—72 77
1 2 3 4 5
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