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Hoddeson L., Daitch V. — True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen
Hoddeson L., Daitch V. — True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen

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Íàçâàíèå: True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen

Àâòîðû: Hoddeson L., Daitch V.


The fact that he won an unprecedented two Nobel prizes in physics (in 1956 and 1972) may be the only extraordinary thing about John Bardeen. He grew up in a middle-class home in Wisconsin with his doctor father, interior designer mother and four siblings. He apparently worked hard, cared deeply about his family, loved sports, was, by all accounts, a gracious and likable colleague and devoted himself to his graduate students. He was also tenacious in pursuit of answers to complex problems in his discipline. Working with William Shockley and Walter Brattain, Bardeen developed the world's first transistor in 1947 and, ten years later, with J. Robert Schrieffer and Leon Cooper, he created a theory of superconductivity. Hoddeson (Crystal Fire) and Daitch attempt a portrait of this unassuming Midwesterner, but offer little more than a rough sketch. As they write in their preface, "We are painfully aware that this book merely scratches the surface of its subject." Little insight is offered beyond descriptions of Bardeen's friends, co-workers and activities. The authors attempt to provide a conceptual framework by examining "the meaning of true scientific genius," but this is largely done in a superficial, 17-page epilogue. Bardeen deserves more public recognition than he received during his life; this book may help in some measure, but it won't bring readers any closer to the man himself.
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2002

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 467

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.09.2005

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Conant, James      101
Condon, Edward U.      50—53 59
Confucius      317
Conservation of energy principle      156
Coo vert, Richard Elmo      185
Cooke, Helen      82 83 89
Cooper, Leon      3 79 196—203 205 210—218 230 279 320 323 pl.
Cooperate approach to learning      14
Corak, W.      155
Cornell University      69 172 249 296
Correlation effect in diffusion      152
Correspondence principle      33 202 325
Coupling, J.J.      146
Cox, Catherine      315 316
Cram, Ralph Adams      45
Crystal, dislocations      128 129 131
Crystal, lattice vibrations      187 190 192—194
Crystal, rectifiers      111 123 126—127 155
Cuban missile crisis      271—272
Curtis, Cassius      47
Daddario, Emilio      258 266
Dana Hall School      81—83 89
Darrow, Karl K.      206 214
Darwin, Charles      315
Daunt, J.C.      155
Davydov, Boris      123 137—138
Dayton, Russell      243
de Barden, John      281
de Boer, Jan      262
de Bono, Edward      322
De Forest, Lee      124
De Haas, W.J.      92
Death penalty      272
Debye, Peter      5 34 75 75 92
Degaussing technology      101 106
Delco      252
Department of Defense      258
Dessauer, John      242—244 247—248 250 261
Dewey, John      13—15
Diamagnetism      97—98 191 216
DiMaggio, Joe      282
Dirac, Paul A.M.      7 34 51 75 319 373
Distinguished Civilian Service Award      113—114
Doping      61—62 134 244
Dos Passos, John      219
Drickamer, Harry      237—238
Drude, Paul      92
Duco lacquer      134
Duke University      279
Duke, Charles      248
Dunning, John      95
Dupont      111 123
Eastman Kodak      242 248
Eckhardt, W.A.      39 42 56
Eddington, Arthur      68—69
Edison, Thomas      120—121
Editions Hologiamme      278
Educational Press Association of America      11
Edwards, Anna      13
Edwards, David      221
Ehrenfest, Paul      50
Einstein, Albert      4—6 43 46—47 49 52 59 75 101 105—106 197 315 318—319
Einstein, Elsa      46 47
Eisenhower, Dwight D.      68 205 254—257
Elections and Holes (Shockley)      164 175
Electrical conductivity      92 97
Electrical prospecting      35—36 40 45—46
Electron      see “Wave functions”
Electron, density distortions      285
Electron, hole concept      61 92 127 135 137—138 164
Electron, mean free path calculation      92
Electron, pairs      198—199 201—203 210—211 215 218 222 225
Electron, plasmas      192
Electron, theory of metals      34 48 59—61
Electron, tunneling      187
Electron-electron interactions      78 (see also “Many-body theory”)
Electron-lattice interactions      155—157 174 187—188 191 193—194 196 211 213
electrophotography      242—250
Elementary-particle physics      3 217
Elsasser, Walter      79
Empty lattice test      72
Energy gap theory      80—81 98 154—155 190 198—199 210—211 214 216
Entropy principle      156
Esaki diode      230
Esaki, Leo      230—231
Eugenics      2 163 273
European Committee on Crime Problems      272
European Workshop on Charge Density Waves      296
Everitt, William      158—160
Evolution, Theory of      156
Eyring, Henry      49
Fairbank, William      155
Fairchild Semiconductor      163
Falicov, Leo      223 224
Federal laboratories, effectiveness      268
Federal support for civilian research      100—101 173 256—259 407
Feenberg, Eugene      77
Fermi gas      197
Fermi liquid theory      77 202—203 221
Fermi surface      76—78 98 154 193 202 384
Fermi — Dirac statistics      59—60 218 221
Fermi, Enrico      95
Fermilab      275 279 281—282 322
fermions      60 218 221
ferromagnetism      33 92 205
Feynman diagrams      196—197
Feynman, Richard      3—6 53 191 197 205 317
Field theory      191—192 194 196—197 212
Fisher, Daniel      290
Fisk, James      67—68 110 151 154 159 161—162 175 234
Flexner, Abraham      41 46 376
Fliigge, Sigfried      193
Fock, Vladimir      63
Foote, Paul D.      39—40
Ford Motor Company      248
Ford, Gerald      282
Forrestal, James      114
Four Lakes Stamp Company      20
Fowler, Ralph H.      36 51
Foy, Philip      111
Frankenstein      5
Franklin Medal      260 282
Free-electron model      191
Frenkel, Yakov      79
Friederich, Walther      59
Fritz London Endowment Fund      279
Fritz London Memorial Lecture      225 279
Frohlich, Herbert      156—157 192 196
Frost, Robert      219
Fry, Thornton      37
Functional integrals      196
Future Farmers of America      21
Gallo, Charles      242 253
Galton, Francis      5 315 317
Gardner, Howard      318 321
Gauge invariance      215 217 221 417
Gavoret, J.      184
General Electric      111 180 223 250
General Motors      251
General relativity      53 68—69
Genius, aging and work by      300 319
Genius, analogy and metaphor in thinking      141 323—325
Genius, brainstorming      321—322
Genius, bridging principles      33 61 72 202 210 324
Genius, childhood trauma and      132 318—319
Genius, confidence      177—178 318
Genius, contextual dimension      132 326—329
Genius, creativity model      194 314—315 321—322 329
Genius, cycle of achievements      320
Genius, domains for      315
Genius, experimentation      132 322—323
Genius, interdisciplinary collaboration      49—50 62 69 107 111 127—128 169 173 268
Genius, intuitiveness      79 318
Genius, IQ testing      315 317
Genius, learning environments      49 50 55 67 327
Genius, mentoring and role models      29 31—33 75—76 326—328
Genius, methodological component      7 8 14—15 33 54—55 58 60 69 70 75 194 198 319—326
Genius, motivational and teaching strategies      14 29 54—55 247
Genius, mutual-influences socialization theory      75—76 181
Genius, passion in      300 317—318
Genius, personal dimension      316—319
Genius, profile of      6—7 315—316
Genius, scholarly study of      329
Genius, single-mindedness      318
Genius, sports and      319
Genius, stereotypes      4—5 314 315
Genius, worldliness      6 322—323
Gentner, Dedre      323—324 326
Geophysical prospecting      35—36
German-Jewish scientists, emigration to U.S.      50—51 69 80 101
Germanium      110 122 123 134—135 137 145 176
Getting, Ivan      67 287
Giaever, Ivar      223—225 230
Gibney, Robert      111 122 127 131—132 136 157 161
Gilbarg, David      104
Ginzburg, Vitaly L.      218 276
Gleick, James      5
Glenn, John      219
Glover, Rolfe E.      155 214
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von      5
Gold      92 134 136—137 155
Goldman, Jacob (Jack)      248—250
Goldwasser, Edwin (Ned)      171—172 189 274—275 279
Goldwater, Barry      273
Good Will Hunting (film)      4
Goodman, B.      155
Gopnik, Alison      318
Gor’kov, Lev      197 225—226 276—277
Gottfried, Kurt      270 431
Goudsmit, Samuel      50 212 235
Grand unified theory      52 319
Gray, Peter Vance      186
Great Depression      37 121 158
Green’s functions      197 221
Greytak, Andrew      306—307 309—310
Greytak, Matthew      306—307 309—310
Greytak, Tom      189 306—307
Griffith, Coleman      158 311
Griffith, Thomas      111
Griggs, David      68
Gross, Eugene      192
Group theory      75
Gruber, Howard      326
Gruener, George      285—291
Gu      134
Guilford, Joy P.      321
Gulf Oil Corporation      35 37—43 56—57 102 109 204 302
Gustav IV Adolph      206 208 233
Hafo Institute for Semiconductor Research      207
Haloid Company      242—247
Hames, John      21 28
Hames, Ruth      see “Bardeen Ruth”
Handbuch der Physik      62 77—78 193
Handel, Kai      146
Handler, Paul      179 204 pl.
Harmer, Alexander Francis      13 365
Harmer, Althea      see “Bardeen Althea”
Harmer, Douglas      281
Harrison, Walter      223
Hart, Harry      144
Hart, Walter W.      29 31
Hartke, Jerome Luther      186
Hartree — Fock approximation method      191
Hartree, Douglas      63
Harvard University      12 32 49
Harvard University, Department of Applied Physics      151
Harvard University, Eliot House      65 66
Harvard University, faculty      70—71 73—76 79 84 151 225
Harvard University, Jefferson Laboratory      65
Harvard University, Lowell House      64—65
Harvard University, Nobel laureates      75—76 206
Harvard University, social rituals      66 83
Harvard University, Society of Fellows      63—64 66—67 68 83 204 221 287
Hatoyama, Michio (George)      174 180 227 305
Haynes, Richard      143
Heald, K.C.      39
Health care reform      16
Hebel, Charles      213
Heeger, Alan      228
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      97 297
Heisenberg, Werner      4 34 60 135
Helium, conservation program      262—263
Helium, liquifier      110 394
Henderson, Lawrence J.      64
Hennings, Thomas, Jr.      266
Henschel, Ann Bardeen      see “Bardeen Ann”
Herring, Conyers      49 51 55—56 71 73 75 118 150 152 206 264
Herring, Louise (nee Preusch)      118 156
Hess, Karl      235 241
High-energy physics      171
High-pressure experiments      68 70—71
Hilbert space      51
Hirschfelder, Joseph      49 57
Hitler, Adolph      43 69 80 99 100
Hoffman, John      266
Holonyak, Katherine (nee Jerger)      180 304
Holonyak, Nick      137—138 174—181 185 209 231—232 237 250—252 295 299 301—305 307 310 pl.
Holton, Gerald      326
Hone, Daniel Warren      186
Honeywell      252
House Committee on Un-American Activities      152
Houston, William      92
Hustrulid, Ann      90
Hutchinson, Elmer      41
IBM      243 248
Ibuka, Masaro      174
ILLIAC (Illinois Automatic Computer)      172
Illinois Central Railroad      166
Illinois State Normal University      254
Industrial research      9 242—250 253—254 256—259
Influenza epidemics      25 370
Information age      2—4
Inks on, John      235
Institut fur Theorie der Kondensierten Materie      280
Institute for Advanced Study      41 43 46—47 49—50 196—197 220
Institute for Theoretical Physics      276
Institute of Physical Problems      276
Insulators/insulation      61 92 133—134
Intel Corporation      163 278
Interdisciplinary collaboration      49—50 62 69 107 111 127—128 169 173 268 325
Intermediate coupling method      192—193
International Congress on Theoretical Physics      205
International Low-Temperature Physics Conferences      225 262 264—265
International Project on the History of Solid State Physics      278
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics      173 264—265
Ioffe, Abram F.      276
Isotope effect      155 157 216
Isotope separation methods      95 192
Isotopic spin studies      77
Iwama, Kazuo      174
J.M. Guffey Petroleum Company      38
Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Electrotechnical Laboratory      174
Japanese Physical Society      264—265
Jefferson, Thomas      219
Jensen, J. Hans D.      75
Johns Hopkins University      11 12 84
Johnson, Jared Logan      187
Johnson, Lady Bird      282
Johnson, Lyndon      260 267 273
Joiner, William C.H.      264
1 2 3 4 5
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