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Bayfield J.E. — Quantum Evolution: An Introduction to Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics
Bayfield J.E. — Quantum Evolution: An Introduction to Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics

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Íàçâàíèå: Quantum Evolution: An Introduction to Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics

Àâòîð: Bayfield J.E.


A unique introduction to the concepts of quantum mechanics, Quantum Evolution addresses the present status of time-dependent quantum mechanics for few-body systems with electromagnetic interactions. It bridges between the quantum mechanics of stationary quantum systems and a number of recent advanced theoretical treatises on various aspects of quantum mechanics. The focus is on strongly-quantum and semi-classical systems, including the quantum manifestations of orderly and chaotic nonlinear classical dynamics.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1 edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1999

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 386

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.04.2010

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Quantum-classical comparisons, Planck’s constant, dimensionless      19
Quantum-classical comparisons, two, coupled      165
Quasieneigy      165 225
Quasieneigy for driven two-level system      228
Quasieneigy, avoided crossings of      286 — 287 295 297 299 304
Quasieneigy, Brillouin zones of      230
Quasieneigy, doublet splittings      167 168
Quasieneigy, EBK quantization of      230 — 231
Quasieneigy, examples of      243 (Fig. 8.16) 297 9 304
Quasieneigy, operator      227
Quasieneigy, shells of      230
Quasiperiodic orbit      34 — 35 123
Quasiprobability function, photon      (see Q — function phase
Rabi flopping      (see Rabi oscillations)
Rabi flopping frequency      60 67 228
Rabi frequency      60 66 298
Rabi frequency, n-photon      63
Rabi oscillations      57 — 60 299
Radial coupling      282
Radial momentum matrix, adiabatic      278 279 280
Raman scattering, stimulated      303
Random matrix theory of spectral fluctuations      288 — 290
Rectangular billiards cavities, array of      212 — 213
Recurrence spectroscopy, see Spectrum, recurrence strengt      382
Recurrences, in wavepacket evolution      283 — 285
Reference trajectories      28 50 75 107-108 209
Reference trajectories, chaotic      109 111 132
Reference trajectories, difference function      74
Reference trajectories, heteroclinic and homoclinic      113
Reference trajectories, orbitally stable      (see Orbital stability of
Reference trajectories, regular and irregular      109
Regular evolution, wavepacket      129 130
Regular quantum eigenstate      (see Energy)
Representation, classical, interaction      79 — 81
Representation, classical, spatial      76 — 77
Representation, Heisenberg      3
Representation, initial-value      191 — 192
Representation, interaction      81 256
Representation, molecular      (see Molecular representation)
Representation, phase space      23 — 24 31-34 184 189 341
Representation, quantum, adiabatic      277 — 281
Representation, quantum, diabatic, good      281
Representation, Schroedmger      3 25 89
Representation, spatial-grid, numerical      332 — 334 338-339 352-353
Representation, standard diabatic      277
Representation, switching during timesteps      326
Residue      76 131
Resonance phase difference      141
Resonance state in continuum      350
Resonance state, nonlinear      (see Nonlinear resonance quantum)
Resonance — island trapping      (see Nonlinear resonance trapping)
Resonance — mediated tunneling      (see Tunneling resonance
Resonance, classical      139 (see also Nonlinear resonance)
Resonant action vector      139
Resonant tunneling diode      (see Tunneling diode resonant
Revival ill driven Kepler system      259
Revival in hydrogen atom      46 — 50 53
Revival in stadium billiards      209
Revival of Rabi flopping      67
Revival, fractional      46 48 50
Revival, time of      46
Revival, wavcpacket      46 — 50 99
Richardson extrapolation      334
Rigid rotor, driven      234. 236 — 241
Rigid rotor, planar free      234
Rotating wave approximation (RWA)      58 — 59
Rotating wave approximation (RWA) for Floquet states      227 — 228
Rotating wave approximation (RWA), applications of      291 — 294 295 297
Rotating wave approximation (RWA), strong-field breakdown of      68 — 69
Rotation angle      176 255 350
Rotation operator, complex      350
Rotational coupling      277 282
Rotor, rigid      (see Rigid rotor)
RTD      (see Tunneling diode resonant
Runge — Kutta      315 — 316
Runge — Kutta method      315 — 316
Runge — Kutta method, fourth-order      316
Runge — Kutta method, second-order, optimal      316
RWA      (see Rotating wave approximation (RWA))
Rydberg atom      44 48
Rydberg atom, experiments with      48 — 49 60 61 experiments
Scaled semiparabolic coordinates      173
Scaling      7 — 8 97-98 131 132
Scaling for diamagnetic Kepler system      171 — 172 173
Scaling of action variables      232
Scaling of atomic units      44 248 249
Scaling of energy      131 172
Scaling of energy density of states      187 — 188
Scaling of Hamiltonians      8 116 131
Scaling of Planck’s constant      14 98 132 237
Scaling of time, for adiabatic evolution      265 270
Scarred quantum eigenstate      (see Energy)
Schrodinger equation for electronic states of diatomic molecules      281
Schrodinger equation for Floquet states      225
Schrodinger equation, phase-space      31 33
Schrodinger equation, time-dependent      2
Schrodinger equation, time-independent      3 10 161
Scientific computing      312 — 314
Second-order midpoint method      315
Selective breaking of chemical bonds      124 — 125 300-301 310-311
Semiclassical evolution      39 50 189-193 209
Semiclassical propagator      (see Propagator theoretical semiclassical)
Semiclassical quantization      (see EBK quantization)
Semiconductor, devices, ballistic evolution in      (see Ballistic electron motion)
Semiconductor, heterostructures      (see Heterostructures lateral semiconductor)
Semiconductor, nanostructure      (see Nanostructure semiconductor)
Semiconductor, quantum well      (see Quantum well)
Semiconductor, tunneling diode      (see Tunneling diode)
Semiparabolic coordinates      173 350 352
Sensitivity analysis, of energy eigenvalues      3 — 124 125
Separable equation      82 84 87 88
Separatrix      36 — 37 73 174 232 270
Separatrix crossing      85 270
Separatrix crossing, double, transport due to      271 — 275 291
Separatrix crossing, quantum      99 100 274
Separatrix eigenstate, quantum      95 — 96 101 102 174
Separatrix, broken      209
Separatrix, dynamics near      271
Separatrix, evolution on      74
Sequential frequency chirping, molecular, dissociation by      300 — 301 303-306
Shannon entropy      239 — 240
Shooting methods for ordinary differential, equations      322 — 324 347-348
Shooting methods for ordinary differential, multiple shooting      323
Short iterative Lanczos (SIL) method      331
Sideband index      219
SIL method      (see Short iterative Lanczos method)
Sinusoidally driven Kepler problem      (see Hydrogen atom(s) in Driven
Slowness parameter      265 270
Snapshots of ensemble evolution, stroboscopic      7 238 267
Software      312 — 313
Software for barrier problems      147
Software for wavepacket evolutio      28. 342
Software, FFT      329
Software, matrix diagonalization      348
Software, message-passing      312
Software, shooting method      347
Solitary wave      286
Soliton      286
SPA      (see Stationary — phase approximation)
Spatial grid      330
Spatial — grid method      (see Grid methods numerical)
Spatial — grid representation, discrete — variable      (see Discrete-variable spatial-grid representation (DVR))
Spatial — grid representation, Fourier, global      338 — 339
Spatially-bounded system      232
Spatially-open system      232
Spectral analysis      325 — 327 (see also Discrete)
Spectral determinant      186
Spectral fluctuations, random matrix theory of      288 — 290
Spectral function      25
Spectral method      337
Spectroscopy, constant-scaled-eneigy      178 180
Spectrum, clustered      143 (Fig. 5.27) 144 176
Spectrum, complex rotated      176 — 177 351
Spectrum, diamagnetic Kepler      178 — 180 187-189
Spectrum, laser fluorescence      143 (Fig. 5.27)
Spectrum, molecular, tunnel doublets      151 — 152
Spectrum, photoabsorption      178 — 180
Spectrum, photoluminescence      55 (Fig. 2.8)
Spectrum, quasieneigy      243 (Fig. 8.16)
Spectrum, recombination line      194 — 196
Spectrum, recurrence-strength      178 188 190 199 200
Spectrum, sideband      221 (Fig. 8.2) 223 230
Spin-boson model      346
Spins, driven collection of      287
Split — operator (SPO) methods in phase space      341
Split — operator (SPO) methods, numerical      9 — 342 344 346
Split — operator (SPO) methods, polynomial propagator      344 — 345
Splittings, quasieneigy doublet      167 168
SPO FFT grid      283 339
SPO method      342
SPO methods      (see Split — operator (SPO) methods numerical)
SPO polynomial-propagator      344 — 345
SPO polynomial-propagator, stability of      331 (Table B.l)
SPO wavepacket calculations      341 343
Square well, infinite, driven particle in      241 — 247
Stability analysis      22 71 Orbital Residue)
Stability matrix      72 — 74 185 187 191
Stabilization against ionization, classical and quantum regions of      251
Stable fixed point      (see Fixed point stable)
Stable manifold(s)      (see Manifold(s))
Stable periodic orbit      (see Periodic orbit stable)
Stadium billiards      134 207 215-216
State — vector model for time-dependent two-state, system      299 — 300
State, quantum      (see Energy eigenstate(s) quantum)
State-mixing parameter, slowly varying      292
Stationary phase      140
Stationary state(s)      3 10 15 93 132-133 quantum)
Stationary state(s), numerical calculation of      347 — 353
Stationary-phase approximation (SPA)      136 149 160 162 183 185
Stationary-phase approximation (SPA), within function space      161 162
Statistics, energy level      287 — 290
Step potential      1 — d 32-33 54
Stepsize, in time, numerical      81 318
Stepsize, in time, numerical, adaptive control of      316
Stiff sets of ordinary differential equations      318 — 319
Stimulated Raman scattering      303
Stochastic layer      85 111
Stochastic layer and chaos-mediated tunneling      164 167 168 9
Stochastic layer and irregular quantum states      122 252
Stochastic layer and quantum transient diffusion      260
Stochastic layer, eigenstate overlap with      167 168
Stochastic layer, examples of      204 205 237 241 242
Stochastic web      112 113 326
Stokes laser pulse      303
Stroboscopic Poincare section      (see Poincare section stroboscopic)
Stroboscopic snapshots      237 238 267
Stumiian states      255 349 351-352
Sturmian functions, spherical      349
Superconvergent perturbation theory      106
Surface of section      22 31 35
Surface-state electron problem      234
Survival probability      259 (see also Autocorrelation function)
Swallow tail state      206 (Fig. 7.25)
Switching method, adiabatic      85 — 86
Symmetric double — well potential      (see Double well potential particle
Symplectic      75
Symplectic matrix      75
Three-level systems      301 (Fig. 9.20)
Three-point spatial differencing      333 — 334 335 337
Time correlation, of two functions      327
Time propagator      (see Propagator)
Toda lattice problem      81 — 82
Torus in phase space, N — dimensional (N — D)      36 84 104 112 163 164
Torus in phase space, quantization of      88 92
Trace formula      185 — 187 290
Trajectory      (see Chaotic trajectory; Orbit)
Trajectory in phase space      (see Phase — space trajectory)
Trajectory, nuclear separation      282
Trajectory, propagation of      (see Hamilton’s equations numerical
Trajectory, reference      (see Reference trajectories)
Trajectory, separatrix      (see Separatrix)
Transformation, canonical      (see Canonical)
Transient diffusion, quantum      259 — 260 260-261
Transition operator, atom      62
Transmission resonance, barrier      150 — 151
Transmission resonance, double barrier      150 — 151 196
Transmission resonance, through quantum dots      221 223
Transport, quantum      (see also Ballistic electron)
Trapping, nonlinear resonance      (see Nonlinear)
Trotter product formula      158 340
Tunnel doublet      151 — 152 167 168
Tunneling      102 144
Tunneling action      148 151
Tunneling coordinate      152
Tunneling delay time      149 — 150
tunneling diode      194 — 200
Tunneling diode, resonant (RTD)      196 — 200
Tunneling frequency      155
Tunneling in phase space      164 — 169
Tunneling splitting, energy-level      152 — 154
Tunneling time      149 — 150
Tunneling, chaos-mediated      164 167
Tunneling, dynamical      155 156 164
Tunneling, microwave modulation of      221 — 224
Tunneling, multidimensional      156 157 163
Tunneling, path integral theory of      161 — 163
Tunneling, photon assisted      223
Tunneling, resonance-mediated      164 168
Tunneling, steady      145 — 148
Tunneling, through heterostructure barriers      149 — 150 194
Tunneling, wavepacket      149 — 151
Turning point      12 15 17 42 98 147 148. 285
Turning surface      (see Caustic)
Turnstile      209
Two-level system(s) (driven)      57 — 60 111 227-228
Two-level system(s) (driven), pulsed      290 — 294 295
Two-level system(s) (driven), pulsed and frequency chirped      296 — 300
Two-level system(s) (driven), second quantized      61 — 63 64-69
Two-point boundary value problem      322
Unstable equilibrium, point of      36 — 37 97. unstable)
Unstable fixed point      (see Fixed point unstable)
Unstable manifold(s)      (see Manifold(s))
Unstable periodic orbit      (see Periodic orbit unstable)
Variational method      306 307
Vector      2
Vector, frequency, classical      39 83 105.
Vector, nuclear separation      276
Vector, polarization      61
Vector, resonant action      139 141
Vector, Runge — Lenz      174
Vector, state-, quantum      299
Velocity function, phase-space      4
Velocity, probability flow, in coordinate space      13
Vortex tube      231 242 252 253
wavefunction      (see also Energv eigenstate(s) quantum)
Wavefunction, discretized      300
Waveguide, ballistic electron      210 (Fig. 7.29) 211 217
wavepacket      25 — 26 (see also Wavepacket evolution)
Wavepacket collapse      46 49 53
Wavepacket evolution      125 — 126
Wavepacket of molecular nuclear coordinate(s)      282 — 285 345
Wavepacket propagation, semiclassical reference — trajectory method for      50 — 53 209
Wavepacket recurrences      283 — 285
Wavepacket revival      46 — 50 209
Wavepacket revival, fractional      48 (Fig. 2.4) 50 53
Wavepacket, bound electron      44 — 53
Wavepacket, complex      126 — 128
Wavepacket, driven Kepler      258 — 260
Wavepacket, free particle      25 — 27
Wavepacket, irregular      129 — 130 189 259
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