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Bayfield J.E. — Quantum Evolution: An Introduction to Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics
Bayfield J.E. — Quantum Evolution: An Introduction to Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics

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Íàçâàíèå: Quantum Evolution: An Introduction to Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics

Àâòîð: Bayfield J.E.


A unique introduction to the concepts of quantum mechanics, Quantum Evolution addresses the present status of time-dependent quantum mechanics for few-body systems with electromagnetic interactions. It bridges between the quantum mechanics of stationary quantum systems and a number of recent advanced theoretical treatises on various aspects of quantum mechanics. The focus is on strongly-quantum and semi-classical systems, including the quantum manifestations of orderly and chaotic nonlinear classical dynamics.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1 edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1999

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 386

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.04.2010

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Eccentric anomaly angle      42 43
Effective charge      54
effective mass      54 147 241
Ehrenfest’s theorem      3
Eigenstate      (see Energy eigenstate(s) quantum)
Eikonal ansatz      12
Eikonal theory      11 — 13 89-90 91
Einstein — Brillouin — Keller quantization      (see EBK quantization)
Electromagnetic cavity, mode of      61 64 65
Electromagnetic field, monochromatic classical      8 — 9
Electromagnetic field, second quantization of      9 — 10
Electron gas      194 196 210 212
Electron wavepacket      41 44 258-260
Electronic basis functions, adiabatic molecular      282
Elliptic fixed point      73 (see also Fixed point stable)
Elliptical billiards      (see Billiard system(s) elliptical)
Energy density of states      136 — 137 184 185 187 197 197-199 200
Energy density of states, diamagnetic Kepler      187 — 188 189
Energy eigenstate(s) from wavepacket evolution      192 (Fig. 7.12) 193 209
Energy eigenstate(s), basis — set calculation of      (see Basis-set expansion method)
Energy eigenstate(s), billiard      201 203 208
Energy eigenstate(s), diamagnetic Kepler      176
Energy eigenstate(s), electromagnetic field      (see Photon — number eigenstate)
Energy eigenstate(s), harmonic oscillator      27
Energy eigenstate(s), Henon — Heiles      123 (Fig. 5.15) 124 128
Energy eigenstate(s), hydrogen atom      45
Energy eigenstate(s), irregular      122 124 135 176 204
Energy eigenstate(s), KAM      (see KAM quantum state(s))
Energy eigenstate(s), modulated      (see Modulation of quantum states external)
Energy eigenstate(s), overlap with stochastic layer      167 168
Energy eigenstate(s), pendulum      93 — 94
Energy eigenstate(s), quantum      3 10
Energy eigenstate(s), regular      123 (Fig. 5.15) 163 164 KAM Nonlinear quantum)
Energy eigenstate(s), scarred      130 — 131 133-134 176 189 192 204 208 216 245-247
Energy eigenstate(s), semiclassical      88 100
Energy eigenstate(s), shooting method for      347 — 348
Energy eigenstate(s), WKB separatrix      93 94 95 101 102 174
Energy eigenvalues      (see Basis — set expansion)
Energy eigenvalues method      (EBK quantization)
Energy levels of trajectories      24 32 33 209 237 238 240 251 260 261 269
Energy levels, clusters of      143 (Fig. 5.27) 144 176
Energy levels, crossing of      (see Level crossing(s))
Energy levels, curvature distribution of      124
Energy levels, displaced differences of      39 — 40
Energy levels, Henon — Heiles      121 (Fig. 5.14)
Energy levels, ladders of      (see Ladders of energy levels)
Energy levels, number density of      136 — 137 (see also Energy density of states)
Energy levels, quantum, bands of      53
Energy levels, quantum, spacings of      232 287 289
Energy levels, quantum, statistics of      287 — 290
Energy levels, semiclassical      92 100
Energy levels, sensitivity analysis of      123 — 124 125
Ensemble of initial conditions      (see Initial conditions)
Entropy, Shannon      239 — 240
Equilibrium point      72. See also Fixed point
Essentially quantum eigenstates      165 288
Essentially quantum system      38 — 39 87 145
Euler differential equations      307
Euler's method      315
Exciton      54 56 57
Exponentiation, rate of      74 100
Extended phase space      7 226
External nonlinear resonance      (see Nonlinear resonance external)
F2-type      82 89 105
Fast Fourier transform (FFT)      328 — 329
FFT      (see Fast Fourier transform)
FFT for energies and eigenfunctions      353
FFT for Floquet states      344
FFT grid method      (see Grid methods numerical)
FFT, finite-differencing      150
FFT, split-operator (SPO)      32 283 305 310 339 344 346 353
Field modulation      (see Modulation of quantum)
Finite difference calculation      150 (see also Finite)
Finite difference method for numerical quantum evolution      332 — 337
Finite difference method for periodic orbits      325
Finite difference method, Askar — Cakmak (AC)      336
Finite difference method, Crank — Nicholson (C’N)      334 — 335
Finite difference method, Peaceman — Rachford (PR)      336 — 337
Finite — difference second-order differencing, method      336
First return map      (see Poincare map)
Fixed point      35 72
Fixed point, stable      23 (Fig. 1.8) 72 129 166 175
Fixed point, unstable      37 73. 100 112 115 166 174 245
Fj-type      265
Floquet      238 — 240 253 254
Floquet operator      (see Floquet propagator)
Floquet picture of      228
Floquet picture of in regular driven wavepacket evolution      259
Floquet picture of microwave two-photon      61 (Fig. 2.11)
Floquet picture of two-level system in coherent field      66 — 67 69
Floquet propagator      224 226 229 344
Floquet state      229
Floquet state of propagator      190 — 192
Floquet state(s)      165 225 227 229
Floquet state(s) for driven Kepler problem      249 250 352
Floquet state(s) for driven Morse oscillator      251 — 254
Floquet state(s) for driven particle in an infinite square well      241 — 247
Floquet state(s) for driven rotor      237 — 241
Floquet state(s) for driven two-level system      227 — 228
Floquet state(s), adiabatic evolution of      303
Floquet state(s), adiabatic parameter switching of      290 — 296
Floquet state(s), extended      238 239 240
Floquet state(s), irregular      239 — 241 246 253
Floquet state(s), mean energy of      230
Floquet state(s), nonlinear resonance, external      234 — 236
Floquet state(s), numerical computation of      344 352
Floquet state(s), regular      246 (Fig. 8.18a) 253
Floquet state(s), scarred      245 — 247 251-252 253
Floquet state(s), types of      254
Floquet state, nonadiabatic surface-hopping      346
Floquet state, random      288
Floquet state, rotational coupling      282
Floquet theory      165 224 228 264
Floquet’s theorem      224
Flow velocity      (see Probability flow velocity)
FORTRAN codes      313
Fortran codes, double-precision      314
Fortran codes, optimization of      313
Forward bias voltage      193 194
Fourier series      105 140 327
Fourier series, applications of      219 224 230 235
Fourier spatial-grid representation      338 — 339
Fourier transform      25 29 91 326 327 337
Fourier transform of      214 215 369 370
Fourier transform of wavepacket autocorrelation function      215
Fourier transform, applications of      178 188 189 193 212
Fourier transform, computation of      326
Fourier transform, discrete      327 — 328
Fourier transform, fast      328 — 329
Fourier, global      344
Fractional revivals, wavepacket      46 48 50
Franck — Condon transition      283 308
Free particle      12 25 80 201
Free particle in time-periodic electric field      229
Frequency chirping, laser, induced processes by      5 — 266 267-270 296-306 308 9 310
Frequency detuning      60 63 296 298 301
Frequency vector, classical      39 83 105 107
Function space      159 — 160 161
Function space integral      160
Function space integral for Huisimi distributions      29
Function space integral for Kepler wavepacket evolution      45 — 46 47 48 2.4) 51
Function space integral for particle 1-d quartic oscillator potential      99 100
Function space integral, dynamical tunneling of      155
Function space integral, Gaussian wavepacket      25 — 28 (see also Wavepacket)
Function space integral, incident 1-d rectangular barrier      150 151 342
Function space integral, INDE      375
Functional      306
Functional, action      160 161 162
Functional, minimization of      306 307 309
Gaussian wavepacket dynamics (GWD) algorithm      346
Gaussian wavepacket dynamics — path integral (GWD — PI) method      345 — 347
Gaussian wavepacket dynamics, global      332
Gaussian wavepacket dynamics, Lanczos      330 332
Gaussian wavepacket dynamics, monodromy matrix      323 — 325
Gaussian wavepacket dynamics, multistep      316 — 318
Gaussian wavepacket dynamics, short iterative (SIL)      331 (Table B.1) 332
Generalized n-pulse      291
Generating function      77 78
Global chaos      112 176 260
Global numerical propagation methods      332 342
Gradient dyadic, Hamiltonian (VZVZH)      75 109
Gram — Schmidt reorthonormalization      320 — 321
Green’s function for the Schrodinger equation      157 162 183 184 209
GSR      (see Gram — Schmidt reorthonormalization)
GWD      (see Gaussian wavepacket dynamics)
GWD — PI method      345 — 347
Hamilton — Jacobi equation      13 78 82 162
Hamiltonian      7 — 9
Hamiltonian flow      5 — 7
Hamiltonian for driven particle in square well      241
Hamiltonian for driven quartic oscillator      166 (Fig. 6.6)
Hamiltonian for driven rigid rotor      234
Hamiltonian for driven systems      233 (Table 8.1)
Hamiltonian for driven two-level system      62 63
Hamiltonian for free particle in oscillating field      229
Hamiltonian for frequency-chirped harmonic oscillator      265
Hamiltonian for frequency-chirped quartic oscillator      272
Hamiltonian for quantum well in magnetic field      197
Hamiltonian matrix, diagonalization of      10 — 11 19 132
Hamiltonian matrix, direct      348 — 350
Hamiltonian system, integrable      82 103
Hamiltonian, complex rotated      255 350
Hamiltonian, diamagnetic Kepler      171 173
Hamiltonian, diatomic molecule      276
Hamiltonian, extended      226
Hamiltonian, frozen      265
Hamilton’s characteristic function      79
Hamilton’s equations      4 — 5 51 75
Hamilton’s equations for an interaction Hamiltonian      80
Hamilton’s equations for the pendulum      36
Hamilton’s equations in action-angle variables      83 139
Hamilton’s equations, extended      226 265
Hamilton’s equations, numerical iteration of      314 318 319 321
Hamilton’s principal function      13 78 80
Harmonic oscillator(s)      8 9 27 54 80
Harmonic oscillator(s), basis sets      19 27 120 132 350 352
Harmonic oscillator(s), frequency chirped      265 — 266
Harmonic oscillator(s), quantum      9 — 10 17 24 27-28 51
Harmonic oscillator(s), two, coupled      114 120 163 164 172
Heisenberg representation      6 — 7
Henon — Heiles      114 115 116 120
Henon — Heiles problem      22 81 114
Henon — Heiles problem, energy-level diagram for      121 (Fig. 5.14)
Henon — Heiles problem, quantum      119 — 130
Henon — Heiles problem, regular energy eigenstate      122
Henon — Heiles problem, wavepacket evolution in      126 — 130
Henon — Heiles, interaction      61 79 139
Henon — Heiles, nonautonomous      7
Henon — Heiles, quartic oscillator      96 97 152
Henon — Heiles, scaled      8 14 116
Herring’s formula      154
Heteroclinic trajectory      113
Heterostructures, lateral, biased      194 — 200 210 221-223
Heterostructures, lateral, nanostructures embedded in      210 — 214
Heterostructures, lateral, numerical design of      343 348
Heterostructures, lateral, semiconductor      55 147 194
Heterostructures, lateral, tunneling in      147 149 194-196
Holes, in semiconducting materials      54
Homoclinic trajectory      113 114
Householder algorithm      348
Huisimi distribution function      29 — 30 99 167 242-247
Hydrogen atom(s)      11 30 41 44 77 92 247 339
Hydrogen atom(s) in laser field      337
Hydrogen atom(s) in microwaves      248 — 251 261-262 263 340 352
Hydrogen atom(s) in static electric field      84 376
Hydrogen atom(s) in static magnetic field      (see Diamagnetic Kepler problem)
Hydrogen atom(s), basis sets      45 349
Hydrogen atom(s), classical orbits of      41
Hydrogen atom(s), complex coordinate rotation calculations      350 — 352
Hydrogen atom(s), experiments with      177 — 180 220-221 248-251
Hydrogen atom(s), field-modulated      220 — 221
Hydrogen atom(s), finite differencing for      332 — 333
Hydrogen atom(s), generalized coherent states      83
Hydrogen atom(s), Huisimi distribution function      29 — 30
Hydrogen atom(s), ionization of      249 — 251
Hydrogen atom(s), pulsed      248 249 274-275
Hydrogen atom(s), wavepacket evolution      44 — 46 47 48 2.4) 51
Imaginary-time techniques      137 — 138
Implicit differencing      319
Implicit differencing, Maslov      19 92 183 185
Implicit differencing, Mathieu      94 96 242 243
Implicit differencing, Morse      183
Implicit differencing, other      191
Implicit differencing, sideband      219
Infinite square-well potential, driven particle in      220 241
Initial conditions, ensembles of, in phase space      24
Initial conditions, sensitivity to      319 (see also Lyapunov exponents Orbital
Initial value problem      314 322 330
Instanton method      167
Integrable system, classical      81 — 82 84 109 202
Interaction Hamiltonian      61 79 139
Interaction representation, classical      79 — 81
Interaction representation, quantum      256
Internal nonlinear resonance      (see Nonlinear resonance internal)
Invariant curve      21 — 22 36 203
Inversion, field      252 254 256
Inversion, population      (see Population inversion)
Ionization, microwave      (see Hydrogen atom(s) in ionization
Irregular evolution, classical      109 — 111 118-119 263
Irregular evolution, wavepacket      129 — 130 189-193 208-209 259
Irregular quantum energy eigenstate(s)      (see Energy eigenstate(s) quantum irregular)
Irregular quantum systems      170 171
Irregular quantum systems, semiclassical theory for      136 — 138 182-186
Irregularity, measures of      119 (Fig 5.13) 167 176
Jacobian      72
Jacobian, monodromy      (see Monodromy matrix)
Jacobian, Poisson      10
Jacobian, random      288 — 290
Jacobian, stability      (see Stability matrix)
Jaynes — Cummings model (JCM)      62 — 63
Jaynes — Cummings model (JCM), collapse and revivals in      66 — 67
Jaynes — Cummings model (JCM), Q-function for      65 — 66
JCM      (see Jaynes — Cummings model)
Josephson junction      234
KAM quantum state(s)      122 176
KAM systems      103 — 107 113-114 164 187 236
Kam theorem      105 — 107
KAM tori      104 112 114 204
Kepler oscillator 1 — d, driven      (see Driven Kepler oscillator)
Kepler problem      (see Hydrogen atom(s))
Kepler problem, diamagnetic      (see Diamagnetic Kepler problem)
Ladders of energy levels      247 (Fig. 8.19)
Ladders of energy levels for Henon — Heiles system      121 (Fig. 5.14) 128
Ladders of energy levels, vibrational, for diatomic molecules      247 283 303 305
Lagrange multipliers      307 324
Lagrangian surface      183
Lanczos algorithm      330 332
Lanczos method, short iterative      331 (Table B.l) 343 344
Landau — Zener (LZ) model      281 294
Landau — Zener parameter for atom-atom collision      295
Landau — Zener parameter for field-switched two-level system      295
Langer modified potentials      19 20
Laser excitation      48 — 49 54-56 124 177-180 283 302-306
Laser excitation, dynamics initiated by      48 — 49 56
Laser excitation, fluorescence spectrum      143 (Fig. 5.27)
Laser excitation, photoabsorption spectra      178 — 180 188 190
Laser excitation, photoionization signals      49 (Fig. 2.5) 302
Laser excitation, spectroscopy      55 143 144 220
Laser pump-probe experiment      49 55
Laser-driven dynamics      256 — 257 303-306 308 309 310
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