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Grosche C., Steiner F. — Handbook of Feynman path integrals |
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Path integral, Cartesian coordinates 11 30 31 36 37 67
Path integral, classical mechanics 164-165
Path integral, coherent state 51-54
Path integral, constraint 172
Path integral, coordinate transformation 78-81
Path integral, curved manifolds 67-74
Path integral, electric field 88
Path integral, Euclidean 126
Path integral, fermionic 58-63
Path integral, Fourier expanded 40 165 172
Path integral, Gaussian 13 37 38 39 52 73 93 97 160
Path integral, group manifold 93 102-122
Path integral, Hamilton - Jacobi coordinates 174
Path integral, Hamiltonian formulation 71 163
Path integral, harmonic oscillator 13 41 42 44 89 93-102 124 146 155 173 178-179
Path integral, homogeneous space 106 108 109 155 158 258-276
Path integral, hyperbolic space 158
Path integral, Klein - Gordon 156
Path integral, Lagrangian 71 76
Path integral, Legendrian 93 156 158
Path integral, Liouville 93 118 119 228 229
Path integral, mid-point formulation 71 79 95 152 162
Path integral, phase space 71 163
Path integral, pre-point formulation 162
Path integral, product ordered 74-76 162
Path integral, quadratic Lagrangian 94-99 123
Path integral, Riemannian spaces 67 104
Path integral, separation of variables 168 169
Path integral, space-time transformation 81-87 166-168
Path integral, spherical coordinates 63-67 73 84 106
Path integral, spin- field 59 60
Path integral, supersymmetric 61-63 363-365
Path integral, symmetric rule 162
Path integral, vielbein formulation 73 162
Patrascioiu, a. [391 762 763] 61 62 262
Pauli 1 11 14-17 15-17 31 148 206 219
Pauli - Villars regularization 14
Pauli formula 13 17 148
Pauli matrix 55 428
Pauli, W. [764-768] 1 11 14-17 15-17 31 148 206 219
Peak, D. [771] 66 99-102 176 184 225-227 234 237
Pearle, P. [772] 163
Peeters, F.M. [233] 202
Pell, J.L. [681] 173 176 190
Pelster, A. [773-775] 35 80 81 166 228
Periodic orbit formula 151 152 213
Periodic orbit theory 124 141-154
Periodic orbit trace formula 152 213-217
Perturbation exact summation 125-127 171
Perturbation expansion 170-171
Perturbation theory 20 123-140
Perturbation time ordered 126 170
Phase space 163 164
Picken, R.F. [776] 102
Pieri, P. [302] 358
Planck [777] 186
Plane wave 119-122 (see also Free particle)
Pleijel, A. [778] 38
Pocono conference 11
Podolsky, B. [779] 67
Pogosyan, g.s. [457-463] 88 90 91 107
Poincar disc 157 305
Poincar recurrence map 152
Poincar upper half-plane 155 157 305 365
Point interaction see Delta-function
Poisson bracket 3 142
Polaron 202
Polkinghorne, J.C. [781] 208
Popov, V.N. [312 782] 22
Potential, absolute value 158 352
Potential, anharmonic 157 213 234
Potential, centrifugal 66 101
Potential, confinement 17 234-236
Potential, Coulomb 76 88 124 155 157 277-295 340 342
Potential, Coulomb-like 234 252 291 307
Potential, delta 327-346
Potential, discontinuous 155 158 217
Potential, effective 20 123 132-134 157 171 202
Potential, finite 222
Potential, harmonic 13 41 42 44 89 93-102 124 146 155 178-179 340 342
Potential, Hartmann 293
Potential, Holt 88 237
Potential, Hulthen 157 249
Potential, hyperbolic barrier 157 251
Potential, Kepler see Coulomb potential
Potential, Kratzer 277
Potential, linear 157 175 239 352
Potential, Liouville 93 118 119 228 229
Potential, Manning - Rosen 157 248
Potential, modified Rosen - Morse 255 256
Potential, Morse 157 228 349
Potential, Natanzon 157 159 234 240 253-256
Potential, oscillator-like 306
Potential, P schl - Teller 93 106 112 113 116 117 155 240-257
Potential, Penning trap 185
Potential, quartic 212
Potential, quasi-exactly solvable 236
Potential, random gas 199
Potential, reflectionless 157 246 329-333
Potential, repelling 157 180
Potential, ring 157 286
Potential, Rosen - Morse 157 246 255 256
Potential, saddle point 157 182
Potential, Scarf 157 241 250
Potential, sextic 236
Potential, step 221
Potential, super-integrable 91 107 157 237
Potential, supersymmetric 61 363
Potential, time-dependent 232
Potential, trigonometric Coulomb-like 252
Potential, vector 94 175
Potential, well 157 223 224 328 329
Potential, Wood - Saxon 247 349
Poulter, J. [783 784] 185 194 199
Pratt, R.H. [505] 282
Pre najder, P. [155 770 785] 205 206 217 226 360
Presutti, E. [134] 225
Principal value 151
probability 1 10 18 24 31 49
Prokhorov, L.V. [786 787] 71 73 166 262
Promotor 77
Propagator see Path integral
Proton 17
Prugove ki, E. [788] 163 276
Pseudo - Euclidean space 74 109 121-122 157
Pseudo-time 81
Pseudosphere see Hyperboloids
Pugh, R.E. [789] 21
Quadratic Lagrangian see also Oscillator
Quadratic Lagrangian, -dimensional 173
Quadratic Lagrangian, one-dimensional 174
Quantization, canonical 23
Quantization, CBC 363
Quantization, EBK 143 151
Quantization, semiclassical 18 141
Quantization, WKB 16 142
Quantum chaos 154
Quantum cosmology 7
Quantum fluctuation 12 38 41 146
quantum mechanics 1 2 6-8 11 15 19 33
Quantum potential 68-72 75-79 92 85 105 111
Quasi-classical approximation see Semiclassical approximation
Quasi-exactly solvable 236
Quotient manifold 262
R pke, G. [800] 211
Radial box 350 351
Radial ring 350 351
Radiation field 202
Raiten, E.J. [284] 163
Rajaraman, R. [791] 206
| Ramachandran, R. [47] 206
Ramond, P. [790] 22 172 362
Ramos, R.C. [83] 233
Ranfagni, A. [153 662] 21
Ravndal, F. [639] 178
Ray, D. [792] 39
Rebbi, C. [793] 22
Reed [794] 34 73
Regularization 129 338
Resolvent kernel 2 6 124
Reuter [257 412] 21 164
Rezende, J. [795] 179
Riazanov, G.V. [796] 21
Richard, J.L. [763] 262
Richter, K. [933] 154 213
Rideau, G. [16 202] 33 73 178
Riemann manifold 67 73 154
Riemann zeta function 39
Ringwood, G.A. [797 798] 162 282
Rivers, R.J. [799] 22 172 362
Robaschik, D. [491] 336
Rodriguez, R. [201 202] 20 178 208
Roekaerts, D. [634-637] 21 67 69 162 163 207
Roepstorff, G. [801 802] 21 22 132 172 175 178 180 197 198 207-210 217 221 327
Rogers, A. [803] 21 55 364
Rohrlich, D. [725] 357
Romanova, T.S. [496] 282
Roncadelli [804] 206
Root system 216 258
Rosen, G. [805 806] 21 178
Rosen, N. [670] 246 248
Rosenfelder, R. [21] 194 196 202
Rossini, G.L. [124] 357
Rotation group 105 106 262-269
Rothe, H.J. [808] 22
Royer, A. [809] 165
Rubinow, S.I. [570] 142 206
Rudolph, O. [810] 20
Runge - Lenz vector 91
Rupertsberger, H. [47] 206
Russel 14
Rutenberg, M.L. [811] 162
Ryzhik, I.M. [413] 65 90 100 112 121
S kmen, I. [741-743 858-860] 77 219 228 241 245 246 282 284 286 287
Sa-yakanit, V. [153 662 784 816-818] 21 194 198 199 213 293
Saddle point 16
Sait , N. [812] 233
Sakoda, S. [360 568] 162
Salam, S. [688] 172
Samathiakanit, V. [813] 194
Sammelman, G.S. [242] 73
Samuel, S. [814] 353
Sato [815] 162
Scacciatelli, E. [134] 225
Scarletti, S. [20 820] 21 33 73 338
Sch fke, F.W. [692] 90 121 122
Schaefer, J. [821] 305
Scheffler, F. [40] 154
Schmitt, h.a. [822] 360
Schmutz [648] 162
Schr dinger 1 2 6 8 44 313
Schr dinger equation 1 16 20 23 24 28 29 77 90 101
Schr dinger picture 23
Schr dinger, E. [823 824] 1 6 8 44 313
Schramm, P. [415] 173
Schreiber, W.M. [631] 173
Schreiber., A.W. [21] 173 194 196 202
Schubert, R. [825] 214
Schulman, L.S. [153 244 370-374 414 486 538 662 665 819 826-834] 21 73 109 125 146 147 162 163 170 173 174 194 207 217 219 229 233 243 269 271 353 357
Schwarz derivative 82
Schwarz, A.S. [50-52] 217
Schweber, S.S. [835 836] 6
Schweizer, K.S. [837] 132
Schwinger 11 19
Schwinger, J. [838-842] 4 11 44 55 353
Sebastian, K.L. [843] 194 199 200
Selberg trace formula 154 215-217
Selberg zeta function 154 428
Selberg, A. [844] 154 215
Self-adjoint extension 118 130 338-345
Self-energy 6
Semenoff, G. [573 744] 163
Semiclassical approximation 16 20
Semiclassical expansion 20 95 123 134-154 205
Semiclassical formula 14 16 17 20 150
Semiclassical Green function 150 206
Semiclassical limit 6 11
Semiclassical propagator 170 205
Semiclassical quantization 18 141
Semiclassical radial propagator 213
Semiclassical trace formula 152 213-215
Senjanovic, P. [845] 172
Separation of variables 168-170
Sequ - Santonja, A.J. [320] 225
Serva [226] 20
Sever, R. [304] 282
Shabanov, S.V. [846] 21
Sharan, P. [564] 163 278 282 283
Sharp, D.H. [196] 217 347
Shavgulidze, E.T. [68 857] 21 125
Shepp, L.A. [308 847] 322
Shiekh, A.Y. [244 848] 73 79 164 166
Shimizu, A. [849] 172
Shirkov, D.V. [107] 22
Short-time kernel 7 14 16 31 72 108
Shvartsman, S. [394] 20
Sieber [37 39 41 850-853] 154 211 214
Silva, J.L. [211] 180
Silvermann, S. [386] 272
Sim es, T.J.M. [392] 78
Simmons Jr., L.M. [727] 177
Simon, B. [794 854] 18 21 34 35 73
Singer, I. [792] 39
Singh, L.P. [855] 55 58-62 361
Singh, V.A. [387 388 529 530 588] 66 194
Sirgue [16 97 98 201 203] 20 33 73 178 208
Sissakian, a.n. [457-463] 88 90 91 107
Sj strand, J. [419] 144 145
Skagerstam, B. - S. [602] 48 55
Slavnov, A.A. [313] 22 48 55
Slobodenyuk, V.A. [856] 211
Smilanski, U. [649 851] 154 173 206
Smolyanov, O.G. [857] 21
Smondyrev, M.A. [940] 21
Smorodinsky, J.A. [668] 107 237 290 293
SO( ) path integral 105 264
Sobczyk, J. [731] 21
Solov'ev, Yu., P. [68] 125
Somaratna, K.T.S. [661] 175
Sommerfeld problem 229-230
Sommerfeld, A. [861] 229
Sonego, S. [862] 163 164
Source 58 59 427
Spector, D. [294] 322
Spectral density 150
Spectral expansion 111 114
Spectral representation 28 29 151
Sphere 91 106 214 262 276
Spherical harmonic 65 428
Spheroidal function 90-91 119-122 262 428
Spin 271 355-358
Spruch, L. [378] 225
Sritrakool, W. [817-818] 21 198 213 293
St ckel determinant 169 428
St rk, F. [152] 73 76 82 166 282
Static limit 202
Stationary phase 12 52 144 145 149 151
Stationary point 144-146 149 206
Statistical mechanics 34 35 132
Steiner, F. [37-42 45 110 111 193 464-470 689 852 853 855 863-869] 1 3 14 16 17 20 31 43 44 55-63 65-68 73 76-81 84-88 102 121 141 143 148 152 154 167 211 213 217 225 237 361 362
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