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Grosche C., Steiner F. — Handbook of Feynman path integrals |
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Drouffe, J. - M. [533] 22
Drumond, C. [211] 180
Duistermaat - Heckman formula 163
Duistermaat, J.J. [268 269] 163
Dunham, j.l. [270] 206
Durhuus, B. [24] 20
Duru - Kleinert transformation see Space-time transformation
Duru, I.H. [9 55-58 271-282] 20 66 76 81 87 88 99 122 130 221-223 243 245
Dutt, r. [223 283] 79
Dykstra, H.M. [284] 163
Dyon 296-299
Dyon and Aharonov - Bohm field 299
Dyon inside a sphere 299
Dyon, modified 297
Dyson 6 8 11 15 35
Dyson, F.J. [285-287] 6 8 11 15 35
EBK 143 151 206
Edwards, S.F. [288-292] 66
Efimov, G.V. [293] 202
Efthimiou, C.J. [294] 322
Ehrenfest 1
Ehrenfest, P. [295] 1
Einstein 14 141-143
Einstein, A. [296] 14 141-143
Eisenhart, L.P. [297] 168
electric field 177
Electrodynamics 6 9 11 14 16 20 33
Ellinas, D. [155 298] 360
Elworthy, B.S. [241 242 299 300] 73
English, L.Q. [301] 178
Ercolessi, E. [302] 358
Erd lyi, A. [303] 65 98 100
Erko , [304] 282
Error function 327 330-335 350 426
Euclidean action 34
Euclidean path integral 33 34 425
Euclidean time 1 18 33
Euler - Lagrange equations 96 99 126 173
Evans, N.W. [305] 107 290
Exner, p. [306 307] 21 33
Expansion formula, elliptic 119-122
Expansion formula, pseudo-spherical 121
Expansion formula, spherical 65
Expansion formula, spheroidal 90-91 119-122 261 262
Ezawa, h. [308 309] 62
Faddeev - Senjanovic formula see Constraint path integral
Faddeev, L.D. [310-313] 22 48 55 58
Fagen, R.E. [132] 165
Fainberg, V.Ya [23] 362
Fanelli, R. [314] 78
Fano, G. [315] 230
Farhi, E. [145 146 316 317] 130 180 219
Farina de Souza, C. [231 322 321] 173 175 177
Farina, C. [318-320] 175 225
Fay, J.D. [323] 308
Fermion determinant 61
Ferraro, R. [324] 20
Feshbach, H. [714] 90
Feynman - Dyson formula 35
Feynman - Green function 137
Feynman - Kac formula 1 18-19 34
Feynman diagram 9
Feynman kernel 2-3 13 17 23-24 26-27 30
Feynman path integral 8 19 31 37
Feynman propagator 53-54 60
Feynman rules 9 20 54
Feynman's i -prescription see i -pre- scription
Feynman, R.P. [325-342 920] 2 6-9 10 11 13-15 18 20-22 26 32-35 37 40 41 53 54 60 71 124 125 132-134 194
Finkler, P. [135] 71 163
Fiorenza, G. [500] 177
Fischer, W. [343-345] 73 76 82 102 113
Fishman, L. [346] 162
Fiziev, P.P. [347] 208
Flag manifold 358
Fleischer, W. [21] 194 196 202
Fock space 44-45 47 50 56-57
Fock vacuum 44 47
Foerster, A. [348] 172
Fokker - Planck process 186
Fokker, A.D. [349] 186
Foong, S.K. [243] 20
Fourier series 39 165
Frank, A. [350] 116
Free energy 133
Free particle 28 30 39 43 174 176 177 227
Freed, K.F. [290 351 591] 194
Freedman, b. [205] 61 62
Friction see Damped oscillator
Friedrich, H. [352] 154
Friesner, R.A. [353] 132
Frolov, I.V. [50 51] 217
Frosen, F. [354] 194
Fujii, K. [355] 214
Fujikawa, K. [356] 170
Fukutaka, H. [357-359] 78 83
Funahashi, K. [355 360] 214 271
Functional 13
Functional, cylindrical 138 207
Functional, determinant 38 39 43 97
Functional, generating 53 60 157 207 362
Functional, integral 2 18
Functional, integration 34
Functional, reflection symmetry 211
Functional, space 10
Functional, weight 66 101 107 117
G ler, Y. [716] 172
Gadella [361] 69
Gamboa, J. [362] 233
Ganbold, G. [293] 202
Gangoli, R [363 364] 219
Gangopadhyay, D. [365] 165
Garczynski, W. [366] 172
Garrod, C. [367] 71 73
Gaussian, integral 28 37 41-42 55 58 71 139
Gaussian, measure 136 139
Gaussian, path integral 13 37 38 39 52 73 93 97 160
Gavazzi, G.M. [225 368 369] 162
Gaveau, B. [370-374] 20
Gaw dzki, K. [375] 164
Gegenbauer polynomials 65 425
Gelfand, I.M. [376] 16 18 165
Gell - Mann [377] 7
Gelman, D. [378] 225
Gendenshte m, L. [379] 61
Generating function 4
Generating functional 53 60 172 362
George, T.F. [941 942] 190 193
Gerardi, A. [134] 225
Gerlach, B. [5 4] 173 194 197 202
Gerry, c.c. [380-388 528] 66 78 135
Gervais, J. - L. [389] 73 78
Gesztesy, R.J. [17] 20 127 131 334-339
Giachetti, R. [390] 132
Giang, N.T. [496] 282
Gildener, E. [391] 61 62
Girotti, H.O. [348 392] 78 172
Gitman, D.M. [393 394] 20
Glasser, M.L. [395] 175
Gleick, J. [396] 14 18 19
Glimm, J. [397] 18 21 34
Golden, S. [398] 133
Goodings, D.A. [399] 218
Goodman [400] 219
Goovaerts, M.J. [401-410 472 473] 99 124-127
Got [411] 186
Gozzi, e. [412] 164
Grabert, H. [414] 21
Gradshteyn, I.S. [413] 65 90 100 112 121
Graham, R. [228 416 415] 162 173
Grassmann variables 55 58-59 61 165
| Greco, A. [124] 357
Green function 2 20 23 30 81 86 176 179 206 218-220 222 224 226 227 263 266 277 306
Grigis, A. [419] 144 145
Grinberg, H. [417 418] 76
Grosche, C. [103 421-470] 35 55 66 67 72-74 76-81 88 90 91 102 107 108 119-122 125-131 364 365
Grosjean, C.C. [471-473] 124
Gross, E.P. [474] 194
Group manifold 93 258
Group quotient 262
Group space 258-276
Grundberg, J. [475 476] 360 363
Guechi, L. [70 116-118 177-184] 20 76 80 166 193 221 229 253 287 296 322-325
Guillemin, V.W. [268 477] 149
Gulyaev, Y.V. [291 292] 66
Gunther, N.J. [478] 165
Gutmann, S. [145 146 317 316] 130 175 180 219
Gutschick, V.G. [727] 177
Gutzwiller trace formula 17 20 141-154
Gutzwiller, M.C. [479-484 819] 17 21 124 141-143 151 152 154 206
H egh - Krohn, R. [13 12 16-19 201] 20 21 33 73 127 131 165 208 213 215 334-339
Haar measure 104
Haeffner, W. [485] 180
Half-space, Dirichlet boundary conditions 347
Half-space, Neumann boundary conditions 347
Hamilton - J acobi equation 1 15 17
Hamilton - J acobi theory 14
Hamilton Jr., J.F. [486] 357
Hamilton, principal function 30 99 145 147
Hamilton, principle 6 12 145 147
Hamiltonian 1-3 6 40 44 50 59 61 67 69 72 77
Hamiltonian, classical 23
Hamiltonian, effective 71
Hamiltonian, free 27
Hammann, T.F. [70-72 114-117 177-194] 20 76 80 88 171 193 198 199 203 221 226-229 236 245 248 253 277 279 283-287 289 322-325 355 356
Hankel function 426
Hannesson [487] 219
Hansson [475] 360
Harish - Chandra function 216
Harmonic analysis 106 107
harmonic oscillator see Oscillator
Harrison, M.J. [904] 182
Hasslacher, B. [219] 165
Hawking, S. [488] 39
Heat kernel see Path integral
Heaviside step function 24 428
Heckman, G.J. [269] 163
Heisenberg 1 8 154
Heisenberg commutation relation 23
Hejhal, D.A. [489] 154
Heller, E.J. [214] 222
Helmholtz equation 90
Henneaux [490] 362
Henning, D. [491] 336
Hermite polynomials 99 139 426
Hermitian operator 23 67
Hermitian space see Hyperbolic space
Hern ndez, E. [901] 189
Hesse [38] 154
Hibbs, A. [340 557] 2 6 9 10 20 26 34 40 132-134
Hietam ki, A. [492] 163
Higgs oscillator, on the hyperboloid 254
Higgs oscillator, on the sphere 243
Hilbert space 1 23-24 45 55 67 72 104
Hilf, E.R. [49] 154
Hille - Hardy formula 100
Hillery [493] 353
Hirshfeld, A.C. [494 647] 70 162
Ho, R. [495] 77 81
Hoang, L.V. [496] 282
Holden, H. [17] 20 127 131 334-339
Holstein, B.R. [497-499] 180 211
Home, D. [365] 165
Homogeneous space 106 108 109 155 158 258-276
Horing, N.J. [500] 177
Horv thy, P.A. [501] 178
Hostler, L.C. [502-505] 282
Hott, M.B. [231 318-320] 175 225
Huang, C. [722] 217
Hull, T.E. [513] 168
Hulth n, L. [506] 249
Hurwitz transformation 88
Hurwitz, A. [507] 76
Hydrogen atom 20 87-88 124
Hydrogen-like system 326
Hyperbolic space 155 157 304-322
Hyperbolic strip 157
Hyperboloid 91 106 155 304
Hyperboloid, -dimensional 109 158 265 311
Hyperboloid, double-sheeted 158 427
Hyperboloid, single-sheeted 158 268 311 426
Hyperboloid, three-dimensional 158
Hyperboloid, two-dimensional 158
Hypergeometric function 115
Hyperspherical harmonic 65 428
I -prescription 26 29 54
Ichinose [508] 20 129
Ichinose, W. [509] 163
Ikomori, H. [510] 21
Iliopoulos, J. [511] 20 172
Imaginary time 33
Immirzi, G. [512] 79
Inamoto [849] 172
Indefinite metric 74 103 156 268 273
Infeld, L. [513] 168
Ingold, G. - L. [415] 173
Inomata, a. [59 60 86 87 125-129 142 143 267 384 385 414 484 495 514-531 552 553 633 771 819 886] 21 66 76 77 81 99-102 108 112 135 176 181 225-228 233 234 237-239 249 252 284 286 295 296 313 314 322
Instanton approximation 34
Integral kernel 2
Interbasis expansion 107-108
Inverted, Liouville problem 118 119 228 229
Inverted, oscillator see Repelling oscillator
Irreducible representation, It - Stratonovich integral 62
It , K. [532] 84
Itzykson, C. [511 533 534] 20 22 25 54 172
Jackiw, R. [535] 338
Jacobi equation 147
Jacobi field 146-148
Jacobi operator 137
Jacobi polynomial 112 427
Jacobi theta function 428
Jacobian 79
Jacobson [370 536-538] 21
Jaffe, A. [397] 18 21 34
Jaglom, A.M. [376] 16 18
Janke, W. [539-541] 88
Jannussis, A. [61-63 542] 186 187 191
Jaroszewicz [544] 226
Jarvis, P.D. [659] 234 236
Jaynes - Cummings model 356
Jehle 6
Jensen's inequality 133
Jevicki, a. [389] 73 78
Jona - Lasinio, G. [226] 20
Jones, A.V. [545 756] 177
Jones, C.E. [135] 71 163 176
Jonsson [24] 20
Joos, H. [66] 22
Jordan, P. [546] 3
Junker, g. [59 60 104-106 520-524 547-553] 21 66 77 102 103 112-115 119 121 174 240 245 252 258 259 262 264 265-267 271-273 304 313 314 363
K rki [726] 102 163 164 258
Kac [370 554-557] 1 18-21 33 73 165
Kahng, W.H. [900 942] 193
Kalnins, E.G. [119 558-561] 90 115 118
Kalotas, T.M. [478] 165
Kaluza - Klein monopole 88 157 300
Kanki [562] 180
Kapoor, A.K. [563 564] 66 71 163 278 282 283
Karayan, Kh [457] 107
Kashiwa [357-360 565-568 734] 83 162 163 361
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