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Grosche C., Steiner F. — Handbook of Feynman path integrals |
Предметный указатель |
-manifold 214
-adic path integral 21
tem, A.I. [717] 32
ov ek, P. [877] 233
nal, N. [281 282] 296
-function 24 47 123-124 128 156 158
-function, -dimensional 30 345
-function, along a line 336 337
-function, derivative-perturbation 129-130 158 334-336
-function, Dirac particle 127 129 345 346
-function, for electron 345
-function, for positron 346
-function, multiple (TV-fold) 334 336 343 344
-function, on hyperplanes 336 337
-function, one-dimensional 327
-function, periodic 333
-function, propagator 327 328 329 335 337
-function, radial 328
-function, relativistic 345 346
-function, three-dimensional 328-345
-function, time-dependent 324
-function, two-dimensional 328-345
Abdalla, M.S. [1 2 199] 168 188 193
Abers, E.S. [3] 172
action 4-5 7-8 10-11 16 30 41 66 84 97 133
Action, classical 12 30 150
Action, Euclidean 34
Action-angle variables 142 206
Adamovski, J. [4 5] 173 194 197 202
Addition theorem 64
Agarwal, G.S. [6] 188 189
Aharonov - Bohm effect 157 233
Aharonov, Y. [7] 233
Ahmedov, H. [8 9] 245 268
Airy function 175 352 421
Akhundova, E.A. [10] 175
Albeverio, S. [11-20] 20 21 33 73 127 131 165 213 215 327 334-344
Alexandrou, C. [21] 194 196 202
Alicki, R. [22] 186
Aliev, T.M. [23] 362
Ambj rn, J. [24] 20
Amplitude of paths 8
Anderson, A. [25 26] 76 162 164 166 178 225 226 228 245 262 282
Anderson, S.B. [26] 76 162 164 178 225 226 228 245 262 282
Annihilation operator 44 55
Anti - De Sitter gravity 273
Anticommuting algebra 55
Anticommuting relation 55
Anticommuting variables 55 58-59 61 165
Antoine [28] 299
Antoine, J. - P. [27] 21
Anyon 155 157 295-304 360
Anyon, coherent state path integral 360
Anyon, gravitational 302
Aoki, K. [29] 365
Apfeldorf, K.M. [30] 78 166
Arnold, V.I. [31 32] 142
Arthurs, A.M. [33-35] 21 66 73
Aurich, R. [36-42] 154
Avez, A. [32] 142
B cker, A. [45] 154
B hm [66 104-106 551] 22 66 102 103 108 112-115 119 121 240 244 245 258 259 262 264 265-267 271-273 304
Babbit, D.G. [43] 72 73 173
Babcenco, A. [404] 124-127
Badralexe, E. [44] 189
Bakhrakh, V.L. [46] 179
Balachandran, A.P. [47] 206
Balazs, N.L. [48] 154
Baltes, H.P. [49] 154
Bandrauk, a.d. [204] 363
Baranov, A.M. [50-52] 217
Bargmann representation 44-48
Bargmann, V. [53] 45
Barrier, hyperbolic 251
Barrier, penetration 211
Barut, A.O. [54-60] 20 164 221-223 252 313 314
Basic path integrals 20 93
Basic path integrals, Besselian 20 87 93 156 160
Basic path integrals, Gaussian 13 37 38 39 52 73 93 97 160
Basic path integrals, Legendrian 39 93 156 158
Baskoutas, S. [61-63] 186 187 190 191
Bassalo, J.M.F. [64] 183
Bauch, D. [65] 125 170 328
Becher, P. [66] 22
Beeby, J.L. [67] 222
Belokurov, V.V. [68] 125
Bemido, C.C. [81-87 141 142] 20 76 233 234 238 239 284 286 296 300 302 303
Ben - Abraham, S.I. [69] 162
Benkaddour [71] 236
Bentag, B. [70] 20 236
Bentaiba [71 72] 171
Benvegnu, S. [73] 130
Beranada, J. - O. [817 819] 21 213 293
Berezin integral 56
Berezin, F.A. [74-78] 55 56 162 362
Berg, H.P. [79] 233
Bergeron [80] 353
Berry, M.V. [88-92] 141 154 206 213 215
Bessel function 65 101 107 120-121
Bessel function, modified 100 121 426
Bethe 9 11 19
Bez k, V. [93] 194 195
Bhagwat, K.V. [94-96 575 583-588 641 642] 21 77 125 170 194 197-200 216 226 233 327 328
Billiard 16 154 214
Blanchard, Ph [13 12 97 98] 20 73 165 213 215 282
Blau [99] 163
Blau, S.K. [100] 172
Blinder, S. [101 102 487] 219 327
Boas [103] 364 365
Boersma, J. [928] 229
Bogoliubov, N.N. [107] 22
Bohm, D. [7] 233
Bohr 1 11 154
Bohr - Sommerfeld quantum conditions 141
Bolte, J. [36 37 108-111] 142 150 152 154 206 213
Born 1
Borovikov, V.A. [112] 144
Bosco, E. [113] 194 198 200
Bose system 44
Boudjedaa [114-118] 20 248 356
Bounames, A. [114 115] 248 355 356
boundary conditions 38 40 61-63 130-131 156 158 213 217 347-353
Boundary conditions, anti-periodic 62
Boundary conditions, periodic 63
Boundary value problem 61-62 123
box 347-351
Box, Dirichlet boundary conditions 158 219 220 347 348
Box, mixed boundary conditions 158
Box, Neumann boundary conditions 158 219 220 347 348
Boyer, C.P. [119] 90
Brillouin, L. [120] 142
Brodimas, G.N. [542] 186
Broeckx, F. [405-407] 124-127
Brosens, F. [121 233] 194 196 202
Brownian motion 18 33
BRST 163 164
Brush, S.G. [122] 178
Brze niak, Z. [14 15] 33 73 327 338 340-344
Buchholz, D. [123] 207
Cabra, D.C. [124] 357
Cai, J.M. [125-127] 77 181 225 249 286 322
Cai, P.Y. [125-129] 181 225 228 249 295 296 322
Calculus of variation 14 17 146
Caldeira, A.O. [130 708] 189
Calogero model 230-232
Cameron - Martin formula 165
Cameron, R.H. [131-133] 165
Camiz, P. [134] 225
Campbell, D.K. [204] 71 363
Campbell, W.B. [135] 163
| Camporesi, R. [136] 262
Canright, G.S. [137] 302
Carpio - Bemido, M.V. [83-86 139-143] 76 233 238 284 286 293 296
Carreau [144-146] 130 175 180 217 219
Cartan - Killing form 258
Cartier, P. [147] 66 73
Casimir operator 110 258 270
Castrigiano, D.P.L. [148-152 620] 73 76 82 166 183 193 194 197 199 282
Cavalieri 10
Cbc formula 363
Cerdeira, V [153] 21
Chaichian [154 155] 360
Chan, F.T. [170] 232
Chandler, D. [837] 132
Chaotic system 17 20 142-143 154
Chavel, I. [156] 216
Chebotarev, A.M. [685] 163
Chen, X. [157] 360
Cheng, B.K. [158-172 213 214 945] 176 177 180-184 186-189 194 197 222 229 232 234
Cheng, K.S. [173] 162
Cheng, P. [174] 214
Chetouani, L. [70-72 114-117 194] 20 76 80 88 166 171 193 194 198 199 203 221 226-229 236 245 248 253 277 279 283-287 289 296 322-325 356
Choquard formula 17
Choquard, Ph [192 193] 3 14 16 17 31 148 206
Chouchaoui, A. [175 176 194] 203 229 279
Chow, P. - L. [195] 194
Christoffel symbol 68 73
Clark, V [196] 217 347
Clutton - Brock [197] 206
Cofactor 169
Cohen, L. [198] 73 162
Coherent states 44-55 353-361
Coherent states, fermion 55-56 353-365
Coherent states, flag manifold 358
Coherent states, harmonic oscillator 50 353
Coherent states, quadratic 353-355
Coherent states, regularized path integral 357
Coherent states, spinning particle 55 59 60
Colegrave, R.K. [199] 168
Coleman, S. [200] 34 363
Combe, Ph [16 98 201 202] 20 33 178 208
Commutation relation 23 44 45
Completeness relation 23 29 47
Composition law 5-7 24 26 31 105
Comtet, a. [28 204] 299 363
Conjugate point 17 146-148
Conjugate variable 3 4
Continuous spectrum 27 29
Cooper, F. [205] 61 62
Coordinate space representation 24
Coordinates, bispherical 264 267
Coordinates, Cartesian 11 30-31 36-37 91 157
Coordinates, curvilinear 10 162 365
Coordinates, cylindrical 109-110 113
Coordinates, Darboux 206
Coordinates, ellipsoidal 91
Coordinates, elliptic 90-91 119-122 260
Coordinates, equidistant 268 305
Coordinates, Hamilton - Jacobi 164
Coordinates, horocyclic (horicyclic) 118 268 305
Coordinates, parabolic 88-91 260 277 279 283 291 293 298 301
Coordinates, paraboloidal 91
Coordinates, polar 91 261 278
Coordinates, spherical 63-66 91 99-102 121 258 259 268 293
Coordinates, sphero-elliptic 91 283
Coordinates, spheroidal 90-91 119-122 261 262
Coordinates, toroidal 233
Correlation function 172 362
Correspondence rule 68-69
Correspondence rule, anti-standard 69
Correspondence rule, Bom - Jordan 69
Correspondence rule, standard 69
Correspondence rule, symmetric 69
Correspondence rule, Weyl 69
Coulomb potential 277-295
Coulomb potential, -dimensional 289
Coulomb potential, and Aharonov - Bohm potential 287
Coulomb potential, Dirac 294
Coulomb potential, in a sector 279
Coulomb potential, Klein - Gordon 294
Coulomb potential, modified (long-range) 234 235
Coulomb potential, non-isotropic 280 288
Coulomb potential, on hyperboloids 313-317
Coulomb potential, on spheres 314 316
Coulomb potential, one-dimensional 277
Coulomb potential, parabolic coordinates 88-91
Coulomb potential, polar coordinates 279 283 285 291
Coulomb potential, propagator 281
Coulomb potential, spaces of constant curvature 313-316
Coulomb potential, spherical coordinates 282 284
Coulomb potential, three-dimensional 281-289
Coulomb potential, trigonometric 252
Coulomb potential, two-dimensional 278 280 290
Craegh, S.C. [851] 154
Crandall, R.E. [206-209] 222 228 249 327
Creation operator 55
Creutz [210] 22
Cui, H.L. [500] 177
Cunha [211] 180
Curvature, constant negative 90
Curvature, constant positive 90
Curvature, scalar 68
Cylindrical functional 138 207
D rr [267] 296
D browski, L. [15 73] 130 327 338 340-344
D'Olivo, J.C. [260 902] 162 194 199
Da Cruz, W. [212] 20
Da Luz, M.G.E. [171 213 214] 222 229 325
Dane, C. [215] 304
Darboux, G. [216] 168
Das, A. [217] 22
Dashen, R. [218 219] 165 194
Datta, S. [576] 194 200
Daubechies, I. [220 601] 357
Davies, H. [221] 71
Davies, I.M. [222] 183
De Aguiar, M.A.M. [224] 222
de Alfaro, V. [225] 363
De Angelis, G.F. [226] 20
De Carvalho, T.O. [227] 221
De Souza Dutra, A. [172 230 231 318 321] 162 175 189-191 193 234
De, R. [223 283] 79
Degenerate parametric amplifier 354
Deininghaus, U. [228] 162
Dekker, H. [229] 162
Demichev, A.P. [154] 21
Density matrix 34
Desbois, j. [28] 299
Determinant, fermion 61
Determinant, functional 38 39
Determinant, Van Vleck see Morette - Van Hove determinant
Determinant, zeta function regularization 39
Devreese, J.T. [121 232 233 354 404 408 409 754 755 798] 21 124-127 175 194 196 202 282
DeWitt - Morette, C. [147 237-247 629 710-712 943] 20 33 66 73 76 83 135 140
DeWitt, B.S. [234-236] 13 32 55 78
Dhara, A.K. [249-251 643] 322
Diffusion 18 19
Diffusion equation 1 8
Dirac 3 4 7 11
Dirac equation 20
Dirac matrix 294
Dirac particle 129 156 345 346
Dirac, P.A.M. [252-256] 3 4 11 32
Discrete spectrum 27 28
Dittrich, W. [257] 21
Dobry, A. [124] 357
Dodonov, V.V. [10 258 259] 173 175
Donsker, M.D. [261] 202
Dowker, J.S. [174 262-266 690] 69 73 102 162
Dreyfus [649] 173
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