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Cercignani C. — Theory and Application of the Boltzman Equation |
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"Stosszahlansatz" 52
Abarbanel, S.S. 338 350
Abe, K. 377 389
Abramowitz, M. 183 230 264 285
Absorption 66 168 170 171 199
Absorption coefficients 171
Abuaf, N. 384 391
Accommodation coefficients 118 120 121 122 127 128 134 265 268 270
Accommodation matrix 128
Adsorbed layer 106
Adsorption time 106
Aerodynamic forces 263 269
Airfoil 163 341 379
Akhiezer, N.I. 160 182 229
Albertoni, S. 255 284 297 348 395 406
Alterman, Z. 183 230 338 350 353 385
Analytic continuation 330 331 333 335 336 337
Ananthasayanam, M.R. 376 389
Anderson, D. 355 366 369 376 386 388
Anderson, J.B. 384 391
Anderson, W.M. 353 385
Andres, R.D. 384 391
Angular cutoff see “Cutoff”
Anti-Boltzmann equation 55
Antizero 328
Apse line 61 68
Areolar derivative see “Pompeju derivative”
Arkeryd, L. 393 405
Arsen'ev, A.A. 394 405
Artin, E. 99 103
Ashkenas, H. 380 391
Atomic bomb 174
Attenuation 334 335 337
Attractive forces 25
Averages 3 4 8 9 25 42 56
Bagnal, C.W. 354 369 386
Balescu, R. 94 103
Banach space 404
Bassanini, P. 229 231 255 256 284 355 364 369 377 386 387 389 390
BBGKY hierarchy 58
Bednarz, R. 395 406
Benedek, G.B. 345 350
Bergman, P.G. 114 156
Bessel functions 125 154 177 315
BGK model 95 96 97 98 206 208 256 261 293 297 301 306 312 313 317 318 319 329 330 332 342 354 355 356 364 365 366 369 376
Bhatnagar, P.L. 95 103
Bird, G.A. 360 376 377 380 384 388 391
Bird, R.B. 41 66 70 102 244 283
Bixon, M. 202 231
Body force 84 130
Bogdonoff, S.M. 380 390 391
Bogoliubov, N.N. 50 102
Boguslawski, S. 239 283
Boltzmann constant 84 130
Boltzmann equation 3 40 41 52 54 57 58 64 66 67 84 85 90 94 138 143 158 159 161 162 232 233 234 238 239 240 246 249 260 278 351 352 354 355 358 359 360 370 381 392 395
Boltzmann gas 43 54 55 61 86 142
Boltzmann's inequality 78
Boltzmann, L. 52 102 147 157
Borel, E. 2 24 39
Born, M. 58 102
Boundary 104 108
boundary conditions 49 51 104 105 162 212 213 215 224 245 252 256 269 295 342 354 359 395 396 397 401
Boundary value problems 3 165 172 221 222 278 336 332 399
Bowden, R.L. 306 348
Boyle's law 82
Brau, C.A. 377 389
Broadwell, T.E. 360 380 388 391
Brook, J.W. 384 391
Buckner, J.K. 334 335 337 338 350
Bulk viscosity 85
Burnett distribution function 304
Burnett equations 245 252 374
Butler, D.S. 353 385
Canonical variables 100
Capillaries 273
Carleman, T. 52 102 392 393 405
Carlson, B.G. 355 386
Case, K.M. 205 217 231 289 290 291 293 299 306 319 333 347 348 349 405 406
Cashwell, E.D. 361
Cassel, J.S. 318 319 322 349
Cauchy principal value 290 346
Cauchy — Riemann equations 325
Cercignani, C 160 229 230 231 246 255 256 269 270 284 285 289 290 291 293 295 297 300 306 310 311 312 314 318 319 324 325 326 329 336 338 339 340 341 343 347 348 349 350 353 355 356 358 359 362 363 364 366 369 370 377 385 386 387 388 389 390 395 403 404 406
Chahine, M.T. 355 386
Chandrasekhar, S. 171 230 354 386
Chaos assumption 54
Chapman — Enskog method 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 252 253 254 256 260 261 340 381
Chapman, S. 41 52 70 102 139 157 240
Charwat, A.F. 380 391
Chen, S.Y. 380 391
Cheng, H.K. 380 381 382 384 391
Chiadd Piat, M.G. 269 285
Chorin, A.J. 353 385
Chow, W.L. 380 391
Cipolla, J.W. 256 284 364 388
Clark, M.Jr. 359 387
Clausing's equation 275
Clausing, D. 275 285
Collision 19 30 46 47 48 53 55 61 67
Collision frequency 96 98 168 179 180 209 233 255 256 279 287 289 297 300 306 315 319 322 371 400
Collision integral see “Collision term”
Collision invariants 72 74 77 160 174 181 188 189 190 191 192 206 235
Collision operator see “Collision term”
Collision term 67 77 95 158 162
Completeness 194 291 310 312 317 318 326 334 338 394
Concentration gradient 261
Conkie, W.R. 353 385
Conservation equations 236 372
Conservation of energy 15 67 68 78 84 86 117 169
Conservation of mass 77 78 84 86 214 369
Conservation of momentum 15 68 78 84 86 169 362 369
Constitutive equations 85 86 198
Conte, S.D. 293 348
Contracting mapping 118 398
Convex function 115
Cook, G.E. 269 285
Cooper, A.L. 283 285 379 390
Corngold, N. 211
Correlation 87
Couette flow 294 299 300 355 361 362 363 365 366 369 377
Coulomb forces 59 94
Cowling, T.G. 41 52 70 102 139 157 240 244 283
Creager, M. 268 285
Critical size see “Criticality”
criticality 174 295 306 405
Cross section 63 168 171 211 228
Crystal 110 137
Curtiss, C.F. 41 66 70 102 244 283
Cutoff 110 184 186 208 361
Cutoff potentials 59 61 64 222 232
Daneri, A. 355 366 386
Darrozes, J. 116 117 156 256 318 349
Davison, B. 286 319 333 348 353 354 385
De Boer, J. 66 102
Degenerate kernel approximation 228
Degtyarev, L.M. 380 391
Delta function 68 32 65 102 109 112 115 118 130 132 165 166 184 223 226 227 270 291
Dense gases 57 67
density see “Mass density”
Density fluctuations see “Fluctuations”
Deshpande, S.M. 374 376 389
Detailed balance 114 170
Deviation (from the average) 9
Diatomic gas 365
dielectric constant 344
Diffuse evaporation 119
Diffusion 261
Diffusion tensor 87
Discrete ordinate techniques 351 354 365
Disparate mass 261
| dispersion relation 201 330 333 335 336
Dissipative operator 394
Distribution function, for N particles 64 101 102
Distribution function, for one particle 33 34 52 54 64 79 83 101
Distribution function, for two particles 34 52 64
Distributions see “Generalized Functions”
Doming, J.J. 313 334 336 337 349
Dong, W. 366 389
Dootson, F.W. 261 284
Dorfman, J.R. 183 202 230 231
Double 353
Drag 83 104 215 265 268 344 355
Duderstadt, J.J. 329 349
Dunford, N. 160 182 229
Edwards, R.H. 381 382 384 391
Eigenfunction 122 207 244 261 292 317 329 334 338
Eigenvalue 122 125 160 181 182 183 184 186 200 203 204 207 261 290 306
Electrons 3 108 166 171 172
Elementary solutions 201 286 289 299 306 337
Emission coefficient 171
Emission of radiation 66
Energy density 80 82
Energy flow 80 82 83
Energy, internal (per unit mass) 31 82 101
Energy, kinetic 30 68 385
Energy, potential 35 68
Energy, total 27 263 264
Enskog, D. 240 261 283 284
entropy 142 149
Epstein, M. 129 130 157
Equilibrium 25 26 31 34 42 142 180
Ergodic hypothesis 25 29 30
ES model 97 207 319 354 366 369
Euler fluid 85 237 242 380
evaporation see “Diffuse evaporation”
Everett, C.J. 361 388
Existence 11 222 392 395 399
Expansion into a vacuum 380
External flows 215 338 355 377
Extrapolation length 299
Faddeyeva, V.N. 293 348
Fenn, J.B. 384 391
Ferziger, J.H. 210 231 244 255 256 261 283 284 329 334 335 337 338 349 350 358 376 387 389
Fetz, B. 395 406
Final layer 239 244 245
Finkelstein, L. 338 350 353 385 400 406
Fission 168 169 170 171 199 200 211
Flow past a body see “External flows”
Flow rate 276 277 305 306 366 367 368
Fluctuations 344
Fokker — Planck equation 86 89
Fokker — Planck term 91 92 94 97 110 134
Foley, W.M. 136 157
Forces, external 57 145
Forces, intermolecular 168
Foresti, P. 255 284 297 387
Fourier transform 205 218 221 334 338 339 342 343 344 345 394 395
Fox, H.L. 338 350
Fox, R.F. 344 350
Frankowski, K. 183 230 338 350 353 385
Free-molecular flow 41 233 262 271 273 305 359
Free-streaming operator 395
Freeman, N.C 381 384 391
Freezing 381
Fried, B.D. 293 348
Frisch, H.L. 97 103 114 156
Gamma function 38 183 228
Ganz, A. 256 284
Gas constant 33 82 117
Gas-surface interaction 104 111 114 380
Gast, R.C 354 386
Gateaux derivative 359
Gaussian distribution 88 97
Gelbard, E.M. 361 388
Gelfand, I.M. 8 13 39 181 192 230 290 348
Generalized analytic functions 325 334
Generalized derivative see “Sobolev derivative”
Generalized functions 5 6 8 123 124 151 155 181 192 194 290 291 307 324
Giddens, D.P. 354 369 386
Glazman, I.M. 160 182 229
Goertzel, G. 361
Goldman, E. 377 389
Goodman, F.O. 130 157
Goodwin, C 268 285
Gotusso, L. 255 284 348
Grad, H. 54 61 102 137 157 183 230 238 246 249 256 261 283 284 285 336 338 343 350 352 354 371 379 385 389 390 393 394 354 405 406
Grazing collisions 70 86 90 91 94 97
Green, H.S. 58 102
Greens' function 111 112 114 216 217 218 222 223 279 280 307 338 339 340
Greenspan, M. 334 337 349
Grey case 171 212
Greytag, T.T. 345 350
Grosch, C 374 389
Gross, E.P. 95 103 125 156 206 231 353 364 385
Grunbaum, F.A. 395 406
Grundy, R.E. 381 384 391
Guiraud, J.P. 116 117 156 405 406
Gustafson, K. 202 231
Gustafson, W.A. 268 285
H-Theorem 137 138 139 140 143 180 394
Habetler, G.I. 170 230
Half-range polynomials 125
Hamel, B.B. 283 285 354 379 381 382 383 384 386 390 391
Hanson, F.B. 98 103 338 350
Harbour, P.J. 380 390
Hard sphere molecules see “Rigid spheres”
Harmonic field 147
Hartley, A.B. 354 366 386
Haviland, J.K. 360 364 366 376 387 388
Hayes, W.D. 379 390
Hazeltine, R.D. 333 349
Heat conduction coefficient see “Transport coefficients”
Heat flux 83 85 117 196 236 243
Heat transfer 83 215 263 267 268 269 270 287 315 361 364 365 369 377
Heaviside step function 6 223 226 311
Heckl, M. 338 350
Helfand, E. 97 103
Hermite polynomials 125 149 150 151 153 155 352 353 354
Hicks, B.L. 361 388
Hilbert expansions 234 238 240 242 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 256 294 298 370 393
Hilbert problem 318 346 347
Hilbert space 120 128 187 212 213 320 394 403
Hilbert space 160 183 189 215 287
Hilbert, D. 234 283
Hille, E. 394 406
Hinchen, J.J. 136 157
Hirschfelder, J.O. 41 66 70 102 244 283
Hoelder condition 291 292 345
Holway, L.H., Jr. 97 103 338 350 352 365 374 385 388 389
Horning, D.F. 374 389
Hu, P.N. 370 379 389 390
Huang, A.B. 354 364 365 366 369 380 386 389 391
Huber, C 380 391
Hurlbut, F.C 269 285
Hurwitz, H. 170 230
Hwang, P.F. 354 364 365 366 380 386 391
Hypersonic approximation 381 384
Hypersonic flow 287 360 379 381
Ideal fluid see “Euler Fluid”
Ikenberry, E. 353 385
Impact parameter 62 67 179 360
Initial data 2
Initial layer 238 244 248 249 252
Initial value problems 392 395
Integral equation 222 224 226 355 356 393 394 399 403
Integral form of the Boltzmann equation see “Integral equation”
Integral iteration 280 283
interactions 24
Intermolecular forces see “Forces intermolecular”
Intermolecular potential see “Two-body potential”
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