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Cercignani C. — Theory and Application of the Boltzman Equation |
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Internal state 66
Inverse fifth power molecules see “Maxwellian molecules”
Inviscid fluid see “Euler fluid”
Ionization 66
Ionized gases 171
Irreversibility 137 140
Isotropic scattering 211 212 228
Jackson, E.A. 125 156 206 231 353 385
Jeans, J. 52 102
Jeffreys, H. 99 103
Jensen's inequality 116
Jensen, J.L., W.V. 116 157
Johnson, E.A. 261
Johnson, V.K. 275 285
Joss, W.W. 380 390 391
Kahn, D. 338 350
Kalos, M.K. 361 388
Kaper, H.J. 244 261 283 329 349
Kato, T. 160 182 183 191 200 229 394 406
Keck, J.S. 130 157
Kinetic boundary layer 196 238 244 248 252 256 257 258 259 260 297 299 300 303 304 305 314 358 359
kinetic energy see “Energy kinetic”
Kinetic models see “Model equations”
Kinetic theory 3
Kinetic theory of liquids 97
Kirkwood, J.G. 58 102
Kladnik, R. 359 387
Kleitman, D.J. 319 336 349
Kline, T. 256 284 327 328 329 349
Knudsen gas 43
Knudsen iteration 279
Knudsen layer see “Kinetic boundary layer”
Knudsen minimum 306
Knudsen number 233 234 238 262 278 279 282 283 351 355 359 360 364 379 381
Knudsen, M. 137 157 278 285 306 348 366 388
Kogan, N.M. 52 102 137 139 157 265 267 285 360 380 387 391
Kondo, J. 360 388
Kot, S.S. 380 391
Koura, K. 360 388
Kramers problem 294 296 299 314 356
Krizanic, F. 134 137 157
Krook, M. 95 96 103
Ku§Јer, I. 114 122 134 137 156 157 170 186 211 230 231 256 284 327 328 329 349 359 387
Laguerre polynomials 125 149 151 153 154 155 183
Lampis, M. 114 129 135 137 156 269 270 285
Lang, H. 215 231
Laplace operator 90
Laplace transform 205 212 215 306 307 311
Lathrop, K.D. 355 386
Lavin, M.L. 360 364 376 387 388
Le Caine, T. 359 387
Leading edge 379 380
Least square method 358 376
Lebowitz, J.L. 97 103 114 156
Lees, L. 338 350 353 366 385 388
Legendre polynomials 182 353
Lennard — Jones potential 59
Lewis, J.H. 380 390
Liboff, R.L. 94 103
Liepman, H.W. 355 386
Lift 104 265 268
Light scattering 344
Lighthill, J.M. 8 13 39
Likelihood 98 142
Lin, C 366 388
Lin, J.T. 384 391
Linear Boltzmann equation 165 167 211
Linearized Boltzmann equation 161 162 167 170 180 189 200 212 215 216 217 218 222 232 238 254 300 334 338 339 344 345 353 392 393 399 404
Linearized collision operator 158 161 162 180 206 250
Linzer, M. 374 389
Liouville equations 10 11 13 25 26 41 42 108 112 114
Liouville's theorem 9 13 16 20
Lissajous figures 29
Logan, R.M. 130 157
Lorentz force 11
Loschmidt's paradox 140 142
Loyalka, S.K. 210 215 231 255 256 284 329 349 358 359 387
Mach number 233 377 379 380
Macomber, H.K. 377 389
Macroscopic description 79 81 236 243
Macroscopic equations 242
Macroscopic gas-dynamics 85 393
Macroscopic quantities 79
Marek, I. 174 230
Marti, T.T. 395 406
Mason, R.J. 317 319 337 338 349 350
Mass (of a molecule) 43
mass density 79 85 96 97 196 235 236 238
Mass flow 80 266 272 273
Mass velocity 79 85 235 236 238 241 251 254 255 262 344 370
Matrix 228 229 315 317 318
Maxwell's boundary conditions 119 120 124 129 341 396
Maxwell, J.C 71 103 119 299 348
Maxwellian distribution 34 40 79 85 86 95 96 101 113 114 115 139 140 142 143 146 148 158 159 161 162 163 164 180 225 234 235 237 241 242 249 250 254 266 294 295 300 301 339 340 341 352 353 360 369
Maxwellian molecules 71 182 183 186 206 207 244 252 254 255 261 337 353 364 365 373 382
McCroskey, W.J. 380 390
McDougall, J.G. 380 390
McLennan, J.A. 203 231
Mean free path 13 19 20 40 41 42 182 196 198 232 233 234 238 252 255 257 261 262 273 279 293 299 300 305 322 334 336 339 357 369 380
Mean free time 182 233 250 252
Mean square deviation 9
Merged layer regime 380
Messiter, A.F. 379 390
Meyer, E. 334 337 349
Microscopic description 79 236
Mika, J. 174 230 395 405 406
Miller, D.R. 384 391
Millikan, R.A. 377 378 390
Milne problem 294 299
Mintzer, D. 338 350
Mitsis, C.J. 306 348
Mixtures 42 57 64 66 77 79 86 98 165
Mo, K.C. 202 231
Mobly, R. 380 391
Model equations 95 205 206 207 211 222 224 254 255 260 286 315 322 356 376 404
Moderator 168 169
Moe, O.K. 259 285
Molecular beam 104 134 135
Molecular diameter 35
Mollifier 393
Moment equations 316 352 372
Moment methods 351 352 354 355 364 366
Moments 235 258 287 338 381
Momentum 27 30 81 263 264
Momentum density 80
Momentum flow 81
Monatomic perfect gas see “Perfect gas”
Montagnini, B. 395 406
Monte Carlo methods 351 359 360 361 376 380 384
Morgenstern, D. 393 405
Morse, T.F. 98 103 239 283 338 350 377
Mott-Smith, H.M. 183 230 353 372 385
Mozina, J. 134 137 157
Muckenfuss, C 374 386
Multigroup theory 318
Mushelishvili, N.I. 290 291 345 348
Nagy, B., Sz. 160 182 183 188 229
Narasimha, R. 353 374 376 386 389
Navier — Stokes equations 97 240 245 256 260 300 303 304 311 334 340 344 351
Navier — Stokes fluid 85 198
Nearly free-molecule flow 278 305 360
Nelkin, M.S. 170 230 345 350
Neumann — Liouville series 303
Neutron transport 165 171 186 199 211 228 288 289 290 299 304 306 319 329
Neutron waves 329
Neutrons 3 108 166 168 169 171 174 212 405
Nicolaenko, B. 201 202 230 334 349
Noble, B. 286 333
Nocilla, S. 137 157
Nonconvex boundaries 271
| Nonequilibrium 82 114
Nordsieck, A. 361
Normal mode 201
Nuclear reactor 108 167 168 171 174
Number density 19 79 361
Oberai, M.M. 376 377 389
Oguchi, H. 377 380 389 390
Oman, R.A. 384 391
Orthogonality 192 291 292 370
Oseen solution 340
Ostrowski, H.S. 319 336 349
Pagani, C.D. 229 231 255 256 284 356.362 363 364 366 369 377 387 389 390
Pan, Y.S. 260 284 379 390
Pao, Y.P. 186 231 275 285 404 406
Parallel temperature 381
Parity operator see “Reflection operator”
Peculiar velocity 80 96 384
Pejerl's integral equation 228
Pejerls, R.E. 228 231
Pekeris, C.L. 183 230 338 350 353 385
Perfect gas 35 43 267 334
Perlmutter, M. 360 376 387
Perturbation techniques 238
Phase space 9 10 20 29 31
Phase speed 334 335
Phillips, R.S. 394 406
photons 3 108 171
Planck distribution 171
Plemelj formulas 308 332 346 347
Poincare's theorem 141
Poiseuille flow 299 300 301 304 355 361 366 367 379
Polyatomic gases 57 64 66 78 79 86 98 165 377
Pompeju derivative 325
Pomraning, G.C 359 387
potential energy see “Energy potential”
Potter, J.L. 143 390
Povzner, A.Ya. 393
Power law potentials 71 185 186
Prandtl boundary layer 196 238 244 256 257
Prandtl number 97 199 256 322
Pressure 3 82 273
Prigogine, I. 94 103
Principal part 290 324
probability 3 4 5 8 11 51
probability density 3 8 9 10 11 30 31 32 35 50 79 98
Probstein, R.F. 260 284 379 380 390 391
Protection sphere 19 61 62
Radial cutoff see “Cutoff potentials”
Radiation 268
Radiative equilibrium 171
Radiative transfer 3 165 166 171 212
Railly, B.J. 361 388
Random motion 87 88 381
Random velocity see “Peculiar velocity”
Ranganathan, S. 345 350
Rankine — Hugoniot relations 260 370 372
Rayleigh waves 311
Rayleigh's problem 313
Reaction, chemical 66 67 86 108
Reciprocity 111 114 118 124 126 129 130
Recovery factor 267 270
Reduced mass 67 69
Reflection operator 121 190 287 397
Repulsive forces 25 35
Repulsive potentials 68
Reynolds number 233
RibariC, M. 395 406
Riemann surface 332
Riesz, F. 160 182 183 188 229
Riganti, R. 269 285
Rigid motion 148
Rigid spheres 13 23 25 29 35 180 202 203 208 222 232 337 364 365 382 405
Rigolot-Turbat, C. 405 406
Robertson, S.J. 360 387
Rowlands, G. 359 387
Rubin, S.G. 380 391
Rudin, W. 116 157
Rudman, S. 380 391
Rungaldier, H. 360 388
Salwen, H. 374 389
Satellite 106 262 268
Scala, M. 377 389
Scalar product 5 6 120 121 160 164 172 213
Scattering kernel 106 107 108 117 122 124 126 128 129 130 136 137 168 265 266
Scattering of light see “Light scattering”
Scattering pattern 135 136
Schaaf, S.A. 265 267 285 390 406
Schamberg, R. 137 157 246 283
Scharf, G. 202 231 340 350 394 395
Schechter, M. 160 182 183 202 229 231
Schlichting, H. 267 285
Schrello, B.M. 268 285
Schwartz's inequality 170 188 399
Schwartz, J. 160 182 229
Schwartz, L. 8 13 39
Schwendimann, P. 355 377 386
Second order slip 303
Segal, B.M. 376 389
Semigroups 394 395
Sernagiotto, F. 255 256 284 297 306 310 312 314 329 348 349 355 358 366 369 386 387
Sessler, G. 334 337 338 349 350
Shear flows 287 289 294 310 315 380
Shen, S.F. 122 129 156 353 364 385 395 406
Sherman's formula 377 379
Sherman, F.S. 269 285 377 378 379 380 389 390 391
Shidlovski, V.P. 265 267 285 379 390
Shilov, G.E. 8 13 39
Shock layers 238 248
Shock structure see “Shock waves”
Shockwaves 238 351 353 369 370 371 373 376 377
Shorenstein, M. 380 391
Simons, G.A. 377 389
Sinai's ergodic theorem 29 30
Sinai, Ya. 29 30 39
Singular integral equations 291 318 345
Sirovich, L. 97 98 103 201 207 230 231 256 334 335 336 337 338 343 345 349 350 376 377 379 389 390
Slip coefficient 255 297 299 314 357
Smolderen, J. 283 285
Smoluchowski, M. 278 285
Sobolev derivative 325
Sobolev, S.L. 133 157
Solid body see “Solid Boundaries”
Solid boundaries 3 14 45 51 104 108
Solid wall see “Solid boundaries”
Sone, Y. 255 256 259 284
Sonine polynomials see “Laguerre polynomials”
Sound propagation 334 337
Sound speed 233 337 371
Spain, J. 318 349
Spanier, J. 361 388
Sparrow, E.M. 275 285
Specific heats 264
Spectrum 182 201 202 204 205 207 290 308 312 313 317 318 327 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 402
Specular reflection 14 45 51 104 118 119 126 143 163
Speed ratio 264 268 381
Spherical harmonics 183
Springer, G.S. 364 365 388
Spur see “Trace”
sputtering 108
Ss method 355
Stagnation temperature 267
Stalder, J. 268 285
State equation 82
Statistical mechanics 3 4 40
Stegun, I.A. 183 230 264 285
Stewart, J.O. 359 387
Stewartson, K.O. 379 390
Stickney, R.E. 130 157
Stirling's formula 99
Stokes flows 340
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