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Ash R.B. — Real Variables with Basic Metric Space Topology
Ash R.B. — Real Variables with Basic Metric Space Topology

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Название: Real Variables with Basic Metric Space Topology

Автор: Ash R.B.


This is a text for a first course in real variables. The subject matter is fundamental for more advanced mathematical work, specifically in the areas of complex variables, measure theory, differential equations, functional analysis, and probability. In addition, many students of engineering, physics, and economics find that they need to know real analysis in order to cope with the professional literature in their fields. Standard mathematical writing, with its emphasis on formalism and abstraction, tends to create barriers to learning and focus on minor technical details at the expense of intuition. On the other hand, a certain amount of abstraction is unavoidable if one is to give a sound and coherent presentation. This book attempts to strike a balance that will reach the widest audience possible without sacrificing precision.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 213

Добавлена в каталог: 28.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Sets, finite      7
Sets, infinite      7
Sets, intersection of      2 3 6
Sets, mutually exclusive      5
Sets, nested set property      29 164—165
Sets, nowhere dense      78 144—145 148
Sets, of category      1
Sets, open      11 25 26 42
Sets, path-connected      150—151
Sets, perfect      78
Sets, separated      151
Sets, thin      144
Sets, totally bounded      161—162
Sets, totally disconnected      78
Sets, uncountable      7
Sets, uncountably infinite      7
Sets, union of      2
Simple discontinuity      71
Smallest subsequential limit      46
Squeeze theorem      15
Stone — Weierstrass theorem      137
Strong induction      19
Subcovering      30
Subsequence      33—34
Subsequence, diagonal      131
Subsequential limit      46
Subset      4 8
Subset, proper      4
Supremum (sup)      38
Sups, properties of      39—40
Taylor's formula with remainder      81 90—92
Thin sets      144
Tietze extension theorem      143
Topological properties      25ff 141ff
Topologist's sine curve      151
Totally bounded set      161—162
Totally disconnected set      78
Triangle inequality      10
True by default      16
Truth tables      15—16
Unbounded sequence      36
Uncountable set      7
Uncountably infinite set      8—10
Uniform continuity      66—70
Uniform convergence      117—140
Uniform convergence, and limit operations      122—125
Uniform convergence, definition      119—120
Uniform convergence, horizontal line test for      119—120
Uniform convergence, of polynomials      134—137
Uniform convergence, of power series      129
Uniform convergence, of series      125—129
Uniformly bounded sequence of functions      125 132
Uniformly continuous function      66—70
Union of sets      2 3 6
Uniqueness argument      50
Universal quantifier      18
Universe      2
Upper bound      38
Upper bounds on integrals      113
Upper limit      46
Upper limit, properties of      49
Upper semicontinuous (USC), function      152—158
Upper sum      94
Urysohn's lemma      141
Vacuously true      16
Variation of a function      106
Venn diagrams      2—5
Vertical Line Test      119—120
Weierstrass approximation theorem      134—137
Weierstrass M-test      126
Well-ordering principle      19
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