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Galindo A., Pascual P. — Quantum Mechanics Two |
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Right handed polarization vector II 300
Rodrigues’ formula I 302 307 308 309
Rollnik norm II 32
Rotation matrix I 190
Rotation operator I 190 271
Rotation or SO(3) group I 190 271
Rotational invariance I 279
Rotational invariance in multichannel scattering II 83
Rotational invariance in simple scattering II 44
Rotational kinetic energy I 225
Rotations I 271
Rotations, double-valued representations of I 208
Rule(s), anticommutation see Anticommutation rules
Rule(s), commutation see Commutation rules
Rule(s), Fermi’s golden II 179
Rule(s), Hund’s II 153 285 294
Rule(s), Lande interval II 296
Rule(s), Morpurgo II 327
Rule(s), platinum II 182
Rule(s), quantization I 77
Rule(s), quantization, of Sommerfeld — Wilson — Ishiwara I 4 13
Rule(s), selection I 87 see
Rule(s), Slater sum II 293
Rule(s), superselection I 39 85 209 292
Rule(s), Thomas — Reiche — Kuhn sum II 324
Rule(s), Trainor — Gamba II 326
Runge — Lenz operator I 250
Russell — Saunders coupling II 288
Rutherford formula II 71
Rydberg I 246
S matrix I 156 188 II 79
S matrix for Coulomb scattering II 69
S matrix, pole structure of II 66
S matrix, poles of II 66
S matrix, symmetries of II 43 83
S matrix, urritarity of II 16
Scalar operator I 216
Scattering amplitude II 27
Scattering amplitude, analyticity properties of I 158 160 II 67
Scattering amplitude, Born approximation see Born approximation
Scattering amplitude, computation II 28
Scattering amplitude, Coulomb II 71
Scattering amplitude, low energy bebavior II 62
Scattering amplitude, partial wave expansion of II 44
Scattering amplitude, two-body II 80
Scattering amplitude, two-body, Born approximation II 81
Scattering by central potentials II 44
Scattering by central square wells II 53
Scattering length, nucleon-nucleon I 298
Scattering lengths II 53 62
Scattering matrix I 156 see
Scattering of identical panicles II 6 75
Scattering operator I 156 188 see
Scattering wave packet, time evolution of II 41
Scattering, Compton I 5 II
Scattering, Coulomb see Coulomb scattering
Scattering, elastic see Elastic scattering
Scattering, exo-energetic II 2
Scattering, general description of II 1
Scattering, into cones II 25 69
Scattering, multichannel see Multichannel scattering
Scattering, two-body elastic see Elastic scattering
Schlaefli’s formula I 302
Schroedinger equation I 25 26 68
Schroedinger equation for stationary states I 25
Schroedinger equation for the relative motion I 221
Schroedinger equation in an electromagnetic field II 202 211
Schroedinger equation, classical limit of I 113
Schroedinger equation, for two-particle systems I 220
Schroedinger equation, one-dimensional I 130
Schroedinger equation, reduced radial I 226
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent I 26
Schroedinger pair I 80
Schroedinger picture I 84
Sea, Fermi II 241
Second quantization II 249
Selection rule(s) I 87
Selection rule(s) for electromagnetic transitions II 311
Selection rule(s), Trainor — Gamba II 326
Self-adjoint operator I 40 348
Self-ionization II 194 270
Series, asymptotic II 128
Series, Balmer I 246
Series, Bom II 31 33 51
Series, Brackett I 246
Series, Clebsch — Gordan I 211
Series, Lyman I 246
Series, Paschen I 246
Series, perturbative II 123 140 173 174
Series, Pfund I 246
Series, Rayleigh — Schoedinger II 123
Series, spectral I 246
Shift, isotopic II 269
Short range potentials II 47
Simple scattering see Single-channel scattering
Single-channel scattering II 2
Single-channel scattering, classical case II 9
Single-channel scattering, quantum case II 13
Single-channel scattering, space-time description of II 39
Slater determinant II 236
Slater sum rule II 293
Slow growth function I 364
Soliton potential II 109
Solium I 182
Sommerfeld — Wilson — Ishiwara quantization rules I 4 13
Space quantization I 15 21
Space translation I 91 269 278
Space(s), Bargmann — Segal I 151
Space(s), coherent I 86 266
Space(s), Fock II 246 251
Space(s), Hilbert I 37 39 347
Space(s), isospin I 296
Space(s), phase I 4
Space(s), Stummel I 119
Specific heat II 242
Spectral concentration in Stark effect II 146
Spectral decomposition I 45 350
Spectral family I 45 351
Spectral measure I 351
Spectral projection operator I 351
Spectral representation I 350
Spectral series I 246
Spectral theory of self-adjoint operators I 350
Spectrum I 43 347
Spectrum of a self-adjoint operator I 352
Spectrum of H I 131 222
Spectrum of the angular momentum operator I 196
Spectrum of the momentum operator I 83
Spectrum of the position operator I 83
Spectrum, absolutely continuous I 184 352
Spectrum, continuous I 43 348
Spectrum, discrete I 352
Spectrum, essential I 184 222 352 355
Spectrum, point I 43 348
Spectrum, pure point I 352
Spectrum, residual I 348
Spectrum, singular continuous I 352
Spherical Bessel functions I 314
Spherical Hankel functions I 315
Spherical harmonics I 201 304
Spherical square well, Born approximation for II 36
Spin I 21 95 192
Spin 1/2 particles in an electromagnetic field II 211
Spin current II 309
Spin magnetic moment density II 309
Spin-orbit coupling II 218 270
Spin-statistics theorem II 231
Spinor I 95 II
Spontaneous emission II 318
Spreading of wave packets I 105 111
| Square barrier I 173 175
Square well potentials I 136 234
Standard potentials II 15
Stark effect I 21 II
Stark effect for hydrogen-like atoms II 144
Stark effect, Oppenheimer formula for II 146
Stark effect, perturbative series in II 146
Stark effect, quadratic II 145
Stark effect, spectral concentration in II 146
Stars, neutron II 256
Stars, white dwarf II 242 255
State vector or ket I 37 39
State(s) 134
State(s) in and out I 156 II 13
State(s), Bloch I 205
State(s), bound I 73 II
State(s), coherent I 148
State(s), collapse of I 65 370
State(s), dispersion-free I 54
State(s), excited I 136
State(s), ground I 129 136
State(s), intelligent I 206
State(s), mixed I 34 36 57
State(s), mixed, evolution equation for I 69
State(s), pure I 34 36 37
State(s), pure, evolution equation for I 68
State(s), quasiparticle II 260
State(s), resonant I 164 171 II
State(s), scattering I 73
State(s), stationary I 10 72
State(s), vacuum II 246
State(s), virtual I 162 II
State(s), width of II 134 146 179
Stationary perturbations see Time-independent perturbations
Stationary states, Schroedinger equation for I 25
Statistics, Bose — Einstein II 231 238 246 256
Statistics, Fermi — Dirac II 231 238 250 253
Statistics, fractional II 231
Statistics, parastatistics II 230
Stefan — Boltzmann constant II 245
Stellar evolution II 254
Stem — Geriach experiment 120 66 196
Step function I 71
Stone’s theorem I 71 353
String, Dirac II 208
Strong interaction I 280
Structure, constant of I 11
Structure, fine I 16 247 see
Structure, hyperfine I 249
Stummel space I 119
Sturm’s Theorem I 135 186 230
Sudden approximation II 169 185
Sudden perturbations II 184
Sum rule(s), Slater II 293
Sum rule(s), Thomas — Reiche — Kuhn II 324
Summability, Borel II 128 134 146
Superconductivity II 263
Superconductivity, critical temperature for II 263
Superconductivity, energy gap in II 266
Superconductivity, high- II 267
Superconductivity, superconducting solution in II 266
Superfluidity II 258
Superfluidity of II 262
Superposition, principle of linear I 86
Superselection observables I 86
Superselection rule(s) I 39 85 209 292
Superselection rule(s), Bargmann I 292
Superselection rule(s), mass I 292
Superselection rule(s), univalence I 209
Superstrings I 281
Supersymmetry I 281 II 143
Support of a distribution I 366
Symmetries of the scattering operator II 43 83
Symmetrization of wave functions II 227
Symmetrization principle II 231
Symmetry transformations I 262
T matrix II 19 30 81
Targets II 1 5
Targets, incoherent II 5
Teller’s theorem II 276
Temperate distribution I 364
Temple’s inequality II 149
Tensor, irreducible I 215 331
Tensor, irreducible vector I 334
Term(s), Darwin II 217
Term(s), diamagnetic II 213 220 225 333
Term(s), Hughes — Eckart II 269
Term(s), paramagnetic II 213
Term(s), Von Weizsaecker II 276
Test function I 363
Theorem, adiabatic II 186
Theorem, Agmon — Kato — Kuroda I 222
Theorem, Bargmann I 190
Theorem, Bertrand I 252
Theorem, Birkhoff I 177
Theorem, Bloch I 177
Theorem, detailed balance I 287 II
Theorem, Ehrenfest I 101
Theorem, Floquet I 177
Theorem, Frobenius I 38
Theorem, Gleason I 61
Theorem, Hunziker — Van Winter — Zhislin II 76 269
Theorem, Kato — Birman I 355
Theorem, Kato — Lax — Milgram — Lions — Nelson I 358
Theorem, Koopmans II 279
Theorem, Kramers I 286 388
Theorem, Levinson I 166 II
Theorem, optical I 157 II 40 47 82
Theorem, Peter — Weyl I 196
Theorem, reciprocity I 287 II44
Theorem, Riesz — Frechet I 39
Theorem, spin-statistics II 231
Theorem, Stone I 71 353
Theorem, Sturm I 135 186 230
Theorem, Teller II 276
Theorem, virial I 118
Theorem, Von Neumann, on complete sets of compatible observables I 57
Theorem, Von Neumann, on hidden variables I 378
Theorem, Wigner I 190 263
Theorem, Wigner — Eckart I 215 332
Thermodynamic potential II 237
Thomas — Fermi method II 271
Thomas — Fermi method, energy functional in II 276
Thomas — Fermi — Dirac model II 275
Thomas — Reiche — Kuhn sum rule II 324
Thomson atom I 10
Thomson cross section II 334
Threshold energy II 2
Threshold frequency I 4
Tiktopolous formula I 359 360
Time evolution group I 71
Time evolution law for expectation values I 73
Time evolution of scattering wave packets I 141
Time evolution pictures I 84
Time evolution, deterministic or causal I 370
Time ordering operator I 72
Time reversal I 274
Time reversal invariance II 43 84
Time reversal, invariance under I 284
Time reversal, operator for I 274
Time-dependent perturbations II 161
Time-dependent perturbations, adiabatic turning-on of II 180
Time-dependent perturbations, forced harmonic oscillator and II 164
Time-dependent perturbations, interaction or Dirac picture and II 172
Time-dependent perturbations, nuclear spin resonance II 162
Time-dependent perturbations, transition probabilities in II 174
Time-dependent perturbations, transition probabilities in, Born approximation to II 175
Time-dependent Schroedinger equation I 26
Time-independent perturbations II 122
Time-independent perturbations, ion and II 136
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