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Galindo A., Pascual P. — Quantum Mechanics Two |
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Hermite polynomials I 306
Hermitian analytic function II 31
Hidden variables I 31 376
Hidden variables, local I 381
High- superconductivity II 267
Hilbert space I 37 39 347
Hilbert space, rigged I 48
Hilbert — Schmidt norm I 354 II
Hoelder continuity I 223 II 194
Holomorphic self-adjoint family of type (A) I 356
Holomorphic self-adjoint family of type (B) I 360
Hughes — Eckart term II 269
Hulthen potential I 255
Hund’s rule II 153 285 294
Hunziker — Van Wmter — Zhislin theorem II 76 269
Hydrogen atom I 10 14 242
Hydrogen, electric dipole transitions in II 323
Hydrogen-like atom(s) II 119 155
Hydrogen-like atom(s) in a magnetic field II 220
Hydrogen-like atom(s) in a magnetic field, ionization energy II 226
Hydrogen-like atom(s) in a magnetic field, Rayleigh — Schoeddinger series II 226
Hydrogen-like atom(s) in parabolic coordinates I 252
Hydrogen-like atom(s), fine structure of II 217
Hydrogen-like atom(s), variational method II 155
Hydrogen-like atom(s), W.B.K. method II 119
Hydrogenic atom or hydrogen-like atom or one-electron atom I 10 14 242
Hylleraas potential I 256 II
Ideal measurement I 64
Identical particles II 227
Identical particles non-interacting II 235
Identical particles non-interacting, bosons II 238
Identical particles non-interacting, fermions II 237
Identity, Jacobi I 74
Identity, spectral resolution of I 45 351
Ikebe class of potentials I 223 II
Ikebe conditions II 15
Impact parameter II 3
In and out states II 10 13
Incoherent target II 5
Incomplete problems II 132
Indistinguishability II 6 74 227
Induced emission II 319
Inelastic cross section II 41
Inelastic scattering, phase shifts in II 83
Inelasticity factors II 83
Inequality, Kato II 206
Inequality, Lieb II 269
Inequality, Temple II 149
Instanton II 117
Integral, direct and exchange II 152
Integral, direct, in Hilbert spaces I 48 361
Integral, path I 123
Intelligent states I 206
Interaction between matter and radiation II 243 308
Interaction picture or Dirac picture I 86 II
Interactions, electromagnetic I 280
Interactions, gravitational I 280
Interactions, strong I 280
Interactions, weak I 280
Internal symmetries I 295
Interpretation(s), active and passive, of a symmetry transformation I 270
Interpretation(s), Copenhagen I 32 34 376
Intertwining property II 18 79
Intrinsic parity I 273
Invariance(s) and conservation laws I 277
Invariance(s) of cross section II 6
Invariance(s), adiabatic I 13
Invariance(s), Galilean I 288 294
Invariance(s), gauge II 202 204
Invariance(s), isospin I 295
Invariance(s), parity I 280
Invariance(s), rotation I 279
Invariance(s), time-reversal I 284 II 84
Invariance(s), translation I 278
Inverse spectral problem I 180
Ion II 136
Ion II 269
Irreducibility of a set of operators I 268
Irreducible representation I 193 277
Irreducible set of observables I 268
Irreducible tensor operator I 215
Irreducible vector tensors or vector spherical harmonics I 335
Isomultiplet or isospin multiplet I 296
Isospin I 295 II
Isospin, conservation of I 295
Isospin, group of II 296
Isospin, invariance under I 295
Isospin, space of I 296
Isotopic shift II 269
Jacobi identity I 74
jj coupling II 296
Jost function(s) I 160 II
Jost function(s), zeroes and bound states II 58
Kato class of potentials I 221 356
Kato — Birman theorem I 355
Kato — Lax — Milgram — Lions — Nelson theorem I 358
Kato — Rellich criterion for the stability of self-adjointness I 354
Kato’s inequality II 206
Kato’s perturbation theory II 138
Ket or state vector I 37 39
Kirchhoff’s law II 245
Klein — Nishina formula II 334
Koopmans’ theorem II 279
Kramers’ degeneracy I 286
Kramers’ relation I 245 310
Kramers’ theorem I 286 388
Kronig — Penney potential I 178
Laguerre generalized polynomials I 309
Laguerre polynomials I 308
Lamb effect I 248
Lamb shift I 248
Landau levels II 215
Lande interval rule II 296
Larmor frequency I 20
Law, Debye II 243
Law, decay I 173 II 193
Law, displacement I 1 II
Law, Kirchhoff II 245
Law, Planck I 2
Law, Rayleigh — Jeans I 2 II
Law, Wien I 2
Least action principle I 22
Left handed polarization vector II 300
Legendre polynomials I 301
Lehmann’s ellipse II 47
Length, scattering II 53 62
Leptonic charges or leptonic numbers I 87
Leptons 1280
Levinson’s theorem I 166 II
Lieb’s inequality II 269
Lifetime II 133 180 196 323
Light, duality I 7
Limit, classical, of the Schroedinger equation I 113
Linear polarization vector II 300
Linear superposition principle I 86
Lippmann — Schwinger equations II 28 31 80
Lippmann — Schwinger equations in operator form II 31
Local hidden variables I 381
Localizability I 78 81
Lorentz equation II 201
Lorentz gauge condition II 200
LS coupling II 288
Lyman series I 246
Magnetic field, hydrogen atom in I 220
Magnetic field, one-electron atoms in see Hydrogen-like atoms
Magnetic field, particle in a constant uniform I 215
Magnetic flux, elementary II 210
magnetic moment I 19 249 295 II
Magnetic monopoles see Monopoles
magnetic quantum number I 14 201
| Magneton, Bohr I 214
Magneton, nuclear I 214
Mandelstam representation II 68
Mandelstam variables II 6
Many-electron atoms II 268 271 277 286
Marchenko integral equation I 183
Martin’s bound I 224
Mass, effective I 180
Mass, formula of I 299
Mass, reduced I 10 220
Mass, superselection rule associated with I 292
Matrix(ces) density I 58 II
Matrix(ces) density, time evolution of I 69
Matrix(ces), Pauli I 67 200 323
Matrix(ces), rotation I 190
Matrix(ces), S I 156 188 see
Matrix(ces), scattering I 156 see
Matrix(ces), T II 19 30 81 see
Matter waves I 22
Maupertuis principle I 22
Maxwell equations II 200
Measure, spectral I 351
Measure, Wiener I 128
Measurement(s) of the first kind I 35 63
Measurement(s) of the second kind I 35 63
Measurement(s), filter I 64
Measurement(s), ideal 164
Measurement(s), problem of I 370
Measurement(s), results of I 50 61
Mechanical momentum II 201
Mehler formula I 125
Method, Hartree — Fock see Hartree — Fock method
Method, Miller — Good 110
Method, quasi-particle II 38 260 264
Method, Rayleigh — Ritz II 149
Method, Thomas — Fermi see Thomas — Fermi method
Method, Thornas — Fermi — Dirac II 275
Method, variational see Variational method
Method, W.B.K. see W.B.K. method
Micro-states I 379
Microreversibility principle I 285 II 175
Miller — Good method II 110
Min-max principle I 135 223 231 360 II
Minimal (electromagnetic) coupling II 212
Mixed symmetries II 229
Moeller operators I 188 355 II 14 78
Moeller operators in Coulomb scattering II 69
Moment, magnetic I 19 249 295 II
Momentum transfer II 35
Momentum(a) of electromagnetic field II 298
Momentum(a), conservation of I 278
Momentum(a), dynamical II 201
Momentum(a), Fermi II 241
Momentum(a), mechanical II 201
Momentum(a), operator for I 41 78 90 92
Momentum(a), relative I 220
Momentum(a), representation associated with I 90
Monopoles II 208 209
Monopoles, Dirac II 208
Monopoles, ’t Hooft — Polyakov II 209
Morpurgo’s rule II 327
Morse potential I 259
Mott’s formula II 76
Multi-periodic systems I 13 16
Multichannel scattering II 2 76
Multichannel scattering, absorption cross section for II 84
Multichannel scattering, asymptotic completeness of II 78
Multichannel scattering, detailed balance in II 85
Multichannel scattering, elastic cross section for II 84
Multichannel scattering, inelasticity factors in II 83
Multichannel scattering, Moeller operators for II 78
Multichannel scattering, rotational invariance of II 83
Multichannel scattering, S matrix for II 79
Multichannel scattering, symmetries of II 83
Multichannel scattering, time reversal invariance of II 84
Multichannel scattering, total cross section for II 84
Multiplicity I 44
Multiplier I 364
Multipole radiation, angular distribution of II 320
Multipole wave decomposition of an electromagnetic field II 304
Multipole waves II 304
Multipoles, electric and magnetic II 305
Muonic atom I 249
Nagaoka atom 110
Natural units II 268
Natural width I 249
Nelson phenomenon I 229
Neumann functions I 315
Neutron interferometry I 23
Neutron stars II 256
Norm, Hilbert — Schmidt I 354 II
Norm, Rollnik II 32
Norm, trace I 355
Norm, trace class II 22
Normal modes, number of 12
Normal ordering II 302
Normal Zeeman effect II 225
Nuclear magneton II 214
Nuclear radius I 297
Nuclear spin resonance II 162
Nucleon 1295
Number operator II 246
Number(s) of bound states I 134 223 232
Number(s), azimuthal quantum I 14
Number(s), baryonic I 87
Number(s), leptonic I 87
Number(s), magnetic quantum I 14 201
Number(s), operator for I 146
Number(s), principal quantum I 11 14 243
Number(s), radial quantum I 14 242
Observable(s) and operators I 40 77
Observable(s) with classical analog I 79
Observable(s), compatible I 55
Observable(s), complete set of I 55
Observable(s), irreducible set of I 268
Observable(s), superselection I 86
One-dimensional problem(s) I 130
One-dimensional problem(s), asymptotic behaviors in I 131
One-dimensional problem(s), energy spectrum in I 131
One-dimensional problem(s), mathematical conditions for I 183
One-dimensional problem(s), number of bound states in I 134
One-electron atoms see Hydrogen-like atoms
Operator(s), adjoint I 348
Operator(s), angular momentum I 189 195 322
Operator(s), annihilation I 14 see
Operator(s), antiunitary I 263 274 284 386
Operator(s), closable I 347
Operator(s), closed I 347
Operator(s), compact I 44 355
Operator(s), corresponding to classical observables I 78
Operator(s), creation I 146 see
Operator(s), decomposable I 362
Operator(s), density I 58
Operator(s), diagonal I 362
Operator(s), evolution I 69 70 71
Operator(s), field II 249
Operator(s), Hamiltonian I 68 97 225
Operator(s), Hermitian I 348
Operator(s), irreducible tensor I 215
Operator(s), kinetic energy I 140
Operator(s), momentum I 41 78 90 92
Operator(s), number I 146 II
Operator(s), one-parameter unitary group of I 70 71 78 353
Operator(s), parity I 273
Operator(s), position I 41 78 83 91
Operator(s), quasiparticle II 261
Operator(s), radial kinetic energy I 225
Operator(s), radial momentum I 225
Operator(s), resolvent I 347
Operator(s), rotation I 190 271
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