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Galindo A., Pascual P. — Quantum Mechanics Two
Galindo A., Pascual P. — Quantum Mechanics Two

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Название: Quantum Mechanics Two

Авторы: Galindo A., Pascual P.


The second volume of a two-volume textbook on non-relativistic quantum mechanics for advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students. Volume two presents collision theory, W.B.K. approximation, stationary perturbation theory and variational method, time-dependent perturbations, identical particles, and the quantum theory of radiation, as well as applications (volume one covers the physical foundations and basic principles).

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая механика/Учебники/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 374

Добавлена в каталог: 02.09.2005

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$2^J$-polar radiation      II 305
$2^J$-polar transition rates      see Transition rates
$H_0$-bounded      I 356
$H_0$-infinitesimal      I 354
$H_0$-small      I 354
$W^*$-algebra      I 362
$W^*$-algebra, abelian      I 362
$W^*$-algebra, commutant of      I 362
$^4He$, superfluidity of      II 262
(De)-excitation channel      II 77
Absorption cross section      II 84
Absorption cross section, photon      II 319
Accidental degeneracy      I 15 240 247 250
action      I 123
Action variables      I 13
Active interpretation      I 270
Addition of angular momenta      I 209 326
Adiabatic approximation      II 186 190
Adiabatic invariance      I 13
Adiabatic perturbation      II 169 180 186
Adiabatic switch-on of perturbations      II 180
Adiabatic theorem      II 186
Agmon — Kato — Kuroda theorem      I 222
Aharonov — Bohm effect      II 209
Amplitude, probability      I 9 27 89
Amplitude, reflection      I 154
Amplitude, transmission      I 154
Analyticity properties of scattering amplitudes      I 158 160 II 67
Angle variables      I 13
Angular distribution of radiation      II 317 320
Angular momentum of the electromagnetic field      II 298
Angular momentum(a)      I 189 322
Angular momentum(a), addition of      I 209 326
Angular momentum(a), conservation of      I 279
Angular momentum(a), eigenvalues of      I 196
Angular momentum(a), operator of      I 189 195 322
Angular momentum(a), orbital      I 200
Angular momentum(a), spin      I 195
Angular momentum(a), standard basis for the irreducible representations of      I 199
Angular momentum(a), total      I 195
Annihilation operator(s)      I 146 II
Annihilation operator(s) for bosons      II 246
Annihilation operator(s) for fermions      II 250
Anomalous Zeeman effect      II 225
Anticommutation relations or rules Fock representation of      II 250
Anticommutation relations or rules for fermions      II 250
Anticommutation relations or rules irreducible representations of      II 250
Antiunitary operator      I 263 274 284 386
Approximants, Pade      II 129
Approximation, adiabatic      II 186 190
Approximation, Born      see Born approximation
Approximation, central field      II 283
Approximation, sudden      II 169 185
Associated Legendre function      I 303
Asymptotes in, out      II 10
Asymptotic completeness      II 15 78
Atom(s)      II 268
Atom(s), Bohr      I 10 15
Atom(s), electric dipole transitions in      II 322
Atom(s), hydrogen      I 10 14 242
Atom(s), hydrogen-like, in parabolic coordinates      1252
Atom(s), hydrogenic or hydrogen-like or one-electron      I 10 14 242
Atom(s), jj coupling      II 296
Atom(s), many-electron      II 268 271 277 286
Atom(s), muorric      I 249
Atom(s), Nagaoka      I 10
Atom(s), one-electron      see Hydrogen-like atoms
Atom(s), Perrin      I 10
Atom(s), perturbative calculations      II 287
Atom(s), Russell — Saunders or LS coupling      II 288
Atom(s), Thomson      I 10
Atom(s), two-electron      see Two-electron atoms
Atomic radius      II 274 312
Atomic units      I 245
Auger effect      II 270
Azimuthal quantum number      I 14
Background phase shift      II 65
Balance, detailed      II 85
Balmer series      I 246
Band structure      I 178
Bargmaim potentials      II 63
Bargmaim strip      II 57
Bargmann — Segal space      I 151
Bargmann’s bound      I 232
Bargmann’s theorem      I 190
Bargmarm’s superselection rule      I 292
Barn      II 4
Barrier, centrifugal      I 225
Barrier, potential      I 152
Barrier, square      I 173 175
Baryonic charge or baryonic number      I 87
BCS theory      II 263
Bell’s inequality      I 382
Berry phase      II 192
Bertrand’s theorem      I 252
Bessel functions      I 312
Binding energy, deuteron      II 64
Birkhoff’s oscillation theorem      I 177
Birman — Schwinger bound      I 223
Black hole      II 256
Blackbody      I 1
Blackbody radiation      II 243
Bloch states      I 205
Bloch’s theorem      I 177
Bogolyubov canonical transformation      II 259 264
Bohr atom      I 10 15
Bohr complementarity      I 7
Bohr magneton      II 214
Bohr radius      111
Bohr — Peierls — Placzek relation      II 27
Bohr — Rosenfeld argument      II 303
Boltzmann constant      I 2
Borel summability      II 128 134 146
Born approximation      II 33 81
Born approximation for partial amplitudes      II 52
Born approximation for scattering amplitudes      II 33 81
Born approximation for transition probabilities      II 175
Born approximation in a spherical square well      II 36
Born approximation in a Yukawa potential      II 38
Born approximation in Coulomb scattering      II 71
Born approximation, unitarity violation in      II 35
Born series      II 31 33 51
Born series for partial amplitudes      II 51
Bose gas      II 243
Bose — Einstein statistics      II 231 238 246 256
Boson annihilation operators      II 246
Boson commutation relations      II 247
Boson creation operators      II 246
Bosons      II 231 238 246 256
Bound states      II 58
Bound(s) on number of bound states      I 134 223 232
Bound(s) on number of bound states, Bargmann      I 232
Bound(s) on number of bound states, Birman — Schwinger      I 223
Bound(s) on number of bound states, Calogero      I 233
Bound(s) on number of bound states, Cwikel — Lieb — Rosenbljum      I 224
Bound(s) on number of bound states, Martin      I 224
Bra      139
Bracked series      I 246
Breaking channel      II 77
Breit—Wigner formula      1164; II 66 164 170
Brillouin zone      1179
Calogero’s bound      I 233
Campbell—Hausdorff formula      I 82
Canonical quantization      I 74 77
Canonical transformation, Bogolyubov      II 259 264
Canonically cut plane      II 32
Center of mass      1220
Center of mass, correction due to recoil of      I 245 II
Center-of-mass frame      II 6
Central field approximation      II 283
Central potential(s)      I 220 II 118
Central potential(s), Bargmann      II 63
Central potential(s), Hylleraas      II 119
Central potential(s), short range      II 47
Central potential(s), square      II 36 83
Central potential(s), Yukawa      II 38 47 57 157
Central potential(s), Yukawian      II 67
Centrifugal barrier      I 225
Change LAB-CM.      II 6
Channel      II 2
Channel, (de)-excitation      II 77
Channel, breaking      II 77
Channel, elastic      II 2 77
Channel, pick up      II 77
Charge conservation      II 200
Charge(s), baryonic      I 87
Charge(s), leptonic      I 87
chemical potential      II 237
Chromodynamics      I 281
Clapeyron’s equation      II 241
Classical electron radius      II 334
Classical limit of the Schroedinger equation      I 113
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      I 212 326 339
Clebsch — Gordan series      I 211
Closure relation      I 49
Coefficients X      I 333
Coefficients, Clebsch — Gordan      I 212 326 339
Coefficients, diffusion      I 157
Coefficients, Racah      I 329 346
Coefficients, reflection      I 153
Coefficients, reflection and transmission      II 104
Coefficients, transmission      I 153
Coherences      I 61 64
Coherent spaces      I 88 266
Coherent states      I 148
Collapse of the state      I 65 370
Collapse, gravitational      II 255
Collision      see Scattering
Combination principle      I 10
Commutation relations or rules for angle-angular momentum      I 201
Commutation relations or rules for angular momenta      I 190 195 322
Commutation relations or rules for bosons      II 250
Commutation relations or rules for electromagnetic field      II 301 302
Commutation relations or rules for position-momentum      I 78
Commutation relations or rules for velocity      II 207
Commutation relations or rules in Weyl’s form      I 78 205
Commutation relations or rules, Fock representation of      II 250
Commutation relations or rules, irreducible representations of      II 250
Commutator      153
Compatible observables      I 55
Compatible observables, complete set of      I 55
Complementarity principle      I 7
Completeness, asymptotic      II 15
Compton effect      I 5
Compton scattering      I 5 II
Compton wavelength      I 6
Condition, Lorentz gauge      II 200
Condition, transversality      II 298
Condon — Shortley convention      I 198 212 323
Configuration      II 285
Confluent hypergeometric function      I 317
Connection formulae      II 90
Conservation laws      I 277
Conservation laws and invariances      I 277
Conservation, angular momentum      I 279
Conservation, charge      II 200
Conservation, energy      II 18 80 176
Conservation, flux      I 153
Conservation, isospin      I 295
Conservation, momentum      I 278
Conservation, parity      I 280
Constant Boltzmann      I 2
Constant perturbations      II 176
Constant Planck      I 3
Constant Stefan — Boltzmann      II 245
Constant, fine structure      I 11
Constant, reduced Planck      I 3
Constant, renormalization      II 125
Constants of the motion      I 73 277
Continuity equation      I 99 100 II
Convection current      II 309
Convention of Condon — Shortley      I 198 212 323
Convolution product      I 368
Cooper pair      II 266
Coordinates, principal      I 103
Coordinates, relative      I 220
Copenhagen interpretation      I 32 34 376
Correlation function(s)      II 252
Correlation function(s), two-boson      II 256
Correlation function(s), two-fermion      II 254
Correlation function(s), two-particle      II 253
Correspondence principle      I 15
Coulomb potential      I 242
Coulomb scattering      II 69
Coulomb scattering, amplitude of      II 71
Coulomb scattering, Born approximation for      II 71
Coulomb scattering, differential cross section for      II 71
Coulomb scattering, modified free evolution operator for      II 71
Coulomb scattering, Moeller operators for      II 69
Coulomb scattering, phase shifts for      II 71
Coulomb scattering, Rutherford formula for      II 71
Coulomb scattering, S matrix for      II 69
Coulomb wave functions      I 320
Coupling, jj      II 296
Coupling, LS or Russell — Saunders      II 288
Coupling, minimal (electromagnetic)      II 212
Coupling, spin-orbit      II 218 270
Creation operator(s)      I 146 II
Creation operator(s) for bosons      II 246
Creation operator(s) for fermions      II 250
Cross section      II 3
Cross section, absortion      see Absortion cross section
Cross section, differential      see Differential cross section
Cross section, elastic      see Elastic cross section
Cross section, inelastic      II 41
Cross section, invariance of      II 6
Cross section, Thomson      II 334
Current, convection      II 309
Current, probability      II 203
Current, spin      II 309
Cwikel — Lieb — Rosenbljum bound      I 224
Cyclotron frequency      II 216
Darwin term      II 217
Davisson — Germer experiment      I 23
de Broglie wavelength      I 23
Debye law      II 243
Decay law      I 173 II 193
Decay rate      II 179
Decomposition, electromagnetic field in multipole waves      II 304
Decomposition, electromagnetic field in plane waves      II 299
Decomposition, partial wave      I 225
Decomposition, spectral      I 45 350
Deficiency indices      I 43 225 348 II
Degeneracy and invariance      I 277
Degeneracy, accidental      I 15 240 247 250
Degeneracy, exchange      II 228
Degeneracy, Kramers      I 286
Degeneracy, total      II 241
Degenerate Fermi gas      II 241
Delay time, Wigner formula for      II 66
Delta function      I 365
Delta-function potential      I 130 159 236
Density matrix or density operator      I 58 II
Density of final states      II 179
Density, probability      I 90 97 II
Density, probability current      I 99 II
Detailed balance      II 85
Detailed balance theorem      I 287
Determinant, Slater      II 236
Determinism      131
1 2 3 4 5 6
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