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Asmar N.H. — Partial Differential Equations with fourier series and boundary value problems
Asmar N.H. — Partial Differential Equations with fourier series and boundary value problems

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Название: Partial Differential Equations with fourier series and boundary value problems

Автор: Asmar N.H.


This example-rich reference fosters a smooth transition from elementary ordinary differential equations to more advanced concepts. Asmar's relaxed style and emphasis on applications make the material accessible even to readers with limited exposure to topics beyond calculus. Encourages computer for illustrating results and applications, but is also suitable for use without computer access. Contains more engineering and physics applications, and more mathematical proofs and theory of partial differential equations, than the first edition. Offers a large number of exercises per section. Provides marginal comments and remarks throughout with insightful remarks, keys to following the material, and formulas recalled for the reader's convenience. Offers Mathematica files available for download from the author's website. A useful reference for engineers or anyone who needs to brush up on partial differential equations

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 814

Добавлена в каталог: 28.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Discrete Fourier transform of convolutions      563
Discrete Fourier transform, approximation of the convolution by the      572
Discrete Fourier transform, approximation of the Fourier transform by the      571
Discrete Fourier transform, defined      560
Discrete Fourier transform, periodicity of      562
Discretization of Laplace’s equation      534 535
Discretization of Poisson’s equation      538
Discretization of the boundary condition      519 527
Discretization of the first derivative      518
Discretization of the heat equation      516 518
Discretization of the initial condition      519 527
Discretization of the second derivative      518
Discretization of the wave equation      526 527
Double Fourier series      157
Double Fourier sine series      158
Double Fourier sine series cofficient      158
Double Fourier sine series representation theorem      158
Duhamel’s principle      465 471
Duhamel’s principle, solution of nonhomogeneous heat equation      473
Duhamel’s principle, solution of nonhomogeneous wave equation      476
D’Alembert’s method      126 113 419 474
Eigenfunction      173 231 288 334 353
Eigenfunction expansion      232 338 354
Eigenfunction in Sturm - Liouville theory      334 336
Eigenfunction of the Laplacian      171
Eigenseries expansion      173
Eigenseries expansion for a rectangle      173
Eigenvalue      173 231 288 334 353
Eigenvalue in Sturm - Liouville theory      334 335
Eigenvalue of the Laplacmn      171
Eigenvalue problem      173
Eigenvalue problem one dimensional      174
Elastic bar      112
Electrostatic potential      657
Element of arc length      281
Element of surface area      281
Element of volume in spherical coordinates      293
Elliptic theta function      99
Energy in quantum systems      576
Entire function      650
Error function      122
Error function, basic properties of the      427
Euler load      368
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783)      13
Euler’s constant      246
Euler’s equation      A24 217 270 273 275 282
Euler’s equation, general solution of      A25
Euler’s identity      62 67
Fast Fourier Transform      564
Fej$\acute{e}$r, Leopoldo      318
Fej$\acute{e}$r’s kernel      551
Feynman, Richard      193
FFT      see "Fast Fourier transform"
Finite difference, approximation and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions      523
Finite difference, approximation of the heal equation      518
Finite difference, approximation, unstable      522
FLOOR      see "Greatest integer function"
Forward difference approximation      518
Fourier - Bessel coefficient      201
Fourier - Bessel series      201
Fourier coefficient      27
Fourier coefficient, complex form of      61
Fourier coefficient, linearity      37
Fourier coefficient, square summable      56
Fourier cosine integral representation      434
Fourier cosine transform      435
Fourier cosine transform, operational properties      437
Fourier cosine transform, relationship to Fourier transform      437
Fourier integral, complex form      398
Fourier integral, relation to Fourier series      391
Fourier integral, representation theorem      390
Fourier series      17 26-28 281
Fourier series integration of      49
Fourier series of even functions      42 15
Fourier series of odd functions      42-45
Fourier series of sawtooth function      28
Fourier series of sawtooth function 2$p$-periodic      41
Fourier series of sawtooth function and uniform convergence      98
Fourier series of sawtooth function, fails termwise differentiation      49
Fourier series of sawtooth function, not uniformly convergent      90
Fourier series of square wave      34
Fourier series of triangular wave      31 40
Fourier series with decreasing coefficients      97
Fourier series, arbitrary period      38
Fourier series, changing variables in      33 34 41
Fourier series, completeness of      329
Fourier series, complex form of      61
Fourier series, continuity and uniform convergence      89
Fourier series, converge in the moan      55
Fourier series, differentiation of      18
Fourier series, diverge      31
Fourier series, Euler formulas      26-28
Fourier series, generalized      149
Fourier series, generating Bessel functions      263
Fourier series, Gibbs phenomenon      29
Fourier series, linear combinations of      33
Fourier series, linearity of      34 37
Fourier series, mean square convergence      55
Fourier series, operations on      33
Fourier series, partial sum of      28 61
Fourier series, particular solution of nonhomogeneous differential equations      70
Fourier series, pointwise convergence of      85
Fourier series, representation theorem      30 39 390
Fourier series, representation theorem, proof of      77
Fourier series, solution of biharmonic equation      375
Fourier series, solution of the heat equation      137
Fourier series, solution of the wave equation      119
Fourier series, summing series with      33
Fourier series, translating      33 34
Fourier series, uniform convergence of      31 85 97 101
Fourier series, uniform convergence of, neccesary and sufficient condition      90
Fourier series, used in the method of separation of variables      118
Fourier series, varying the period in      4
Fourier sine integral representation      131
Fourier sine series      12
Fourier sine transform      435
Fourier sine transform, operational properties      437
Fourier sine transform, relationship to Fourier transform      437
Fourier transform      398 517
Fourier transform and derivatives      401
Fourier transform and the heat equation      414 420
Fourier transform and the wave equation      412
Fourier transform inverse      398
Fourier transform of a piecewise polynomial function      453
Fourier transform of a shifted function      408
Fourier transform of convolutions      104
Fourier transform of dilations      408
Fourier transform of Dirac delta      151
Fourier transform of Dirac delta function      451
Fourier transform of generalised function      451
Fourier transform of Hermite functions      410
Fourier transform of partial derivatives      411 412
Fourier transform of the Gaussian function      406
Fourier transform of the Poisson kernel      429
Fourier transform, approximation by the discrete Fourier transform      507 569 571
Fourier transform, boundedness of      410
Fourier transform, continuity of      400
Fourier transform, defined      398
Fourier transform, derivative of      402
Fourier transform, linearity of      401
Fourier transform, operational properties      401
Fourier transform, reciprocity relation      407
Fourier transform, relationship to momentum of an electron      591
Fourier transform, shifting on the $w$-axis      108
Fourier transform, table of      A66
Fourier, Joseph (1768-1830)      13 17
Fourier’s law of heat conduction      143 057
Fractional part      22
frequency      349
Fresnel integral      267 420
Frobenius method      A51 A54
Frobenius method, applied to Bessel’s equation      237
Frobenius method, proof      A61
Frobenius method, summarized      A55
Frobenius series      A53
Function integrable      391
Function of exponential order      480
Function, average at a point      30
Function, band limited      547
Function, complex exponential      67
Function, continuous nowhere differentiable      94
Function, continuous on closed and bounded interval      80
Function, even      42
Function, harmonic      106 198
Function, odd      42
Function, periodic      18
Function, piecewise continuous      19-20 25
Function, piecewise smooth      19--20 25
Function, smooth      20
Function, square integrable      54
Function, triangular      53
Function, uniformly continuous      80
Fundamental mode      121
Fundamental period      18
Fundamental set of solutions      A4
Fundamental solution of the heat equation      463
G      329
Gamma function      239 242 246
Gamma function incomplete      466
Gamma function, basic property of      242
Gamma function, defined      242
Gamma function, reciprocal of the      246
Gauss - Seidel iteration method      543
Gaussian function      405 428
Gaussian function, convolution of      428
Gauss’s kernel      121
Gauss’s kernel, properties of      428
Generalized double Fourier series      186
Generalized factorial function      see "Gamma function"
Generalized Fourier coefficient      149 232 339
Generalized Fourier series      149 329 331
Generalized Fourier series, derivative of      448
Generalized Fourier series, equality between two      447
Generalized Fourier series, Fourier transform of      451
Generalized Fourier series, orthogonality of      149 152
Generalized function      446
Generalized Laguerre coefficient      603
Generalized Laguerre polynomial      581 602 609
Generalized Laguerre polynomial, generating function for      609
Generalized Laguerre polynomial, list of      589
Generalized Laguerre series      603
Generalized Laguerre’s differential equation      581 602
Geometric series      A40
Geometric series, uniform convergence of      40
Ghost point      528 532
Gibbs phenomenon      29 258
Gibbs phenomenon for Bessel series      258
Gibbs phenomenon for Fourier integrals      393
Gibbs phenomenon for Fourier series      29
Gibbs phenomenon for the sawtooth function      37
GOO Laguerre seiies      601
Greatest integer function      22 24
Greatest integer function, constructing periodic functions with      22
Green’s first identity      617
Green’s formula for the integral of the Laplacian      618
Green’s function      629
Green’s function and Dirac delta function      635
Green’s function and eigenfunction expansions      633
Green’s function for a disk      634 638 677
Green’s function for a rectangle      633 634
Green’s function for a semi-infinite vertical strip      681
Green’s function for the first quadrant      680
Green’s function for the upper half-plane      638 643 679
Green’s function formula using conformal mapping      674 677 681
Green’s function, as a sum involving a logarithm      631
Green’s function, composed with conformal mapping      682
Green’s function, defined      630
Green’s function, harmonicity      631
Green’s function, method of images      638
Green’s function, representation formula      62 9
Green’s function, solution of Dirichlet problem      630
Green’s function, solution of Poisson problem      632
Green’s function, symmetry property      631 677
Green’s function, uniqueness      631
Green’s identities      617
Green’s second identity      617
Green’s Theorem      614
Green’s theorem for multiply connected regions      616
Green’s theorem, gridpoint      517
Ground energv      586
Ground state      586 588
Half-range expansion      50 118
Hanging chain      112 237 346
Hanging chain infinitely long      510
Hanging chain, fundamental mode of the      349
Hanging chain, modeling the vibrations      112
Hanging chain, normal mode of the      349
Hankel transform      509
Hankel transform inverse of      509
Hankel transform, defined      509
Hankel transform, operational properties      509
Hankel transform, table of      512
Harmonic conjugate      655
Harmonic conjugate, finding a      655
Harmonic conjugate, orthogonal trajectories      657
Harmonic function      106 198 622 655
Harmonic function independent of $y$      660
Harmonic function, conjugate of      655
Harmonic function, dilating a      660
Harmonic function, examples of      652
Harmonic function, maximum-minimum principle      625
Harmonic function, mean value property      623
Harmonic function, real part of analytic function      655
Harmonic function, translating a      660
Harmonic measure of an interval      654
Harmonic measure of disjoint intervals      661
Heat equation      189 411 420 503
Heat equation in a ball      296
Heat equation in a polar coordinates, solution      216
Heat equation in polar coordinates      206
Heat equation in spherical coordinates      291 296 297
Heat equation on a semi-infinite line      440 503
Heat equation on the infinite line      114 420
Heat equation one dimensional      104 135
Heat equation one dimensional initial condition      135
Heat equation one dimensional, boundary condition      135
Heat equation one dimensional, solution by the method of separation of variables      136 437
Heat equation with constant heat source      504
Heat equation with convection      419
Heat equation with nonconstant coefficients      423
Heat equation with symmetry in a ball      299
Heat equation with time dependent heat source      299
Heat equation without a heat source      144
Heat equation, comparison principle for the      189
Heat equation, derivation of      142
Heat equation, discretization of      516
Heat equation, Duhamel’s principle      165
Heat equation, finite difference approximation      518
Heat equation, fundamental solution of      463
Heat equation, general form      144
Heat equation, maximum principle for the      188 192
Heat equation, nonhomogeneous      140 178 226 236 404 473
Heat equation, nonhomogeneous and Duhamel’s principle      465 473
Heat equation, nonhomogeneous in a ball      296
Heat equation, nonhomogeneous in polar coordinates      236
Heat equation, nonhomogeneous, solution using steady-state      142 226
Heat equation, nonhomogeneous, solution via the eigenfunction expansions method      178
Heat equation, Robin condition      341
Heat equation, shifting the initial data      428
Heat equation, solution with convolutions      421
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