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Davies J.H. — The physics of low-dimensional semiconductors : an introduction |
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Schroedinger equation, separable solutions 2
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent 2
Schroedinger equation, time-independent 2
screening 349—356
Screening in 2D 353—356
Screening, dielectric function (2D) 354
Screening, dielectric function (3D) 351
Screening, in, 3D 350—353
Screening, lack of exponential decay in 2D 355
Screening, screening wave vector (2D) 354
Screening, screening wave vector (3D) 351—352
Screening, total, external, and induced charge 350
Secular equation 251
Selection rules 328
Selection rules, in quantum wells 391
Selection rules, interband transitions in quantum wells 388—391
Selection rules, intersubband transitions in a quantum well 320
Self-consistent calculation of energy bands 331 346
Self-energy 322 323
Semiconductor equation 36
Shubnikov — de Haas effect 227—228 236
Shubnikov — de Haas effect, fan diagram 227
Shubnikov — de Haas effect, single-particle lifetime 228
Si, crystal structure 58
Si, X-valleys 67
Si-Ge heterostructures 100
Si-Ge heterostructures, application to CMOS 102
Si-Ge heterostructures, strained layer rich in Ge 101—102
Si-Ge heterostructures, strained layer rich in Si 102
Single-particle lifetime 225 296 357
Single-particle lifetime in 2DEG 360
Single-particle lifetime, from Shubnikov — de Haas effect 228
Single-particle lifetime, impurity scattering (2D) 296
Single-particle lifetime, relation to transport lifetime 297 360
Skipping orbit 235
Slater determinant 346
Sommerfeld factor 400
Spherical well 139—140
Spin 23
Spin in magnetic field 223
Spin splitting of Landau levels 223 228
Spin-orbit coupling 65 381—383
Spin-orbit coupling, magnitude of splitting 382
Square barrier, approximate transmission when opaque 157
Square barrier, double 168
Square barrier, T-matrix 155—157
Square barrier, transmission coefficient 156—157
Square well, finite depth 119—125
Square well, finite depth, graphical solution 121
Square well, finite depth, local density of states 124 395
Square well, finite depth, number of bound states 122
Square well, finite depth, very shallow well 122
Square well, infinite depth 4—6 118—119
Square well, infinite depth, 2D and 3D 136
Square well, infinite depth, energies 5
Square well, infinite depth, optical absorption 6—8
Square well, infinite depth, optical absorption energies 8
Square well, infinite depth, wave functions 5
Stark ladder 214
Stark localization 215
Stationary state, current 11
Stationary state, definition 3
Stationary state, expectation values 16
Stimulated and spontaneous emission 303
Stokes equation (Airy equation) 129 415
Strained layers 96—100
Strained layers, band structure 98—100 386
Strained layers, Matthews — Blakeslee criterion for stability 98
Strained layers, metamorphic 98
Strained layers, Si-Ge 100—102
Strained layers, structure 97—98
Structure factor 78
Substrate bias 342
Sum rules 375—377
Sum rules for 376
Sum rules for 376 422
Sum rules for 376
Sum rules, constraints on lasers 377
Sum rules, f-sum rule 319 375
Sum rules, Franz — Keldysh effect 377
Superlattice 90 91 177—183
Superlattice in heterostructure 197
Superlattice with -function barriers 180
Superlattice, (2D) in magnetic field 238—239
Superlattice, anisotropic effective mass 183
Superlattice, behaviour at top of barriers 181
Superlattice, complex band structure 181
Superlattice, condition for band gaps 179
Superlattice, deduction of Bloch wave vector 178
Superlattice, density of states 182—183
Superlattice, Kronig — Penney model 177
Superlattice, relation to resonant tunnelling 180
Superlattice, states in band gaps 181
Superlattice, T-matrix 178
Surface Brillouin zone 198
Surface states 69 331 336
Surface-roughness scattering 81
T-matrix for -function barrier 158
T-matrix for arbitrary barrier 161
T-matrix for bound states 201
T-matrix for potential step 154
T-matrix for resonant tunnelling 169
T-matrix for square barrier 155—157
T-matrix with different plateaus 161
t-matrix, calculation of conductance 185
T-matrix, definition 153
T-matrix, displacement of object 154—155
T-matrix, effect of current conservation 160
T-matrix, effect of time-reversal invariance 159
T-matrix, group property 201
T-matrix, mathematical properties 158—160
T-matrix, relation to r and t 154 160
T-matrix, reverse 160—161
Thermodynamic density of states 351 352
Thomas — Fermi screening 351
Thomas — Fermi screening in metal 352
Thomas — Fermi screening, dielectric function (2D) 354
Thomas — Fermi screening, dielectric function (3D) 351
Thomas — Fermi screening, donor (2D) 354
Thomas — Fermi screening, donor (3D) 351
Thomas — Fermi screening, wave vector (2D) 354 355
Thomas — Fermi screening, wave vector (3D) 351—352
Threshold voltage of modulation-doped layers 335
Tien — Gordon model 325
Tight-Binding Method 275—280
Tight-binding method, 1D crystal 278—280
Tight-binding method, crystal field 277
Tight-binding method, energy band of 1D crystal 280
Tight-binding method, energy levels of two wells 278
Tight-binding method, higher dimensions 280
Tight-binding method, non-orthogonality 277
Tight-binding method, splitting of energy levels 278
Tight-binding method, transfer, tunnelling, or overlap integral 277 280
Tight-binding method, two wells 276—278
Time-independent perturbation theory 252—261
Time-independent perturbation theory, theory 261—263
Time-independent perturbation theory, condition for convergence 256
Time-independent perturbation theory, influence of symmetry 256
Time-independent perturbation theory, negative second-order change to energy 257
Time-independent perturbation theory, quantum well in electric field 257—260
Time-independent perturbation theory, wave function and energy 256
Time-reversal invariance 158 159
Time-reversal invariance, conditions on T-matrix 159
Time-reversal invariance, effect of magnetic field 220
Transfer, intervalley at heterojunction 197—198
Transfer, real-space 135
| Transmission amplitude 151
Transmission amplitude for evanescent waves 152
Transmission amplitude for resonant tunnelling 169
Transmission amplitude from reverse side 161
Transmission coefficient 152
Transmission coefficient for resonant tunnelling 169
Transmission coefficient with different plateaus 161
Transmission coefficient, approximation when opaque 157
Transmission coefficient, from reverse side 161
Transmission coefficient, over-the-barrier resonances 157
Transport lifetime 225 296 357 419
Transport lifetime, impurity scattering (2D) 297 298
Transport lifetime, impurity scattering (3D) 324
Transport lifetime, relation to single-particle lifetime 297 360
Triangular well 128—130
Triangular well for 2DEG 342
Triangular well, energies (exact) 130
Triangular well, energies (WKB approximation) 268
Triangular well, length and energy scales 129
Triangular well, lowest energy (variational estimate) 272
Triangular well, symmetric 148 287
Triangular well, wave functions 130
Tsu — Esaki formula 1D 164
Tsu — Esaki formula 3D 166
tunnelling 89
Tunnelling barrier 89
Tunnelling current (1D) 163—165
Tunnelling current (1D) at low temperature 164
Tunnelling current (1D), cancellation of velocity and density 163
Tunnelling current (1D), conductance (low bias) 165
Tunnelling current (1D), conductance at low temperature 165
Tunnelling current (1D), general result 164
Tunnelling current (1D), quantized conductance 165
Tunnelling current (1D), Tsu — Esaki formula 164
Tunnelling current (2D and 3D) 165—167
Tunnelling current (2D and 3D), collimation of transmitted electrons 167
Tunnelling current (2D and 3D), conductance (low bias) 167
Tunnelling current (2D and 3D), dependence on 'longitudinal' energy 166
Tunnelling current (2D and 3D), general result 166
Tunnelling current (2D and 3D), large bias 167
Tunnelling current (2D and 3D), Tsu — Esaki formula 166
Tunnelling, approximate formula for opaque barrier 157
Tunnelling, coherent 150
Tunnelling, distribution of incoming electrons 162
Tunnelling, effect of imperfections 200
Tunnelling, inelastic scattering 200
Tunnelling, intervalley transfer at heterojunction 197
Tunnelling, many leads 188—195
Tunnelling, potential step 152
Tunnelling, power dissipation 199
Tunnelling, resonant 167—177
Tunnelling, square barrier 157
Tunnelling, two leads 184—188
Two-dimensional electron gas 93
Two-dimensional electron gas, alloy scattering 363
Two-dimensional electron gas, band diagram 329—336
Two-dimensional electron gas, density of states as thickness 334
Two-dimensional electron gas, dielectric function 354
Two-dimensional electron gas, effect of doped substrate 341—342
Two-dimensional electron gas, effect of DX centres 337—339
Two-dimensional electron gas, effect of spacer on density 339
Two-dimensional electron gas, electronic structure 342—349
Two-dimensional electron gas, parallel conduction 340
Two-dimensional electron gas, persistent photoconductivity 339
Two-dimensional electron gas, scattering at interfaces 363
Two-dimensional electron gas, scattering by background impurities 362
Two-dimensional electron gas, scattering by LA phonons 363—365
Two-dimensional electron gas, scattering by remote impurities 356—361
Two-dimensional electron gas, screening 353—356
Two-dimensional systems, density of states 133
Two-dimensional systems, energies 132
Two-dimensional systems, general theory 130—133
Two-dimensional systems, subbands (electric) 132
Two-dimensional systems, wave functions 132
Umklapp scattering 308
Uncertainty principle 17 148
UNITS xvii
Vacuum level 86
Valence band 7
Valence band of common semiconductors 64—66
Valence band, Kane model 377—383
Valence band, Luttinger model 384
Valence band, spin-orbit coupling 65 381
Valence band, warped spheres 66 384
Valley in conduction band 67—68
Variational method 270—273 345
Variational method, accuracy 271
Variational method, bound states in triangular well 272—273
Variational method, general result 270
Variational method, lowest energy level in triangular well 272
Vector potential 207
Vector potential for light wave 311
Vector potential for uniform electric field 207
Vector potential for uniform magnetic field 207
Vector potential, Aharonov — Bohm effect 233
Vector potential, current density 208
Vector potential, Landau gauge 207
Vector potential, symmetric gauge 207
Vectors (notation) xvii 118 329
Vegard’s Law 82
Velocity in electromagnetic fields 208
Velocity, phase and group 3
Vertical transitions 69 311 392
Virtual transitions 322
Virtual-crystal approximation 80
Voltage probe 188 190
Voltage probe, invasive effect on system 192
Warped spheres (for holes) 66 384
Wave function for many electrons 345
Wave function in momentum space 17
Wave function, boundary conditions 22
Wave function, charge density 9
Wave function, current density 10
Wave function, dimensions 10
Wave function, Hartree approximation 345
Wave function, matching at potential step 151
Wave function, matching in heterostructures 142 196
Wave function, normalization 10
Wave function, stationary state 3 11
Wave function, symmetry 5 119
Wave function, wave packet 16
Wave packet 3 16—19
Wave packet, dispersion 19
Wave packet, evolution in time 18
Wave packet, expectation values of position and momentum 17
Wave packet, Gaussian 16
Wave packet, motion 18
Wave packet, phase and group velocities 3
Wave packet, uncertainty principle 17
Wigner crystal 245 347
Wigner — Seitz cell 57
WKB theory 263—269
WKB theory for transmission coefficient 266
WKB theory, bound states in triangular well 267—268
WKB theory, condition for bound states 267
WKB theory, effect of prefactor 265
WKB theory, energy levels in triangular well 268
WKB theory, general form 265
WKB theory, matching at turning point 266
WKB theory, tunnelling through Schottky barrier 268—269
work function 86
Yukawa potential 352
Zener tunnelling 53 214 286
Zero-dimensional systems 142
Zero-point energy 5 18 148
Zinc-blende lattice 58
Zone folding 47
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