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Davies J.H. — The physics of low-dimensional semiconductors : an introduction |
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Energy loss function 376
envelope function 109
Envelope function at bottom of conduction band 110
Envelope function in optical matrix element 388 393
Envelope function, Hamiltonian 110
Envelope function, kink at heterojunctions 112—114
Envelope function, matching at heterojunctions 112
Envelope function, normalization 388
Evanescent waves 152
Exchange potential 346
excitons 8
Excitons in 2D 400—401
Excitons in 3D 398—400
Excitons in quantum well 401—404
Excitons, binding energy in, 2D 400
Excitons, binding energy in, 3D 399
Excitons, effect of interface roughness 405
Excitons, field ionization 404
Excitons, LO phonon scattering 406
Excitons, optical absorption above band gap 399 400
Excitons, optical absorption below band gap 399 400
Excitons, quantum-confined Stark effect 404—405
Excitons, scattering and defects 405—406
Excitons, Schroedinger equation 398
Excitons, Schroedinger equation for relative motion 399
Excitons, Schroedinger equation in quantum well 401
Excitons, Sommerfeld factor 400
Excitons, variational wave functions in quantum well 402
Exclusion principle 30 345 346
expectation values 14—16
Extended zone scheme 47 48
f-sum rule 319 375 422
F-sum rule for 376
F-sum rule, proof 327
Fabry — Perot etalon 90 171
Fan diagram 227
Fang — Howard model of 2DEG 347—349
Fang — Howard model of 2DEG, effect of doped substrate 368
Fang — Howard model of 2DEG, energy level 348
Fang — Howard model of 2DEG, parameter b 348
Fang — Howard model of 2DEG, thickness of 2DEG 349
Fang — Howard model of 2DEG, total energy per electron 348
Fang — Howard model of 2DEG, variational wave function 347
Fermi energy 37
Fermi level 31
Fermi level, function of temperature 33
Fermi level, pinning at surface 331
Fermi level, set by gate bias 332
Fermi surface 37
Fermi — Dirac distribution 30
Fermi — Dirac distribution in two-dimensional electron gas 33
Feynman — Hellman theorem 344
Feynman — Hellman theorem, thickness of 2DEG 344
Field ionization 404
Final state effects 124
Fine-structure constant 239
Form factor 357
Form factor, dielectric function 358
Form factor, Fang — Howard approximation for lowest subband 358
Form factor, phonon scattering 364
Fowler — Nordheim tunnelling 260 286
Fractional quantum Hall effect 244—245
Franz — Keldysh effect 212 258
Franz — Keldysh effect, constraint of f-sum rule 377
Free particles 3—4
g-factor 223
GaAs, -valley 67
GaAs, crystal structure 58
GaAs, higher conduction bands 68
GaAs, satellite valleys 68
Gauge for electromagnetic fields 207 231—232
Gauge for electromagnetic fields, Aharonov — Bohm effect 233
Gauge for electromagnetic fields, effect on wave function 231
Gauge for electromagnetic fields, gauge invariance 231
Gauge transformation 207
Ge, crystal structure 58
Ge, L-valleys 68
Golden rule, amplitude of final state 292
Golden rule, classical treatment of harmonic perturbation 302
Golden rule, harmonic perturbation 302
Golden rule, impurity scattering 295—299
Golden rule, optical absorption 308—313
Golden rule, phonon scattering 302—308
Golden rule, static perturbation 294
Golden rule, transition rate with -function 294 302
Golden rule, transition rate with density of states 294 302
Gunn effect 68
Hall constant 217
Hall effect 216 230
Hall effect with multiple channels 217 340
Hamiltonian operator 13
Hamiltonian operator for many electrons 345
Hamiltonian operator, diagonalization 251
harmonic oscillator 125 222
Harmonic oscillator due to magnetic field 220
Hartree approximation 345
Hartree approximation, effective Schrodinger equation 346
Hartree — Fock approximation 347
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 17
Hermite polynomials 127 414
Hermite's equation 126 413
Hermite's equation, allowed energies 414
Hermite's equation, solution by power series 413
Hermitian matrices 252
Hermitian operator 15
Heterostructures, band alignment 85
Heterostructures, confinement of light to layers 105 106
Heterostructures, confinement of light to wave guides 106
Heterostructures, doped examples 92—96
Heterostructures, effect of transverse motion on barriers 145
Heterostructures, effects of strain 96—100
Heterostructures, growth 82—85
Heterostructures, growth on patterned substrates 104—105
Heterostructures, horizontal and vertical 92
Heterostructures, matching of wave functions 142 196
Heterostructures, metamorphic 98
Heterostructures, patterning 102—104
Heterostructures, potential step 197
Heterostructures, pseudomorphic 98
Heterostructures, Si-Ge 100—102
Heterostructures, superlattice 197
Heterostructures, type of band alignment 86
Heterostructures, undoped examples 88—91
Hofstadter butterfly 238
Holes 32
Holes in quantum well 384—385
Holes, charge and motion 52
Holes, light and heavy 65 379
Holes, occupation function 32
Holes, warped spheres 66 384
Houston functions 231
Hubbard U 39 340
Hubbard U, negative 340
Hydrogen atom, 2D 139 400
Hydrogen atom, 3D 140 399
Hydrogen atom, Rydberg energy and Bohr radius 139
Impulse response function 372
Impurity scattering in 2DEG 356—361
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG 356—361
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, background impurities 362—363
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, complicated expression 358
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, effect of second subband 361
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, form factor 357
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, general expression 357
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, matrix element 357
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, mobility and mean free path 359
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, simple expression 359
Impurity scattering in a 2DEG, single-particle lifetime 360
Impurity scattering, -function potential 301
Impurity scattering, Born approximation 295
| Impurity scattering, cross-section 298
Impurity scattering, general theory 295—299
Impurity scattering, limit as 300
Impurity scattering, limit for large q 300
Impurity scattering, short-range impurity 299—301
Impurity scattering, single-particle lifetime 296
Impurity scattering, single-particle lifetime (2D) 296
Impurity scattering, symmetric potentials 298
Impurity scattering, transport lifetime (2D) 297 298
Impurity scattering, transport lifetime (3D) 324
IMREF 37 396
Independent-electron approximation 345
Indirect gap 67 88
Integer quantum Hall effect 228—229 239—242
Integer quantum Hall effect, edge states 239—241
Integer quantum Hall effect, edge states and barriers 242—244
Interband matrix element P and 262 263 315
Interband optical absorption 313—316
Interband optical absorption in 1D and 2D 316
Interband optical absorption, general expression 315
Interband optical absorption, optical joint density of states 315
Interband transitions in quantum wells 387—393
Interband transitions in quantum wells, blue shift 392
Interband transitions in quantum wells, effect of direction of propagation 389
Interband transitions in quantum wells, envelope function matrix element 391
Interband transitions in quantum wells, interband matrix element 389—391
Interband transitions in quantum wells, magnitude of absorption 393
Interband transitions in quantum wells, matrix element 388
Interband transitions in quantum wells, optical joint density of states 392
Interband transitions in quantum wells, selection rules 388—390
Interband transitions in quantum wells, vertical transitions 392
Interface roughness 363 405
Interfaces, normal and inverted 84 363
Intersubband optical transitions in quantum wells 316—321 393—395
Intersubband optical transitions in quantum wells, in terms of oscillator strengths 319
Intersubband optical transitions in quantum wells, general formula for 318
Intersubband optical transitions in quantum wells, magnitude of absorption 394
Intersubband optical transitions in quantum wells, polarization of light 316—317
Intersubband optical transitions in quantum wells, transitions to free states 395
Intervalley transfer at heterojunction 197—198
Intervalley transfer at heterojunction in (001)-plane 197
Intervalley transfer at heterojunction in (111)-plane 198
Inversion layer 198
Ionized impurity scattering 92
k-space 25 56
Kane model 377—383
Kane model with spin 381—383
Kane model without spin 378—380
Kane model, effective masses 380 383
Kane model, energies 378 379 383
Kane model, ghost solutions 380
Kane model, Hamiltonian 379 382
Kane model, influence of remote bands 380
Kinematical momentum 208
Knudsen cell 82
Kohn's theorem 408
Kramers — Kronig relations 310 372—373
Kramers — Kronig relations, application to 376
Kramers — Kronig relations, causality 372
Kramers — Kronig relations, derivation 417—419
Kramers — Kronig relations, over all times 372
Kramers — Kronig relations, over positive times 373
Kronig — Penney model 177
Kronig — Penney model with -function barriers 180
Kronig — Penney model, deduction of Bloch wave vector 179
LA phonon scattering 303—305
LA phonon scattering in 2DEG 364—365
LA phonon scattering in 3D 305
LA phonon scattering, absorption rate 304
LA phonon scattering, emission rate 304
LA phonon scattering, perturbation 303
LA phonon scattering, quasi-elastic approximation 305
Landau gauge 207 219
Landau levels 221 223—227
Landau levels, compressible and incompressible phases 227
Landau levels, degeneracy 224
Landau levels, motion of Fermi level 226
Landau levels, occupation as a function of field 225—226
Landau levels, profile, width, and lifetime of electrons 224
Landau levels, spin splitting 223 228
Landauer — Buettiker formula 189 190 240 243
Leads, definition in tunnelling 162
Lifetime of resonant state 168
Lindhard function 353
LO phonon scattering 306—308
LO phonon scattering in 2DEG 369
LO phonon scattering, effective charge 307
LO phonon scattering, ionization of excitons 406
LO phonon scattering, perturbation 306
LO phonon scattering, rate near threshold 326
Local density of states 29
Localized states 241
Logarithmic derivative 121
Lorentz force 217 235
Lorentz model 349
Lorentz model, response function 421—422
Low-dimensional systems, 0D 142
Low-dimensional systems, 1D 140—141
Low-dimensional systems, 2D 130—133
Low-dimensional systems, effect of finite well 135
Low-dimensional systems, general theory 130—133
Low-dimensional systems, maximum density of carriers 134
Low-dimensional systems, occupation of subbands 133—135
Low-dimensional systems, quasi-2D system 134
Low-dimensional systems, subbands (electric) 132
Luttinger model of valence band 384
Luttinger model of valence band, Luttinger parameters 384
Lyddane — Sachs — Teller relation 75 307
Magnetic depopulation 236
Magnetic field in 2D superlattice 238—239
Magnetic field in narrow channel 233—236
Magnetic field in quantum dots 237
Magnetic field with crossed electric field 229—231
Magnetic field, Aharonov — Bohm effect 233
Magnetic field, conductivity tensor 216
Magnetic field, current density 208
Magnetic field, distribution of current in large field 218—219 242
Magnetic field, fractional quantum Hall effect 244—245
Magnetic field, Hall effect 216
Magnetic field, Hofstadter butterfly 238
Magnetic field, integer quantum Hall effect 228—229 239—242
Magnetic field, Landau levels 221 223—227
Magnetic field, potentials 207
Magnetic field, Schroedinger equation 208
Magnetic field, Schroedinger equation in Landau gauge 219—222
Magnetic field, Schroedinger equation in symmetric gauge 222—223
Magnetic field, Shubnikov — de Haas effect 227
Magnetic field, spin 223
Magnetic field, wave functions in Landau gauge 221—222
Magnetic length 147 220
Magnetic quantum limit 226
Matrix elements 251
Matrix elements, dipole in quantum well 257 320
Matrix form of Schroedinger equation 251
Mattheisen’s rule 362
Matthews — Blakeslee criterion for stability of strained layers 98
MBE see "Molecular-beam epitaxy"
Mechanical momentum 208 213
Mesoscopic regime 291
Metal-organic chemical vapour deposition 84—85
Metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy 84
Metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor 81
Metamorphic structures 98 102
Miller indices 59
Miniband 90
Mobility 53 296
Mobility of 2DEG 359 360
Modulation doping 93—94
Modulation-doped layers, band diagram 329—336
Modulation-doped layers, capacitance 335—336
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