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Chaikin P.M., Lubensky T.C. — Principles of condensed matter physics
Chaikin P.M., Lubensky T.C. — Principles of condensed matter physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Principles of condensed matter physics

Àâòîðû: Chaikin P.M., Lubensky T.C.


This book provides an overview of the physics of condensed matter systems. Assuming a familiarity with the basics of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, the book establishes a general framework for describing condensed phases of matter based on symmetries and conservation laws. After surveying the structure and properties of materials with different symmetries, it explores the role of spatial dimensionality and microscopic interactions in determining the nature of phase transitions. Particular attention is given to critical phenomena and renormalization group methods. The properties of liquids, liquid crystals, quasicrystals, crystalline solids, magnetically ordered systems and amorphous solids are investigated in terms of their symmetry, generalized rigidity, hydrodynamics and topological defect structure. In addition to serving as a course text, this book is an essential reference for students and researchers in physics, applied physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, who are interested in modern condensed matter physics.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 699

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 12.08.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Stability exponents      268
Stability of homogeneous fluids      113—115
Stable fixed point      245 669
Static cross-section      31
Static scattering      32
Stationary state, hydrodynamic      422
Steam      3
Steric entropy      635—638
Sterically stabilized phases      638—640 642
Stochastic models      see “Models stochastic”
Stochastic variable      375
Stokes’ law      360 682
strain      11 316 682
Strain rate      447 682
Strain tensor, Eulerian      331
Strain tensor, Lagrangian      331
Strain tensor, linearized      317
Strain, inverse compressibility      328
Strength of crystals      518
Strength of vortex      497
Stress      682
Stress tensor      334
Stress tensor, Eulerian      338—341
Stress tensor, Lagrangian      334—337
Stress-strain relations      340
Striped phase      618
Structure and scattering      29—103
Structure factor      33
Structure function      32
Sum rules      357 398—399
Sum rules and moment expansions      398
Superconductivity      135 216—217 571
Supercooling      171
Superfluids      123 575
Superfluids, and xy symmetry      138
Superfluids, density      290 460
Superfluids, free energy density      575—576
Superfluids, helium      138 289 460—464 551—555
Superfluids, hydrodynamics      460—464
Superfluids, hydrodynamics, third sound in thin films      553
Superfluids, Kosterlitz — Thouless transition in thin films      551—554
Superfluids, longitudinal and transverse response      575—577
Superfluids, velocity      460—464
Superheating      171
Superlattice peaks      87
Surface tension      481 486 635—638
Surfactants      636 638
susceptibility      231 341
Susceptibility, critical exponent      154 228
Symmetries, and order parameters      139
Symmetry group      39 133
Symmetry group, $O_0$      139 231
Symmetry group, $O_2$      137 139 231 289
Symmetry group, $O_3$      138 156 230 231
Symmetry group, $O_n$      138 156 202 298
Symmetry group, $Z_2$ (Ising)      135 139 152 231
Symmetry group, $Z_N$      137 139
Symmetry group, Euclidean      39 670
Symmetry group, U(1)      137
Symmetry, order parameters, and models      132—139
Symmetry, order parameters, and models, continuous symmetries      137—139
Symmetry, order parameters, and models, discrete symmetries      135—137
Symmorphic space group      57
Tangent plane      623
TDGL model      466 682
Temperature quench      483—484
Tension      335
Tetracritical point      181—182 235 253 682
Tetrahedra      7 191
TGB      see “Ttwist-grain-boundary phase”
thermal conductivity      425
Thermal equilibrium      381—383
Thermal fluctuation      10
Thermodynamic critical field of the TGB phase      564—565
Thermodynamic equilibrium      417—419
Thermodynamic laws of      109—112
Thermodynamic stability      321
Thermodynamic sum rule      357 365
Thermodynamics of homogeneous fluids      108—117
Thermotropic liquid crystal      68 682
Thermotropism      58
Third sound      553
Three-phase coexistence      174
Time reversal      133 359 361
Time translations      133
Time-dependent Ginzburg — Landau model      466 682
Time-of-flight measurements      409
Topological defects      12 495—585 682
Topological defects, characterization      495—506
Topological defects, crystals disclinations      517—518
Topological defects, dislocation mediated melting      555—559
Topological defects, energies of      526—542
Topological defects, examples      506—526
Topological defects, Kosterlitz — Thouless transition      542—555
Topological defects, nematic and hexatic liquid crystals      524—526
Topological defects, order parameters spaces and homotopy      501—506
Topological defects, periodic solids      512—515 (see also “Dislocations disclinations and
Torus      626
Transfer matrix      242
Translation vector      43
Translational invariance      35 329
Transport coefficients      425
Transverse strain      321
Triacontahedron      190
Triangular, lattice      51—53 255 520
Tricritical point      173—175 180 181 236 253 682
Tricritical point, three-state Potts critical point      256
Turbidity of nematics      307
Twist      299—306 561 687
Twist disclination      519
Twist wave vector      89
Twist-grain-boundary phase      561—573 682
Twist-grain-boundary phase, analogy with superconductivity      571—573
Twist-grain-boundary phase, X-ray scattering      568—571
Twisted nematic      see “Cholesteric liquid crystal”
Twisted nematic display      304
Two scale factor universality      234
Two-component fluids      453
Two-dimensional order      15
Two-dimensional order, Bravais lattice      50
Two-dimensional order, charge-density wave      80
Two-dimensional order, charge-density wave, smectic      311
Two-dimensional order, hexagonal solids      321
Two-dimensional order, orthogonal group $O_2$      137
Two-dimensional order, orthogonal group $O_2$, in three-dimensional materials      71—77
Two-fluid model      461
U(1) symmetry      289 (see also “xy symmetry”)
Undamped oscillator      359
Undulations, smectic      315
Unit cell      43—46
Universality class      213 230 683
Unstable fixed point      245
Up-down symmetry      230
Upper critical dimension      213 215 228 264
Upper critical field      564
Ursell function      35—36 124 195—196
Vacancy      49 325 683
Vacancy, diffusion      459
Van der Waals attraction      18—20 683
Van der Waals equations of state      144 683
Van Hove theory      465 471 683
Variational mean-field theory      198
Velocity correlation function      385
Vesicle      70 73 683
Vicinal surface      648
Villain model      583 645 683
Villain model, duality      578—579
viscosity      387 447—448 683
Viscosity, kinematic      449
Viscosity, table of common materials      448
Viscous force      360
Volterra construction      515 517 519 683
Vortex energy      526
Vortices      495—499 504—506
Vortices, analogy with magnetism      530—531
Vortices, and the spin-wave stiffness      542—544
Vortices, energy      526—530
Vortices, helium films      551—555
Vortices, in xy-models      506—507
Vortices, Kosterlitz — Thouless transition      544—551
Vortices, superfluid helium films      551—555
Vortices, vortex pairs      499—500
Walls, kinks and solitons      590—656
Walls, kinks and solitons, $\phi^4$ kink      597—599
Walls, kinks and solitons, domain walls in mean-field theory      595—601
Walls, kinks and solitons, dynamics      599—601
Walls, kinks and solitons, fluctuating walls      620—635
Walls, kinks and solitons, fluctuating walls, arrays      635—643
Walls, kinks and solitons, Frenkel — Kontorowa model      601—620
Walls, kinks and solitons, soliton, sine-Gordon      599
Wandering exponent      594 629
Water as example of condensed matter      3—15
Water, ice crystals      8
Water, ice crystals, dislocations      12—13
Water, Navier — Stokes equation      448
Water, phase diagram      4
Water, viscosity      448
Wave number cutoff      152 666
Wedge disclination      519
Weight function      221
Weiner — Khintchine theorem      355 683
Weiss molecular field theory      144 148 683
White noise source      383 466
Wigner — Seitz cell      44—46 50 52 683
Winding number      497 503—505 528 603
Wine bottle      289
Work hardening      521 683
Wulff construction      653
Wulff plot      654 684
Wurtzite      9
X-ray diffraction and scattering      chapter 2 33 67 613—614
X-ray diffraction and scattering, from TGB phase      568—571 (see also “Scattering” “Bragg and
X-ray structure factor      325
Xenon      79
Xenon, electron scattering      560
Xenon, on graphite      77 324—326 560
Xenon, on graphite, incommensurate phases      635
XY-model      288 289 495 502 506 524 544—545 684
xy-model, elasticity      289—290
xy-model, longitudinal and transverse response      575—577
xy-model, shear modulus      555
xy-model, vortex energy      526—530
xy-model, vortex unbinding      555
xy-symmetry      137
Yang — Lee edge      286 684
Yield stress      12 518 684
Young’s modulus      337 533 557 684
Young’s modulus, 2-D      632
“Problems”      103—107 209—212 283—287 347—352 411—416 492—194 585—589 656—661
1 2 3 4 5
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