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Chaikin P.M., Lubensky T.C. — Principles of condensed matter physics
Chaikin P.M., Lubensky T.C. — Principles of condensed matter physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Principles of condensed matter physics

Àâòîðû: Chaikin P.M., Lubensky T.C.


This book provides an overview of the physics of condensed matter systems. Assuming a familiarity with the basics of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, the book establishes a general framework for describing condensed phases of matter based on symmetries and conservation laws. After surveying the structure and properties of materials with different symmetries, it explores the role of spatial dimensionality and microscopic interactions in determining the nature of phase transitions. Particular attention is given to critical phenomena and renormalization group methods. The properties of liquids, liquid crystals, quasicrystals, crystalline solids, magnetically ordered systems and amorphous solids are investigated in terms of their symmetry, generalized rigidity, hydrodynamics and topological defect structure. In addition to serving as a course text, this book is an essential reference for students and researchers in physics, applied physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, who are interested in modern condensed matter physics.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 699

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 12.08.2005

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Diffusion, on a lattice, master equation      378—381
Diffusion, particle      353
Diffusion, permeation      617
Diffusion, phason      617
Diffusion, response function      371—373
Diffusion, spin      438
Diffusion, thermal      425 429 438 451 454
Diffusion, vacancy      459
Dilation      317
Dilation symmetry      90 668
Dirac delta function      204
Direct lattice      43—45 668
Direct pair correlation function      195
Directed diffusion      415 668
Director      59 168 420 506 668
Disclinations      495 668
Disclinations, and the KT transition      558
Disclinations, density      534
Disclinations, in crystal      517 519 534
Disclinations, in hexatic liquid crystals      526
Disclinations, in nematic liquid crystals      524—526
Disclinations, in smectic-C films      506 509
Disclinations, loops      527
Disclinations, twist      519
Disclinations, Volterra construction      517 519
Disclinations, wedge      519
Discommensurations      590 602—603 613 668
Disconnected diagram      279
Discontinuous transition      13 (see also “First-order phase transition”)
Discotic liquid crystals      15 68 668
Discrete Gaussian Model      578 584 645 668
Discrete symmetry, group      13 135—137 590 668
Dislocations      chapter 9 12 13 49 495 510 520 531 640—643 668
Dislocations, and CI transition      640—643
Dislocations, and grain boundaries      522—524
Dislocations, Burgers vector      508—509 513 534
Dislocations, density      521
Dislocations, in crystals      531
Dislocations, in crystals, edge      514—515
Dislocations, in crystals, energies      531—536
Dislocations, in crystals, screw      514—515
Dislocations, in hexagonal and close-packed lattices      515
Dislocations, in periodic solids      512—517
Dislocations, in smectic liquid crystals      507 308 507—512 561—573
Dislocations, mediated melting      555 555—559
Dislocations, Volterra construction      515 683
Dissipation      361 365—366 394—395 419 446—448 668
Dissipationless flow      445—448 668
Dissipative dynamics      466—469
domain walls      chapter 10 15 590 668
Domain walls, fluctuating      635
Domain walls, in mean-field theory      595—601
Dual lattice      50 580 668
Duality, lattice Coulomb-gas model      582—584
Duality, Potts models      579—582
Duality, Villain model      578—579 582—584
Duality, xy-model      582—584
Dynamic models      see “Models stochastic”
Dynamic modes      2 359 362—368 diffusion sound”)
Dynamic scaling      469—472
Dynamic upper critical dimension      471
Easy-plane ferromagnet      138
Edge dislocations      13 510 520 640—643
Edge dislocations, loops      512
Effective critical exponent      273
Einstein relation      373—375 385 668
Elastic constants, tables of      319 320
Elastic continuum      366
Elastic variable      288
Elasticity      chapter 6
Elasticity of sterically stablized phases      638—640
Elasticity, $O_n$ symmetry and nematic liquid crystals      298—306
Elasticity, Eulerian stress tensor      338—341
Elasticity, fluctuations      293—295
Elasticity, fluctuations, and light scattering      306—308
Elasticity, frank free energy, of nematic liquid crystals      298—300
Elasticity, free energy, xy-model      289—290
Elasticity, Josephson scaling relation      292—293
Elasticity, Lagrangian elasticity      330—334
Elasticity, Lagrangian stress tensor      334—337
Elasticity, nonlinear sigma model      341—347
Elasticity, of classical harmonic lattices      332
Elasticity, of solids      316
Elasticity, of solids, bond-angle and translational order      328
Elasticity, of solids, density functional theory      329
Elasticity, of solids, elastic free energy      318—319
Elasticity, of solids, fluctuations      321—322
Elasticity, of solids, isotropy, and cubic solids      319—321
Elasticity, of solids, one-dimensional crystals      322—324
Elasticity, of solids, two-dimensional crystals      324—326
Elasticity, of solids, vacancies and interstitials      325—328
Elasticity, polymerized membranes      632
Elasticity, smectic liquid crystals      308—316
Elasticity, stress-strain relations      337—338
Elasticity, xy-model      289—297
Electron scattering      409
Energy density      240
Energy of a surface      625—626
Enthalpy      113
entropy      3 111 119 146 424—425
Entropy production equation      444—445
Entropy, density      424 427
Entropy, of mixing      146
Entropy, steric      635
Equations of state      116—117
Equations of state, mean-field      153
Equations of state, scaled      234—235
Equations of state, Van der Waals      683
Equipartition theorem      10 123 223
Escape, to third dimension      501
Euclidean group      39 668
Euler characteristic      626 669
Euler — Lagrange equation      301—302 485 538 597 671
Eulerian coordinates      331 446
Eulerian elasticity      338—341
Euler’s equation      448 669
exchange interaction      21—25
Excluded volume      46 94
Exclusion principle      7 23
Extensive Variable      111
External Hamiltonian      134
f-sum rule      372 670
Face-centered cubic structure      9 41 53—57 190—194 669
Face-centered cubic structure, defects      515—517
Facets and faceting      8 648—655
Fan spin order      87
FCC      see “Face-centered cubic structure”
Fermi gas      122
Fermi pseudopotential      402—404
Fermi’s Golden Rule      30 400—402 669
Ferrimagnet      87 130
Ferroelectric phase      81 138
Ferromagnet, conjugate field      128
Ferromagnet, ferromagnetic phase      87 128
Ferromagnet, hedgehog defect for $O_3$      500
Ferromagnet, Heisenberg model      127 435
Ferromagnet, hydrodynamics, isotropic      439—440
Ferromagnet, model J      477
Ferromagnet, order parameter      128
Ferromagnet, spin waves      440
Ferromagnetic exchange      25
Fick’s law      369—370 373 669
Field theory      213—283
Field theory, construction      217—226
Field theory, gaussian integrals      221—223
Field theory, Ising model, hypercubic lattice      248—252
Field theory, Ising model, one-dimensional Ising model      242—245
Field theory, Landau — Ginzberg — Wilson      465
Field theory, lattice field theories, continuum limit      219—221
Field theory, mean-field theory, from functional integrals      223—225
Field theory, n-vector model      228—230
Field theory, self-consistent field approximation      226—230
First homotopy group      504
First law of thermodynamics      109—111
First-order phase transition      144
First-order phase transition, and harmless staircase      605
First-order phase transition, and nucleation      480—482
First-order phase transition, bicritical point      183
First-order phase transition, liquid-to-solid      187—198
First-order phase transition, nematic-isotropic transition      168—172
First-order phase transition, Potts model      202
First-order phase transition, tricritical point      174
Five-fold symmetry      50 82—85
Fixed point      245 251 262 267—269 671 548 573 634 669
Fixed point, cubic      268
Fixed point, Gaussian      262 268
Fixed point, Heisenberg      266 268
Fixed point, high T      245 262
Fixed point, Ising, $1+\epsilon$ Migdal-Kadanoff      251
Fixed point, Ising, $4 - \epsilon$      268
Fixed point, Ising, 1D      245
Fixed point, Kosterlitz — Thouless      548 573
Fixed point, polymerized membrane      634
Fixed point, Potts lattice gas      256—257
FK      see “Frenkel — Kontorowa”
Floating phase      601
Flory parameter      671
Flory theory, radius of gyration of a polymer      94 669
Fluctuating walls      635—640
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem      353 374 387 397—399 664
Fluctuations      15
Fluctuations, and break-down of mean field theory (Ginzburg)      214—217 225—226
Fluctuations, and corrections to mean-field theory      294
Fluctuations, and correlation functions      35 125 131
Fluctuations, and Debye — Waller factor      294 322 407 666
Fluctuations, and destruction of long-range order      294
Fluctuations, and scattering      405—408
Fluctuations, and susceptibilities      120 132
Fluctuations, dynamic      355 387 397
Fluctuations, in harmonic approcimation      626—629
Fluctuations, in mean-field theory      154 157
Fluctuations, of elastic variables      293 306 312 321
Fluctuations, of fluid membranes      626
Fluid hydrodynamics      441—453
Fluids      38—43
Fluids, internal energy      109
Fluids, thermodynamics      108—117
Fluids, two-component      453 (see also “Superfluids” “Water”)
Fokker — Planck equation      388—389 473
Four-state Potts model      256
Fourier transforms      10 97—100
Fourier transforms, transforms on a lattice      100
Fractals      91—97
Frank director      168 302 311 328
Frank free energy      298—300 311 316 455 567 669
Free standing smectic-C films      506
Freedericksz transition      302—304 670
Freezing      8—15
Freezing, Hansen — Verlet criterion      192 671
Frenkel — Kontorowa model      601—620
Frustration      7 112 670
Functional derivatives      140—141 672
Functional integral      218
Fundamental group      504 670
Galilean transformation      441—442
Gap exponent $\Delta$      234
Gas partition function, Coulomb      588—589
Gaseous state      3—5 38—43
Gauge symmetry      135 670
Gauss — Bonnet theorem      626 670
Gaussian critical point      262 670
Gaussian curvature      624 625 670
Gaussian fluctuations      224 670
Gaussian Integrals      221—223
Gaussian model, momentum shell renormalization group      261—263
Generalized force      110
Generalized Heisenberg models      435—436
Genus      626—627
Gibbs free energy      112 114
Gibbs’ paradox      119 670
Ginzburg criterion      214—217 225 670
Ginzburg length      215 228
Ginzburg parameter      572
Ginzburg temperature      215 225—226 228 272
Ginzburg — Landau model, time-dependent      466 682
Glaciers      12
Glass      112 671
Glauber model      466 671
Glide      12 520
Glide plane, lattice      57
Global packing constraints      7
Global symmetry      135 671
Glossary      662—684
Gold, fractal aggregate      95
Golden mean      51 83 671
Goldstone mode      432 471
Goldstone theorem      432 434
Good solvent      93 673
Grain boundaries      522—523 589 671
grand canonical ensemble      120 125
Grand potential      113
Graphite, lattice      78—79
Gravity      335
Green function      477—478
Green function, and dynamic response      370—371
Green function, and mode-mode coupling      477—478
Green function, diffusion      370—371 376 531
Ground state manifold      502
Groups, first fundamental group      504 672
Groups, homotopy      504—505 524
Gyration, radius of      91 680
Hameker constant      553
Hansen — Verlet criterion      192 671
Hard cutoff      219 671
Hard-sphere, close-packing      671
Hard-sphere, fluid      38
Hard-sphere, interaction      40
Hard-sphere, model      7
Hard-sphere, solid-liquid phase transition      43
Harmless devil’s staircase      605
Harmonic lattice, acoustic phonons      367—368
harmonic oscillator      359—366
Harmonic oscillator, fluctuation-dissipation      387
Hartree approximation      226 672
Hausdorff dimension      97 672
Heat      109
heat capacity      114
Heat current      424 427 445
Heaviside unit step function      355
Heavy wall      602 672
Hedgehog      500—503 527 585 674
Heisenberg fixed point      266 269
Heisenberg model      14 127—129 140 202 435 672
Heisenberg operator      392
Heitler — London theory      20 25 672
Helical magnetic phase      91
Helical spin order      87
Helicity modulus      290—291
Helium, $\mathrm{He}^3$      117 179
Helium, $\mathrm{He}^3$-$\mathrm{He}^4$ mixtures      179 .
Helium, $\mathrm{He}^4$      177 179
Helium, helium films      551—555
Helium, Kosterlitz — Thouless transition      551—552
Helium, superfluids      138 289 460—464
Helmholtz free energy      112 194 200 672
Helmholtz free energy, density      115 122 126—127 327
Hexagonal close-packed solid (HCP)      41 56—57 105 515—517 672
Hexagonal lattice      57 69 191 515—517
Hexatic phases      65—68 672
Hexatic phases, 2D crystals      78 558
1 2 3 4 5
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