Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Sheil-Small T. — Complex polynomials |
Предметный указатель |
Series representations 125
Shift lemma 69
Shift operator 135
Sign variation 161
Simply-connected domain 35 38 42
Simply-connected surface 89 117
Simultaneous algebraic equations 26
Simultaneous equations 81
Sine polynomial inequality 156
Singularity 27 44
Smale's conjecture 358
Smale's conjecture, Blaschke product approach 365
Smale's conjecture, critical points and minimum points 363
Smale's conjecture, generalisations 367
Smale's conjecture, proof for critical points on circle 361—362
Smale's conjecture, proof for degrees 2, 3, 4 359—360
Smale's conjecture, real critical points 368
Smith, W. 306
Solving algebraic equations 20
Sphere 80
Starlike approximation lemma 276 283
Starlike domain 33
Starlike function condition 275
Starlike, of order 1/2 275
Step function 378
Step function and convex curve 392
Stereographic projection 38 80
Strictly positive operator 138
Strongly real meromorphic function 327
Strongly real meromorphic function, inequality 332
Strongly real meromorphic function, representation theorem 327
Strongly real rational function 319
Strongly real rational function, critical point 321
Strongly real rational function, example 321
Strongly real rational function, positive or negative type 321
Strongly real/interspersion theorem 320
Subordination 168
Subordination inequality 239
Subordination principle 234
Successive derivatives 413
Sudbery's extension 413
Sudbery's theorem 407
Suffridge class 253
Suffridge class, coefficient bound 260
Suffridge class, duality condition 253
Suffridge univalence criterion 243
Suffridge's convolution theorem 254 261
Suffridge's extremal polynomials 251
Suffridge's extremal polynomials, limits 258
Suffridge's theorem, condition for proving containment 257
Suffridge's theorem, proof of part (c) 255
Suffridge, T.J. 241
Summability theory 145
Surface classification theorem 121
Surjectivity, failure of Pinchuk mapping 100
Sylvester determinant 5
Sylvester matrix 10
Sylvester resultant, evaluation 11
Sylvester resultant, exact degree 11
Sylvester resultant, of P-w 11
| Sylvester's method of elimination 5
Sylvester's theorem 165
Symmetric linear form 181
Symmetric linear form, Smale's conjecture 359
Symmetric linear form, Walsh's theorem 182
Szegoe's inequality 155
Tangent and argument of curve 387—390
Tangent vector, Jacobian conjecture 89
Tischler, D. 360
Toeplitz theorem 131
Topological argument principle 44
Topology of mapping, Jacobian problem 89
Total variation of argument of curve 389
Trigonometric polynomial 3 50 144
Trigonometric series 125
Two circles theorem 188
Uniqueness theorem 2
Unit disc homeomorphisms 60
Unit disc, zeros 373
Unit element 127 128
Univalence and angular separation of critical points 243
Univalence and bounded boundary rotation 389
Univalence region 197
Univalence sector 200
Univalent polynomials 241
Valence 66 72 84
Variation diminishing 161
Variations in argument/tangent of curve 387—390
Vitushkin, A.G. 118
Walsh's Blaschke product theorem 377
Walsh's theorem on symmetric linear forms 182
Walsh's two circles theorem 188
Walsh, J.L. 305
Weak apolarity 182
Weak Jacobian Conjecture 105
Wilmshurst's conjecture 52
Wilmshurst's example 52
Wilmshurst's method 8
Wilmshurst's theorem 54
Wilmshurst, A. 52 392
Wiman conjecture 343
Winding number 29
Winding number of Jordan curve 46
Winding number properties 34
Wright's theorem 115
Zero cycle 36 41
Zero(s) 22 44
Zero(s) and critical points, self-inversive polynomials 230
Zero(s) of derivatives 407
Zero(s) of second derivative 325
Zero(s) on angular separation condition 248
Zero(s) on argument of polynomial 243
Zero(s) on bounds on coefficients 239
Zero(s) on integral mean/maximum modulus theorem 239
Zero(s) on second angular separation condition 249
Zero(s) on third angular separation condition 251
Zero(s) onzero(s) on unit circle 231
Zero(s), continuity 55
Zero(s), exact number 56
Zero(s), existence of zero path 64
Zero(s), given critical points 201—202
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