Авторизация |
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Mitrinović D.S., Vasić P.M. — Analytic inequalities |
Предметный указатель |
Sharma, U.C. 362
Sharpe, J. 206
Shenton, L.R. 180
Shepp, L. (1936) 305
Shisha, O. (1932) IX 54 66 79 80 81 153 170 227 352 369
Shohat, J. (1886-1944) 40 41
Sidon, S. 260
Siegel, C.L. (1896) 84 85
Sierpinski, W. (1882-1969) 15 24 195
Signorini, A. (1888-1963) 44
Silov, G.E. (1917) 138 140
Simeunovic, D.M. (1931) 223
Similarly ordered sequences 10
Simon, H. 77 78
Simple means 27—30
Sivasinskii, I.H. (1909) 186
Skewness and kurtosis 347
Slater, M.L. (1921) 37 41
Slavic, D.V. (1942) VIII 247 294
Smiley, D.M. 173 176
Smiley, M.F. (1912) 173 176
Smith, C.A.B. 373 374
Smith, H.W. (1892) 196
Soble, A.B. 228 229
Sommer, F. (1912) 318
Sos-Turan, V. (1930) 122 123 125
Space, Banach 44 65 311 379
Space, Hilbert 44 47 59 65 311
Space, unitary 172
Specht, W. (1907) 62 79 81 224
Spira, R. (1927) 321
Springer, T.A. (1926) 226
Starke, E.P. (1896) 219
Starshaped function 22
Steckin, S.B. (1920) VIII 139 140 149 153 246 259 260 358 372
Steffensen's inequality 107—119
Steffensen, J.F. (1873-1961) 107 109 110 111 112 114 115 116 117 118
Stegun, I.A. (1919) 181 323 326 329
Steinitz, E. (1871) 176 177
Stieltjes, T.J. (1856-1894) 50 115
Stirling's formula 181—185 274
Stirling, J. (1692-1770) 181 184 185 197 274
Stolz, O. (1842-1905) 14 17 23
Strang, W.G. (1934) 66
Subharmonic functions 21
Superadditive function 22
Swamy, M.N.S. (1935) 232
Symmetric function, elementary 85
Symmetric function, gauge 163
Symmetric function, mean 95—107
Sz.-Nagy, B. (1913) 144 152 250 370 371
Szacz, G. (1926) 250 255 350
Szarski, J. (1921) IX
Szegoe, G. (1895) IX 60 65 66 107 112 118 151 153 186 217 227 230 232 247 251 252 253 290 298 307 336
Szemeredi, E. (1940) 125
Taberski, R. (1927) 265
Tajima, M. 225
Takahashi, T. 50
Tamarkin, J. (1888-1945) 260
Taskovic, M.R. (1944) 188 189 190 196
Tata, M.N. 335
Tatarkiewicz, K. (1923) 308
Tate, R.F. (1921) 178 180
Taussky-Todd, O. (1906) VIII 131 150 153 314
Taylor, A.E. (1911) 25
Taylor, B. (1685-1731) 18 34 201 241 323 327 362
Taylor, C. 206
Tchebychef see "CebySev P.L."
Tcheng Tchou-Yun 143 152
Thawani, V.D. 106 107
Thebault, V. 344
Theorem of majorization 112
Thiruvenkatachar, V.R. 106 107
Thomas, Dina Gladys S. (1919) 133 137
Thorin, G.O. (1912) 24 53 54
Thorpe, E. 193
Three circles theorem 19
Three Lines theorem 19
Thunsdorff, H. 25 307
Tideman, M. (1926) 361
Tijdeman, R. (1943) 125
Timan, A.F. (1920) IX 217 254 260
Titus, C.J. (1923) 302
Tocchi, L. 47 48
Toda, K. 234 314
Todd's inequality 66—70
Todd, J. (1911) 66 67 68 69 70 131 150 153 249 314
Tomaszczyk, S. 214
Tomic, M. (1913) 165 166 169 253 264
Tonelli, L. (1885-1946) 141 152
Tosic, D.Dj. (1932) VIII
Totally monotone function 72
Toyama, H. (1909) 285
| Trace of matrix XII
Triangle inequality 6 170—171 172
Troesch, B.A. (1920) 148 153
Trytten, G.N. (1928) 59
Trzeciakiewicz, L. 214
Tschebyscheff, P.L. see "Cebysev P.L."
Turan's first main theorem 122
Turan's inequalities 122—125
Turan, P. (1910) 122 123 124 125 197 249 251 254 259 353
Tureckii, A.N. (1905) 252
Turner, J.C. 280 385
Turtoiu, F. 203
Uchiyama, S. 123 124 125
Uhler, H.S. (1872-1956) 244
Uliman, J.L. (1923) 302
Unitary space 172
Uppuluri, V.R. Rao (1931) 286
Uspensky, J.V. (1883-1947) 184
Valiron, G. (1884-1959) 19 24
van Damtzig, D. (1900-1959) 302
van der Blij, F. (1923) 310
van der Corput, J.G. (1890) 225 237 262 270 306 322 361
van der Poorten, A.J. (1942) 125
van der Waerden, B.L. (1903) 41
Vasic and Mitrinovic, -method of 90—95 101
Vasic, P.M. (1934) VII IX 23 26 30 76 78 86 89 90 92 93 94 95 98 100 101 106 154 173 174 176 177 212 274 286 367 368 369
Vector, negative XII
Vector, negative, positive XII
Verblunsky, S. (1906) 218
Veress, P. 115 118
Vicente Gonсalves, J. 224
Vietoris, L. (1891) 255 256
Visser, C. (1910) 220 225 234 262
Voellmy, E. (1886-1951) 184
Volenec, V. (1943) 344
Volkov, V.N. (1932) 300
Volterra, V. (1860-1940) 375
Wagner, S.S. 42 44
Wall, H.S. (1902) 323 326 328 330
Wallis' formula 183
Wallis' inequalities 192 287
Wallis, J. (1616-1703) 183 192 193 287 288
Walsh, J.L. (1895) 221 222
Walter, W. (1927) IX
Warschawski, S.E. (1904) 299 328
Watson, G.N. (1886-1962) 121 266 286 290
Watterson, G.A. 372 374
Weierstrass' inequalities 210
Weierstrass, K.T. (1815-1897) 210
Weighted arithmetic mean 30 74
Weighted geometric mean 30 74
Weighted harmonic mean 74
Weighted mean of order r 74—75
Weinacht, R.J. (1931) 291
Weinberger, H.F. (1928) 112 118
Weinstein, A. (1897) 149 153
Weyl's inequality 128
Weyl, H. (1885-1955) 128 165 169
Whiteley means 97 104
Whiteley, J.N. (1932) 97 102 104 106
Whittaker, E.T. (1873-1956) 266 286
Whittaker, J.V. (1931) 214
Widder, D.V. (1898) 357 358
Wilf, H.S. (1931) 311 312 357
Wilkins, J.E. (1923) 307 347 348
Willett, D. (1937) 160 162 375
Williams, J.D. 385
Williams, K.P. (1887) 222
Williams, K.S. (1940) 317
Wilson, J.M. 205 206
Winkler, S. (1919) 378
Wintner, A. (1903-1958) 376 377
Wirtinger's inequality 127 141—154
Wirtinger, W. (1865-1945) 127 128 131 141 142 144 149 150 151 152 153 154 160
Wong, J.S.W. (1938) 157 158 161 162 375
Woods, C.L. (1903) 25
Wright, E.M. (1906) 25 112 118 121
Wrona, W. (1912) 218
Wronski, J.M. see "Hoene-Wronski J.M."
wronskian 143
Yahya, Q.A.M.M. 357
Yang, G.-S. 156 157 162
Young's inequality 48—50
Young's inequality, converse of 50
Young, W.H. (1863-1942) 48 50 252 255
Zalgaller, V. (1920) 309
Zeitlin, D. (1924) 263
Zeller, K. (1924) 197
Zimering, Sh. 289
Zivanovic, Z. (1935) 344
Zmorovic, V.A. (1909) 119 300 362
Znam, S. (1936) 195
Zulauf, A. (1926) 132 133 134 137
Zygmund, A. (1900) 261 264 265 336
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