Авторизация |
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Mitrinović D.S., Vasić P.M. — Analytic inequalities |
Предметный указатель |
Lorch, E.R. (1907) 44
Lorentz, G.G. (1910) 44 115 118 197 304 369
Love, J.B. (1934) 227
Lovera, P. 202
Lozinskii, S. (1914) 334
Lucic, R.P. (1935) 173 176 189 281
Lupas, A. (1942) 284
Luxemburg, W.A.J. (1929) 174
Lyapunov's inequality 54
Lyapunov's inequality for differential equations 377—378
Lyapunov, A.M. (1857-1918) 54 66 305 377 378
Lyness, J.N. (1932) 263
Lyness, R.C. 203
MacDonald, J.K.L. 196
Macintyre, A.J. (1908-1967) 333
Mackey, G.W. (1916) 297
Madhava Rao, B.S. 211 236
Magnus, W. (1907) 378
Mahajani, G.S. 106 107 297 298
Mahler, K. (1903) 208 233 351
Majorization of vectors 162—170
Majorization theorem 112
Makai, E. (1915) VIII 61 65 122 123 125 151 153 197 236 248 361
Mallows, C.L. (1930) 155 162 180
Mamedhanov, D.I. (1938) 226
Mandel, S.P.H. 273 374
Mangeron, D. (1906) 149 153
Manolov, S.P. (1922) 186
Mantellino, G. 202
Marcinkiewicz, J. (1910-1940) 261
Marcus, M. (1927) IX 25 102 106
Marcus, S. (1925) VIII 21 24 25
Marden, M. (1905) 217 312
Maria, A.J. 185
Marik, J. (1920) 219
Marjanovic, M. (1931) VIII 115 118 176 177 317
Markoff's inequality 229
Markoff, A.A. (1856-1922) 228 229 264
Markoff, W. (1871-1897) 230
Markovic, D. (1903-1964) 23 26 222 223 234 348 368
Maroni, P.M. 159 162
Marsh, D.C.B. (1926) VIII 338
Marshall, A.W. (1928) 25 62 66 167 170 369
Marshall, G.C. 379
Martin, M.H. (1907) 59
Mary, D.F.St. 377 378
Masani, P.R. (1919) 292
Mason, T.E. (1883-1939) 222
Massera, J. (1915) 352
Mathieu's inequalities 360 361
Mathieu, E. (1835-1890) 360 361 362
Matorin, A.P. (1891) 139
Matrix, semidefinite 37
Matsuoka, Y. 360
Mayer, D.E. 225
McLaughlin, H.W. (1937) 39 41 42 43 44 56 57 66 86 90
McLeod, J.B. (1929) 102 105 106
Mean, arithmetic 27
Mean, arithmetic function 22
Mean, arithmetic, geometric 27
Mean, arithmetic, harmonic 27
Mean, arithmetic, pseudo 338
Mean, arithmetic, simple 27—30
Mean, arithmetic, weighted arithmetic 30
Mean, arithmetic, weighted geometric 30
Means 74—95
Means of order r 75
Means, inequalities with 85—90
Means, mixed 379
Means, normed 74 75
Means, quasi-arithmetic, non-symmetrical 75
Means, ratios and differences of 79—81
Means, weighted 74 75
Meidell, B. 109 118
Meinardus, G. (1928) 66
Mengoli, P. (1625-1686) 194
Menon, K.V. (1933) 105 106
Mesihovic, B. (1941) 272 273 293
Metcalf, F.T. (1935) 39 41 42 44 47 48 56 57 59 61 63 64 66 86 90 147 153 216 311 312 374 375
Method of Benson 126—129
Method of Benson, , of Mitrinovic and Vasic 90—95 101
Metric function 317
Mihailovic, D. (1909) 186
Mikolas, M. (1923) 370
Mills ratio 177—181
Mills, J.P. 177 179 180 181 385
Milton, J.R. 185
Minc, H. (1919) IX 25 191 194 289
Minkowski's inequality 55—57 356 370
Minkowski's inequality, integral analogue of 57
Minkowski, A. (1937) 313
Minkowski, H. (1864-1909) 41 54 55 56 57 66 356 370
Mirsky, L. (1918) VII 25 166 169 170
Mitrinovic and Vasic, -method of 90—95 101
Mitrinovic, D.S. (1908) IX 30 76 78 86 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 98 100 101 102 106 116 138 154 186 187 190 192 193 194 196 209 212 216 240 273 277 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 291 292 293 296 316 320 321 327 335 337 339 341 346 383 384
Mitrinovic, M.D. (1945) VIII
Mohr, E. (1910) 21 24
Moldovan-Popoviciu, E. (1924) 22 26
Moler, C. (1939) 263
Mond, B. (1931) 80 81
Monotone functions 8—10
Monotone functions, sequence 10
Monotony, cyclic 10
Montel, P. (1876) 19 21 24 310 333
Moon, J.W. (1940) 195
Moor, A. (1923) 198
Moppert, C.F. 48
Moran, P.A.P. (1932) 372 374
Mordell, L.J. (1888) 132 133 135 137 258 294
Moser, L. (1921-1970) 187 195 217
Mott, T.E. (1926) 9 10
Motte, F. 269
Mueller, W. (1927) 148 153
Muirhead, R.F. 104 167 168 170
Mulholland, H.P. (1906) 56 57 227 247 373 374
Murnaghan, F.D. (1893) 44
Murphy, T. 135
Musielak, J. (1928) VIII
Muszely, Gy. 383
Mutually complementary N-functions 21
N-function 20
N-functions, mutually complementary 21
Nagell, T. (1895) 192
Nakamura, M. 65
Nanjundiah, T.S. 185 236 87
Nanson, E.J. 205 206
Natanson, I.P. (1906-1964) IX 304
Negative vector XII
Nehari, Z. (1915) 65 66 145 153 305 377 378
Nesbitt, A.M. 137
Neuts, M.F. (1935) 335
Neviazhskif, G.L. 186
Neville, E.H. (1889-1961) 121 246 266
Newman, D.J. (1930) 219 260 305
Newman, M. (1924) 65
Newton, I. (1643-1727) 106 358
Nicolesco, M. (1903) 21 25
Nikodym, O.M. (1887) 373 374
Nikol'skii, S.M. (1905) 260 265 336
Nirenberg, L. (1925) 148 153
Nishiura, T. 308
Nomura, T. 349 350.
Nondecreasing function 8
Nondecreasing function, sequence 10
Nonincreasing function 8
Nonincreasing function, sequencev 10
Norm, Euclidean 170
Norm, Euclidean for quaternions 43
Normal mean values 21
Normed means 74—75
| Norris, N. 77 79
Northcott, D.G. (1916) 144 152
Novikoff, A. (1927) 25
Nowosad, P. 134 137
Number-theoretical functions 366—367
Obrechkoff, N. (1896-1963) 212
Olds, C.D. (1912) 206 219 294
Olech, C. (1931) 154 155 162
Olkin, I. (1924) 62 66 113 118 167 170 287 369
Olovyanisnikov, V.M. (1895) 139
Opial's inequality 154—162
Opial's inequality, discrete analogues 161
Opial, Z. (1930) VIII 150 154 156 157 159 160 161 162 351 376 377
Oppenheim, A. (1903) 50 120 121 238 340
Oppositely ordered sequences 10
Order properties of real numbers 1—5
Order relation 1
Ordered field 1
Orlicz, W. (1903) 21 24
Ostrow, E. 22 25
Ostrowski, A.M. (1893) 15 21 24 25 66 69 71 119 168 169 170 186 187 190 198 215 216 224 225 230 250 291 297 299 301 302 337
Ovcarenko, I.E. (1936) 20 24
Ozeki, N. 202
Paasche, I. (1918) 214
Partial average 373
Patlak, C.S. 338
Pearson, K. (1857-1936) 347 348
Peck, J.E.L. (1918) 132 137
Pedersen, R.N. 155 162
Petkov, M. (1933) 210
Petrovic, M. (1868-1943) IX 22 26 224 311 312 368 369
Petrovitch see "Petrovic M."
Peyser, G. (1921) 225
Pfanzagl, J. (1928) 382
Pfeffer, A.M. 148 150 153
Phelps, C.R. (1916) 132
Phillips, D.L. (1929) 295
Picard, E. (1856-1941) 141 152
Pick, G. (1859-1942) 73 74
Picone, M. (1886) 382
Pidek, H. (1926) 73 74 205
Pinter, L. (1929) 250 255 350
Pitt, H.R. (1914) 148 153
Plateau, J. (1801-1883) 151
Pleijel, A. 142 152
Pocklington, H.C. 349 350
Poincare, H. (1854-1912) 142 149 152
Polajnar, J. (1947) 341
Pollak, H.O. (1927) 178 179 180
Polya, G. (1887) V IX 22 25 30 60 64 65 66 78 106 107 118 121 131 151 153 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 186 226 232 290 298 299 304 307 385
Pommerenke, Ch. (1933) 333
Ponstein, J. 25
Pop-Stojanovic, Z. (1935) 365
Popoviciu's inequality 58
Popoviciu, T. (1906) VIII 14 22 23 25 26 38 41 57 58 59 94 98 100 101 166 169 173 177 234 363 367
Popoviciu-type inequalities 94 98—102
Positive sequence XII
Positive sequence, vector XII
Poulain, A. 212
Pounder, J.R. 217
Presic, S.B. (1933) VIII 193 223 277 327 341
Prodanov, I. (1935) 35 36
Proschan, F. (1921) 25 167 170 369
Pryce, J.D. 364
Pseudo-means 338
Quadratic form, semidefinite 309
Quaternion 43
Quaternion, norm of 43
Rado, R. (1906) 94 98 101 167 170
Rado-type inequalities 94 98—102
Radon — Nikodym derivative 373
Radon, J. (1887-1956) 373 374
Rahman, Q.I. 220
Rajagopai, C.T. 334
Ramanujan, S. (1887-1920) 273 362
Rangarajan, S.U. 335
Rankin, R.A. (1915) VIII 133 137 193
Redheffer's recurrent inequalities 129—131
Redheffer, R.M. (1921) 9 10 33 129 130 131 148 153 159 162
Rennie's inequality 63
Rennie, B.C. (1920) 59 62 63 66
Reza, F.M. (1915) 333
Rheinboldt, W. (1927) 60 65
Richman, F. (1938) 193
Riemann, B. (1826-1866) 23
Riesz, F. (1880-1956) 49 50 334
Riesz, M. (1886) 19 54 280
Ripianu, D. (1917) 150
Robbins, H. (1915) 184 185
Robertson, M.S. (1906) 238
Robson, A. (1888-1956) 243
Rodov, A.M. (1912) 138
Rogosinski, W.W. (1894-1964) 169 247 252 253 333
Rolle, M. (1652-1719) 140 291
Ruben, H. 180 181 287
Rudin, W. (1921) 17 330
Rudnicki, J. 221 222
Rutickii, Ya.B. (1922) 20 24
Ryff, J.V. (1932) VIII 65 159 168 170
Ryll-Nardzewski, C. (1926) 73 74 205 280
Sadikova, R.H. 151
Salem, R. (1898-1963) 24
Sampford, M.R. (1925) 177 180
Sand, F. (1933) 343
Sandham, H.F. 187
Sapogov, N.A. (1915) 40 41
Sarkoezy, A. (1940) 125
Sasser, D.W. (1928) 37 41
Sastry, B.S. 211
Sathre, L. 194 289
Sawyer, W.W. (1911) 357
Schaeffer, A.C. (1907-1957) 229 230
Schloemilch, O. (1823-1901) 77 78 187
Schmaedeke, W.W. 375
Schmidt, E. (1876-1959) 143 144 152 232 289
Schnitzer, F. (1928) 308
Schoenberg, I.J. (1903) 227
Schopf, A.H. 65
Schopp, J. 344
Schroeder, K. (1909) 362
Schucany, W.R. (1940) 179 180 181
Schur's inequality 84 119—121
Schur, I. (1875-1941) 24 84 85 119 120 121 167 168 228 232
Schwarz' inequality 44
Schwarz, H.A. (1843-1921) 31 40 41 44 48 59 66 70 71 142 149 152 153 155 296 376
Schweitzer's inequality 59
Schweitzer, M. (1923-1945) 251 252
Schweitzer, P. (1941) 59 64 65
Schwerdtfeger, H. (1902) 59 303 345
Seitz, G. 37 41
Sell, G.R. (1937) 375
Sendov, B. (1932) 230
Sengenhorst, P. (1894-) 25
Sequence, convex 11
Sequence, decreasing 10
Sequence, increasing 10
Sequence, logarithmically concave 369
Sequence, monotone 10
Sequence, negative XII
Sequence, nondecreasing 10
Sequence, nonincreasing 10
Sequence, positive XII
Sequences, oppositely ordered 10
Sequences, similarly ordered 10
Sewell, W.E. (1904) 267 268
Shafer, R.E. (1929) 247 358
Shah, S.M. (1905) 362
Shampine, L.F. (1939) 295
Shantaram, R. 339
Shapiro, H.S. (1928) 132 137 363
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