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Barwise J. — The Situation in Logic |
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Aboutness 141 229 242 292
Aczel, P. 175 198—200 205—6 220 278—9
Ad hoc semantics 25
Adverbial theories of perception 25
AFA 175—8 198—9 204 206 255 277—9 282 285 291
Anchor 277
Anscombe, G. E. M. 18 23
Appropriate 180 253 271
Argument roles 180 182 268
Aristotle 295
Assignment, appropriate 271
Atomic features 282
atomic values 282
Attribute-value matrices 280
Attunement to constraints 53 141—2 166
Austin, J. L. 7 8 17 81
Austinian proposition 273
Author meaning 64 74
Axiom of foundation 192
Axiomatic method 295
Axioms of Separation and Replacement 291
Background conditions 95 111 150
Bisimulation relation 278—9
Boffa, M. 198
Borges, J. 60 71
Burke, T. 222 276
Canonical model 190
Cantor, G. 290
Cantor’s Absolute 290
Carnap, R. 223
Carroll, L. 15 166
Cartwright, R. 227
Center for the Study of Language and Information xii
Chan, D. 276
Chomsky, N. 293
Church, A. xv
Circularity 192 277
Circumstances 66
Circumstances, embedding 142
Circumstantial rules of inference 152
Clark, H. 69 203 220
Classes 285
Cognitive science 258
Cognitive situation 144
Cohen, P. 220
Coherence principle 235
Common knowledge 175 201—2 218
Compatibility Principle 235
Computational domain 161
Concerns 229 240 242 292
Conditional 95 97
Conditional statement, general 99 100
Conditional statement, interpreting 123 125
Conditional statement, specific 99 100
Conditional, content 62
Conditional, counterfactual 105
Conditional, descriptive 230
Conditional, general 123
Conditional, material 106 108
Conditional, negative 274
Conditional, positive 274
Conditional, propositional 230
Conditional, specific 125
Conditional, subjunctive 105
conditions 213—4
Conditions, entailing a sequence of infons 214
Conditions, informationally equivalent 214
Conditions, strongly equivalent 214
Constituent 66 265
Constituent of a state of affairs 229
Constituent, articulated 66 149
Constituent, major 182
Constituent, non-articulated 149
Constituent, null 160
Constituent, unarticulated 66 67 95 150 238 240
Constraint 51 56 113 140 274
Constraint, attunement to 53 141—2 166
context 87 88 90
Conversational implicature 10
Conway paradox 201
Cooper, R. xi 34 79 200
Coreference indices 160
Counterfactual conditional statement 105
Cresswell, M. J. 4 79—92
Crimmins — Perry view 244 248—9
Crimmins, M. 242 247—8 276
Cumulative hierarchy 178
Data bases 257
Davidson, D. 7 9 59 119 242
Decoration 199
Deep structure 160
Deiwiks, I. 135
Descartes, R. 295
Descriptive content 230
Devlin, K. 205 271 276
Dewey, J. 222 245
Disjunctive statements 231
Dretske, F. 9—10 12 23 40 48—51 138 140 144—5 155 204
Duals 270 271
Eco, U 4 77
Effectors 161
Efficiency 87—8
Embedding circumstances 142
Empson, W. 73
Entailment 210
Epistemically neutral, perception sentences 9
Epistemically neutral, perceptual reports 8
Etchemendy, J. xii 84 135 148—9 154 175 200 229 262 273 276 277 285 292
Events 185
Existential, conditions on situations 213
Existential, statement 231
Explicitness Principle 164 168—70
Exploiting environmental constants 120 151
Extended Solution Lemma 280
Extension 272
Fact 175 182 185 205—6 221—2 225 228 232 250 263—4
Fact, situated 250
Fallacy of Misplaced Information 70
Feature structures 282
Feferman, S. 293
Fenstad’s Puzzle 178
Fernando, T. 276
Fine, K. 223 227
Finsler, P. 198
First class citizen 179 266
First-order, logic 293—5
First-order, thesis 37
fixed-point 202—3 206—7 285
Fleshing out strategy 99 160
Flores, F. 294
flow of information 48
Focus situation 224 238
Fodor, J. 59 95 137—54 155—69
Fodorian intentional realism 169 171
FOL (see First-order logic)
Folk psychology 141
Follesdal, D. 34
Formal logic 297
Formality 157
Formality Condition. 146 164 168—70
Frege, G. 60 242 270 295
Fregean senses 242
Frogs 257
G perception sentences 11
General conditional statements 99 100
Generation property 91
Gibbard, A. 112
Gibson, J. J. 9 141—2 144
Glad, C. 276
| Godel, K. xv 289
Goguen, J. 200
Graph 199
Grice, P. 43
Halvorsen, K. 200
Harman, G. 203 220
Hereditary subset relation 281
Hereditary subsituation 208 280
Higgenbotham, J. 3
Hilbert’s program 38
Hintikka, J. 7 23 86
Hirsch, E. D. 59
Hirst, R. J. 9
Hoban, R. 66 72—3
Holds in 185
Holmesian proposition 275
Hypersets 190 198
Hypothetical syllogism 108 110—1 128
Identity 244—5
Indeterminates 277
Individuation 260
Individuation, scheme 251 260 263
Inductive definitions 285
Inference 37 55 56 146 157
Inference, circumstantial rules of 152
Inference, formal 157
Inference, situated 157 162
Inference, sound 39 56
Infomorphisms. 257
Infon 205 250 263—4
Infon, basic 269
Infon, unsaturated 272
Infon, wellfounded 206
information xiv 37 56 274
Information, carrying 263 274
Information, conditions 119
Information, content 140 257
Information, displayed 143
Information, extraction xiv
Information, flow of 48
Information, having 204
Information, misplaced 70
Information, partial 277
Information, processing xiv
Information, public 201
Information, relational nature of 139
Information, shared 218
Informational, equivalence 209
Informational, relations 140
Informational, situation 142
Intentional realism 162 169 171
Intentionality 141
Interpretation 62 70
Interpretation, basic question of 73
Interpretation, literary 59 296
Interpreting, conditional statements 123
Interpreting, general conditionals 123
Interpreting, specific conditionals 125
Inventor’s paradox 40
Israel, D. 135 146 154 171 200 276
issues 83
Iterate 207
Iterate approach 202
Iterated knowledge. 202
Jackendoff, R. 59
Japanese speakers 258
Kaplan, D. 88 148
Keller, H. 5
Kleene, S. C. xv
Knapp 62
Knowledge 204
Knowledge, common 175 201—2 218
Knowledge, iterated 202
Knowledge, mutual 69
Kreisel, G. 178
Kripke, S. 243
Kripke’s puzzle 243
Lakoff, G. 4 34—5 294
Language of thought 146 154—6
Language, formal 146 158
Lewis, D. 69 82 106 110 126 202 203
Liar paradox 229
Literary interpretation 59 296
Logic 37 297
Logic of distributed systems 203
Logic of information 204
Logical, constants 37
Logical, equivalence 22 24 72
Logical, form 147 160
LTH (see Language of thought)
Macken, B. 276
Mailloux, S. 59 74
Major constituent 182
Making implicit parameters explicit 152
Marshall, C. 69 203 220
Material conditional 106 108
Mathematical, activity 289
Mathematical, logic 297
Mathematics 258
Maximal accessible situation 223
McCarthy, J. 203
Meaning 37 41 42 50 56 62 88 294
Meaning and information. 49 56
Meaning, author 64 74
Meaning, relation theory of 87 91
Meaning, user 62
Meanings 43 49 99
Mental representation 74
Meseguer, J. 200
Methodological solipsism 169
Michaels 62
Minimal model 214 217
Minimal model, informationally equivalent 217
Minor constituent 182
Misinformation 144
Mixed fixed point 176 285
Model 190
Modularity 160
Montague Grammar 85
Montague, R. 7 59 293
Moore, R. 223 227
Mostowski’s Collapsing Lemina 199
Mutual, belief 201
Mutual, knowledge 69
Naive adverbial theories of perception 25
Naked infinitive 8
Negation 225 234
Negative, constraint 274
Negative, fact 228
Nerbonne, J. 276
NI perception sentences 8 11
Niiniluoto, I. 7 23
Non-articulated 149
Non-constituent, articulated 66—7 149—50
Null constituent 160
Object 265
Olson, K. 139 223 234 267
Parameter, explicit 152
Parametric, anchor 278
Parametric, constraint 100
Parametric, feature structure 283
Parametric, object 277
Part-of relation 259
Partial, information 277
Partial, satisfaction relation 208
Partiality 86
Peano arithmetic 255
Peirce, C. S. 43 295
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