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Barwise J. — The Situation in Logic |
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Perception sentence, epistemically neutral 9
Perception, adverbial theories of 25
Percy, Walker 5—6 35
Perrault, R. 220
Perry 154 155 171 178 181 188 194 200 229 231 236 240 242 247 248 250 254 274 276
Perry, J. xi-xiii 4 7 34 37 40 51 55 61 79 80 81 84 86 88 90 91 95 98 107 113 120 135 138 139 140 141 142 148 149 150 151 153
Persistence 265 272
Persistence Principle 235—6 241
Persistent state of affairs 250
Perspectival, perspective 23
Perspectival, relation 268
Perspectival, relativity 244
Perspectival, situation 250
Peters, S. xii 200 272 276
Polarity 182 269
Positive constraint 274
Possible worlds 4 80
Possible worlds, semantics 79 82
pre-condition 213—4
Principle of Substitution 13
Principle of Veridicality 12
Problem of logical equivalence 22
Processor 161
Projection 251
Proper class 292
Properties 180 268 294
Properties and relations 294
Properties and relations, theory of 233
Proposition 90 175 221 222 226 228 232 273
Proposition, Austinian 273
Proposition, basic 228 231
Proposition, Holmesian 275
Proposition, realist 63
Proposition, Russellian 273
Proposition, subject matter of 229
Propositional theories of 22
Propositional, content 230
Propositional, theories of perception 22
public information 201
Putnam, H. 251 294
Quine, W. 16 34 38 102 105 119 133 134 141 227 293 295
Rank function 206
Realist proposition 63
Receptors. 161
Reichenbach, H. 223
Relation 180 268 294
Relation theory of meaning 87 91
Relational nature of information 139
Relativization 253
Replacement axiom 291
Representation 142
Representation, mental 74
Robot design 258
Rosenschein. S. 148 151
Rota, G. — C. 297
Russell set 291
Russell, B. 7 8 18 222 226 289 295
Russellian proposition 273
Russell’s paradox 290
Sag, I. 34
Schacht, P. 73 74 77
Scheme of individuation 251 260 263
Schiffer, S. 202
Scott, D. 198
SCP 157—8 162 169 171
SCRP 163 171
Searle, J.. 59
seeing 10
Seeinge 10
Self-reference 153
Self-relativity 153
Seligman, J. 274
Semantic innocence 242
Semantical equation 70 75
Semantically 158
Sentence 98
Separation axiom 291
Set 292 294
Set, theory 188 192 255 285 291
Set/class distinction 289 290
shared information 218
Shared-situation approach 202—3
Shieber, S. 280
Shin, Sun — Joo 276
| Simulation, pair 281
Simulation, relation 208
Situated fact 250
Situated inference 157 162
Situated inference, computationally 167
Situated inference, engine 171
Situated inference, mechanisms 151
Situated language 146 158
Situated language, computationally 158
Situated logic 297
Situatedness of Causal Role Principle 163 171
Situatedness of Content Principle 157—8 162 169 171
Situation 90 205 205 221 222 223 228 232 261
Situation, actual 261—3
Situation, cognitive 144
Situation, focus 224 238
Situation, maximal accessible 223
Situation, meaning 42
Situation, semantics 177
Situation, theorist 258
Situation, theory 177
Situation, wellfounded 206 212 268
Situation-type meaning 42
Small world 85
Smith, B. 145 146 148 153 154 157 171 200
Smith, C. xii
Soames, S. 119
Solution lemma 278 280
Sound inference 39 56
Space of issues 83
Specific conditional statement 99 100
Stalnaker, R. 83 110 112 126 133—5
State model 190
State of affairs 180 185 229 250
State of affairs, basic 180 182
State of affairs, constituent of 229
State of affairs, existential 231
State of affairs, nonfactual 225
State of affairs, persistent 250
State of affairs, statement 98 (see also Conditional statement)
Strong Modularity Principle 168—70
Strongly equivalent conditions 214
structure of 65 149
Structure of circumstances 65—6 149
Subject matter of a proposition 229
Subjective 156
Subjunctive conditional 105
Substitutivity Principle 34
Subsumption relation 281
Suchman, L. 148
Suzuki, H. 276
System Development Foundation xii
System of equations 216
Tarski, A. xv 7 59 119
Ter Meulen, A. 135
Thomason, R. 7 23 135
topology 255
Traugott, E 135
Truth, conditions 59 100 119
Truth, preservation xiv
Turing, A. xv
Tutiya, S. 276
Ulam, S. 297
Unarticulated 66—7 150
Ungroundable 192
Unification 176 184 278 281
Unification Lemma 282
Unifier 278
User meaning 62
Vagueness 243
Vendler, Z. 223 226 227
Vision 257
Wasow, T. xii
Weitzman, L. 270 276
Wellfounded 192
Wellfounded, infon 206
Wellfounded, situation 206 212 268
Winograd, T. 294
Wittgenstein, L. 188 222
World 188 259
World, actual 261—2
World, small 85
York, C. xii
ZFC 291
ZFC/AFA 204 206 291
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