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Enderton H.B. — A Mathematical Introduction to Logic |
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Satisfaction of formulas 23 83—86
Satisfiable sets 59—60 134
SB 228
Schema 286
Schroeder — Bernstein theorem 9
Second-order logic absolute 303
Second-order logic and many-sorted logic 295—299
Second-order logic, general structures 299—306
Second-order logic, language of 282—286
Second-order logic, Skolem functions 145 287—290
Segments of sequences 4
Segments of sequences, initial 4
Segments of sequences, terminal 105—106
Self-reference 234—235 315
Self-reference, approach to incompleteness 184—186
Semantics and syntax 125
Semidecidable set 63
Semidecision procedure 63
Sentence symbols 14 115
Sentences 77 79
Sentential connectives 14 45—54
Sentential connectives, 0-ary 50
Sentential connectives, binary 51
Sentential connectives, ternary 51—52
Sentential connectives, unary 51
Sentential logic, compactness 24 59—60
Sentential logic, connectives 45—52
Sentential logic, language of 13—19
Sentential logic, parsing algorithm 29—33
Sentential logic, tautologies 23
Sentential logic, truth assignments 20—27
Sequence encoding and decoding 220 277 281
Sequence number 221
Sequences, finite 4
Set theory (ST) 152 157 161—162 240—241 270—275
Set theory (ST), Goedel incompleteness theorems for 274—275
Set theory (ST), language of 70 71
Sets, concept 1—2
Sets, countable 6
Sets, disjoint 3
Sets, empty versus nonempty 2
Sets, finite 6
Sets, intersection of 3
Sets, ordered 93
Sets, pairwise disjoint 3
Sets, power 2—3
Sets, union of 3
Sheffer stroke 51
Shepherdson — Sturgis machines 261—263
Shepherdson, John C. 261
Simplification of formulas 59
Single-valued relations 5
Skolem, Thoralf 145 151 293
Skolem, Thoralf, functions 145 287—290
Skolem, Thoralf, Loewenheim — Skolem theorem 151—155
Skolem, Thoralf, normal form 288—289
Skolem, Thoralf, paradox 152
Sn 188
Soundness Theorem 66 131
Spectrum 101 150 285
st 178
Standard part 178
Steinitz's theorem 158—159
Strategy for deductions 120—126
String 4
Strong undecidability 237 272—273
structures 80—81
Structures, cardinality of 153—154
Structures, definability in 90—92
Structures, definability of a class of 92—94
Structures, general 299—306
Sturgis, H.E. 261
subsets 2
Substitutability 113
Substitution 28 112—114
Substitution and alphabetic variants 126
Substitution of terms 112 129
Substitution, lemma 133—134
Substitution, representability of 228
Substructures 95—96 294
Sufficiently strong theory 246 267
Switching circuits 54—59
Symbols, logical 14 69—70
Symbols, nonlogical 14
Symbols, parameter 71
| Symbols, sentential connective 14 45—54
Symmetric relations 5
Syntactical translation 169—172
Syntax and semantics 125
Syntax, arithmetization of 224—234
t 20 118 122
T-predicate 249
Tarski, Alfred 152 154 159 286
Tarski, Alfred, undefinability theorem 236 240
Tautological equivalence 24
Tautological implication 23
Tautologies 23
Tautologies in first-order languages 114—116
Tautologies, representability of 230—231
Tautologies, selected list of 26—27
Term-building operations 74
Terminal segment 05—106
Terms 74 79
Terms, parsing 106—107
Terms, representing 226—227
Terms, unique readability of 107
Ternary connectives 51—52
TH 152 155
Theorem, concept of 110—111 117
Theories 155—160
Theories of structures 148 152 155
Theories, axiomatizable 156
Theories, finitely axiomatizable 156
Theories, interpretations between 164—172
Theories, models of 147—162
Total function 250
TQ 261
Trakhtenbrot's theorem 151
Transitive relations 5
Trees 7
Trees of deduction 116—117
Trees of well-formed formulas 17 22 75
Trichotomy 6 93 159 194
Truth 20
Truth and models, in first-order logic 80—99
Truth assignments 20—27
Truth tables 24—26
Truth values 20
Truth, undefinability of 236 240
Turing machine 208
Turing, Alan 208 261
Two-valued logic 20
Tychonoff's theorem 24
U 249
Ultraproducts 142
Unary connectives 51
Uncountable languages 141 153—154
Undecidability incompleteness and 234—235
Undecidability of number theory 182—187
Undecidability of set theory 272
Undecidability strong 237 272—273
Undefinability theorem, Tarski 236 240
union 3
Unique existential quantifier 102 165
Unique readability theorem for formulas 108
Unique readability theorem for terms 107
Unique readability theorem in sentential logic 40—41
Universal formulas ( ) 102
Universal quantifier symbol 68 70 80
Universe, of structures 81
Unsolvability of halting problem 254
Valid formula 88—89
Valid formula in second-order logic 286
Variables 70 79
Variables, bound 80
Variables, free 76—77
Variables, function 282
Variables, individual 282—283
Variables, predicate 282
Vaught's test See "Los-Vaught test"
Vector spaces 92 99
Weakly representability 241—242
Well-defined function 165
Well-formed formulas (wffs) 12 17—18 75
Well-ordering 283
Z-chains 189—190 197
Zermelo — Fraenkel set theory 157 270
Zorn's lemma 7 60 141
[x] 6
{x| _x_} 2
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