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Aoki K. — Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconductors |
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Semi-insulating GaAs 171
Semiconductor, carrier transport 18
Semiconductor, chaos 204 207 318 322 335 353 364 367
Sensitive dependence on initial conditions 8 10 55 153 184
Separatrices 15 122 164—165 196 197 282 399
Shallow, acceptors 225 432
Shallow, donors 150 172
Shallow, impurities 233
Shifted Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution function 35 69 108
Shil’nikov, chaos 292—293
Shil’nikov, theorem 292
Shubnikov de Haas (SdH) effects 38
Si 94
Si p-i-n diode 272
Side-gating effect 533
Sierpinski, carpet 307
Sierpinski, triangle 307
Sigmoid function 246
Silver mean 342
Simply stochastic noise 315
Sine circle map 337
Singular point 147 153
Singularities, local 400
Singularity 329—330
Singularity, spectrum 401
Slaving principle 145 230
Soft-mode instability 206
Solid-state turbulence 405
Source voltage 406
Space-charge dipole, local 442
Space-charge-limited current filament 126
Spatial pattern, formation 126
Spatial pattern, pattern images 254
Spatial pattern, phase portraits 122
Spatial pattern, summation 240 246
Spatially, extended, dynamical behaviors 256
Spatially, extended, instability 254
Spatially, periodic pattern 511
Spatiotemporal, behavior 130 417 455 466 517
Spatiotemporal, complexities 418
Spatiotemporal, dynamical behaviors 468
Spatiotemporal, evolutions 517
Spatiotemporal, pattern 62 133 234 494 507 521
Spatiotemporal, pattern, formation 254
Spatiotemporal, spiking 421 504
Spatiotemporal, structure 257
Spatiotemporal, transport structures 132
Spatiotemporal, turbulence 216
Spike current 224 394 410
Spontaneous, chaos 173
Spontaneous, current oscillation 386 502
Spontaneous, oscillation 261 391 410
Spontaneous, oscillation, current 386
Spontaneous, relaxation oscillation 168 170
Spontaneous, spatiotemporal spiking 502
Stability 137
Stable, fixed point 20
Stable, focus 164 513
Stable, manifold 145 370
Stable, node 158
Stable, spiral 158
Stage of stagnation 437
Standing localized current filament 451 455
Static, current filament 257
Static, localized filament 421
Stationary chaos 191
Stochastic, firing 244
Stochastic, noise 316
Strange Attractor 2 155 156 170 177 182 204 277 281 287 313 327 350 368 374 395 399 527
Stretching 180 183 317
Structural stability 140
Sub-Lyapunov exponents 525
Subcritical bifurcation 269 515
Subcritical bifurcation, Hopf 285
Subharmonic component 271 274
subspace 138
Successive generation peaks 347
Supercritical Hopf bifurcation 288
Superlattices 551
Superstable, cycle 188—189 203 340
Superstable, points 208
Surface recombination rate 449
Sustained field 431
Symbolic, sequences 209
Symmetric, basin 250
Symmetric, fluctuations 456
Symmetry breaking 144
Synaptic weight 245—246
Synchronization 524
Synchronization of chaos 523 525
| Synergetics 27
Taylor — Couette flow 23
Temporal, summation 246
Temporal, weight 246
Thermal ionization, coefficient 389
Thermal ionization, rate 66 519
Thermal recombination, coefficient 389
Thermal recombination, rate 66
Thermionic emission 542 546 548
Thermionic emission, current densities 541
Thermodynamics 10
Thin fractal 177
Three-parameter family 161
Threshold level 244
Time reversal 164 217
Time-delay method 318
Time’s Arrow 361
Topological, dimension 303
Toric 22 283 323
Toric, chaos 295—296 323
Toric, doubling 288
Toric, dynamics 195
Toric, oscillation 289
Trailing edge 52
Trajectories 14 173
Transferred-electron, device 42 50
Transferred-electron, effect 42
Transit-time mode 55 61—62
Transit-time mode, operation 54
Transitive, map 197
Transitive, mapping 153
Transverse, breakdown modes 431
Transverse, diffusion 518
Transverse, drift current 213 521
Transverse, magnetic field 133
Transverse, magnetoresistance 404
Traveling, autosolitons 458
Traveling, filament 421 424 455 465
Traveling, localized filament 463
Traveling, localized filament, current 457 465
Traveling, motion 129
Traveling, wave 517
Trigger, point 262
Trigger, zone 241 244
Tunneling, current density 548
Tunneling, nonresonant 542
Turbulence of hot carrier plasma 225
Turbulent states, fully developed 23
Turing, bifurcation 511 513
Turing, scenario 511
Turing-like patterns 511
Two-level impact-ionization, model 79 85 172
Two-level impact-ionization, processes 74 381 431
Two-parameter family 142
U-sequence 208
Uncertain volume 353
Uncertainty exponent 352
Uncompensated, materials 66
Uncompensated, sample 68
Unimodal 185
Unimodal, function 19
Unimodal, map 204
Uniqueness theorem 177
Universal, bifurcation scheme 21
Universal, function 188 189
Universal, numbers 190
Universal, rule 8
Universality 12 23 27 417
Universality of chaos 23
Unpredictable 6 10
Unstable, fixed point 530
Unstable, focus 158
Unstable, limit cycle 165
Unstable, node 160
Unstable, periodic orbit 153 180 527
Unstable, saddle point 14 122 158 248
Unstable, spiral 158
Upper branch 175 266
Van der Pol, equation 154
Van der Pol, oscillator 16 137 160
van der Waals, equation 26
van der Waals, liquid 26
Vector fields 139 140
Vector flows 122 158
Velocity fluctuation 36
Voltage controlled 105
Voltage controlled, condition 116 168 212 391 512
Wall field 521
White noise 316
Winding number 335 468
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