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Aoki K. — Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconductors |
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Entropy, production, excess 210 212 214
Entropy, rate 115 213
Equal areas 122
Equal areas, rule 50 52 116
Equation of motion 16 22
Equilibrium point 158 164
Ergodic, mixing 208
Ergodic, theory 8 11 202
Euclidean, norm 314 321
Euclidean, space 146 303—304
Expansive nature 183—184
Expansive nature, experiments 105
Expansive nature, temperature 378
Expansive nature, theory 1 23
Exponential divergence 183—184
Exterior crisis 367
External, effect 326
External, noise 324 376
External, stimuli 241
Extrinsic crisis 269
Farey, sequence 272
Farey, tree 232 337 340 342
Fat fractal 177
Feigenbaum, attractor 189 199 281 331 401
Feigenbaum, constant 3 204 331
Feigenbaum, number 187
Feigenbaum, scenario 2 5 175 179 274—275
Fermi level 32
Fermi — Dirac distribution function 31 33
Fermi-integral 33
Fibonacci number 342
Field organization 470 485
Field-enhanced capture and emission 42
Filament, borders 476
Filament, boundaries 387 440 521
Filament, channel 500
Filament, velocity 466
Filamentary, channel 262 412
Filamentary, current 116 237 376 407
Filamentary, current, density 247
Filamentation 426
Filtering method 400
Final state sensitivity 351
Firing, activity 243 245—246
Firing, density 235
Firing, density, wave 237 245
Firing, wave instability 225 237 316
First-generation peaks 348
First-order, Born approximation 93
First-order, phase transition 26 30 137 386 512
Fixed point 3 185
Fluid systems 22
Folded manifold 161
Folding 181 317
Forces, generalized 114
Forward mapping 10—11
Four-parameter family 146
Fourfold torus 288
Fourier, power spectrum 230 267 343 398
Fourier, transform 172 343
Fractal 177 303 305
Fractal, basin boundaries 351—354
Fractal, dimension 177 303 311 313—314 520
Fractal, distribution 177
Fractal, geometry 329
Fractal, set 277 303 305 308
Fractal, surface 288
Fractal, torus 285 287
Fraction of uncertain phase space volume 356
Free, excitons 99
Free, flight 49
Frequency locking 228
Frequency-locked, mode 61
Frequency-locked, states 481
Frequency-locking 350
Friction coefficient 14 16
Front velocity 492
fundamental frequency 468
Fuzzy bifurcation 374 376
g-r, coefficients 438
g-r, instability 388
g-r, kinetics 427
g-r, parameters 424
g-r, processes 109 261 423 428 431 517
g-r, rate 104
GaAS 38 42 44
GaAs, diode 55
GaAs, MESFET 234 531
GaAs, quantum wells 545 550
GaAs-AlAs superlattices 550
GaAs/AlAs superlattice 550 555
GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure 539
Gas-discharge systems 511 515
GaSb 38
Gauss — Jordan algorithm 320
ge 38 99
Generation, peaks 351
Generation, rate 73
Generation-recombination, coefficients 65 69 85 99
Generation-recombination, process 18
Generation-recombination, rate 103
Generator 306
global 164
Global, coupling 419 518 521
Global, mean 229 337 341—342
Golden-mean 335
Goldstone mode 388
Gradient field 140
Gram — Schmidt procedure 319—321
Grassberger dimension 313
Grassberger — Procaccia algorithm 280
Gunn, diode 55 57 63
Gunn, effect 42
Gunn, oscillation 54 61
Haken’s slaving principle 521
Hall, effect, dynamic 381 384 402
Hall, effect, dynamic, model 380
Hall, field 380 472
Hall, field, instability 233 380 402
Hall, mobility 69 73
Hall, voltage, bursts 479
Hall, voltage, collapse 471 477
Hard-mode instabilities 206
Harmonic vibrations 14
Hausdorff — Besicovitch dimension 303—304 306—307
Hausdorff, dimension 177 305 309
Hausdorff, measure 305
Heaviside function 314
Henon, attractor 372
Henon, map 182 185 370
Hessian, determinant 139
Hessian, matrix 138
Heteroclinic, orbit 122 125 174
Heteroclinic, tangency 370
Heterostructure hot-electron diode 539 545 561
Hexagonal pattern 515
Hierarchical complexity 229 254
High compensation ratio 470
High electron mobility transistor 545
High-field, domain 31 52 56 349 552 555
High-field, instability 50
High-field, regime 39 42
High-field, transport 50
Holding, field 168 213 390 393
Holding, voltage 407
Hole mobility 428
Homeomorphism 139
Homoclinic, crossing 197 288
Homoclinic, orbit 122 165 292
Homoclinic, points 14 197
| Homoclinic, tangency 165 196 370 399
Homoclinic, tangle 180
Hopf bifurcation 21 232 234 282 382 509 549
Hopf bifurcation, point 283
Hopf bifurcation, route 22
Hopf bifurcation, route, to chaos 23 274
Hopf bifurcation, scenario 510
Hopping conduction 68
Hot electron regime 101
Hudson’s experiment 206
Hulthens’ variational method 93
Hump map 185
Hydrodynamic balance equation 102 540
Hydrogen molecule ion 67
Hyperchaos 231 322—323
Hysteresis 143 173 393
Hysteretic, behavior 168 174
Hysteretic, bifurcation 269 276
Ignition and extinction 421
Impact, ionization 26 71 96 99
Impact, ionization, avalanche 267
Impact, parameter 89
Impact, recombination rate 66
Impact-ionization, avalanche 18 28 65 85 102 109 132 150 161 168 172 178 204 223 234—235 243 265 275 323 333 365 386 406 418 432 473 503 521
Impact-ionization, avalanche, model 177
Impact-ionization, coefficient 101 108 389
Impact-ionization, model 208 326
Impact-ionization, process 212
Impact-ionization, rate 66 99 519
Impact-ionized carriers 517
Impurity, avalanche breakdown 402
Impurity, band 68
Impurity, breakdown, local 471
InAs 38
Incommensurate frequencies 225 396
Increasing entropy, law of 11
Independent variables 12
Individuality 12 22 417
Information, dimension 310—311 317
Information, entropy 310
Information, loss 11
Inhibition,long-range 514
Inhibitor 450 456
Inhibitor, long-range 507
Inhibitory effect 243 245 521
Initiator 306
InP 42
Input-output function 241 245
InSb 38 221
Instability 137
Instability, local 374 376
Instantaneous power 411
Intermittency 22 191 274
Intermittency, type I 191 192 383
Intermittency, type II 195 295
Intermittency, type III 195
Intermittent, behavior 251
Intermittent, bursts 396
Intermittent, switching 276 351
Intersubband transition rate 557
Intervalley, deformation potential 50
Intervalley, scattering 44
Intervalley, scattering, processes 428
Intervalley, scattering, time 59
Invariant, circle 283 339
Invariant, probability measure 8 202 365
Invariant, two-torus 350
Inverse, bifurcation cascade 199
Inverse, cascade 248
Inverse, cascade, of period doubling 306
Inverse, sum rule 38
Ionized impurity 72
Ionized impurity, scattering 37 70 72 86 388 428 512
Irrational numbers 342
Irrational numbers, winding 338
Irreversibility 23
Irreversibility, switching 118
Iteration 3
Iteration, map 21
Iteration, method 42
Iterative, equation 272
Iterative, method 39
Jacobian matrix 157 181 282
Josephson junction 14 18 353
Julia set 308
Jump and slow relaxation 143
Kaplan — Yorke dimension 313 322 323—324 383
Karman vortex 23
Kicked rotor 362
Kink-antikink pair 123 129 421
Kirchhoff s Law 407
Koch curve 305—306
Kolmogorov entropy 11 200 217 317 321
Kroemer’s criterion 55
Kuramoto — Sivashinsky equation 376
L-valley 49 548
Laminar, lifetime 295
Laminar, phase 194 268 296
Landau — Hopf picture 267 275
Langevin-type equation 244 247
Lateral field 442
Lax cascade-capture model 428
Least entropy production 116
Least-square-error algorithm 320
Lebesgue measure 203 306
Legendre, expansion 92
Legendre, polynomials 42
Legendre, transform 328
Lifetime of the laminar phase 296
Limit cycle 164 170 249 269 282 362
Limit cycle, orbit 314
Limited space-charge accumulation 56
Linear stability 137
Linear stability, analysis 156—157 163 169 392
Lissajous’ figures 266 267
Load line 168 170
Local field 58
Localized current filament 454
Locking filament 421
Logistic map 1 8 11—12 19 185
Logistic map, behavior 204
Longitudinal, breakdown modes 431
Longitudinal, electric field 150 395 426
Longitudinal, magnetic fields 386
Lorentz, attractor 525
Lorentz, force 133 386 404 473 504
Lorentz, model 191
Loss of, information 11
Loss of, memory 6 217
Low-dimensional, carrier gas 539
Low-dimensional, chaos 506
Low-dimensional, deterministic nature 517
Low-field regime 39 65
Low-frequency oscillation 234 523
Low-temperature, impurity breakdown 508
Low-temperature, scanning electron microscope 126 229 386 469
Lower branches 175
Lozi map 370
LSA mode 55
Lucky Electron Model 66 78
Luminescence, excitonic 483
Lyapunov, dimension 313 316—317 327
Lyapunov, exponent 11—12 184 200 203 217 273 317 326 364
Lyapunov, exponent, largest 252
Lyapunov, number 369
Lyapunov, number, largest 370
Lyapunov, spectra 252 303 313 316—318 321 323 379
m-parameter family 137
Macro-time-scale 239 243 246
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