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Aoki K. — Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconductors |
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Macrostate 240 248
Macrostate, equations 240 247
Macrostate, variable 245
Madistor 221
Magnetic freeze-out effects 233
Magnetoelastic ribbon 529
Magnetoresistance, effect 386
Magnetoresistance, factor 151
Magnetoresistance, scattering factor 387
Mandelbrot set 308
Manifold 140
map function 3 185
Markov process 8 244
Mass, effective 32
Mathematical models 168 271
Mature filament 437 492
Maxwell — Boltzmann (MB) distribution function 33 101
Maxwell’s, convention 118 122 124
Maxwell’s, equations 423
McCulloch — Pitts formal neurons 239
Mean, energy gain 402
Mean, free path 66
Mean, laminar length 383
Mean, lifetime 295—296
Mean, residence time 194 199
Merging crisis 366
Micro-time-scale 239
Microscopic energy 27
Miniband 557
Minimum entropy production 50
Minimum entropy production, rate 210
Mixed boundary conditions 459
Mixing 6
Mobility 492
Mode, locking 339 340
Mode, pulling 378
Moebius band 19 21 179 275
Momentum, balance equation 103
Momentum, radomization 49
Momentum, relaxation 37
Momentum, relaxation, time 39 88 94 103 388
Momentum, space 49
Monte Carlo, method 42 50
Monte Carlo, simulations 422 430 438 546
Multicurrent filaments 121
Multifilaments 470 506
Multifractal nature 398 402
Multilevel impact-ionization model 381 422 427 473
Multiplication, factor 446 450
Multiplication, phenomena 450
Multistability 26 553
Mutual differential resistance 408
n-GaAs 38 42 94 132 150 172 177 216 223 232 235 252 380 386 469
n-Ge 270
n-InSb 233 380
N-shaped, J-E characteristic 210
N-shaped, negative differential conductivity 30 539
N-shaped, negative differential conductivity, voltage-controlled 42
N-shaped, negative differential resistance 349
N-shaped, velocity-field characteristic 53
n-type, GaAs 322 376 426
n-type, Ge 348
n-type, Si 233
Narrow-gap semiconductor 55
Natural frequency 14 396 406 468
Natural frequency, unperturbed 337
Navier — Stokes equation 23
Nearby points 184
Nearby trajectories 12
Negative differential, current 31 162 384 542
Negative differential, mobility 85 391 412
Negative differential, resistance 42 110 232 175 365 381 453 483
Neumann boundary condition 449 519
Neumann boundary condition, homogeneous 448 459
Neural network 239
Neural network, model 246
Neurodynamics 239
neuron 239
Newton’s classical mechanics 22
NNDC 31 42 125 506 539
Noise-induced intermittency 353 358
Non-Markov process 244
Nonautonomous system 13 14 19 152 293
Nondegenerate semiconductor 34
Nonequilibrium phase transition 13 22 27 30 42 65 204 210 385
Nonlinear, carrier transport 221
Nonlinear, circuits 14
Nonlinear, currents 14
Nonlinear, dynamical system 21
Nonlinear, generation-recombination rates 381
Nonlinear, strength 339
Nucleation process 488
Nyquist theorem 377
Octave cascade 179
OGY method 527
One-level impact-ionization, avalanche 167
One-level impact-ionization, model 104 116 177 388 517
One-parameter family 140
Onset of chaos 229 334—335 341
Optical absorption 469
Order parameters 2 156 388
Ordinary, chaos 231
Ordinary, differential equations 111 161 167 318
Oscillatory, behavior 411
Oscillatory, instability 384
Oscillistor 221
Ott, Grebogi and Yorke method see “OGY method”
p-Ge 38 132 230 348 380
p-i-n diode 234 469
p-n junction 16
p-type Ge 194 196 228 322 335 426
Parameter space 163
Partial, differential equations 12
Partial, wave scattering method 93
Partition function 330 332 369
Pattern, dynamics 506 521
Pattern, formations 417
PDR 381
Pendulum 137
Percival’s empirical formula 99
Perfect delay 143 146 153
Period 1 cycle 4
Period 2 cycle 5
Period 3 chaotic band 366
Period 4 cycle 5
Period adding bifurcation 394
Period doubling 19 21 65 155 187 208 234 281 326 333 393 398
Period doubling, bifurcation 2 22 57 65 179 185 195 225 252 274—275 354 382 396 466
Period doubling, bifurcation, to chaos 63 463
Period doubling, cascade 203 248 401 460
Period doubling, point 296
Period doubling, route to chaos 23 520
Period doubling, sequence 376
Periodic, attractor 358
Periodic, boundary conditions 424
Periodic, chaos 248 277
Periodic, driving force 12
Periodic, windows 5 191 249
Periodic/chaotic bifurcation sequence 207 234
Periodically driven, chaos 225 282 316 323 353
Periodically driven, chaos, system 376
Periodically driven, current filament 488
Periodically driven, instability 216
Periodically driven, regime 173
Periodically driven, systems 368
Phase, boundary 282
Phase, diagram 268
Phase, locking 223 266 289
Phase, portraits 14 79 122 214 252 270 378
| Phase, space 14 16 164 167 177 316
Phase, space, diffusion 15
Phase, space, trajectories 19 61 467 506
Phase, space, volume 324
Phase-locked states 267
Phonon scattering 37
Photocurrent 237 471
Photocurrent, noise 237
Photoillumination 241
Photoluminescence, quench patterns 487
Photoluminescence, quenching 469 483 485
piezoelectric scattering 37
Pitchfork bifurcations 189
Planar-type ohmic contacts 235 404
Plane current filament 396 404
Plasma instabilities 42
Pocket 390
Pocket, structure 148
Poincare, map 175 177 197
Poincare, section 293 324 331 335 350 379
Poincare, section, plots 362 367
Poincare, section, surface of 175 180 185 253 277 279
Poincare, solenoid 180
Poincare, surface of a section 20—21 527
Point attractor 355
Poisson equation 60 88 428 541
Polar optical phonon scattering 37
Polygon mirror 485
Pomeau — Manneville scenario 175 191
Positive, differential conductivity 380 382
Positive, entropy 11
Postbreakdown regime 171 178 207 228 274 349 365 376 379 483
Potential, density 116
Potential, function 18 137
Potential, probe, method 469
Potential, probe, technique 126
Power law 308
Prebreakdown regime 67 226 235 271 430 487
Precursor 459
Probability, density 8
Probability, distribution 295 297
Probability, measure 311
Pulsating localized current filament 456
q-phase transition 368 372
Quantum, well 542
Quantum, wires 544
Quantum-confined Stark effect 552
Quasi-periodic, motion 296
Quasi-periodic, orbit 19
Quasi-periodic, oscillations 229
Quasi-periodic, regimes 481
Quasi-periodic, route to chaos 22 251
Quasi-periodic, sea 63 285 482
Quasi-periodic, state 232
Quasi-periodicity 344
Quasi-point contacts 484
Quasi-Ruelle — Takens — Newhouse scenario 171
Quasi-static behavior 173
Quenched domain mode 55—56
Random, fluctuating force 241 246 400
Random, kicks 402
Random, neural networks 240
Rational, number 273 481
Rational, winding number 338 340
Rayleigh — Benard, convection 23 335 347
Rayleigh — Benard, convection, thermal 277
Rayleigh — Benard, experiment 315
Rayleigh — Benard, system 347
Reaction-diffusion equations 507 509 511
Real space transfer 540 544
Real space transfer, device 50
Real space transfer, oscillator 539
Recombination, current 446
Recombination, instability 42
Recombination, radiation 469
Refractory, effect 244
Refractory, period 243
Refractory, region 459
Reinjective switching 199 282 297 354 365
Relaxation, semiconductor 388
Relaxation, time approximation 40
Renormalization group 341
Renormalization group, methods 347
Renormalization group, theory 3 187
Repeller 141
Repeller, mechanism 459
Residence time 295
Resistively shunted junction 353
Resonant tunneling 559
Resonant tunneling, transport 523
Response, frequency 339
Response, system 525
Restoring forces 14 16
Return map 195
Reverse mapping 7 9—10
Reversible switching 118 125
RHW mechanism 42
Rocking, localized current filament 455—456
Rocking, motion 456 468
Roessler, attractor 183 523
Roessler, chaos 313
Roessler, equations 323 324
Roessler, hyperchaos 323
Roessler, system 525
Rotation number 283 285
Round-off errors 10
Rudimentary filament 437 441—442 491
Ruelle — Takens — Newhouse scenario 175 282 471 481
Runge — Kutta — Gill method 122 166 248
S-shaped, characteristic 137 444 451
S-shaped, characteristic, J-E 116 210 381
S-shaped, characteristic, n-E characteristic 74 512
S-shaped, current-field characteristic 109
S-shaped, curve 162 213 282
S-shaped, negative differential conductivity 30 65—66 69 73 85 104 115 384 422 430 506
Saddle focus 293
Saddle, bifurcation 194 289
Saddle, node points 289
Saddle, orbit 180
Saddle, point 14 16 164 296 528
Sarkovskii’s theorem 209
Saturation current densities 446
Scaling behavior 296
Scanning, electron microscope 255 468
Scanning, laser microscopy 126 132 437 469 471 488 495
Scanning, manipulator 485
Scanning, microscope 255
Schockley diode 447
Schokley’s formula 104
Schottky gate 404
Screened, acoustic deformation potential scattering 38
Screened, Coulomb potential 87—88
Screening, effect 85 391 512
Screening, electron-phonon interactions 72
Screening, model 73 85 104
Screw-shaped helical density wave 348
Second-order, Lax — Wendroff method 60
Second-order, phase transition 22 30
Selective excitation 237
Self-generated oscillation 261 382 410 545
Self-generated oscillation, current 406
Self-generated oscillation, plasma 222
Self-organization 126 230 470
Self-scattering process 46
Self-similar, staircase 340
Self-similar, structure 175 183 354
Self-similarity 272
Self-sustained oscillation 168 175 471
Self-sustained oscillation, chaotic 470
Self-sustained oscillation, relaxation 214
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