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Murphy R., Altman R. — Grammar in Use: Reference and Practice for Intermediate Students of English |
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's (apostrophe s) 75
-ed clauses 89
-ing, -ing clauses 64 89
-ing, being (done) (passive) 42c
-ing, expressions + -ing 58
-ing, prepositions + -ing 56
-ing, to -ing 56c
-ing, used to -ing 59
-ing, verbs + -ing 51
-ing, verbs + preposition + -ing 57
-ing, verbs followed by -ing or the infinitive 54—55
A/an 65—67
A/an, a/an and the 67
Able (be able to) 25
Accuse (of) 57b 122
Adjectives 90—100
Adjectives, adjectives + infinitive 96
Adjectives, adjectives + preposition 117—118
Adjectives, adjectives after verbs 91c
Adjectives, adjectives and adverbs 92—93
Adjectives, adjectives ending in -ing and -ed 90
Adjectives, comparatives 97—99
Adjectives, order of adjectives 91
Adjectives, superlatives 100
Adjectives, the + adjective 69b
Admit 51
Advantage (of/info) 115
Adverbs 92—93
Adverbs, adverbs and adjectives 92—93
Adverbs, comparatives 97—98
Adverbs, position of adverbs with the verb (always, also etc.) 102
Advice (uncountable) 65d
Advise 53c
Afraid (of) 117
Afraid (of), I'm afraid so/not 49d
After, after -ing 56b
After, followed by present simple/present perfect 9
Ago 19a
Agree (+ infinitive) 52a
ALL 78 83 102c
All, all (of) 78
All, all, every, and whole 83
All, position of all 102c
Alleged 43a
Already 13c
Also (position of also) 102
Although 104
Always (position of always) 102
Amazed, amazed + infinitive 96c
Amazed, amazed at/by 117
AN see "A"
Angry (about/with/for) 117
Annoyed (about/with/for) 117
ANY 78 80—81
Any, any (of) 78
Any, any + comparatives 81d
Any, any and no 81a
Any, any and some 80
Any, any more/any longer 103b
Any, anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere 80—81
Any, not...any 81
Apologize (for) 57a 119
Apostrophe s ('s) 75
Appear (+ infinitive) 52
Apply for 119
Approve (of -ing) 57a
Arrive 113f
Articles (a/an/the) 65—73
Articles (a/an/the), a/an 65—67
Articles (a/an/the), a/an and the 67
Articles (a/an/the), flowers/the flowers etc. 70
Articles (a/an/the), hospital/the hospital etc. 71
Articles (a/an/the), the 68—73
Articles (a/an/the), the + adjective 69b
Articles (a/an/the), the + nationality words 69c
Articles (a/an/the), the with geographical names 72
Articles (a/an/the), the with streets, buildings etc. 73
As, as (reason) 106c
As, as (time) 106a—106b
As, as and like 107
As, as if/as though 108
As, as long as 39b 39c
As, as soon as 9
As, as...as (in comparative sentences) 99
Ashamed (of) 117
Ask, ask (someone) to do something 46c 53a
Ask, ask for 122
Ask, ask how/what + infinitive 52d
Ask, ask in passive sentences 42a
Astonished, astonished + infinitive 96c
Astonished, astonished at/by 117
At, at (position) 112—113
At, at (time) 109
Attitude (to/toward) 115
Auxiliary verbs in short answers etc. 49
Avoid (-ing) 51a
Aware (of) 117
Back (inion the back, in back of) 112b
Bad (at) 117
Bear (can't bear) 54a
Bed (in bed/to bed) 71b 113b 114a
Been to 114b
Been to and gone to 13d
Before (followed by the present simple) 9
Before (followed by the present simple), before -ing 56b
Begin (begin doing/to do) 55a
Believe (in) 119
Believed (it is believed...) 43a
Belong (to) 119
Better 98a
Better, had better 62a
blame 124
Bored, bored and boring 90
Bored, bored with 117
Born 42b
Borrow (from) 124
Both (of) 79
Both (of), both...and 79e
Both (of), position of both 102c
Bread (uncountable) 65d
Business (on business) 116
By, a play by Shakespeare etc. 116
By, by (the time) 111
By, by -ing 56c
By, by accident/by chance/by mistake 116
By, by after the passive 40a
By, by and until 111a
By, by car/by bus etc. 114d
By, by my self/yourself etc. 76e
Can 25 30
Can't 25 27 30
Can't, can't bear 54a
Can't, can't stand 54a
Capable (of) 118
Care (care about, care for, take care of) 119
Case (in case) 38
Case (in case), in case of 38e
Causative have (have something done) 44
Cause (of) 115
Chance 60b
Charge (with) 122
Check, a check for... 115
Check, by check 116
Church (church/the church) 71a
College, college/the college 71a
College, in/at college 113c
Collide (with) 119
Comparatives 97—99
Comparatives, comparatives with any/no 81d
| Comparatives, comparatives with even 105c
Complain (to/about) 119
Concentrate (on) 119
Conditional sentences (if sentences) 9 34—36
Congratulate (on) 57b 122
Connection (with/between) 115
Conscious (of) 117
Consider (-ing) 51
Considered (it is considered that) 43a
Consist (of) 119
Contact (with) 115
Continue (+ infinitive or -ing) 55a
Corner (in/at/on the corner) 112e
Could 25 26 27b 28c 30
Could, could in if sentences 34c 35d 36c
Countable and uncountable nouns 65
Crash (into) 119
Crazy (about) 118
Crowded (with) 118
Damage (to) 115
Dare 52c
Decide, decide + infinitive 52
Decide, decide against -ing 57a
Delighted, delighted + infinitive 96c
Delighted, delighted with 117
Demand, a demand for 115
Demand, demand + subjunctive 33
Depend (on) 119
despite 104
Did (in past simple questions and negatives) 11c 47b
Die (of) 119
Diet (on a diet) 116
Difference (between) 115
Different (from/than) 118
Difficulty (have difficulty -ing) 58
Direct speech and reported speech 45—46 48b
Disappointed, disappointed + infinitive 96c
Disappointed, disappointed with 117
Discuss (no preposition) 121
Dislike (-ing) 54b
Divide (into) 122
Do/does (in simple present questions and negatives) 2b 47b
Dream, dream about/of 120
Dream, dream of -ing 57a
During 110
Each (of) 78
Each other 76c
Either (of) 79
Either (of), either...or 79e
Either (of), not...either 49c
Elder 98b
Eldest 100c
Encourage 53c
Engaged (to) 117
Enjoy (-ing) 51a 54b
Enough 95
Enter (no preposition) 121
Envious (of) 117
Even 105
Even, even if/when 105d
Even, even though 104c 105d
Ever (with the present perfect) 14a
Every 83
Everyone/everybody/everything 83
Excited (about) 117
Excited (about), excited and exciting 90
Expect (+ infinitive) 53a
Expected (it is expected that) 43a
Experience (countable and uncountable) 65c
EXPLAIN 52d 122
Fail (+ infinitive) 52a
Famous (for) 118
Farm (on a farm) 113b
FAST 93b
Fed up (with) 117
Feel, feel + adjective 91c
Feel, feel like 57a
Few (of) 78 82
Few (of), few and a few 82d
Few (of), few and little 82a
Finish (-ing) 51a
Fire (on fire) 116
First, it's the first time I've... 14b
First, the first/second + infinitive 96b
Fond (of) 118
for 110
For, for and during 110a
For, for and since 19b
For, for with the present perfect 14c 16b 18 19
Forget (+ infinitive) 52
Forgive (for) 57b
Frightened (of) 117
Front (in/on the front, in front of) 112b
Full (of) 118
Furious (about/with/for) 117
Furniture (uncountable) 65d
Further 98a
future 4—10
Future, going to 5
Future, present tenses for the future 4
Future, when and if sentences 9
Future, will 6—7
Future, will and going to 8
Future, will and shall 7b
Future, will be doing (future continuous) 10
Future, will have done (future perfect) 10d
Generous 96d 117
Geographical names with and without the 72
Gerund see "-ing"
Get, get + adjective 91c
Get, get in the passive 42d
Get, get in/out/on/off 114d
Get, get someone to do something 53b
Get, get something done 44b
Get, get used to 59
Give (in passive sentences) 42a
Give up (-ing) 51a
Glad (+ infinitive) 96c
Go, go -ing 58
Go, go on -ing 51a
Go, go on vacation/go for a walk etc. 116
Going to 5 8
Going to, going to and will 8
Going to, was/were going to 5c
Gone to and been to 13d
Good, good and well 93a
Good, good at 117
Good, good of someone to do something, (be) good to someone 117
Good, it's no good -ing 58
Got (have got) 23b 31d
Guess (I guess so/not) 49d
Had (I had done - past perfect) 21
Had better 62a
Hair (countable and uncountable) 65c
Half (of) 78c
Happen (to) 120
hard 93b
Hardly 93c
Hate, hate doing/to do 54a
Hate, would hate 54c—54d
Have/has 23
Have/has, have (questions/negatives) 23a
Have/has, have got/has got 23b
Have/has, have something done 44
Have/has, have to (and must) 31
Have/has, having (done) 51b 64c
Have/has, I have done (present perfect) 13—20
Hear, hear of/about/from 120
Hear, hear someone do/doing 63
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