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Murphy R., Altman R. — Grammar in Use: Reference and Practice for Intermediate Students of English |
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Help, help + infinitive 53a
HOME 71b 113b 114a
Hope, hope + infinitive 52a
Hope, I hope so/I hope not 49d
How long has it been since...? 19c
If sentences (conditional sentences) 9 34—36
If sentences (conditional sentences), as if 108
If sentences (conditional sentences), even if 105d
If sentences (conditional sentences), if (= whether) 48
If sentences (conditional sentences), if and in case 38
If sentences (conditional sentences), if and when 9c 34d
If sentences (conditional sentences), if any 80b
Imagine (-ing) 51a
Impressed (with/by) 118
In case 38
In spite of 104
In, in (position) 112—113
In, in (time) 109
In, in time and on time 116
Increase (in) 115
Infinitive, adjectives + infinitive 96
Infinitive, infinitive after a question word 52d
Infinitive, infinitive in reported speech 46c
Infinitive, infinitive of purpose (I went out to mail a letter) 60
Infinitive, verbs + infinitive 52
Infinitive, verbs + object + infinitive 53
Infinitive, verbs followed by the infinitive or -ing 54
Information (uncountable) 65d
Insist, insist + subjunctive 33
Insist, insist on -ing 33c 57a
Intend (+ infinitive) 52a
Interested, interested and interesting 90
Interested, interested in 118
INTO 114c
Invitation (to) 115
Invite (+ infinitive) 53b
Involve (-ing) 51
It's no good/it's no use -ing 58
It's time... 62b
It's worth -ing 58
Jail (jail/the jail) 71a
Jealous (of) 117
Just, just as 106a 106b
Just, just going to 5
Just, just with the present perfect 13c
Keep (on) -ing 51a
Kind (kind of someone to do something/be kind to someone) 117 96d
Late and lately 93b
Laugh (at) 120
Learn (how) (+ infinitive) 52a
Leave (for) 122
Let (let someone do something) 53d
Like (preposition) (like and as) 107 108b
Like (verb), like doing/to do 54a
Like (verb), would like 30e 53a 54c 54d
Listen (to) 120
Little 82
Little, little and a little 82d
Little, little and few 82a
Live (on) 120
Long, as long as 39b 39c
Long, no longer/not...any longer 103b
Look, look + adjective 91c
Look, look as if 108
Look, look at/for/after 120
Look, look forward to 56e 57a
Lot (a lot/lots) 82b
Love, be/fall in love with 116
Love, love doing/to do 54a
Love, would love 54c 54d
Luggage (uncountable) 65d
Make (make someone do something) 53d
Manage (+ infinitive) 52a
Many (and much) 82
Married (to) 117
May 28—30
May, may as well 29c
May, may I? 30c—30d
Mean (adjective - mean of someone to do something/be mean to someone) 117
Mean (verb + infinitive) 52a
Means (noun) 74c
Meet 76b
Meet, meet with 120
Might 28—29
Might, might as well 29c
Might, might in if sentences 34c 36c
Mind (-ing) 51a 54b
Mine/yours etc. (a friend of mine/yours) 77a
More, more in comparatives 97—98
More, not...any more 103b
Most, most (of) 78
Most, most in superlatives 100
Much (and many) 82
Must 27 31
Must, must and can't 27
Must, must and have to 31
Must, mustn't 31c
Myself/yourself etc. (reflexive pronouns) 76
Myself/yourself etc. (reflexive pronouns), by myself/by yourself etc. 76e
Need, a need for 115
Need, need (+ infinitive) 52a
Negative questions 47c
Neither (of) 79
Neither (of), neither am I, neither do I etc. 49c
Neither (of), neither...nor 79e
Never, never with the present perfect 14
Never, position of never 102
News (uncountable) 65d 74c
Nice (nice of someone to do something/be nice to someone) 117 96d
No, no and any 81a
No, no and none (of) 78 81b
No, no longer 103b
No, no one/nobody/nothing/nowhere 81
No, no with comparatives 81d
No, none (of) 78 81
Nor, neither... nor 79e
Nor, nor am I, nor do I etc. 49c
Nouns (countable and uncountable) 65
Of, a friend of mine/yours etc. 77a
Of, all of/none of/most of etc. 78
Of, both of/neither of/either of 79
Of, of and 's 75
Offer, offer + infinitive 52a
Offer, offer in passive sentences 42a
On, on (position) 112—113
On, on (time) 109
On, on in other expressions 116
On, on time and in time 116
One another 76c
Only (position of only) 102
Opinion (in my opinion) 116
Opportunity 60b
Ought to 32f
Own (my own...) 77b
Paper (countable and uncountable) 65c
Participle clauses (-ing and -ed clauses) 64 89
passive 40—42
Passive, passive of present and past tenses 41
PAST see "Past continuous" "Past "Simple
Past continuous (was/were doing) 12
Past continuous (was/were doing), past continuous passive 41
Past perfect (had done) 21
Past perfect (had done), past perfect after if 36
Past perfect (had done), past perfect passive 41
Past perfect continuous (had been doing) 22
Past, past after as if 108d
Past, past after I'd rather 61c
Past, past after if 34—36
Past, past after it's time 62b
Past, past after wish 35—36
| Pay, pay (someone) for something 120
Pay, pay in passive sentences 42a
people 74b
Permit 53c
Persuade (+ infinitive) 53b
Photograph, a photograph of someone 115
Photograph, in a photograph 112a
Phrasal verbs (get up, fill in etc.) 124
Plan (+ infinitive) 52a
Pleased, pleased + infinitive 96c
Pleased, pleased with 117
Plenty (of) 82b
Plural and singular 74
Point, point something at 122
Point, there's no point in -ing 58
Police (plural) 74d
Polite, polite of someone to do something/be polite to someone 117
Postpone (-ing) 51a
Prefer 54c—54d 61 123
Prepositions, adjectives + preposition 117—118
Prepositions, at/on/in (position) 112—113
Prepositions, at/on/in (time) 109
Prepositions, by (the time) 111
Prepositions, by -ing 56c
Prepositions, by after the passive 40a
Prepositions, by and until 111a
Prepositions, by car/by bus etc. 114d
Prepositions, for and during 110a
Prepositions, into 114c
Prepositions, like and as 107
Prepositions, noun + preposition 115
Prepositions, on time and in time 116
Prepositions, preposition + noun 116
Prepositions, prepositions + -ing 56
Prepositions, prepositions after a superlative 100d
Prepositions, prepositions in relative clauses 85b 88a
Prepositions, to 114
Prepositions, verbs + object + preposition 122—123
Prepositions, verbs + preposition 119—121
Prepositions, verbs + prepositions + -ing 57
Present continuous (I am doing) 1
Present continuous (I am doing), present continuous and present simple 3
Present continuous (I am doing), present continuous for the future 4
Present continuous (I am doing), present continuous passive 41
Present Perfect 13—20
Present perfect, present perfect after a superlative 14a 100d
Present perfect, present perfect and simple past 19—20
Present perfect, present perfect continuous (I have been doing) 16—17
Present perfect, present perfect passive 41
Present perfect, present perfect simple (I have done) 13—15
Present perfect, present perfect simple and continuous 17
Present perfect, present perfect with how long?, for, and since 18—19
Present perfect, present perfect with this morning, today etc. 15c 20c
Pretend (+ infinitive) 52
Prevent (from) 57b
Prison (prison/the prison) 71a
Probably, position of probably 102
Probably, probably with will 7a
Progress (uncountable) 65d
Promise, promise + infinitive 52a
Promise, promise...will 6b
Promise, promised...would 37b
Propose (+ subjunctive) 33
Protect (from/against) 123
Proud (of) 117
Provide (with) 123
Provided/providing 39b 39c
Put off (-ing) 51a
Questions 47—48
Questions, embedded questions (Do you know what...?) 48a
Questions, negative questions 47c
Questions, question tags 50
Questions, reported questions 48b
Questions, simple past questions 11c
Questions, simple present questions 2b
Rather, would rather 61b 61c
Reaction (to) 115
Reason (for) 115
Recommend, recommend + should 33d
Recommend, recommend + subjunctive 33
Reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself etc.) 76
Reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself etc.), by myself, by yourself etc. 76e
Refuse (+ infinitive) 52a
Regard (as) 123
Regret (-ing) 51a
Relationship (with/between) 115
Relative clauses 84—88
Rely (on) 120
Remember, remember + infinitive or -ing 55b
Remember, remember how/what + infinitive 52d
Remind, remind + infinitive 53b
Remind, remind of/about 123
Reported (it is reported) 43a
Reported speech 45—46 48b
Reported speech, reported questions 48b
Responsible (for) 118
Rise (in) 115
Risk (-ing) 51a
Said (it is said that) 43a
Same (the same as) 99c
Satisfied (with) 117
Say (and tell) 46b see
Scenery (uncountable) 65d
School, in/at school 113c
School, school/the school 71a
Sea (sea/the sea) 68b
Search (for) 121
Seashore (at the seashore) 113b
See (see someone do/doing) 63
Seem, seem + adjective 91c
Seem, seem + infinitive 52
Sentence (sentence someone to) 123
Series 74c
Shall and will 7b
Shocked (at/by) 117
Short (of) 118
Should 32 33d
Shout (at/to) 121
Show, show in passive sentences 42a
Show, show someone how/what + infinitive 52d
Similar (to) 118
Simple past (I did) 11 see
Simple past (I did), simple past and past continuous 12c
Simple past (I did), simple past and past perfect 21c
Simple past (I did), simple past and present perfect 19—20
Simple past (I did), simple past passive 41
Simple present (I do) 2
Simple present (I do), simple present and present continuous 3
Simple present (I do), simple present for the future 4b
Simple present (I do), simple present passive 41
Since 18—19
Since, how long has it been since...? 19c
Since, since and for 19b
Singular and plural 74
Smell, smell + adjective 91c
Smell, smell something -ing 63d
Smile (at) 120
So, I think so, I hope so etc. 49d
So, so + adjective + that 94b
So, so am I, so do I etc. 49c
So, so and such 94
So, so that 60c
Solution (to) 115
Some, some (of) 78
Some, some and any 80
Some, some with countable nouns 66
Some, someone/somebody /something/somewhere 80
Sorry, feel sorry for 118
Sorry, sorry + infinitive 96c
Sorry, sorry about/for 118
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