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Murphy R., Altman R. — Grammar in Use: Reference and Practice for Intermediate Students of English |
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Sound, sound + adjective 91c
Sound, sound as if 108
Space 68b
Speak (to/with) 121
Species 74c
Spend (spend time/money) 58 123
Spite (in spite of) 105
Stand (can't stand) 54a
Start (start + infinitive or -ing) 55a
Still (and yet) 103
Stop, stop -ing 51a
Stop, stop someone from -ing 57b
Stupid (stupid of someone to do something) 96d 117
Subjunctive 33
Succeed (in -ing) 57a
Such, such and so 94
Such, such and so, such as 107b
Suffer (from) 121
Suggest, suggest + should 33d
Suggest, suggest + subjunctive 33
Suggest, suggest -ing 51
Superlatives 100
Suppose (I suppose so/not) 49d
Supposed (He is supposed to...) 43b
Surprised, surprised + infinitive 96c
Surprised, surprised at/by 117
Suspect (of) 57b
Suspicious (of) 117
Tag questions 50
Talk (to) 121
Taste + adjective 91c
Teach, teach (how) + infinitive 53b
Teach, teach in passive sentences 42a
Tell, tell and say 46b
Tell, tell someone to do something 46b 53b
Tell, tell someone what to do 52d
Tend (+ infinitive) 52a
Than 97—99
Thank (for) 57b
That (in relative clauses) 84—85 86d
the 67—73
The, flowers/the flowers etc. 70
The, school/the school etc. 67
The, the + adjective 69b
The, the + nationality words 69b
The, the and a/an 67
The, the movies, the theater etc. 68c
The, the sea, the sky etc. 68b
The, the with geographical names 72
The, the with streets, buildings etc. 73
The, the...the...(with comparatives) 98
Think, I think so, I don't think so 49d
Think, think about and think of 121
Think, think of/about -ing 57a
Though 104c
Though, as though 108
Though, even though 104c 105d
Threaten (+ infinitive) 52a
Throw (to/at) 123
Till (= until) 9a
Till (= until), till/until and by 111a
Time, it's the first time I've... 14b
Time, it's time... 62b
Time, on time and in time 116
Tired (of) 118
TO 114a
To + infinitive see "Infinitive"
To, to -ing 56e
Too and enough 95
Translate (from/into) 123
Travel 65d
Trouble (uncountable) 65d
Trouble (uncountable), have trouble -ing 58
Try (+ infinitive or -ing) 55c
Uncountable nouns 65
Understand (how/what + infinitive) 52d
unless 39
Until, until and by 111a
| Until, until with the present simple 9a
Upset (about) 117
Use (it's no use -ing) 58
Used, be/get used to 59
Used, used to do 24
Usually (position of usually) 102
Vacation 116
verbs see "Future" "Past" "Present" "Passive"
Verbs, verbs not used in continuous tenses 3b
Wait (for) 121
WANT 53a
Warn, warn someone (not) to do something 53b
Warn, warn someone about something 123
Warn, warn someone against doing something 57b
Was/were 11
Was/were, was and were in if sentences 35c
Was/were, was/were able to 25b
Was/were, was/were going to 5c
Waste (waste time/money, a waste of time/money) 58
Weather (uncountable) 65d
Well 93a
Were (used after I/he/she/it) 35c 108d
What, what and that (relative clauses) 85c
What, what and which (relative clauses) 88c
What, what in questions 47b
When, when and if 9c 34d
When, when followed by the present simple/present perfect 9
Where (in relative clauses) 86c 87c
Whether 48
Which, which in questions 47b
Which, which in relative clauses 84 87 88
while 110b
Who, who and whom in relative clauses 86b
Who, who in questions 47b
Who, who in relative clauses 84—85 87
Whole 83c 83d
Whom 86b 87c 88
Whom, all of whom etc. 88b
Whose (in relative clauses) 86a 87c
Why, why don't you/we 47c
Why, why in relative clauses 86e
Will 6 7
Will, will and going to 8
Will, will and shall 7b
Will, will be doing (future continuous) 10
Will, will have done (future perfect) 10d
Will, will in if and when sentences 9
Will, will in the passive 40c
Will, will you? 6b
WISH 35—36 37a
Wish, wish...would 37a
Without -ing 56d
Won't (= will not) 6—7
Word order, embedded questions (Do you know what...?) 48a
Word order, have something done 44
Word order, order of adjectives 91
Word order, place and time 101b
Word order, position of adverbs with the verb (also, always etc.) 102
Word order, questions 47
Word order, reported questions 48b
Word order, verb and object together 101a
Word order, word order with phrasal verbs (fill in a form, fill a form in, fill it in) 124b
Work (noun) 65d 71b 113b 114a
Worried (about) 117
Worse 98a
Worst 100b
Worth (it's worth -ing) 58
Would 37
Would, wish...would 37a
Would, would in if sentences 34—36
Would, would like + infinitive 53a 54c—54d
Would, would love/hate/prefer + infinitive 54c—54d
Would, would prefer 61a
Would, would rather 61b 61c
Would, would you like? I'd like 30e
Would, would you...? 30a
Write (to) 121
Yet, yet 15b
Yet, yet and still 103
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