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Ahrens T.J. — A Handbook of Physical Constants: Mineral Physics and Crystallography |
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Actinides, bulk moduli 131
Activation energy, apparent, crystals 238
Activation energy, diffusion 274
Activation volume, apparent, crystals 238
Al-27 NMR spectra 307 314—318 322
Al-27 NMR spectra silicate glasses 324
Albite phase diagrams 249—252
Albite viscosity 214
Alkali feldspar, phase diagrams 250
Alloys, shear viscosity 221—224
Aluminates see also “calcium-aluminates”
Aluminates NMR spectra 325
Aluminosilicates, layer Al-27 NMR data 315
Aluminosilicates, layer Si-29 NMR data 311
Aluminum oxides dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 75
Aluminum oxides elastic moduli 69
Aluminum oxides mantle mineral data 85—86
Aluminum oxides O—17 NMR data 320
Aluminum oxides thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 70
Amorphous materials bulk moduli 134
Amorphous materials NMR spectra 303 322—325
Amphiboles andalusite, Moessbauer spectra 337
Amphiboles diffusion 277
Amphiboles Moessbauer spectra 336—337
Andesite, shear viscosity 215
Anelasticity, melts 209—217
Anorthite, phase diagrams 249—251
Arrhenius equation, diffusion 274
Arrhenius law, crystals 238
Asymmetry parameter, NMR spectra 307
Augite, phase diagrams 255
Babingtonite, Moessbauer spectra 337
Basalt, diffusion 274 282—283
Beer — Lambert law, absorption 295
Beta-spinel, plasticity 245
Bibliography, Moessbauer spectroscopy 335—336
Black-body emission, dependence on wavelength at different temperatures 300
Bonding properties, minerals 291
Borates mineral data 3—4
Borates shock wave equation of state 160
Calcite, spectra 296
Calcium aluminates, Al-27 NMR data 318
Calcium oxide dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 76
Calcium oxide elastic moduli 65
Calcium oxide mantle mineral data 83
Calcium oxide thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 73
Carbides, shock wave equation of state 152—153
Carbon-bearing minerals, bulk moduli 117—118
Carbonates bulk moduli 117—118
Carbonates high-temperature electrical conductivity 189
Carbonates mineral data 3
Carbonates Moessbauer spectra 342
Carbonates shock wave equation of state 160
Carbonates thermal expansion 32
Chain silicates bulk moduli 105—107
Chain silicates mineral data 6
Chain silicates O—17 NMR data 321—322
Charge transfer band 297
Chemical diffusion 271
Chemical shift anisotropy, NMR spectra 306
Chemical shift, NMR spectra 304 306
Chlorite, Moessbauer spectra 337
Chloritoid, Moessbauer spectra 337
Clay minerals, Moessbauer spectra 337
Clinoenstatite, phase diagrams 253—254
Clinopyroxene phase diagrams 254 256
Clinopyroxene plastic properties 244
Closure temperature, diffusion 274
Cobalt silicate dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 78
Cobalt silicate elastic moduli 68
Cobalt silicate mantle mineral data 85
Cobalt silicate thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 72
Coble creep, crystals 240
Coesite, phase diagrams 249
Compression curves, shock waves 172
Convective flow mantle 227
Convective flow mantle viscosity 229
Coordination number, NMR spectra 307
Core, outer, viscosity 218—226
Correspondence principle, elasticity 228
Corundum see also “aluminum oxide”
Corundum phase diagrams 251
creep see also “diffusion creep; dislocation creep; Harper — Dom creep; Herring — Nabarro creep
Creep mechanism, mantle viscosity 227
Creep, climb-controlled, crystals 239—240
Creep, crystals 237
Creep, glide-controlled, crystals 239
Creep, power-law dislocations 240
Creep, power-law mantle viscosity, creep, quasi steady-state, crystals 237
Cristobalite, phase diagrams 249
Critical resolved shear stress, yield strength 245
Cross-slip, dislocations 240
Crystal structure, mineral data 1—17
Crystal-field absorptions 297
Crystallographic data, minerals 1—17
Crystals see also “cubic crystals; hexagonal crystals; orthorhombic crystals; trigonal crystals”
Crystals plastic rheology 237—247
Cubic crystals, elastic moduli 46—48
Cyclosilicates see also “ring silicates”
Cyclosilicates bulk moduli 107—110
Cyclosilicates mineral data 5—6
Debye temperature, mantle minerals 75—79
Deformation mechanism, mantle viscosity 227
Deformation-mechanism maps, plastic deformation 241
Diamond-anvil cell equations of state 98—101
Diamond-anvil cell high-pressure minerals 245—246
Dielectric permittivity 185
Diffusion 304 see
Diffusion coefficients see also “chemical diffusion; effective binary diffusion coefficients; interdiffusion; multicomponent diffusion; phenomenological diffusion coefficients; self-diffusion coefficient; thermodynamic factor; tracer diffusion coefficient”
Diffusion coefficients silicates 270—273
Diffusion creep crystals 239
Diffusion creep dislocations 240
Diffusion dislocations 240
Diffusion multicomponent 273
Diffusion olivine 243—244
Diffusion silicates 269—290
Diffusional flow, mantle viscosity 227
Diopside phase diagrams 253—257
Diopside plastic properties 244
Dislocation creep, crystals 239
Dislocations, crystals 239
Dynamic topography, mantle viscosity 229
Dynamic yielding, shock waves 174—175
Earth rotation, mantle viscosity 231
Earth-forming minerals phase diagrams 248—268
Earth-forming minerals spectra 291—302
Effective binary diffusion coefficients 273
Elastic constants, isotropic, mantle minerals 69—74
Elastic limit, crystals 237
Elastic moduli, isotropic, crystals 46—56
Elastic moduli, isotropic, mantle minerals at high temperature 64—97
Elastic moduli, isotropic, melts 209
Elastic moduli, isotropic, P and T derivatives 57—58
Elasticity, geological materials 45—63
Electrical conductivity 185
Electrical conductivity minerals 291
Electrical conductivity point defects 187—188
Electrical properties, minerals 185—208
Electronic transitions, minerals 291
Elements, elastic moduli 46
Elements, Group I, bulk moduli 122—123
Elements, Group II, bulk moduli 123
Elements, Group III, bulk moduli 126
Elements, Group IV, bulk moduli 126—128
Elements, Group V, bulk moduli 128
Elements, Group VI, bulk moduli 128—129
Elements, Group VII, bulk moduli 129
Elements, shock wave equation of state 146—152
Enstatite phase diagrams 254—257
Enstatite phase relations 25
| Enstatite plastic properties 244
Enthalpy mantle minerals 90
Enthalpy minerals 21—23
Enthalpy phase transformations 23—27
Entropy mantle minerals 90
Entropy minerals 21—23
Entropy phase transformations 23—27
Epidote, Moessbauer spectra 337
Equations of states see also “Mie — Gruneisen equation of state”
Equations of states shockwaves 143—174
Equations of states static compression measurements 98—142
Fayalite see also “iron silicate”
Fayalite crystal field absorption spectra 299
Fayalite phase diagrams 256
Fe-57 line positions for 14,4 ke V transition 335
Fe-57 Moessbauer spectroscopy 332—335
Feldspars Al—27 NMR data 315
Feldspars diffusion 275—276
Feldspars log electrical conductivity Vs. partial pressure 205
Feldspars phase diagrams 248—252
Feldspars Si-29 NMR data 312
Feldspars viscosity 214
Feldspathoids Al-27 NMR data 315
Feldspathoids diffusion 279
Feldspathoids log electrical conductivity Vs. partial pressure 205
Feldspathoids Si-29 NMR data 312
Ferropseudobrookite, phase diagrams 259
Ferrosilite, phase diagrams 255
Fick's laws, diffusion 270—271
Forsterite see also “magnesium silicate”
Forsterite heat capacity 19
Forsterite phase diagrams 254—256
Forsterite thermoelastic properties 92—93
Framework silicates see also “tektosilicates”
Framework silicates bulk moduli 104—105
Framework silicates O—17 NMR data 322
Fusion, enthalpy 25
Gamma-spinel, plasticity 245—246
Garnet diffusion 280
Garnet elastic moduli 47—48
Garnet Moessbauer spectra 337
Garnet phase diagrams 248 256—257
Garnet, grossular dimensionless parameters, Debyetemperature and thermal pressure 76
Garnet, grossular elastic moduli 65
Garnet, grossular mantle mineral data 83
Garnet, grossular phase diagrams 257
Garnet, grossular thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 73
Garnet, grossular thermoelastic properties 93—94
Garnet, majorite phase diagrams 253
Garnet, majorite plasticity 245
Garnet, pyrope-rich dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 76
Garnet, pyrope-rich elastic moduli 65
Garnet, pyrope-rich mantle mineral data 83
Garnet, pyrope-rich phase diagrams 256—257
Garnet, pyrope-rich thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 73
Gases, shock wave equation of state 144—145
Geochemistry 304
Geodetic studies, core viscosity 219
Geoid anomaly, positive mass anomaly 231
Geoid inversion, mantle viscosity 232—234
Geoid, mantle viscosity 227
Geomagnetism studies, core viscosity 220
Geophysics 304
Germanates, phase transitions 25
Gibbs free energy, Vs. temperature 23
Glass transition, heat capacity 20—21
Glasses bulk moduli 134
Glasses diffusion 269—290
Glasses elastic moduli 56
Glasses elasticity 45—63
Glasses heat capacity 20
Glasses NMR spectra 322—325
Glasses phase transitions 212
Glasses shock wave equation of state 166—168
Grain-boundary sliding, crystals 239
Grandidierite, Moessbauer spectra 337
Gruneisen ratio 173
Halides bulk moduli 120—122
Halides elastic moduli 47
Halides high temperature electrical conductivity 189—190
Halides log electrical conductivity Vs.partial pressure 204
Halides mineral data 8—9
Halides shock wave equation of state 153—155
Hardening, crystals 237
Harper — Dom creep, crystals 240—241
Heat capacity, minerals 18—21
Hedenbergite, phase diagrams 255
Helmholtz free energy, mantle minerals 86—87
Hematite, phase diagrams 258—260
Herring — Nabarro creep, crystals 240
Hexagonal crystals, elastic moduli 48
High-pressure minerals, mantle 245—246
High-pressure silicates mineral data 8
High-pressure silicates O—17 NMR data 322
Hollandite, phase diagrams 250
Hugoniot equation of state, minerals 143
Hydrides, bulk moduli 133—134
Hydrostatic pressure, plastic deformation 241
Hydrous minerals, thermal expansion 31—32
Hydroxides, bulk moduli 111—117
Hydroxides, mineral data 3
Hydroxides, Moessbauer spectra 340
Hydroxides, O—17 NMR data 321
Hydroxides, shock wave equation of state 159
Ices, bulk moduli 133
Ilmenite, phase diagrams 253 259—260
Ilvaite, Moessbauer spectra 337
Infrared spectroscopy, Earth-forming minerals 291—302
insulators 186
Interdiffusion 271
Intervalence transitions 297
Inverse problems, mantle viscosity 231—232
Iron alloys, bulk moduli 131—133
Iron bulk moduli 131
Iron Moessbauer spectra 342
Iron phase diagrams 248 262
Iron silicate elastic moduli 68
Iron silicate mantle mineral data 85
Iron silicate thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 72
Iron, liquid, shear dynamic viscosity 222
Iron-nickel alloys, liquid, shear viscosity 222—223
Iron-oxygen alloys, liquid, shear viscosity 224
Iron-silicon alloys, liquid, shear viscosity 224—225
Iron-sulfur alloys, liquid, shear viscosity 223
Iron-titanium oxides, phase diagrams 248 258—260
Isopleths, phase diagrams 249—262
Jadeite, phase diagrams 249
Kamacite, Moessbauer spectra 342
Kinks, crystals 239
Kroger — Vink notation, point defects 187—188
Kyanite, Moessbauer spectra 338
Lanthanides, bulk moduli 130—131
Leucite, phase diagrams 250 252
Liquid alloys, shear viscosity 221—224
Liquid metals theory, core viscosity 221
Liquids bulk moduli 134
Liquids diffusion 269—290
Liquids heat capacity 20
Liquids NMR spectroscopy 303
Liquids phase transitions 212
Lithosphere, strength 228
Longitudinal viscosity, Vs. frequency 211
Lunar glass, shock wave equation of state 168
Magic angles spinning, NMR spectra 303
Magnesiowuestite phase diagrams 256
Magnesiowuestite plasticity 245
Magnesium aluminum oxide dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 79
Magnesium aluminum oxide elastic moduli 66
Magnesium aluminum oxide thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 70
Magnesium oxide dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 75
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