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Ahrens T.J. — A Handbook of Physical Constants: Mineral Physics and Crystallography |
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Magnesium oxide elastic moduli 65
Magnesium oxide mantle mineral data 82—83
Magnesium oxide thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 69
Magnesium oxide thermoelastic properties 92
Magnesium silicate dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 77
Magnesium silicate elastic moduli 67
Magnesium silicate mantle mineral data 84—85
Magnesium silicate thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 71
Magnetite, phase diagrams 258—260
Manganese oxide dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 78
Manganese oxide elastic moduli 66
Manganese oxide mantle mineral data 83—84
Manganese oxide thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 72
Manganese silicate dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 78
Manganese silicate elastic moduli 68
Manganese silicate mantle mineral data 85
Manganese silicate thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 72
Mantle high-pressure minerals 245—246
Mantle minerals, elastic constants 64—97
Mantle viscosity 227—236
MAs see “magic angles spinning”
Melting, entropy 23—27
Melts see also “amorphous materials; glasses; liquids; silicate melts”
Melts elastic moduli 55—56
Melts elasticity 45—63
Melts electrical properties 185—208
Melts NMR spectra 304 322—325
Melts viscosity and anelasticity 209—217
Metal cations, effect of octahedral coordination on d-orbitals 298
Metallic compounds, elastic moduli 46
Metallic conductors 186
Metals, transition, bulk moduli 124—126
Mica, Moessbauer spectra 338
Mie — Gruneisen equation of state, shock waves 175
Minerals see also “carbon-bearing minerals; Earth-forming minerals; hydrous minerals; and the different mineral groups
Minerals crystallographic data 1—17
Minerals elasticity 45—63
Minerals electrical properties 185—208
Minerals equations of state 98—142
Minerals Moessbauer spectroscopy 332—347
Minerals NMR spectra 304
Minerals phase diagrams 248—268
Minerals shock wave data 143—184
Minerals thermal expansion 29—44
Minerals thermodynamic properties 18—28
Moessbauer parameters 334
Moessbauer spectroscopy, minerals 332—347
Molar volume, minerals 21—23
Monoclinic crystals, elastic moduli 53—54
Native elements, mineral data 10
Nemst — Einstein relation 186
Nephelinite, shear viscosity 215
Newtonian viscosity, crystals 240
Nitrates, mineral data 3
NMR spectroscopy see “nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy”
Noble gases, bulk moduli 129—130
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, minerals 303—331
Nuclides, quadrupolar, NMR parameters 305—306
Nuclides, spin 1/2, NMR parameters 304
O-17 MAS NMR spectra 319
O-17 MAS NMR spectra, silicate glasses 324—325
Olivine crystal-field effects 298
Olivine deformation mechanism 227—228
Olivine deformation mechanism map 241
Olivine diffusion 279—280
Olivine dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 77
Olivine elastic moduli 67
Olivine high-temperature compression creep 242
Olivine high-temperature creep laws 243
Olivine log electrical conductivity Vs. partial pressure 202—204
Olivine mantle mineral data 85
Olivine Moessbauer spectra 338
Olivine phase diagrams 248 255—256
Olivine phase relations 26
Olivine point defect model 202
Olivine point defects 188
Olivine thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 71
Optical absorption spectroscopy, Earth-forming minerals 291—302
Orowan's equation, dislocations 239
Orthoclase Moessbauer spectra 338
Orthoclase phase diagrams 252
Orthoenstatite, phase diagrams 254
Orthopyroxene Moessbauer spectra 333
Orthopyroxene O-17 NMR data 320
Orthopyroxene phase diagrams 254—255
Orthopyroxene plastic properties 244
Orthorhombic crystals, elastic moduli 51—52
Orthosilicates bulk moduli 107—110
Orthosilicates mineral data 4—5
Orthosilicates O-17 NMR data 321
Osumilite, Moessbauer spectra 338
Oxide components, thermal expansion 40
Oxides see also “aluminum oxide; iron-titanium oxide; magnesium oxide; magnesium aluminum oxide; manganese oxide”
Oxides bulk moduli 111—117
Oxides elastic moduli 46—47
Oxides high temperature electrical conductivity 190—192
Oxides log electrical conductivity Vs.partial pressure 205
Oxides mineral data 2—3
Oxides Moessbauer spectra 340
Oxides nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 303—331
Oxides partial molar heat capacities 21
Oxides shock wave equation of state 155—159
Oxides thermal expansion 30—31
Oxides vibrations 297
Oxides, crystalline Al-27 NMR data 314—318
Oxygen fugacity crystals 238
Oxygen fugacity plastic properties 244
Pargasite, phase diagrams 248 261
Periclase, phase diagrams 255
Peridot, crystal-field effects 298
Perovskite high-temperature compression creep 245
Perovskite Moessbauer spectra 338
Perovskite phase diagrams 253 255—256
Perovskite plasticity 245—246
Perovskite thermal expansion 38—39
Phase diagrams, Earth-forming minerals 248—268
Phase transformations, entropy 23—27
Phase transitions 304
Phase transitions shock waves 174—175
Phase transitions silicate melts 212
Phase velocities, mantle viscosity 231—232
Phenomenological diffusion coefficients 269—270
Phlogopite, phase diagrams 248 261
Phosphates mineral data 4
Phosphates Moessbauer spectra 342
Pigeonite, phase diagrams 254—255
Plagioclase, phase diagrams 250—251
Planck function, minerals 301
Plastic deformation see also “superplastic deformation”
Plastic instability, crystals 238
Plasticity, transformation, crystals 239
Plate velocities, mantle viscosity 229
Point defects, electrical conductivity 187—188
Polar wander, mantle viscosity 231
Post-glacial uplift, mantle viscosity 227 232
Potassium chloride dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 79
Potassium chloride elastic moduli 66
Potassium chloride mantle mineral data 84
Potassium chloride thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 74
Power-law creep, plastic properties 244
Protoenstatite, phase diagrams 253—254
Pseudobrookite, phase diagrams 259
Pyrophyllite, Moessbauer spectra 338
Pyroxenes diffusion 278—279
Pyroxenes high-temperature compression creep 244
Pyroxenes Moessbauer spectra 338—339
Pyroxenes phase diagrams 248 253—255
Quadrupolar coupling constant, NMR spectra 307
Quartz diffusion 275
Quartz phase diagrams 249
| Quartz plasticity 241—242
Quartz spectra 296
Quartz static NMR spectra 306
Quasiharmonic approximation, mantle minerals 87—89
Radiative thermal conductivity, minerals 291
Radiative thermal emission, minerals 301
Raman spectroscopy, Earth-forming minerals 291—302
Rankine — Hugoniot equations, shock waves 172—174
Reflection spectra, minerals 294
Relaxation mode, melts 209
Relaxation time melts 209
Relaxation time Vs. temperature 212
resonant frequency 303
Rheology, mantle viscosity 227
Rheology, non-Newtonian, melts 215
Rheology, plastic, crystals 237—247
Rhyolite diffusion 274 281—282
Rhyolite shear viscosity 215
Ring silicates see also “cyclosilicates”
Ring silicates bulk moduli 107—110
Ringwoodite see also “gamma-spinel”
Ruby, crystal-field effects 298
Rutile, phase diagrams 259
Sanidine, phase diagrams 250
Sapphirine, phase diagrams 256
Sealevel variations, ice models 229
Seismic tomography, mantle viscosity 229
Seismological studies, core viscosity 220
Selenides, Moessbauer spectra 341—342
Self-diffusion coefficient 271
Semiconductors 186
Serpentine Moessbauer spectra 339
Serpentine phase diagrams 248 261
Shear stress, critical resolved, crystals 239
Shear viscosity, Vs. frequency 211
Sheet silicates bulk moduli 110—111
Sheet silicates diffusion 277
Sheet silicates mineral data 6—7
Shock waves, minerals 143—184
Si-29 NMR spectra 307—313
Si-29 NMR spectra silicate glasses 322—324
Silica analogs, Al-27 NMR data 315
Silica polymorphs diffusion 275
Silica polymorphs phase diagrams 248—249
Silica polymorphs shock wave equation of state 161—162
Silica polymorphs Si-29 NMR data 312
Silicate melts high temperature electrical conductivity 201
Silicate melts longitudinal viscosity Vs. shear viscosity 210
Silicates see also “amphiboles; chain silicates; clinopyroxene; cobalt silicate; feldspars; feldspathoids; framework silicates; iron silicate; magnesium silicate; manganese silicate; olivine; orthopyroxene; orthosilicates; pyroxenes; ring silicates; sheet silicates; silica polymorphs; sorosilicates”
Silicates crystallographic properties 4—8
Silicates diffusion 269—290
Silicates high temperature electrical conductivity 192—200
Silicates Moessbauer spectra 336—339
Silicates nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 303—331
Silicates phase transitions 19—27
Silicates shock wave equation of state 162—166
Silicates thermal expansion 33—38
Silicates vibration of tetrahedra 293
Silicates vibrations 297
Silicates, crystalline Al-27 NMR data 314—318
Silicates, crystalline Si-29 NMR data 308—313
Sillimanite Moessbauer spectra 339
Sillimanite phase diagrams 256
Smectite, Moessbauer spectra 339
Sn-119, Moessbauer spectroscopy 332—335
Sodium chloride dimensionless parameters, Debye temperature and thermal pressure 79
Sodium chloride elastic moduli 66
Sodium chloride mantle mineral data 84
Sodium chloride mineral data 5—6
Sodium chloride thermal expansivity, specific heat, elastic constants, and velocities 74
Sorosilicates bulk moduli 107—110
Specific heat, mantle minerals 69—74
spin quantum number 303
Spinel see also “beta-spinel; gamma-spinel; ulvospinel”
Spinel Al-27 MAS spectra 319
Spinel elastic moduli 47
Spinel high temperature electrical conductivity 192
Spinel mantle mineral data 83
Spinel Moessbauer spectra 339
Spinel phase diagrams 253 255—256
Spinel plasticity 245
Standard materials, shock wave equation of state 168—171
Static compression tests, equations of state 98—142
Staurolite, Moessbauer spectra 339
Stishovite, phase diagrams 249 253
Strain, Vs. time 210
Stress creep curve, plastic solid 238
Stress exponent climb-controlled creep 240
Stress exponent Moessbauer spectra 342
Stress exponent plastic properties 244
Stress exponent shock wave equation of state 160
Stress exponent thermal expansion 33
Stress-strain curve crystals 237
Stress-strain curve plastic solid 238
Sulfates mineral data 4
Sulfides bulk moduli 118—120
Sulfides elastic moduli 47
Sulfides mineral data 9—10
Sulfides Moessbauer spectra 341—342
Sulfides thermal expansion 33
Superplastic deformation, crystals 239
Taenite, Moessbauer spectra 342
Tale, Moessbauer spectra 339
Tectosilicates see “tektosilicates”
Tektosilicates, mineral data 7—8
Tellurides bulk moduli 118—120
Tellurides Moessbauer spectra 341—342
Temperature, shock waves 175
Tetragonal crystals, elastic moduli 50
Thermal expansion geological materials 29—44
Thermal expansion mantle minerals 69—74
Thermal expansivity, geological materials 29
Thermal pressure, mantle minerals 75—79
Thermobarometry 248
Thermochemical properties, minerals 18
Thermodynamic factor, diffusion 273
Thermodynamic properties mantle minerals 84—94
Thermodynamic properties minerals 18—28 172—174
Thermoelastic dimensionless parameters, mantle minerals 75—82
Thermoelastic properties,high-temperature, mantle minerals 91—94
Tholeiite, shear viscosity 215
Tin, Moessbauer spectra 343
Titanates, phase transitions 25
Titanite diffusion 281
Titanite Moessbauer spectra 339
Tracer diffusion coefficient 271
Transmission electron microscopy high-pressure minerals 245—246
Transmission electron microscopy plastic deformation 241
Transmission electron microscopy quartz 242
Tridymite, phase diagrams 249
Trigonal crystals, elastic moduli 49
Tungstates, Moessbauer spectra 342
Ulvospinel, phase diagrams 259—260
Velocity, mantle minerals 69—74
Vibrational spectroscopy see also “infrared spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy”
Vibrational spectroscopy minerals 291—297
Vibrational spectrum, minerals 291
Virtification, enthalpy 25
Viscoelasticity, melts 209
Viscosity, dynamic, outer core 218—226
Viscosity, Newtonian, crystals 237
Viscosity, non-Newtonian, crystals 237 see
Viscosity, non-Newtonian, crystals, mantle 227—236
Viscosity, non-Newtonian, crystals, mantle models 230
Viscosity, non-Newtonian, crystals, melts 209—217
Viscosity, non-Newtonian, crystals, pressure dependence 214
Viscosity, non-Newtonian, crystals, temperate dependence 213—214
Viscous flow 304
Volume viscosity, Vs. frequency 211
Wadsleyite, Moessbauer spectra 339
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