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Callaghan P. — Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy
Callaghan P. — Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy

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Íàçâàíèå: Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy

Àâòîð: Callaghan P.


Although nuclear magnetic resonance is perhaps best known for its spectacular utility in medical tomography, its potential applicability to fields such as biology, materials science, and chemical physics is being increasingly recognized as laboratory NMR spectrometers are adapted to enable small scale imaging. This excellent introduction to the subject explores principles and common themes underlying two key variants of NMR microscopy, and provides many examples of their use. Methods discussed are not only important to fundamental biological and physical research, but have applications to a wide variety of industries, including those concerned with petrochemicals, polymers, biotechnology, food processing, and natural product processing. The wide range of scientists interested in NMR microscopy will want to own a copy of this book.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1991

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 492

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 28.06.2005

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Absorption imaging      18—20
Acceleration      354
Acetabularia      242
Active shielding      471—472
Adhesives      257
Aerosol OT      349
Aliasing      11
Anderson — Weiss theory      63 415
Angiography      423 433
Angular momentum, quantization      21
Angular momentum, vector      35
Animal tissue, imaging      244—254
Animal tissue, spectrum of proton relaxation times      233—234
Anisotropic diffusion      344—350
Apodization filter      185—189
Apparent diffusion coefficient      372—373
Artefacts      5 209
Artefacts, chemical shift      278—280
Artefacts, diffusion      451 456
Artefacts, gradient induced phase shifts      452—456
Artefacts, phase      453
Artefacts, zero-filling      453—454
Autocorrelation function      334 376
Average propagator      332
Average propagator for diffusion and flow      333
Average propagator for restricted diffusion in the long timescale limit      376—380
Back-projection      20
Bandwidth      11
Bandwidth, of r.f. pulse      57
Bandwidth, optimal      191—192
Belosov — Zhabotinsky reaction      276
Best      155
Binomial sequence      292 294
Bipolar gradient      355 426 436
Bloch decay      48 306
Bloch equations      39
Bloch vector      53
Bolus tagging      423
Broadening regimes      185
Brownian motion      157—162 331—334
Brownstein — Tarr model      408—413
Bryophyllwn tubiflore      237
Capillary flow      443—446
Carbon imaging      301—306
Cardiac cycle      434
Cardiac gating      247
Carr — Purcell echo train      65
Carr — Purcell — Meiboom — Gill (CPMG) sequence      75—76
Cartesian and polar coordinates      19 122
CE-FAST      151—152 422
Cell imaging      251—254
Central limits theorem      159
Ceramics      257
Chapman — Kolmogoroff equations      406
Chemical exchange magnetic resonance imaging      296
Chemical selection      98 141—143 283—287
Chemical shift      49—50
Chemical Shift Imaging      280—282
Chemical shift, artefacts      278—280
Chemical shift, contrast and higher-dimensional strategy      280—281
Chemical shift, image displacement      278
Chemical shift, isotropic      50
Chemical shift, selective multislice images      141
Chemical shift, tensor      50
Chemical waves      276
Chemically selective excitation      see “Chemical selection”
Chess      141 283 287
Chromatographic and electrophoretic separation      458
Coherence      32—33
Coherence peaks      392 398
Coherence time for turbulence      363—367 451
Coherence transfer      79—85 288 301—304
Coherent noise cancellation      67
Coherent superposition      13
Collimated sources      17
Conditional probability      330—332 406 438
Conditional probability flux      331
Conjugate space      2—4 18
Connection matrix      388—389
Continuity theorem      331
contrast      22 25 267—296
Contrast, ${T}_{1\rho}$      277
Contrast, ${T}_{1}$ and ${T}_{2}$      270—277
Contrast, ${T}_{1}$ using snapshot FLASH      271
Contrast, agents      277—278
Contrast, chemical shift      278—287
Contrast, factor      97
Convolution      8—9 45 135 386
Convolution, broadening      14 74
Convolution, due to apodization filter      186
Convolution, integral      8 20
Convolution, theorem      8
Correlation function      415 see “Self-correlation
Correlation function, dipolar      60
Correlation function, fluctuating field      415
Correlation function, lattice      394
Correlation function, Van Hove      330
Correlation function, velocity      335—337
correlation length      363 394 414
Correlation regularity      393
Correlation time      335 414 416
Correlation time, exchange      231
Correlation time, for translation      335
Correlation time, rotational      61 230
Couette flow      362
CPMAS      317
CRAMPS      310 313
Crusher pulses      137
Cryofluid freezing      277
Current control      463
Curvilinear diffusion      401—403
Cyclops      67—68 430
Dante      120—121 308 426 438
Demagnetizing field      209
Density matrix      31
Deuterium imaging      299 318
diamagnetic susceptibility      208—224
Diffraction      3—4
Diffraction, analogy      337—341 386—399
Diffraction, effect      398
Diffraction, intensity      3
Diffraction, pattern      13
Diffraction, phase problem      3
Diffraction, scattering centres      4
Diffusion      see also “Self-diffusion” “Mutual “Pseudo-diffusion”
Diffusion, artefact      451
Diffusion, bounded      337
Diffusion, dephasing and echo attenuation effects      201 204—206 217—224
Diffusion, in polymer gels      401
Diffusion, restricted      328 346 371—401 449
Diffusion, resulting point spread function      204
Diffusion, spectrum      335 344 357
Diffusion, tensor      see “Diffusion spectrum”
Diffusive broadening      204
Diffusive broadening, influence according to k-space direction      206
Diffusive contrast      434 438—458
Diffusive envelope      392
Diffusive linewidth      see “Diffusive broadening”
Diffusive resolution limit      205
Digger      117 287
Diode duplexor      461
Dipolar interactions      46—49 58—64 306
Dipolar line-narrowing      85—91
Dipolar linewidth      86
Dirac delta function      4
dispersion      43 73 129
Dispersion, image      133
Dispersion, spectrum      43 73 129
Distortion      124 209—217 224—225
Double quantum coherence      54—57 290 318
Driven Equilibrium Fourier Transform method      79
Droplet size distribution      350 382
Dynamic displacement      332 339—341
Dynamic displacement profile      440—441 449 451
Dynamic equilibrium      65 77—79
Dynamic NMR microscopy      438—457
Dynamic NMR microscopy, contrast      440
Dynamic NMR microscopy, digital computation      441
Dynamic NMR microscopy, resolution      438
Dynamic nuclear polarization      308
Dynamic viscosity      443
e.m.f. induced in the receiver coil      174—177
echo      see also “Gradient echo” “Solid “Spin “Stimulated
Echo attenuation      157—169 328
Echo attenuation, 'pathological'      387
Echo attenuation, Carr — Purcell train      161
Echo attenuation, diffusion and flow      164
Echo attenuation, steady gradient      160
Echo planar imaging      152—157 435
Echo planar imaging, comparison with FLASH      157
Echo planar imaging, diffusive effects      206—208
Echo planar imaging, echo summation      143 147 194—197
Echo planar imaging, optimum conditions      208
Echo planar imaging, optimum sensitivity      147
Echo planar imaging, raster      153
Echo planar imaging, unequal sampling intervals      156
Echo planar imaging, with bipolar encoding gradient      436
Echo summation      143 147 194—197
Echo summation, diffusive effects      206—208
Echo summation, optimum conditions      208
Echo summation, optimum sensitivity      147
Echo, even and odd      366
Echo, negative time      128
Echo, spin and gradient      105 113 116
Eddy currents      470—471
Eddy gradient compensation and suppression      471
Effective field      37 98
Effective gradient      167—168 354 428 433
Elastomer, imaging      263—267
Elastomer, spin echo and gradient echo imaging      267
Elastomer, structural morphology      267
Electric quadrupole interactions      25
Electron spin resonance      22
Embryogenesis      251
Emission imaging      17 21
energy levels      30
Ensemble averaging      25 31
Epoxy resin composites      257
Ernst angle      66
Erythrocyte membrane permeability      233
Evolution, during selective excitation      102—113
Evolution, of a nuclear spin quantum state      28
Evolution, of polarization states      72 81—85 301—306
Evolution, of the density matrix      31
Evolution, operator      28
Evolution, time      97
Evolution, under effective gradient      353—357
Evolution, with average Hamiltonian      87—90
Exchange      221 232 296 298 408
Exponential filter      185—186
Extreme narrowing      61
Fade      152 422
FAST      151 422
Fast motion limit      64
Fast-exchange averaging      221
FI and PR      18—20 122—128
FI and PR, comparison of methods      224
Fick's law      331
FID      see “Free Induction Decay”
Field inhomogeneity      45
Filter, bandpass      11
Filter, optimal      186
Filtered back projection      see “Projection reconstruction” “FI
Filtered profile      127
Filtered transform      20 129
FISP      152
Flash      148—149 435
FLASH, advantages      149
FLASH, relaxation contrast      149
FLASH, snapshot      149
FLASH, spoiled      149
FLEET      152
Flow measurement      163—169 341—342 421—449
Flow measurement, direct visualization of motion      426
Flow measurement, effect of gradient non-uniformity      455
Flow measurement, effect of self-diffusion      433
Flow measurement, nulling the stationary signal component      429
Flow measurement, periodic motion      434
Flow measurement, phase shift      420 426—424
Flow measurement, range of velocities      421
Flow measurement, replenishment effects      446
Flow measurement, slice selection gradient effects      421
Flow measurement, steady state      420 422
Flow measurement, time of night      420 423—426
Flow measurement, using CPMG train      435
Flow measurement, using DANTE sequence      426
Flow measurement, using stimulated echo      423
Flow, compensation using even echoes      449
Flow, random      362—367
Flow, suppression of phase shifts      435
Flow, through porous media      363
Flow, visualization      362
Fluorine imaging      296
Forced rayleigh scattering      436
Form factor      392
Fourier filtration      18 20
Fourier imaging      122—124
Fourier transformation      2—8 13 94—95
Fourier transformation, antisymmetric      12
Fourier transformation, Cartesian coordinates      95
Fourier transformation, complex transformation      11
Fourier transformation, conjugate transformations      10
Fourier transformation, conjugate variables      2
Fourier transformation, Cooley and Tukey      11
Fourier transformation, discrete      10—11
Fourier transformation, in dynamic NMR microscopy      441
Fourier transformation, inverse      8 20 95
Fourier transformation, inverse in polar form      127
Fourier transformation, one-dimensional      19
Fourier transformation, optical microscopy      12—15
Fourier transformation, real and imaginary      11—12
Fourier transformation, relationship between average propagator and echo amplitude      340
Fractal behaviour      404—405
Fractal dimension      405
Free induction decay (FID)      42—43
Free Induction Decay (FID), Gaussian      48
Frequency domain      95
Full — Width — Half — Maximum      42
Full — Width — Half — Maximum of dynamic, displacement profile      442
Gadolinium-diethylene-triaminepenta-acetic acid      278
Gaussian, assumption      356
Gaussian, lineshape      48
Gaussian, pulses      100
Geen et al pulse      116
Gradient coil      461—463
Gradient coil, double and single screening      470—477
Gradient coil, gradient uniformity under screening      475
Gradient coil, saddle, Maxwell pair, quadrupolar, Helmholtz, and planar      470 475
Gradient coil, target field approach      474
Gradient, current      461—465
Gradient, echo      105 113—125 136—138
Gradient, frequency domain treatment      358
Gradient, linearity      463
Gradient, modulated      353—362
Gradient, phase cycling      429 431
Gradient, power supplies      463
Gradient, pulse matching      452
Gradient, reversal      113 138
Gradient, rise time      137 470—471
Gradient, spectrum      358
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