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Hume-Rothery W., Raynor G.V. — The Structure of Metals and Alloys |
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Tungsten, , structure 47 210
Tutton, A.E.H. 327
Twinning 325 327 331 333
Uncertainty principle 10
Univalent ionic radii see "Ionic radii"
Unsoundness in ingots 301
Uranium, , structure 47 96
Uranium, , structure 47 96 210
Uranium, , structure 47 96
Vacancies, aggregation of 354 360 361 369 see
Valence-bond theory 20
Valency compounds, normal 178
Valency effect, electronegative see "Electronegative valency effect"
Van Alphen, P.M. 39 130
Van der Waals forces 18 51 53 87
van der Waals, J.D. 18 19 51 53
Van’t Hoff equation 125
Vegard, L. 71 99 100 152 166
Vegard’s Law 71 99 166 223
Veining 304
Vibrational spectrum 311
Vibrations, acoustical 313
Vibrations, optical 313
Vibrations, thermal, amplitude of 315
Wakeman, D.W. 139
Walter, C.B. 170
Warren, B.E. 99 172
Wasastjerna, J.A. 69
Wave equations 9
Wave mechanics 7 9
Wave number, electronic see "Electrons"
Weibke, F. 26
West, D.R.F. 157
| West, W.A. 257 286
Westgren, A. 167 175 196
Wever, F. 252
Whiskers 366
White cast iron see "Cast iron"
Whiteheart cast iron see "Cast iron"
Widmanstatten structure 266 293
Williams, E.J. 150
Williams, R.J.P. 84—89
Williams, R.W. 316
Williams, W.J. 291 294 296 298
Williamson, G.K. 140 263
Wilson, A.J.C. 76 98 125 176 326
Winegard, W.C. 302
Witte, H. 234
Wood, R.G. 316
Wood, W.A. 306
Wright, D.A. 38
Wrighton, H. 298
Wurtzite-type structure 185
X-ray spectra 1 26
X-ray spectra, soft 26
Yield point 322 366
Young’s modulus 322
Ytterbium 48 67
Zachariasen, W.H. 73
Zeeman effect 11
Zener, C. 90 249 257 286
Zinc, cohesion in 87
Zinc, structure 55
Zinc-blende type structure 185
Zintl, E. 238 239
Zwicky, F. 308
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