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Hume-Rothery W., Raynor G.V. — The Structure of Metals and Alloys |
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Long-range order 98 141
Lonsdale, K. 309 316 317
Lumsden, J. 105 320 321
Mabbott, G.W. 100 101 113 129
Madelung constant 193 299
Magnesium alloys 103
Magnesium alloys, compounds formed 179
Magnesium alloys, lattice spacings 168 169 170
Magnesium alloys, liquidus curves 115 116 123
Magnesium, atomic diameter 65 70 91
Magnesium, Brillouin zone 169
Magnesium, electronic structure 15
Magnesium, ionic radii 70
Magnesium, lattice spacing in solid solutions 170
Magnesium-mercury alloys 127
Magnesium-nickel alloys, 232
Magnesium-silicon alloys 179 180
Magnesium-silicon alloys, 107 115 160 161 179 183
Magnesium-silicon alloys, equilibrium diagram 180
Magnesium-silver alloys 209
Magnesium-silver alloys, 148
Magnesium-thallium alloys, Mg-rich 170
Magnesium-tin alloys 179 180
Magnesium-tin alloys, 179 180 181 182 183 208
Magnesium-tin alloys, equilibrium diagram 180 181
Magnesium-tin alloys, Mg-rich 169 170
Magnesium-zinc alloys, 229 231 234
Magnetic saturation moments 82
Magneton see "Bohr magneton"
Main-Smith, J.D. 5
Manganese, , Brillouin zone 47
Manganese, , structure 47 201
Manganese, allotropic forms 47 85
Manganese, electronic structure 82 85 90
Manning, M.P. 249
Marezio, M. 170
Martensite 62 263 267 271 273
Martensite, 274
Martensite, axial ratio 273
Martensite, structure 272 273
Martensitic transformation 271
Martin, D.L. 156
Martius, U. 302
Mass action, law 126 161
Matthewson, C.H. 334
May, W. 307
Mean lattice distortion see "Lattice distortion"
Mehl, R.F. 274
Melting points of compounds 179 221
Melting points of elements 80
Melting points of ternary alloys 114
Mercury, structure 54
Mesons 4
Metallic solid solutions see "Primary metallic solid solutions"
Miers, H.A. 295
Millard, D.J. 333
Mirer, I. 307
Molecular orbitals 19
Molecule, structure 17
Molybdenum, structure 47
Molybdenum, thermal vibrations in 316 317
Moore, A. 140
Morrogh, H. 291 294 296 297 298
Mosaic structure 308
Moseley, H.G.J. 1 2
Mott, N.F. 26 73 87—90 208 258 267 319
Mowry, A.L. 223
N 5 10
N(E) curves 29 30 34 42 44 130 203
N(E) definition 29
N-type semi-conductors 38
Nabarro, F.R.N. 267 370
Naor, P. 184
Nernst, W. 312 314
Neuburger, M.C. 64 75
Neumann bands 335
Neumayr, S. 238
Neutrons 4
Newkirk, J.B. 155 156
Nickel, cohesion in 81 82 86 88
Nickel, electronic structure of free atom 14
Nickel, magnetic properties 82 83 88
Nickel-arsenide type structure 188
Nitrides, structure 219 224
Nix, F.C. 144
Norbury, A.L. 113
Normalization see "Steels"
Northcott, L. 304 305
Norton, J.T. 223
Nuclei see "Anti-phase nuclei"
Nucleus 1
Nucleus, structure of 4
Occhialini, G.P.S. 4
Oehman, E. 273
Oldfield, W. 294
Open metals 73
Optical vibrations see "Vibrations"
Orbit(s) 5 7 9
Orbit(s), circular 5
Orbit(s), elliptical 5
Orbitals 19 81 220
Orbitals, d-orbitals see "d-states"
Orbitals, p-orbitals see "p-states"
Orbitals, s-orbitals see "s-states"
Orowan, E. 324 336 339
Osmium 66 85 210 214
Owen, E.A. 97 99 134 163 316
p-bonding 23 50
p-states 11 21 22 23
P-type semi-conductors 38
Palladium 85 210
Parker, A.M.B. 273
Parkins, R.N. 170
Pauli principle see "Exclusion principle"
Pauling hypothesis 25 77 81 86 90 207 216
Pauling, L. 25 55 72 73 77 81—84 86—90 104 207 216
Pearlite 264 268 275 276 293
Pearson, W.B. 248
Perfect crystal see "Crystal"
Periodic table of the elements 1 5 6 14 46
Petch, N.J. 100 283
Phosphorus, structure 52
Phragmen, G. 176
Pippard, A.B. 41
Piwowarsky, E. 289 290 298
Planck’s constant 5 30
Plasticity see "Deformation"
Platinum 66 85 210 214
Platinum-tin alloys, 184
Polanyi, M. 336
Polarization forces see "van der Waals forces"
Polygonization 305 307 342 364
Powell, C.F. 4
Powell, H.M. 147 148 154 202
Precipitation-hardening see "Age-hardening"
Preston, G.D. 85 97
Primary metallic solid solutions 97 126
Protons 4
Pyrites, structure 184
quantum mechanics 7 9 17 23
Quantum numbers 5 10 11
Quantum numbers, spin 10 11
Radius ratio 219 222 229
Rare earths 13 48 66 67 96
Raynor, G.V. 57 71 73 99—103 111 119 134 139 140 156 162 164—166 169—171 184 201 209 231 278
Read, W.T. 343 361 365
Real crystal see "Crystal"
Recovery 306 364
Recrystallization 306
Relative valency effect 109
| Resonance see "Electronic resonance"
Reynolds, J. 202
Reynolds, P.W. 99 114 163 201 209
Rhines, F.N. 155
Rhodium 85 210 214
Richtmyer, F.K. 4
Riesenmolekul 52
Roaf, D.J. 43 131 134
Roberts E.A.O’D. 134
Roberts, B.W. 99 172
Roberts, E.W. 163
Rock-salt structure see "Sodium chloride"
Rudberg, E. 294
Rundle, R.E. 220 221
Russell, A.S. 1 208
Ruthenium 66 85 210 214
Rutherford, E. 1 2
Rutile, compound crystals 327 328
S curves 269
s-states 11 21 23
Salkowitz, E.I. 170
Salts see "Ionic structures"
Saturation moments see "Magnetic saturation moments"
Schindler, A.I. 170
Schmid, E. 300 305 333
Schoenberg, N. 47
Schottky defects 318 319
Schottky, W. 318 319
Schrodinger, E. 7 8
Schulze, G.E.R. 231
Screw dislocations see "Dislocations"
Seaborg, G.T. 16
Seitz, F. 144 249 319 370
Sekito, S. 47
Selenium, allotropic forms 49 51
Selenium, structure 49 51
Semi-conductors 38 178 183
Semi-conductors, intrinsic 38 54
Semi-conductors, N-type 38
Semi-conductors, P-type 38
Shih, C.H. 272
Shockley partial dislocation 349 352 354 360
Shockley, W. 38 144 349 354 360 365
Short-range order 98 151
Siegbahn units 76
Silicon 38
Silicon, structure 49 52
Silicon-carbide, type structure 186
Silver alloys 100 133
Silver alloys, lattice spacings 162
Silver alloys, liquidus curves 112
Silver alloys, solid solutions in 103 110 128 160
Silver alloys, solidus curves 121
Silver alloys, theory of 41 129 131 134 199
Silver, cohesion in 87
Silver, lattice spacings of solid solutions in 162 167
Silver-tin alloys 129 163 165
Silver-tin alloys, equilibrium structures 326
Silver-zinc alloys 100 148
sir Hinshelwood, C.N. 316
sir Roberts-Austen, W.C. 247
Size-factor 100 164 217 223
Slater, J.C. 315
Slip bands 305 366
Smallman, R.E. 263
Smith, C.S. 156 331
Smithells, C.J. 64
Smoluchowski, R. 156
Soddy, F. 1 2
Sodium, thermal vibrations in 316 317
Sodium-chloride type structure 24 182 299
Sodium-thallide type structure 238
Solid solutions 97 99 100 103 104 107 110 126
Solid solutions in copper and silver alloys 100 126
Solid solutions, continuous 117
Solid solutions, lattice distortion in 162
Solid solutions, primary 97 126
Solid solutions, sizes of atoms in 99 172
Solid solutions, substitutional 97 98
Solid solutions, terminal see above "Primary"
Solid solutions, ternary 158 160
Solid solutions, theory 41 105 111 128 129 138 172
Solidification, imperfections due to 301
Solidus curves 121
Solidus curves, theory 114 121 126
Sorbite 268 276
Southwell, R.V. 9
Specific heats 310 311 315
Spedding, F.H. 48
Stacking faults see "Faulted structures"
Stassfurth, T. 103
Stationary states 5 20
Steels 61 258 see
Steels, annealed 259
Steels, eutectoid transformation 271
Steels, hyper-eutectoid 263
Steels, hypo-eutectoid 263
Steels, normalized 259
Steels, special 258
Steels, structures of carbides 277
Steels, tempered 276
Steels, transformations in 264 267 269
Stockdale, D. 100 120 135 176
Stokes, A.R 54
Stone, H.E.N. 247
Stoner, E.C. 5 247
Strength of metals 321
Structure-insensitive properties 300
Structure-sensitive properties 300
Sub-structures 304
Sully, A.H. 216
Superlattices 98 141 155 156
Superlattices in electron compounds 200
Superlattices in iron alloys 258
Superlattices, theory 147 149
Superposition of modes of vibration 311 316
Superposition of wave functions 23 25
Supersolubility 295
Sykes, C. 153
T-T-T curves 270
Tammann, G. 103 142
Taylor dislocations see "Dislocations"
Taylor, A. 209
Taylor, G.I. 9 336
Tellurium, structure 49
Ternary alloys, freezing points 114 115
Ternary alloys, solid solutions in 133 158 160
Tetrahedral bonds 23 25 52
Thallium 55
Thallium, crystal structure 55 57
Thallium, electronic structure 13
Thermal expansion coefficient 79
Thermal fluctuations 310
Thermal vibrations 310 314 315
Thomas, D.L. 157
Thompson reference tetrahedron 354
Thompson, J.G. 246
Thompson, N. 333 354 360
Thomson, G.P. 8
Tiedema, T. 307
Tin, grey, structure 49 52 57
Tin, white, structure 57
Tin-zinc alloys, equilibrium diagram 181
Titanium-zirconium alloys, equilibrium diagram 119
Trans-uranic elements 4 13 48 96
Transition elements 13 66 81 82 86 196 209 210 213 214
Transition-metal alloys 210 213
transmission electron microscopy 368
Troostite 268 274 275 276
Tungsten, , structure 47
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