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Hume-Rothery W., Raynor G.V. — The Structure of Metals and Alloys |
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Defect structures in crystals (Schottky) 318
Defect structures in electron compounds 44 204 209
Deformation by twinning 330
Deformation, plastic 322
Deformation, theory 361
Dehlinger, U. 143 144
Dendrite 302
Dendritic growth 302
Diagonal relation 135
Diamond-type structure 25 53 63 185
Diamond-type structure, Brillouin zone 37
Dislocations and crystal growth 344
Dislocations edge 336
Dislocations in body-centred cubic structure 356
Dislocations in close-packed hexagonal structure 355
Dislocations in face-centred cubic structure 347
Dislocations screw 339
Dislocations sessile 354 360
Dislocations sources 343 361 363 369
Dislocations strength 341
Dislocations theory 335-367
Dislocations, "stair-rod" 355 360
Dislocations, climb of 358 361 363
Dislocations, dissociation of 349 352 353 356
Dislocations, experimental evidence for 367
Dislocations, forces between 341 363 364
Dislocations, foreign atoms in 365
Dislocations, helical 360 369
Dislocations, jogs in 358 360
Dislocations, locked 355
Dislocations, loops 360 369
Dislocations, networks 369
Dislocations, partial 349 352 354 360
Dislocations, pinning of 360 369
Dislocations, prismatic 360 362
Dislocations, reactions 349 353 356
Dislocations, Taylor 336
Dunn, G.G. 331
Dwight, A.E. 230
Eash, J.T. 294
Edge dislocations see "Dislocations"
Edmunds, G.H. 334
Edwards, O.S. 59 325 326
Einstein theory of specific heats 311
Einstein, A. 311 312
Ekman, W. 197
Elastic limit 322
Elastic properties 315
Elbaum, C. 302
Electrical conductivity 38 178
Electron cloud 9 20
Electron compounds 196
Electron compounds in transition metal alloys 210
Electron compounds, solubility limits 200
Electron compounds, superlattices 200
Electron concentration 39 128
Electron concentration rule 196
Electron sharing 17 21
Electron(s), energy 28
Electron(s), momentum 8
Electron(s), orbit see "Orbit"
Electron(s), specific heat 29
Electron(s), spin 11
Electron(s), wave length 8
Electron(s), wave number 27
Electronegative valency effect 104 115
Electronegativity 104
Electronic resonance 23 26
Electronic structures of atoms 1 14
entropy 105
Europium 48 67
Eutectoid steel see "Steels"
Evans, H. 153
Evans, U.R. 174
Ewald, P.P. 64
Exchange forces 18 24 300
Exchange integral 18
Exclusion principle 12 20 24 29 30
f- states 11
Face-centred cubic structure 46 57 60
Face-centred cubic structure, Brillouin zone 34 130
Face-centred cubic structure, dislocations in 347
Face-centred cubic structure, faulted structures 329
Face-centred cubic structure, interstices 60
Face-centred cubic structure, twinning 328
Face-centred cubic structure, vibrational spectrum 314
Fajans, K. 1
Faulted structures in cobalt 59 325
Faulted structures in face-centred cubic structure 329
Faulted structures in graphite 54
Faulted structures in silicon carbide 187
Faulted structures, dislocations in 347
Faulted structures, slip in 327 347 350
Faulted structures, stacking faults 59 325 350 352 355 360 369
Fermi surface 30 33 39 42
Fermi, E. 4
Ferrite 247
Ferrite, pro-eutectoid 264
Ferromagnetism, theories 86 88
Fine, P.C. 314
Fink, C.G. 273
Fisher, J.C. 331
Fluorspar structure see "Calcium-fluor-ide type structure"
Forty, A.J. 347
Frank partial dislocation 354 360
Frank, N.H. 315
Frank, P.C. 239—245 343 344—347 354 361
Frank-Read source 361
Free energy 105 206
Free energy, curves 105 138 206 285
Free-electron theory 30
Frenkel defects 318
Frenkel, J.I. 10 318 319
Frisch, O.R. 4
Frost, B.R.T. 162
Full metals 73
Fullman, R.L. 331
Furth, R. 324
Gadolinium 67
Gallium-magnesium alloys, Mg-rich 168
Gayler, M.L.V. 108
Geisler, A.H. 156
Germanium 38
Germanium, structure 50 52
Germer, L.H. 8
Gold alloys, theory of 134 194
Gold, cohesion in 87
Gold-zinc alloys 206
Goldschmidt, H.J. 277 280 282—283
Goldschmidt, V.M. 69—72 75 100 133 239
Gold—silver alloys, equilibrium diagram 116
Gough, H.J. 323
Graham, J. 140
Gram boundary, structure 365
graphite 38
Graphite flake 291
Graphite in cast iron 291
Graphite in iron alloys 262
Graphite, eutectiform 292
Graphite, faulted structure 54
Graphite, spherulitic 296 297
Graphite, structure 53
Graphite, supercooled 293
Graphite, undercooled 293
Greaves, R.H. 298
Greene, J.B. 249
Greenough, G.B. 305
Gregory, C.H. 207
Grey cast iron see "Cast iron"
Griffin, L.J. 347
| Griffith cracks 324
Griffith, A.A. 324
Grimm, H.G. 185
Growth pyramid see "Crystal growth"
Guinier, A. 305
Guttman, L. 140
H 5 30
Haegg, G. 47 218 222
Haller, C.T. 333
Halliday, D. 4
Hamilton, W.R. 7
Hanson, D. 107
Hardie, D. 170
Haworth, C.W. 210
Heine, V. 43 131 134
Heisenberg principle see "Uncertainty principle"
Heisenberg, W. 10
Henry, W.G. 156
Hermann, C. 64
Hess, J.B. 329
Heusler alloys 156
Heusler, P. 156
Hexagonal close-packed structure 46 56 58
Hexagonal close-packed structure, dislocations in 355
Hexagonal close-packed structure, twinning 332
Hiegel, J.M. 246
Hirsch, P.B. 370
Hollomon, J.H. 272 298
Homopolar linkages see "Co-valent linkages"
Honeycombe, R.W.K. 307
Hooke’s law 323
Hopkins, B.E. 247
Huggins, M.L. 50
Hultgren, A. 294
Hume-Rothery, W. 10 43 50 57 68 69 71 73 84—90 99—113 119 129 131 134 147 159 160 163 167—169 196 202 209—211 220
Huntington, H.B. 319
hybridization 23 25
Hydrogen atom, theory 9
hydrogen molecule 20
Hyper- and hypo-euteciic cast iron see "Cast irons"
Hyper- and hypo-eutectoid steel see "Steels"
Hypertectic point 295
Icosahedral packing 240
Impurities in semi-conductors 38
Indium, structure 56
Indium-thallium alloys 120 127 139
Indium-thallium alloys, equilibrium diagram 120
Indium—magnesium alloys, equilibrium diagram 123
Indium—magnesium alloys, liquidus curves 116
Indium—magnesium alloys, Mg-rich 170
insulators 36
Interatomic distances see "Atomic diameters"
Intermediate constituents 268
Intermediate phases 174
Interstitial compounds 220
Interstitial solid solutions 97
Intrinsic semi-conductors see "Semiconductors"
Iodine, structure 50
Ionic radii 69 133 134
Ionic radii, univalent 72 73 74
Ionic structures 17 24
Ionization, incomplete 56 57 111
Iridium 66 85 210
Iron alloys 103 249 see
Iron alloys, carbide equilibrium 258 277
Iron alloys, classification 253
Iron alloys, heat of solution in 255 284
Iron alloys, structure 246
Iron alloys, superlattices 257
Iron carbonitrides 228 260
Iron percarbide 260
Iron sub-structures 304 305
Iron transformations 247 248 267
Iron, , , points 247
Iron, electronic structure 82 83 85 89
Iron, ferromagnetism 82 88 89 90 247
Iron, high-punty 246 247
Iron, magnetic properties 82 89
Iron, solid solutions in 249
Iron-manganese alloys, equilibrium diagram 256
Iron-molybdenum alloys 210 213 214
Iron-nickel alloys, equilibrium diagram 256
Iron-nitrogen alloys, equilibrium diagram 225
Iron-nitrogen alloys, structure of nitrides 224
Iron-titanium alloys, equilibrium diagram 256
Iron-vanadium alloys 210 213 214
Iron-vanadium alloys, equilibrium diagram 256
Iron-zinc alloys 254
Iron-zinc alloys, 196
Irving, H.M. 84—89
Isotopes 2 5
Jack, K.H. 224—228 261 284
Jaffe, L.D. 298
James, R.W. 309 316 317
Jay, A.H. 144 146—148
Jenkins, G.C.H. 247
Johansson, C.H. 142
Jones, F.W. 153
Jones, H. 26 41 43 47 73 87—90 114 121 128—131 169 171 199—201 208 258
Jones’ theory 41 114 121 128 130 199 201 202
K see "Electron wave number"
k-space 31
Kasper, J.S. 239—245
Katoh, N. 103
Katz, J.J. 16
Kennard, E.H. 4
Kennedy, T.R. 208
Kish 294
Ko, T. 275
Konobeevsky, S. 307
Kubaschewski, O. 26
Kuo, K. 236
kX units 76
L 10
Lamont, J.L. 298
Lanthanide contraction 66
Lanthanons 13 48
Lanthanum see "Rare earths"
Lattice distortion 98 162 166
Lattice distortion, local 172
Lattice distortion, mean 162 166 172
Lattice vacancies 310 358 see
Laves phases 228
Laves phases, interatomic distances in 231 232
Laves, F. 54 229—238
Lawley, A. 173
Lawrence, R.P. 208
Lead, structure 55
Lead-magnesium alloys 179 180
Lead-magnesium alloys, 179 180 183 185
Lead-magnesium alloys, equilibrium diagram 180
Lead-magnesium alloys, Mg-rich 170
Lead-silver alloys, Ag-rich, equilibrium diagram 127
Lead-sodium alloys 107
Lead-sodium alloys, 198 199
Leigh, R.S. 80
Leighton, R.B. 314
Lewin, G.F. 99 163
Lewis, G.N. 17
Lindblom, Y. 294
Linde, J.O. 113 142
Lindemann, F.A. 196 312 314
Lineage structure 303
Linear expansion coefficients of the elements 79
Lipson, H. 54 59 76 100 144 154 176 209 273 283 325 326
Liquidus curves 112
Liquidus curves, theory 114 125
Lithium-magnesium alloys 135 136
Lithium-silver alloys, 199
Lomer, W.M. 355
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